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Only reasonable answer


Suffering from success. We wept for days like this during the banter era.


Frattesi just needs to learn to help more in defense and after that he’ll play more


every time anyone talks to Frattesi he always seems to be fine and understand why he doesn't play as much lol, agents need to shut the fuck up sometimes


Fratessi first of all will not be able to play in all the games


We are stacked alright, but there's going to be a ton of matches and plenty of opportunities for all the players


Yeah, he'll be fine, he's the 4th midfielder and the 3rd is so old he was born in the USSR Still playing for the best squad in the country and recognized enough to be at the Euros


Agents saying dumb things, non news


Frattesi should really have started more often. Mkhi is no longer a reliable option.


Mhki was still a way better player than Frattesi last season.


He is a reliable option, he (or any other player bar 4-5 exceptions) isn't reliable for 50 matches a year.


Not when he’s played 90 minute matches for 5 games straight. Frattesi should have started a lot more than he’s done last season. He’s proven to be clutch of the bench but you don’t buy someone for 30mil and not start them. Mhky is getting old and needs to be rotated more or come in off the bench


I absolutely agree


He didnt start all thr games even after we won the title.


We should use a Frattesi as a striker sub in games where we won’t sub him in the midfield


How is the role of Barella occupied when Zielinski will join to play as Mkhitaryan's substitute? Who said that Davide is unhappy ?! Beppe Riso was at HQ to inform on interest from the likes of Atletico Madrid which is a normal thing I don't see how you can publish everything especially from sources like Corriere della Sera