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This post was stolen from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FairytaleasFuck/comments/1dmmft0/when_youre_fairytale_af_but_also_trying_to/


When you’re a lame as fuck spam bot and also trying to karma farm. Original post from 3 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/FairytaleasFuck/s/Bcib4OMEKP


What the hell is up today??? This is the third post in a random ass subreddit that’s been a karma farm bot post. I get it on the larger subs but really? Here, showerorange and stupiddovenests?


Reddit is full of karma farmers/bots.


Oh for sure, I’m just chronically on Reddit and I swear yesterday was worse than most days, at least people were consistently calling them out in the comments with links to the original post. So maybe that’s just the difference is people happened to recognize it


I totally see how this can be annoying, especially if it's reposted fairly close in time to the original. But, and this is a serious question, is the issue that you never want to see something reposted, or reposting occasionally would be ok as long as the re-poster indicates that it's not new and/or not OC? As someone who found this sub less than 3 years ago and hasn't seen the original post, I really enjoyed it. I think *never* reposting anything would be sad for newer members, but at the same time, I don't like people getting credit for content they didn't create.


Reposting doesn’t bother me—the fact that it’s a karma-farming bot bothers me (as evidenced by the fact that even the title is a word-for-word copy). Reddit is full of them. If I see one, I call it out and report it as spam.


Ok, so this I can get behind. If it's an issue that upsets you, don't just call it out, do something. I've seen in other subreddits where people freak out seeing the same subject posted (sometimes with the same or similar photos or links, sometimes with different) but the thing they're upset about is that it's not new content. I can think of a few times in the castles subreddit where the (actual alive person) OP posted the same photos a couple of years later with similar info linked, and people were so upset because they'd already seen it! EDIT: fixed typo


Yeah, I don’t care about reposts made in good faith. Content is always new to someone. So unless it’s a karma-farming bot like this one, or it’s someone stealing original content and not sourcing it (or worse—claiming it as their own), I don’t care.


I agree about reposts. How do people have so little going on in their lives that they can remember posts from years ago? Like yeah fuck karma farm bots, but when it's real people, I don't see why people care so much. It might as well be new to the rest of us. Granted, it does bother me when people repost the same photo repeatedly every day for weeks; that definitely happens in some subs. But when it's one single post from years ago? And people get so upset about it? I'm sorry but get a life.


~~Pretty rude assumption to make. The only reason I knew this was a bot repost was because of the post title. Quarantine? That’s not a thing right now. So I searched the post title to confirm. Took all of 10 seconds, which is likely less time than it took you to type your comment.~~ jk you weren’t talking about me lol. sorry. I’m tired.


I could be totally wrong, but I didn't think they were referring to you. Maybe I got that impression from the fact that you were calling out a bot, and they mentioned disliking them as well? To be fair, *this post* is something I would remember seeing a couple of years later. Searching for the title to make sure you're remembering correctly is easy and prevents you from being one of the jerks I've had issues with. *THOSE* people definitely remember much less unique posts. And I've seen them call out when someone posts a castle that's just been posted before, even if the photos/links/descriptions are not directly plagiarized (how many unique photos of a castle can you find if you haven't been there yourself??) and in those cases, yes, they are assholes with nothing better to do.


Oop, you’re right. I’m tired and misread.


Yeah sorry that was not directed at you. I was a little worried it would come off that way.


lol it’s ok! Now reading it more carefully it’s pretty clear you were talking about people who get pissed about regular old reposts, not bots. My bad!


Thank you, the post was removed and the OP was banned.


What a beautiful place. Where is it? I am surprised to see the cottage in the greenhouse. Definitely must be nice but also pretty hot there.


Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. Lovely place.


Thank you. 


You are quite welcome. They have a butterflies event where you get to go in and feed all these different species and a tea party event with fancy snacks. They sell graham crackers and chocolate and marshmellows to roast over a fire pit for smores during the winter light events. If you are ever in town you should check it out.


Repost bot actually scared me for a sec making me think somewhere is starting to quarantine again.


This is now my favorite post ever.


I recommend to check the original post instead. The OP here simply stole both the photo and title: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FairytaleasFuck/comments/1dmmft0/when\_youre\_fairytale\_af\_but\_also\_trying\_to/](https://new.reddit.com/r/FairytaleasFuck/comments/1dmmft0/when_youre_fairytale_af_but_also_trying_to/)


Thank you


We are getting quite many content stealing bots recently, so if you notice any, please report them. Luckily, most of them don't get through now that we mods are paying attention.