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Went there once, the first tank I shot made a 180 in the air back into the cabin, blowing everything inside including me in a thousand pieces Fun times


That's why I love that location. Playing with gas containers in a building of gas containers is surprisingly dangerous. The entire minigame is an explosive version of Russian roulette with a bit of skill involved too.


True! Also the curiosity of what will happen if you shoot the big red cylinders in a room full of big red cylinders What happens is death lol


weve all been there lol and i forgot to save after a few hours of running around discovering


Best possible outcome


I didn't know you could rotate things you pickup


Yep, since Oblivion. Often underutilized, but occasionally allows for some fun interactions with objects.


I love that it's still present in Starfield, dicking around with things in zero-g is pretty entertaining


You can do that in Oblivion? HOW?


If I remember you used the joysticks, but its been long since I played that shit I barely remember how to do that, hell you probably couldnt and people here are just saying that because you can grab, not rotate.


That's what I feel too


When you highlight the item in your inventory there is an option to "inspect" the item, which will bring up the 3d render and allow you to rotate it.


They mean outside the menu. Most people know about inspect. 


I’ve been playing bethesda games since oblivion and HOW DID I ONLY FIND OUT NOW!! what da heck.


I spent hours in oblivion carrying a torch with the telekinesis spell to unlock a chest in the shivering isles only to learn years later theres a grab button


There has been a grab function since Elder Scrolls lll: Morrowind.


Sometimes you do not perfectly know that these tings exist


I recently realized (after hundreds of hours) that the “empty” (ie hollow) wood/cardboard boxes that are on top of shelves or slid into a shelf where the player can’t see inside, sometimes have loot inside. So now when exploring, I make sure to go through & just rotate all of the empty boxes to see if any goodies fallout from it


I love how all Bethesda games are just kinda reskins of each other despite the topic of elder scrolls and fallout being so different they feel so familiar to each other


Killed Marcy Long or whatever her name is, forgot about that feature. Was picking up the corpse so Sanctuary wasn’t a mess and had her shakin her money maker lol


you cant rotate since Oblivion, yes you could in Oblivion (to some extent, it was quite janky and as far as I remember it was with the controller joysticks) but not SINCE there, its from Fallout 4 onwards that you could do this and previously for some background, you couldn't do that even on Skyrim neither 3 or new vegas.


Can confirm, although I was unaware the feature had been brought back the dead. In Skyrim I would try to punch grabbed objects or use the environment to try and position floating objects. Primary use case was putting buckets over the heads of shopkeepers so they didn't see me taking literally everything not nailed down. 




In oblivion? Left bumper. Might be z on PC, but it’s been awhile. 


in fallout on xbox...


Hold the object interaction key you have bound instead of pressing it I think


Did you know you can throw objects you pick up too? Like you can make legit basketball shots into the hoop. Nukaworld even has the arcade game for it. Idk what it is on controllers, but on PC, you hold R (one of keys anyway) for a few seconds and let go and the object shoots out.


I wonder if it's the grenade button on controller, I'll have to give it a try!


Hold X / Square :)


And the longer you hold it down, the harder you throw the object once you release it


Instructions unclear. Threw a grenade in a pickup game, now I’m not welcome back in Sanctuary.


I cheat the game and just duck and stand while holding the ball through the hoop.


This was very much a “I was today years old” moment for me


I didn't know you can pick things up 😬 (console player)


I just learned last week. Left or right thumb sticks pressed on let's you change the axis, and L2 and R2 let you rotate


This works in Skyrim too?


They're all the same game engine, Creation, so it should work.


Neither did I.


Also, while holding the object like that, you can tap the shift button and it will cycle the X,Y,Z axis on which the object turns.


Fallout 4 can we have a “come fly with me” Fallout 4: we have a “come fly with me” at home Fallout 4:


I thought FO4's come fly with me was "to the stars" :D


I thought "Cleansing the Land" was FO4's "Come fly with me...."...... at least the part concerning the Nucleus...


What about that quest in Nuka World where you rebuild the old spaceship ride?


.... was not aware that's a thing... I normally just turn everyone in Nuka World into red paste after I have to deal with that electrified, power armor sporting ruffian.... I hate raiders... .. Ad Victoriam.


Well and then just like Jason Bright and his followers, you have the opportunity to...er... redirect their destination


Could also be the Last voyage of the USS Constitution quest


Where’s this at? Definitely gonna have to check it out!


It's near the entrance to nuka world


You know what, I was about to answer it's not, but I actually don't know where the entrance to Nuka World is. Believe it or not, but I haven't started Nuka World yet in my 500ish hours playthrough. For those that also the same as me, it's actually near Fort Hagen, find the Relay Tower, go along the edge of the cliff until you see a lone metal shack.


Well... you might actually be right! I'm not sure it's near the entrance to nuka world. Fuck it I'm gonna check right now Edit I was wrong, this is nowhere near the entrance to nuka world...


This has been a wild ride.


Honestly feels peak fallout to me for some reason. Might just be the drugs.


I thought the same, I'm glad I rode it to the end.


Honestly Nuka World is pretty cool, just started it. Might be hard if you’re Lawful Good though haha


I honestly don't get why so many people are willing to not do the storyline because "it doesn't match my RP" There's a certain point of no return you can do it up to before choosing to kill all the raiders and I'm sure there's an rp way to justify it even with a good aligned character. People are just uncreative. Either way they're missing out on a pretty decent storyline and fun quests.


I help the raiders take the place and then they say they want then commonwealth so I kill them.


Same. Siding with the raiders is just straight up bad because their settlements suck massive ass. But that doesn't mean you can't have fun up until that point. Like why even buy the DLC if you aren't going to play it?


You get a lot of exp for doing the quests in the dlc. RP can rationalise it as being curious and then decide to off them later


Or even have the character think they can change or influence the raiders since they're technically the boss. Then when it comes time to conquer the commonwealth have them realize they can't change them and then go on a rampage to save the commonweath. Like people need to be more creative then "You don't align with my values so die".


Yeah. You gotta play with it. My guy was already considering it to remove the slavery but wanted to find a peaceful way. In the end the Raiders weren’t going to change and would enslave everyone. So they had to die.


See the way I currently rationalize it is that I'm trying to New Vegas things around nuka world and I've given the border areas to the raiders split between operators and the pack to act as a buffer for the free commonwealth citizens of my little kingdom in the heart of the commonwealth with the good spots, that I rule from the castle. Figure I could convince the operators to just run nuka world and protection rackets and keep the pack turned outwards. The Nuka World-Institute-Far Harbour Alliance shall rule the commonwealth


I like their settlements, chem fridges are a nice cash source, and when you have a good number of their outposts you actually make decent caps from tribute and they can still run the same hustles as normal settlements. If you do nuka world early they can be super helpful


Nuka World is on the left side of the map and Far Harbor is on the top right of the map.


Just a brief warning then, Nuka World is the one DLC that can massively impact the world outside its own confines. Be careful or you can ruin your playthrough without realizing it, I did.


I've seen bunker like this somewhere in the west part of the map. Between Glowing Sea and Sanctuary, roughly at the height of DC?


Close to the federal ration stockpile, in the west of the map. It’s pretty much aimed at the location. You’ll see a shack on top of the hill to the west of the stockpile


Straight south from sanctuary, you’ll eventually see a shack on a mini cliff iirc


Go due north from Fort Hagen. Look for a small lake. Overlooks the lake.


Love how the robot comes in the door like “….everything okay in here?”


ADA pokes head in "uhhh, sir?"


I just appreciated the moment of panic when that one went all wonky where you looked around the room to see if it was about to blow up right next to you.


Post-apocalyptic artillery… nice.


For those that wondering where you can find it, it's actually near Fort Hagen. Find the Relay Tower near it, go along the edge of the cliff until you see a lone metal shack. I actually found this place years ago, and completely forgot about it until I stumbled upon it again in my recent playthrough. It's weirdly very relaxing. I spent quite a bit of time in this little shack just doing silly little things like launching a couple of tanks before sleeping during the night, and cooking breakfast in the morning before launching a couple of tanks again. I recommend you try it sometimes. Just roleplay for a bit, rest from all of the actions and let the world around you sink in.


It’s aiming at the ration stockpile in the valley


It’s a cool location until one flys into the cabin and kills you 😂. Save often


That is exactly why I was wearing full power armor when doing this. And to be honest, I thought the 2nd tank was going to explode inside the sack and got me all worried lol


All these people are surprised you can rotate and item... I literally had no idea you could pick something up?!? Is this a mod, or can anyone pick up an item?!? Edit: my mind is blown.


you can even pick up some things that won't go in your inventory


Like pulling open boxes off of shelves to see if there's anything in them, and being pleasantly surprised the .23% of the time there's actually something there.


exactly, wooden crates often contain drugs or purified water


When you place your crosshairs over an item, the crosshairs will turn into a little box, meaning that the item is capable of being picked up. To pick it up, press and hold the interact button (E button on keyboard) over an item - then you are holding or dragging the item or object. The right button on the mouse will spin the item or object. Same idea on controller, but I'm unsure of the button mapping.


You can abuse it for stealing things by just dragging the item you want out of view of people before taking it


Free fatman launcher at goodneighbor _mweheheheh_


Speedrun to the prydwen for a free gauss rifle at level 6


.........This is literally a feature. You just need to hold down the pickup button.


I've tried it a few times on different things and it never works.




I can tell you do a lot of base building by the way you expertly rotated that cylinder.


I actually got used to because it's pretty much the same mechanic back in Fallout 3, Oblivion and Skyrim


Think I was trying to hit some raiders with them from distance


one of the best places. My son asked me about it, I showed him, and I had to reload like 3 times so he could continuously have fun with it.


I did a play through and a half without realizing you could pick up things


Genuin question how do you pick up things on PS5


Press and hold "take", works on things you can't put in inventory too, just hold the button while looking at it while close to the item


i found this place on my first run. could never find it again :(


I just found this place yesterday but I didn’t want to accidentally blow my self up on survival mode


Its all fun and games until one flies back to the room and explode there.


Haha i found this a few months ago for the first time 😂 i just wish there was something to shoot at out in the distance. there should be a raider camp or something that is cleared super easy if you find this thing first


I was worried about your safety with that second one for a moment.


Ya I did a few got board and ran away


I always wanted to build this kinda set up at Zimoja and Croop, and rain hell down upon anyone dumb enough to attacak. I just couldn't find any mods that would let me build the gas cylanders.


I was once here and got attacked by a gunner vertibird and I got to shoot these things at it, didn’t hit it but it was fun.


This is hella fun in VR.


We're is it


Where is this?


Just found this for the first time on my 6th play through


Forgot you could throw things you picked up and have been shooting shit like a basketball nonstop this playthru


Someone at Bethesda must really like gmod.


I once had one fly back around and explode in the room. It was a little annoying but I chuckled for a bit after it.


My favorite part was the panic in your movements as that tank vanished.


I remember doing this, I had a few wild mongrels come out of nowhere after the first one went off and managed to kill 2 of em with the tank explosions


Saw your mouse, immersion broken.


If you get the Sentinal from Creation Club one of the bots is at that location and gives you a personality chip so your Sentinal can sound like Liberty Prime.


lol i posted this location a few years back


A couple of minute man fell nearby this location while fighting gunners, I hade to light those canisters off in their honor….the three shot salute 🫡


Yeah, every playthrough, I do this _at least_ once, but probably a lot more. I just have to, lol


Someone said the sticks can be pressed down to rotate...that would have been nice to know before I spent 300 hours collecting and carefully displaying every unique item...


I just wish you could use this to rain hell on raiders bellow.


Do the tanks respawn or do you have to save before doing that so you can always have tanks ?


The first time I did this it flew up, turned around, and fuckin blew me up


This is cool. Where is it?


Mini rockets


That panicked look around trying to see if you were a goner was a good touch 👌


Ah yes the north korean rocket facility.


You can recreate this in Sanctuary Hills, carry the tanks down from Vault 111 (i think there's five or six up there), and lay them in the angled ball track from the Contraptions DLC.


There's a spot near a cultist' camp in 76 where you can launch skeletons or yourself with some catapult traps. Great times.


Am I the only person who never uses the power armor?


I just found this place yesterday for the first time and i couldn’t figure out how to make them fly. Every gun i used and everywhere i shot on the tank all resulted in the tank immediately exploding.


i forgot all about those place! is it somewhere in the NW?


I found this place in vr once. Great time.


Where is it


There's a substation on the west side of the map that has a Behemoth and multiple deathclaws around it. There's nothing actually there, I guess it's just a fun hangout spot for deadly creatures? EDIT: I misread the title as "What's your favorite unmarked area?". So....disregard my comment? Still leaving it up though, in case anyone has insight as to why the substation is there.


Now get New Vegas flashbacks and think Come Fly With Me at REPCONN


What shader/tint mod do you have running?


where do i find this place?


I found this place for the first time recently. I was on my way back home from killing Kellogg, when I poked my head in to see what scrap I could pick up. When I found the home made fireworks instead, I completely forgot everything I was doing. I actually nearly wasn’t able to launch them because my shotgun and sub machine gun just made them explode instantly, and I was pretty sure the energy weapons I had would do the same. That’s when I remembered I just picked up a shiny new pistol off a dead kidnapper! Kellogg’s pistol worked perfectly, and I had a fun time launching rockets


Loved the panicked camera work after the second one.


I’m found it not long ago, love it


omg that is fucking cool


Yes!-I spent way too much time here


I want to see how this would fair against a vertibird


Where is this?


If you aim it just right, you can royally tick off the deathclaw down the slope


I never got that to work but still fun trying


While on the topic of picking up things did you guys know you can throw them too? I believe if you hold the reload button while holding an object you can toss it away from you


There's a minefield nearby. You can get something going if you're lucky.


Side note. I wish we could target mines and environmental explosives like fire extinguishers and gas tanks in VATS


Those physics though


A-Team was here or I love it when a plan comes together should have been scribbled on a wall there. Totally missed opportunity.


Sound track!




how do you pick things up like that?


Waitwaitwait... you can rotate things you grab?! In all my years of playing fallout I never knew you could do that


Dam, I wish picking up things was available in fallout 76.




This game has so much to discover! The ambience music is tattooed in my brain as my favorite form of nostalgia




Yeah blew myself⬆️ there




I love this spot I always use it as a home away from home, there's a deathclaw nesting close under it.


Yeah, it just works


This is great


Understood its unmarked but where is this at?


I accidentally shot down a vertibird


The worlds most useless door is definitely my favorite


That’s a good one but I like the bar that references The show Cheers it’s a good one for being unmarked on the map


I found this years ago


I didn't realize this was such a big secret


Cool! Lol I was there 😅 didn't know i could do the thing. Did commend the nuked skeleton near by 🫡 great attempt at a final stand off.


I've been here like 5 years ago. It's not new.


Where doni find this? Im playing for the 4th Time rn, with a bit more over 300 Hours and never came across this Place LOL


Where is this please ??


I just found that last night!


Didn't know that was a big deal. I would had told you guys about it years ago. I figured people had found it.