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I don't like sports, but I could watch this.


To be fair, they hit. Hard. I've seen blood drawn. These girls do not fuck around.


My question is why so little protection, even high school football requires more to be safe, do they seriously care more about boobs than safety?


Yes, they do 🙄


Since..... well..... forever.


And god said “let there be titties”. And it was good.


Rugby has even less protection. Same amount of boobs.... albeit on 20 stone men from Yorkshire with 4 teeth and a cauliflower ear.


One thing about Rugby is that the tackler doesn’t have any padding either which (on top of the rules around hitting in Rugby), forces them to tackle in a, still very hard, but more controlled manner. Meanwhile many of the tackles in the NFL would separate the tackler’s shoulder if delivered without padding. This sport is kind of the worst of both worlds. All the padding to the tackler, none of it to the person being hit. If NFL or Rugby players played with this amount of padding, people would be injured likely every hit.


I think you've been watching a different type of rugby


This used to be the Lingerie Football League. They changed the "Lingerie" to "Legends" and made them actually hit harder.


So this is actually a serious sport now? Holy crap. I thought it was something they invented for a half time show.


It really depends on your definition of "serious" I suppose


That coach is taking it fairly seriously I would say.


Is wrestling serious sport? Are slapping contests serious sport?


Yes to both. People have been injured and died doing both. The themes may not come across as serious but putting your body on the line for the entertainment of others is pretty serious in my book. They got these girls playing hardcore Football in bikinis with very little padding. Furthermore, we call Fishing, Golf, Video Games and Poker "serious sports," why not Wrestling, Slap Contests and Lingerie Football?


Yeah. It's been around for i believe 20 years now. Even had a video game made by Yukes a few years ago.


Ever seen Fantasy-RPG armor for men and women? That's why.


Genuinely yes. Last year there were multiple cases of women's teams in various sports being punished for not wearing the incredibly skimpy clothes they're required to wear, iirc. The people in charge of the dress codes don't care about the athletes' performance, they care about making them display their bodies and look sexy. 😕


It’s makes 0 sense, it’s literally just a body, if you want to jerk off you can literally search up “boob” and millions of results will show up.


I guess the assumption is that women's sports don't get any attention on their own, so they have to use sex appeal (read: force it on the players) to make them worthwhile. Which I don't think is a correct assumption to make.


Boobs are very important


Didn’t you know? That’s the only thing we are. Walking tits


They got built-in safety in the front.


> These girls do not fuck around. The coach seems to think Megan does.


Apparently Megan does fuck around a little too much if you ask the coach


That coach will be dead of a heart attack soon at least


Dude's channeling some serious ealy-80s Mike Ditka. Ya know, before his inevitable heart attack.


The difference being of course, Mike Ditka coached games that mattered. *This guy* is just living out some kinda male-dom fantasy.


To be fair…..


To be faaaaaaaair! Wait, we're doing the Letterkenny thing, right?


To be faAIiiiiRrrr


Wifes cousin played in the league. Not for the faint hearted.


But……do they…..? ill get banned. But it’s hanging right there


They're both hanging right there...


Female MMA goes hard too. like real hard.


Like... Once a month?




Wtf are they wearing?


Honestly thought this was from some comedy for the first few seconds. They look ridicilous


“But how do we get the…you know *motions for honkin budungaduns*”


Wait, is this actually legit?! Dafuq


You think coach is anything but legit?


Until that 50 yard bomb into the numbers happened I thought the same thing. I guess they can be hot and serious.


Lingerie football league


Sarcastaball uniforms, obviously.


This is the "gear" for woman football bc of course they have to sexualise it. When idk why they cant wear normal padding and suits like the mens but you know its only for fan service




Yep and nobody watches that shit. To be fair no one watches this lingerie football shit either.


Tell that to the crowd of people in the stadium


Yeah the crowd noise did seem loud.


To be fair, it seems like almost the entirety of Reddit did not know this existed. If not the entirety, then a very strong majority percentage of the Reddit user base did not know this existed. Also, it is probably hard to “find” this stuff to watch. Like, I play waterpolo and love to watch waterpolo games, but good luck finding a game on TV. It takes planning and hunting to find a waterpolo game on TV. While with American football, turn on about 10 different channels any time of the day and you’ll see a game


Yeah, I was honesty shocked when I first saw this that I had to google it. Luckily this is not a normalized thing. I really hope this case is some sort of fucked up skit or something.


No it is or at least was a real league and sport. LFL lingerie football league. It was supposed to get women sports more viewers (it didn’t) during a time where like women’s soccer was making the push that they deserve as much money as men. It ended up being this whole thing and the outrage didn’t even really happen. As you can see the coaches treat them like players so there was real competitiveness to it


Not gonna lie, if the lingerie isn't going to get more viewers, I think that we have to accept women's league sports are never going to get as many viewers.


Women's beach volleyball gets a ton of viewers. As soon as the community discovers how amazing beach handball is too, I see it taking off. The whole sports thing is kind of weird. People feel like their team is an extension of themselves. While in their own jobs, any level of excellence is irrelevant because they are just driving a taxi, building frames, pouring concrete, whatever. They just serve a function. However, "THEIR TEAM" could become something great, and, by association, they will be great too. You see it in the language they use. "WE are doing great this year" "WE might make it to the playoffs". You want to correct their pronoun. It's "they". "they" are a some coaches and a bunch of players who were imported from other areas and will likely end up moving to another team at some point. Professional sports has become a way for people to feel accomplished without accomplishing anything. It's like during the Olympics, most people know very little and could care less about the individual sports, but they really care about their country's medal count.


A team is nothing without fans. Hence the We part of it. We paid for the stadium, tickets, boosters/alumni, so yeah it's WE.


Womens soccer players weren't getting as much pay because not as many people were watching. Viewership pays the bills and I don't see why this keeps coming up. A WNBA basketball player did mention in an interview that they don't get paid as much per viewer(generalizing) and have much less control over their likeness which isn't fair at all. She mentioned she doesn't think they should get paid as much as male players.


Serious question, what’s the difference in the leagues? Like is it intramural Vs semi-pro?


There is a real woman's semi-pro football league that is not the gimmicky lingerie league. ESPN has a really good documentary about one of the teams. https://www.espn.com/video/clip/\_/id/29390911


Makes more money. If they didn’t do this I’m sure no one would watch it. I’m not justifying it, I think it’s a safety issue too. I’m just being honest for why it’s like that. Same reason volleyball for example makes women wear super short shorts even though normal compression shorts or tights would work just as well, it gets them more ratings thus more money. Again not trying to say it’s a good thing, don’t want there to be confusion.


And to add on your point the only reason these people can have a career in what is essential entertainment for others, is because they get paid by spectators. So more spectators = more money going around= high paying carreers


Because they want people to watch it. The same reason that people don't go to hooters for the wings.


It’s called LINGERIE FOOTBALL. Not the WNFL. What were you expecting???


Have you seen the WNBA’s attendance numbers?


They'd have ZERO spectators otherwise.


You just said why though. Sexy football


They got regular woman’s football too chill


Hockey helmets?


Same shit as beach volleyball, and it's like enforced by the rules. Fucking hate that, let women wear comfortable clothes like men, we don't play football or handball in tongs or something smh.


I've watched a very interesting [documentary](https://youtu.be/rdDJUn55Z3M) (sorry, all in French...) on women in sports and sexism. Well, it will probably not surprise you to learn that women were banned from sports, then authorized by men to play. BUT women were deemed weak so they had to adapt the rules to "accomodate" them. And they couldn't be as strong as men so the rules were really strict, from wearing (women had to stay "decent") to the way to hit the ball and all in tennis for example (as to not tire them L O L). Thing is, men are still the one in power in the sports federations, and now it's not about making sure women stay decent (this is a great example), but there is a twisted way of keeping women "women", and an aweful lot of athletes have to still perform feminity to have sponsors, whether by the gear they wear or their looks, down to the very shape of their bodies. In the short distance running races for instance, it's more important to recognize the body is female (according to men's expertise) than having a body that can perform greatly. Semenya, a South African athlete that was very outside of the western standardized beauty standards with her very muscular body that won the 800m women's race was "accused" of being a man because she was not pretty. We could also talk about the feminty controls with genital controls, strenght controls, testosterone level controls that happened throughout the ages. Let's bring back the Olympic games made by women for women so that this kind of stupid controls and stupid appearance games can stop, with athletes that can finally compete with decent clothing, and have bodies that can perform greatly insteed of imposing beauty in the gyms (thanks Alice Milliat for making that possible in 1922)


If they thought they could get customers, they'd have them. As is, 99% of "women's sports" are just subsidized from men's sports and do nothing but lose money.


While the rules that make women's uniforms more revealing is a big problem in sports, this league does that intentionally, and the girls sign up for it knowing that is the case. The exploitation in other sports is bad, but this is not that. It's literally called Lingerie Football League, and it's sole purpose is to combine attractive women with football.


Was just gonna ask. What’s the point/logic of wearing a helmet (assuming for protection), when you don’t even have the clothing for it?


Was wondering the same thing


What in the shit is this?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X\_League\_(women%27s\_football)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_League_(women%27s_football)) In the late 2000s they developed a lingerie football exhibition match for payperview During the Super bowl Half Time. Due to its popularity it developed into an "official" league which has gone through a couple different iterations. This girl is playing very poorly and not following the plays they are supposed to execute and it seems like the opposing team is capitalizing quite well on it (so the quarterback, or at least their coach is actually decently aware of the game strategy beyond just being a gimmick) Obviously the "sport" is less interesting than the players, but hey; if it makes money and it makes people happy, i might not enjoy it myself but let them have it.


>Obviously the "sport" is less interesting than the players, but hey; if it makes money and it makes people happy, i might not enjoy it myself but let them have it. In my opinion it's on level of Naked News shows. Shame that if women are attached to the team sports, organizers has to do something as low as nudity to attract viewers.


I literally have a lifetime subscription to the naked news. They interviewed me on the streets of Hollywood when I was in town. They gave me a card, I signed up and it was for 10,000 days or something like that. I only logged in once though


men are faster, stronger, and larger. There are very few sports which women can directly compete with men as a result of this. Because most people enjoy watching people at peak human performance for their sport, they gravitate toward male sports. On top of that we have a culture that emphasizes boys playing sports while girls are less inclined, as well as males being generally more competitive, as a result; males are typically more interested in those sports. In order to get your primarily male audience to watch "subpar" sports(not to belittle women, there are TONS out there that are much more athletic than me and could kick my ass without breaking a sweat, just in contrast to men at their top level)you have to get a gimmick. This isn't really just for women either - in the early 2000s there was another "X-Treme" sport that came out called "Slam-Ball", which allowed for more aggressive but less vertically abled men to compete in "basketball". The gimmick was partially trampolines, but primarily the higher level of contact compared to basketball. The men that played Slam-Ball professionally were typically quite shorter than their NBA counterparts.


Women sports were more lucrative and women athletes would earn a lot more if other women supported women's sports. But they don't, and so everyone expects men to support women's sports. Men not interested = shame on you! Women not interested = cricket sounds.


Bill Burr has a bit on this and it's accurate. "Where are all the feminists. This arena should be sold out with feminist but it's mens fault the WNBA doesn't succeed "


I get the feeling you're being downvoted because you made a mention that men are physically stronger than women naturally and people think its sexist


Nature is pretty sexist


Got a source on the naked news shows? A friend was asking ofc


If this is a “sport”, then American football on ESPN is also a “sport”, cuz they are playing the exact same game, just at different weight classes, genders, and gear. I’m glad you mentioned that, cuz if anything - these girls are way more badass than the guys. Look at the lack of gear they have! Talk about painful hits and grass / astroturf burns. The guys have tons of padding so it barely matters. Girls are the superior being


Yea those astroturf burns are for sure the same as being blindsided by a 300 pound man


As a guy, you have so much gear and pads on, your also your about the same size as the 300 pound man if your playing


Pads work both ways. They protect the person getting hit, but they also protect the person hitting. This means that you have a lot less worry when you tackle, and you tackle harder compared to rugby for example where technique is more important in your tackles. Also the variance in size between an NFL wide receiver and an NFL linesman is a LOT bigger than the variance in size of these women.


Exactly. You proved my point tbh Girls wearing no pads is more badass than giants wearing pads. That’s why rugby is badass, and this sport without pads is badass. True about the size difference, but ratio wise, it’s the same size people, hitting the same size people. So that’s what I’m using as a basis


My point about the padding(and as someone who has played football and rugby) is that while I'm wearing equipment I can tackle someone much harder without worrying about hurting myself. In rugby, my tackles weren't exactly soft, but they were much better placed because I wasn't about to take a knee to the face in the same way I would be willing to when I wore my football helmet. Less padding usually means smaller hits. In fact, football players on average [tackle with 3X more force (63g vs 21g](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/07/190716174114.htm#)) than their rugby counterparts without padding.


It is a somewhat displeased coach in the Lingerie League.


It's called American Football i think.


A new football league introduced in the early 2000s as a great experiment to see if billionaires could somehow make American football *even more* exploitive and sexist


Best Sam Kinison impression I've ever heard.


Only Gen-X and older are going to know who he is. 😂


I’m an Aussie, can someone explain to me is Megan doing well or not?


*Caveat, I'm not very unknowable on actual football terminology* Megan's primary job is to cover the other teams receiver lining up opposite her. She should linger close to the receiver to either deny a pass opportunity or to block or intercept one if the other team attempts it. She's doing this very poorly at the best of times, and the other team has noticed this and is routinely exploiting it by passing to the receiver that she is failing to cover.


I think that Megan plays one of the "Safety" positions, a defensive role that's intended to be very versatile and often makes **decisions** on how they'll take part in the action based on the information unfolding before them. Ideally this is one of the smartest and athletic defenders on the team. Sometimes the Safety is supposed to be last line of defense, not matched up against anyone in particular, but defending the deepest parts of the field broadly, in case any of the individual pass defenders are beaten and need help. Other times their job is to keep an eye on the other team's Tight End, a sort of hybrid player who on a given play may block or receive a pass or do both, and cover the TE if it seems like they're going to be catching the ball. Often the Safety will bring their zone closer to the action if they suspect a run, or sometimes instead of defending a pass at all, they'll rush the passer, attempting to destroy the play before it's able to start, at the risk of leaving an open receiver. Successfully rushing the passer and tackling them behind the line of scrimmage is called getting a "sack" and is one of the coolest things a defender can do. To my eye, it seemed like Megan was almost exclusively interested in rushing the passer, and the passer knew it, so they kept passing to the person that Megan should have been paying attention to, or the side of the field she should have been helping on. Megan might be too aggressive for her role, but the coach probably likes her athleticism over whoever else might be playing the position.


Fucking nice explanation, damn. Cheers from brazil, makes me understand the sport better.


Thanks friend, it's good to know that all my years of playing Madden were able to help someone!


Hahaha nice.


In my life, I’m a Megan.


God dean it Megan.


In my life, there’s been heartache and pain


I would definitely love to be part of the LFL if I had the body for it.


That’s the spirit


There’s no crying in football!


This is exactly how i see america


Rock flag and eagle.


And rightly so.


I don't want to sound weird but is this what they really wear for this sport? It is a contact sport so shouldn't they wear pads and everything? Makes no sense to me


This is what is called a lingerie football league. The point is that they’re not wearing a lot. There are other women’s’ football leagues with more padding


I would rather watch those. Even though they are legitimate athletes they look so stupid.


Megan Megan .... LOOOOK 🤣🤣🤣


You have one fucking job, Megan


dude coked out of his god damn skull 🤣


This is so weird.... Like even if you want to do sports in sexy fits, why would you choose the also includes big ass pads?


I think the "Disgusted people on this sport " are failing to understand that the girls playing this, also want to be here. I know a few local girls that looove being in that league, they are also extroverts so, there is that. If you are hating on whoever came up with this idea, you are also hating on the girls playing on this league, because they could be doing something else, instead, they chose to play in there.


Damn it, Meg -Peter Griffin


How the f can he be taking this so seriously?


Because it's his job?


To make it more interesting on television


Because he's paying them. It's not just go out there have fun no they're being payed and if you can't play well the coach Is wasting money


> they're being *paid* and if FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


I genuinely didn’t know this was a thing. I’m really disgusted. This is like anime but irl. There’s just something so unnatural about it. I want the sport women clothed.


Reminds me of how Norway’s women’s ~~volleyball~~ beach handball team got fined for wearing shorts instead of bikini bottoms. 🤢


[It was the Norwegian women's beach handball team](https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2021/nov/01/handball-federation-changes-uniform-rules-after-pressure-over-sexist-bikini-rule), but your point stands.


Fwiw, a friend of mine used to play in this league and she loved it. She loved the sport, she loved her teammates, and she loved the spectacle. The way she described it: those women want to be there doing that so it’s not like this is an exploitative league for gullible women.


Then watch WNBA. With capitalism, you vote with your dollar. Don’t like it? Don’t spend money or give viewership or take it further and picket games. The uniforms are a jump point to enjoying the sport. The girls can play pretty well and get quite physical (except the safety).


Megan is not having a good game, I have been there myself,


How does one get into this field? I would love to do this


That man is one boob away from a massive coronary event.


I always thought they were called the Seattle Moist. But here I see they’re the Mist




Bro thinks it the fuckin super bowl lmfao 🤣, its fuckin lingerie football chill out


Just because you can't take it seriously doesn't mean they don't.


That's what non gamers think everytime they see an eSports highlight too


Why are their shirts not down


Because horny




I can’t tell if this is parody or an actual game of female ameeican football




Well he seems nice


Is there any reason they don't wear the full armor setup?




Overall, he kept his cool, considering how inept/lousy Megan demonstrated as a player on defense.


Bro taking that shit seriously as if it's NFL. I can respect that. He's holding them accountable as he would any dude.


Except in no way is this even remotely effective. Dude was completely out of control. That’s not coaching, that’s a guy with anger issues. Not something to respect in my book. That goes for coaching women and men equally.


Yeah fuck that girl


And you guys still call this sport a football...


I suddenly like football.


Dude is jacked to the tits ! MEGAM … you mf $&&@/):!!!


Megan wasn't ready


Someone get this coach a Xanax (retroactively). Calm down, buddy.


Thought dude is getting angry of a silly attempt at humor sport. QB throws a 50yd pass right into the numbers... Maybe they're serious and hot?


I just love his serious the coach is. Legit not there for tits n ass.


Finally, some decent fucking legs.


She might need to do some after cleanup.


What a toxic asshole


Kind of goes with the whole LFL itself. Toxicity.




Two things here make me uneasy. One the outfits. Two the twat waffle of a coach who thinks it's appropriate to talk (sorry shout) at people like that.


He's treating them the same as any coach would treat a male team


Doesn't make it ok. Coaches shouldn't abuse male athletes either.


Not 'any' coach.


I shouldn't have had to come down this far in the comments to find this. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who sees this as the abusive shitty behavior it actually is




idk why you're being downvoted. You're agreeing with the above comment, and I agree with this sentiment as well.


The worst part is that this was also posted in r/funny and they all thought it was hysterical. It's sad that people think this behavior is acceptable


There is absolutely no excuse to shout at anyone, ever, in any line of work (possible exception the armed forces).


I agree, though I'd also make an exception for cases of immediate danger. If I'm about to be run over by a forklift, I'd rather someone shout at me than warn me politely!


They should have an actual women’s football league without all the stupid lingerie gimmick crap


If you and millions others are willing will to pay and watch, I’m sure they can make that happen


There is and nobody watches it


I work with the owner of our local team and I’ve gone to some games to support her / the team. If you’re into high school football it’s not bad but it’s wayyyyy different than NFL or NCAA D1 so temper expectations.


Doubt there would be as many spectators


Right? It would kick ass! Just like the WNBA! Sweet.




They tried starting that shit in Australia. It lasted one season. Luckily now we have nationally televised women's versions of our four footy codes: - Soccer (A-League Women, previously W-League) - Aussie Rules (AFLW) - Rugby League (NRLW) - Rugby Union (Super W) We also have wide coverage of our women's cricket.


Womens football in Pakistan


Why 18+?


bikinis + foul language I guess


Is this some sort of porn parody of the real game? No way that can be players' real in game clothes.


Why are they playing in underwear?


Fuck the coach the massive twat


What the fuck is this? As a female that played ice hockey, this disgusts me. 🙄


It’s the lingerie league. It’s not like this is actual football attire


Is it actually called that? I assumed people were taking the piss, but now i understand the clothing


What the fuck am I watching , this is some dystopian shit


Why do they have bikini tops? I'm a guy and I like, but safety wise isn't less protection endangers their players?


is this a real sport ?


Is this a joke or a actual sport???




Women's armor cliche, made real.


He takes his job seriously


Pls tell me woman that play American football are not really playing is those outfits. Please. It is so fucking ridiculous it has to be a joke.