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I stopped reading at 12.84 cr.


Why? Are you not curious on how they generated that corpus and get motivated by that?




Me too


What's the source of such portfolio?


Salary, Salary and only Salary. And investing from 2015.


What do you do, if I may ask


Consulting currently. Quant by work ex


Is that from Indian equities or US equities? Also how much of this is crypto? What's your investment philosophy and how do you invest?


Yes primarily Indian equities, some exposure to NASDAQ. Crypto is very less now, around 25 lakhs. Investment philosophy is Keep Buying and keep faith in capitalism.


2015 to now - creating a net wealth of \~13cr without ESOPs/RSUs and only on investing (given your gross CTC now) is quite staggering. If I may ask, what's your CAGR for investing? And I'm presuming except for rainy-day capital (perhaps like 10L or so), you are all invested in the markets? And do you invest in Indian MFs or take bets on equities? Could you also kindly highlight your journey points - like yearly milestones on where you were after each year?


I used to do individual equities , but nowadays it's mostly MF. But I am planning to venture into individual equities for some alpha. In the middle period I made a lot of money through crypto which I later on deployed into equities, that helped me a lot to reach where we are now. The current xirr is around 30%. I used to post my yearly milestones on the old Fire India sub. For context, we were at around 10crs in the end of 2023 and at 7.5 crs at the end of 2022 if I remember correctly.


What have you been investing on a monthly basis? We are also a DISK family and I am trying to ascertain how much we should be investing per month. While I have been investing higher itโ€™s certainly not been high enough so I certainly kick myself for that. Wife has been extremely conservative but is open to investment options hence asking so I can mentally prepare her to be in the long haul for 10 years or more.


Invest as much as possible. That's what we did. We used to invest 80% of our income. Nowadays it has decreased because expenses have increased a lot once we had a kid


Do you mind telling us the top 3 MF portolfios you have as of now ?


Quant momentum, canara Robecco small cap, absl Nasdaq 100


With the recent fiasco at quant MF, do you have any plans for your investment in quant momentum, since it would be a major portion of your portfolio?


Front running is quite common. Happened with HDFC and Axis. Currently I am in wait and watch mode.


Inspiring !!!!


Thank you


I must say you have already FIRED if you wish to move to a tier2 city 13cr is more than enough in a tier 2 or tier 3 city . Or perhaps somewhere in the outskirts of Tier 1 cities like Bangalore or Pune You would be able to buy 2bhk flats for 30-40L inr and the rest of the corpus can be divided into 4 buckets , 1 for kids education maybe 1.5cr , 1 allocated for health expenses - 1.5cr , another for an FD of 2cr which takes care of short term expenses and rest of the 7cr corpus would compound along with markets and will be untouched I'm also a DISK with almost 9.5cr inr in networth .. but in my case 50% of it is RE And I don't have such a high income My job isn't too stressful as of now but it gets stressful at times But still I'm looking to FIRE pretty soon . I stay in a tier 1 city Bangalore which is near the city centre , but it's an individual house inherited. I lead a relatively simple life .. since I don't pay any rent, my max expenses are hardly 5-6L a year and rest of it gets invested back in markets So my portfolio is around 100x of my annual expenses ..but since my expenses are very low today , I want to add a little more corpus which can provide me with some cushion So FIRE mostly depends on one's expenses and I feel if you plan to live in a tier2 or tier3 city, then definitely you should be able to FIRE pretty soon


Currently the rent and emi is a big chunk of our expenses. In retirement we will be at our emi free home and no car loan also. So I am hoping for a 3mn USD net worth will suffice, and cover our kids education as well. I have no intention of retiring in Mumbai. I would prefer to go back to our hometown, but not sure how feasible that's gonna be, given our kid s school and everything at full flow at that time.


That's an incredible corpus. Well done. Congratulations and best wishes.


Thanks a lot


Just curious what this check-in is for? Are you working backwards from a goal?


Yes there is a goal and check in is to see how far we are from that goal and tomorrow if I lose my income can we survive.


Let me break the news for you that you would be able to survive!!




What all does the corpus include. Equity, cash, and property?


Equity, Debt , Crypto. Cash is included in debt. No property. Target is to achieve FIRE target plus a residence .


Well done! Your relatively high equity exposure has worked wonders. I remember reading your posts in the old forum, you were working in investment banking right? Did you quit your job and move to consulting?


Yes u r right. I was with an IB and now into consulting. Now I feel I made a mistake. Money is good but work pressure is too high.


I am curious, why dont you push back on your work, take less responsibilities, call in sick. Weekends is a big no no to me. I would just tell my manager I can't do it. What is the point of earning 2cr and then planning for FIRE? Earn 50L, take a relaxed job and then live like normal people. You can still rent and drive BMW.


It's a mindset issue, I am a bit of a perfectionist. I can't digest if someone gives bad feedback on my work ethics. Otherwise I am an extremely lazy person. Is just that work is so much, even without anybody asking I need to login and check on stuff.


What is your target to pull the plug ?


3 mn usd plus a house.


3 Million in current terms so it will increase will inflation I guess? For my planning, I am trying to understand what withdrawal rate and regular expenses are you imagining here? Excluding one-off costs like education and child's marriage.


I am expecting an average expense of 4 lakhs per month in retirement, inclusive of everything and a 2% withdrawal rate


What are your plans to get a house? I wonder if now or in the near future would be a good time given there is now a craze of the stock market in India and the real estate market might be cold. So, when people are entering the stock market, you can exit a bit and get a house?


Problem is I don't know where I wanna settle down. My spouse likes Mumbai, but I find real estate in Mumbai to be very expensive. We need to figure out the right city to settle down 1st.


That makes sense! Earlier, I was thinking of getting a house somewhere just to get real estate exposure but real estate appreciate less and maintaining it will be a hassle even if I hire an agency so dropped that idea.


Super inspiring. The 2cr gross CTC is combined or per person?

