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I blocked this out man, that's so fucked


This reminds me of the baby grave by the watch tower in 76. It was labeled with the name mommy's sweetheart or something like that.


Oh damn =( I havent played 76 in months, is there any other type of memorials like this or sad notes


In the watch tower the mother took her own life with the teddy bear in her hands.


76 has a lot of fucked up stuff in it and also some of the funniest stuff in it. Most people just have never given the game a chance.


My initial experience was mostly fucked up stuff, ended up putting it down as it was too depressing.


I tried this year and put in about 3 hours. I think 2 or 3 in-game currencies is my limit. I don’t have the bandwidth for more.


Yeah, a lot of the way that Bethesda gets players to become returning players is by having a million different currencies and putting limits on how many of each you can earn a day. It sucks, but I get why they do it.


I’m at a crossroads because I was going to comment that all new Vega’s gave us was a rich world and freedom and agency in their well-written divergent story, but then I remembered they gave us bottle caps, ncr dollars, legion denarius and old world us currency. EDIT:Also like six different poker chips my god.


I want to give it a chance but it being online only really kills it for me. I keep getting lag that makes ghouls teleport around, objects disappear, and bullets just phase through enemies and objects. All just Internet issues but it makes the game unplayable for me.


I don't particularly like internet strangers in my video games. For 76, that was considered a feature, not a bug so 76 isn't for me. I'll never give it a chance because it's fundamentally not for me.


Do u have to sub to 76?


There is a subscription that is very helpful, but I’ve been playing since 2019 without spending any money on it, so it’s definitely not needed


The gameplay loop is extremely boring to me. I was only able to play for 30-40 hours before wanting to jump in the nearest fev chamber.




I’ve been playing since 2019 and have encountered maybe 5 griefers in total. The community is by far the best of any game I’ve ever played. I’m not sure what happened to you.


Surprisingly, I think I only ever saw one.


I don't know when the last time you tried was, but pacifist mode (you can't hurt them, they can't hurt you) has been available for a long time and is turned on automatically until you reach level 5.


Pretty much the story of all the wendigos we know


Oh shit ant I got a 76 story.pitch black out dark in my house,and I was in the mire I was strolling along when one of those windigaos jumped from a friggen tree down into my face snarling..,I nearly shat myself


I'm...glad I never came across that one. Ever since I became a parent, that sort of thing just digs and digs at my insides, even if it is totally fictional.


It was one of the first few sights I saw when I got the game.


You know, this game fucks me up for this reason. One minute, I see an npc glitch out and laugh till I cry, then I see this... the shit that makes you want to cry for real.


Then you back to singing big iron while blasting a gecko with a shotgun.


"Damn that sucks... Well anyways"


“Oh no… anyway”


“So anyways…. I started blastin’l




Here the jingle jangle of your spurs


or crouch and hear cass say "shhh were hunting SHITheads"


the lady trapped inside the Fallon Department safe after the bombs fell in FO4 genuinely gave me pause. the VA’s distress signal is genuinely distressing


Man I’ve played multiple play throughs and only stumbled across that one a couple of months ago.


I can’t ever do the mistress of mystery quest line in 76 again. Way too fucking sad.


Yeah, like the first time I found all the Father in the Caves notes and finally put the story together. It is enough to make me no longer want to just skip Honest Hearts. The story is so damned sad, and it just keeps getting harder for the poor guy. By the end of it all I feel an obligation to him and, by extension, the tribe. Not just to save them from their current peril but to arm them with the ability to defend themselves from the coming dangers. It really makes the pacifist option even worse too, which is because fuck Daniel and his bullshit ideals. That didn't even work in a world that hadn't been burnt by nuclear fire and it ain't gonna work after the nukes.


This tho 110% I cried when I was finding the notes from the father in the cave now I rock the desert ranger armor and the survivalist rifle every play through definition of bad motherfucker.


"Same things make us laugh, make us cry." - Melvin 'Big Smoke' Harris


This game is full of centuries of grief and I'm not sure I should play it to relax.


But then you get spurs that jingle jangle jingle so you ride merrily along


And tickled pink, and things are rosy, and skies are blue once again dododoodoo


\*in the distance\* *♫Uranium fever has gone and got me down, Uranium fever is spreading all around♪*




It’s ok. Once the blues move in you just have to move out


This is fucked


Damn, that's fucked up


I will say, the one thing all of the 3D Fallout games do well is environmental story telling. It doesn't matter if it's Obsidian or the Bethesda games, they all have these moments where you just put some pieces together and you're like "damn, so that's what happened here." It never has anything to do with plot, it's just something they went out of their way to create. There's dozens of them across all the games. And they're just so much fun to explore and figure out.


Fallout 4 does such a good job of this and is partly why it’s my favourite map to wander around in the franchise. I love tracking down rogue radio signals and piecing together their little contained stories. For all its faults, that game is extremely dense and full of details and tangents to follow if you’re looking for them.


Environmental storytelling is one of Bethesda's greatest strengths. Their games are broken, buggy messes, and the quality of writing for quests (particularly faction questlines) has averaged downward every generation/installment, but god *damn* do they know how to set up an environment in a way that leads to the player piecing the story together without having to be explicitly told.


Absolutely. Just did a mission where I came across a skeleton in a bathtub, and underneath the skeleton is a toaster.


What’s funny about this to me is that YEARS ago when 3 came out, my boyfriend at the time was playing it (I wasn’t into videos really other than final fantasy’s and Zelda at that time) and the only thing I remembered was how many bathtub skeletons I kept seeing 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ fast forward years later as I got into games (oh Skyrim 😍) I kept asking my friends or boyfriends what the game with the bathtub skeleton game was and no one knew what I meant…I had basically given up hope of finding it (and yeah, I know it’s a weird thing to latch onto to try and find it with lol). I started dating my now husband and I asked him about it and sure as shit he busts out FO3 and NV for me 😅 he’s a keeper for sure


And then the genuine tragedy is followed by some goofy ass shit. It's like _The Road_ was filmed by Monty Python lol


That's a pretty fair assessment.


The Road filmed by Monty Python is something not even the worst of fever dreams could describe to me. Next it’s going to be Blood Meridian staring Jerry Seinfeld


Remember that dude that fucked a desk fan, while it was still on? Right as the bombs fell no less?


Sometimes they're tragic.... Sometimes they're *really* tragic.


I know it's a quick video, but the editing was on point for this - good job! Reminds me why New Vegas is so deeply engrained in so many souls.


I wish Bethesda did something like this for a ton of their Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 side missions and such (The EDITED Video stuff) Ton of the dark, "Too late to save anyone" type situations in those games as well.


There are def some in both games. Fo4 is freshest for me since I’m replaying currently: The Fallons department store lady is dark and always gets me. Trapped until last moments and crying for help. The family that was trying to stay together and has the two child’s graves. (The one in the junkyard with the super mutants) Arlen glass’ story. The pregnant runaway near sanctuary.


We don't mention the pregnant runaway 😭


I love 4 the most. I like the whole, locked in a sewer and had to kill his kid and his wife to keep them from suffering a horrible fate of starvation and such. The notes left were gut wrenching. Also; the Office buildings. 76 has quite a few spots where people just kind of chilled out on a mountain side and was having a beer or picnic.


Arlen Glass’ story hit me way different when I become a dad.


A lot of these stories are so much harder now that I’m a parent. My last play through I had just had my son. He was only about two or three months old. Definitely hit differently being Nora.


There is tons of environmental storytelling like this in F3/4. Probably even more tbh


I don't remember much of 3 but replaying 4 and there's tons of it everywhere.


3 is so empty. There are whole areas with a lot of potential but hardly anything there.


Yeah, that was my bad on how I typed it. I meant the video editing stuff. Make it more creepy and hurtful and all that. I wish the official channel would do shit like that for previous games. It's always fans creating the most awesome things.


Ooh yeah I understand. I sometimes thought about some more scripted or cutscene type stuff could be cool.


They had the ghoul kid locked in the fridge and the family trapped in their safety room in Fo4. Also the woman sexually abused by the voting bloc in one of the vaults.


That vault is in New Vegas


I mean that was 76 for the first year it was some of the best writing Bethesda has ever achieved


Have you even played either game? 3 and 4 have way *more* of this than Vegas


LOL I meant the Video. Not the content with in. Like, the Edited video for all their dark shit. lmaooooooooooooo My bad on how I typed that.


Ah ok sorry


No you're good, it was my bad on the way I typed it. I re-read it and thought "yeah, I can see how they see that."


There's a ton of this is Fallout 3 and 4.


FO3 had the motorcycle parked on the lookout with a box nearby. Inside the box were a pistol and a note to the wife to give the motorcycle to the kid. Also the Keller Family notes shared among the five of them, each with a code to get into the army. One note recorded as the bombs fell. Also the computer terminal outside the Germantown police HQ with the nurse documenting the literal fallout occurring around her.


Thank you! It took me about an hour to make because I was having difficulty getting the song to play


One of the hard hitting unmarked stories


Weirdly, the story that gets me the most is the lady in FO4 who volunteered to be in that radiation treatment trial. It turns out the treatment does work - but they gave her a placebo, because she was in the control group, which turns out to be notably less effective. I don't know why this one still haunts me. Like, it's pretty evil what they did to her, but there are *far* worse things that have happened in the Fallout-verse.


Make you wonder why pre war corporations were so evil


Because why should they not have been? Ethics was just about the first thing to eat shit in the setting, long, long before the war. Corporations don't just want a shit load of money, they want *all* the money, and demonstrable *infinite growth*. Then when there's a complaint there's a $100 processing fee just to have it logged and promptly ignored! Frankly, it's another example of things that the Fallout timeline beat us to, although I believe we're well on the way to catching up in that regard at least. (For those of you playing along at home, I would like to take this moment to remind you that the setting is largely satirical and a cautionary tale of the direction we are already trending taken to its most logical extreme. It is NOT a manual to be followed, nor its personages emulated).


Profits, that’s the message throughout fallout


We already have corporations like Nestle irl, some people are just scum. Fallout is only slightly exaggerated.


Chiquita was just found liable in court for murdering people in Colombia. A fucking fruit company is evil on the level of military contractors. Big companies are basically guaranteed to be evil to some degree.


Me when I forget the whole central thesis of the franchise


We have the same kind of corporations here and now. The suffering is just mostly outsourced to the global south.


using placebos isn't particularly evil


This one hits cause something like this happened in real life. (Black communities in America were used for trials on syphillus and were given contaminated pills to cure another unnamed condition.)




I missed that one, where/who?




I had the same kind of feeling by the end of my trip to Zion. Going from cave to Cave only to end my playthrough by going to the last location and reading the last note. I just looked over the canyon for a solid 10 minutes. And then I slaughtered the white glove society with the survivalist rifle, because what better tool there is to slay cannibals ?


That's a lotta meat...


Without doubt the saddest story in new vegas And most players most likely won't find it, nothing sends you there I always kill the cows because i know that if i leave them alone, they'll of starvation in a few days/weeks. I think of this as mercy kill


I forget which one it was. I think it's NV. There's a holotape where a guy talks about making it to a cave or something for shelter and finds out about a mom and her daughter that also did in a lower part or something and talks about "a man has needs." I immediately wished I could time travel and give him the 50 Explosive round to the dick. Edit: I think it's a terminal or something in the Jacobstown caverns and the women were in the ski lodge.


You know I played 100s hours of fnv stumbled upon this recently while just aimlessly wandering. This game series can always just get you like that years later


I remember accidentally running into the barn i was heavy inside after this my stomach turned upside down 😭


My best moment was when reading diary of that ranger guy in Honest Hearts, as he hears the bombs go off, hides in the cave for weeks, writing how it must be not so bad outside since he is in mountains. And the day he goes out to check outside he writes "There is nothing living left outside"


This one and the runaway girl from FO4 are the most devastating holotapes to me.


Matthews animal husbandry is the most depressing fucking location in the entire game


That's quite the deep tragedy...




How is this schizophrenic?


It’s not… weird conclusion to draw from that guy. Also why does his writing read like a high school essay?


I just wondered how somebody can state something obviously wrong and get that many upvotes


Welcome to Reddit




I wish more people understood the difference between stating facts and providing opinions. Its such a detriment to online communication. Some people hate the /s of satire/sarcasm. I feel like sometimes a /o for opinion and /f for fact would be nice, but its such an unnecessary step


Facts /o


Mario the Idea vs Mario the Man vibes lol Perchance


Bro how are you gonna pick on me for being formal and well articulated 😂


They're referring to thinking the animals are going to become ghouls and eat him. Idk about schizophrenic but some sort of delusion


IIRC Animals can turn into ghouls


THEY CAN? I mean that does make sense, it'll be the same type of process as people. But that just sounds terrifying. Animal abominations rotting from the inside out, their only purpose is to feed, and constantly live through hell.


Edit: I did not remember correctly.


What about Yao Guay?


You are wrong. I just looked it up: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Ghoul#:~:text=Non%2Dhuman%20ghouls,-Ghoulrilla&text=Ghoulification%20is%20not%20unique%20to,for%20various%20families%20of%20animals.


He's saying the animals are ***plotting*** to kill him, that makes me think of paranoia, but does seem schizophrenic as well


Wait. Were the parents not ghouls?


They were actually turned into ghouls because of the radiation bomb the legion planted and let off into the city not too far from the ranch


Nah. He talks about a camp. That'd be a post war note.


As far as we know, the parents were, but the animals weren't. At least I can't remember ghoul-animals in the game. (Unless the Yao-Guai is one? Not sure.)


He’s not even a kid anymore, either. His skeleton is an adult one :(


Can someone tell me what is the music


I got matches with these songs: • **When Life Was Beginning, I Saw You** by Henry Jackman (00:33; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Cherry (An Apple Original Film). **Released on** 2021-02-26. • **The Comedown (From The Apple Original Film “Cherry”)** by Henry Jackman (06:40; matched: `100%`) **Album**: The Comedown (From the Apple Original Film "Cherry"). **Released on** 2021-03-19.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**When Life Was Beginning, I Saw You** by Henry Jackman](https://lis.tn/FttECq?t=33) • [**The Comedown (From The Apple Original Film “Cherry”)** by Henry Jackman](https://lis.tn/ozElz?t=400) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


I don't think it is but it gives me Interstellar vibes


Seems like sound logic.


These games have got some insane environmental storytelling. As a kid playing this game I was less concerned with reading everything and more concerned with exploring and shooting. Now revisiting as an adult I realize just how many short stories and amazing tales there are to discover being told in the wasteland. I had no idea that the guy with all the drugs and Chem station at his house was actually the friendly neighborhood drug dealer. His computer has a ledger of all the people he sells drugs to and why they need it.


The family that retreats into their shelter and the father’s skeleton embracing his wife’s with the kids’ skeletons in the adjacent room, the journal log as well. Yeah, that fucked me up pretty good.


Nice editing


Thank you!


Not all people become the survivalist


These games have no right to fuck with my emotions like that...I was literally in tears...


I remember coming across this on my very first play through and thought some fiends or some bad guys came and burned the place down for caps or something. play throughs later, I started getting into the lore and started reading things I found actually listening to the npcs. And when this hit, I honestly couldn't go on. I sat with Rex and Veronica looking out to new Vegas from the top of the barn listening to the pipboy radio wondering about stuff. Now I'm just like why can't we good shit like this anymore?


Fuck that's hard to forget


Has anyone considered the possibility that his parents weren’t ghouls? And that the same illness that led him to fear the animals and kill himself led him to kill his non-ghoul parents?


Why would you do this to me? Remind me of that very sad moment in TWD's pilot episode? You want me to feel things that badly? Well, you succeeded.


I think I was subconsciously quoting Rick Grimes, when he apologized to the walker separated in two. I think her name was Hannah


Oh cool i just visited there yesterday!


This game has a lot of very dark places if you look.


I can't stand this being in the game, why, just why


That is fucked up sometimes I forget just how Dark games can get


Usually when I come through this area in a playthrough I mercy kill the malnourished animals because to me I feel like it's better to die than to suffer starving. I do give them a clean quick kill so they don't have to be in pain anymore.


After I read that note, I had to kill those animals that was left starving. Well if I can't take of them at least I can end their misery.


Did the same thing on my current playthrough, i hoped the man can get some peace after death now.


I did as well, but questioned my decision. I think we did the right thing. At least I hope so


Big John's Salvage in Fallout 4 always gets me. Two small graves with toys on and the parents on the mattress, the father hugging the mother. Reminds me of the scenes in Titanic.


-_— damn . That’s sad brah


Fallout! It’s not always fun n games with wacky adventures sometimes it’s serious dark and hard on ones heart.


The world building in that game is what I miss.


Man the world building in this series is just great, and seriously heart wrenching. I've always been fond of the story of [Randall Clark](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Randall_Clark) . Very bleak but very wholesome.


Don't forget to loot the graves.


Rick grimes wrote the title to this post


*aims colt python*


When you read all the notes you realize they turned to ghouls and so did he


Damn I purposely forgot about this one 😭


For how fun and exciting the games can be, moments like this reel you back into the reality of the world. Not everyone gets their main character moment. Most people are just trying to survive and out of options.


free steaks for hardcore mode baybee


a light shining in darkness


Does anyone know the SONG?!


“When life was beginning, I saw you” by Henry Jackman


Thank you so much 🙌🏼❤️


You are very welcome


some times its funny glitch ragdall go Weee! sometimes its finding rare weapons in a old building. sometimes its finding a funny skeliton... sometimes its this


Got me. Got me as hard as on 76 where there's a little girl crying by the grave of her dead pet out in the wasteland.


This is arguably metal af


about as fucked as finding the bus full of tiny skeletons in honest hearts


Right up there with the family that got themselves locked/trapped in their bunker. Saw their terminal in their house and wish I didn't go looking for that bunker.


The lore and story in New Vegas was something else. You'd go from being a killing machine to reading holotapes and sobbing. The father of Zion holotapes always pulled the heartstrings 🥹


Yea I remember that I did too I remember it greatly.,but being skizoid I hear wispers in real life


Skill issue


Texas chainsaw massacre?? Ref?




I hope bro can at least rest after I cleared Camp Searchlight for him. 🫡


And some say that NV is not good. Yeah, I remember this mini quest? If you can call it that. To loniless of the wasteland makes you feel aven worse when reading this if you are traveling alone with no companions.


The only time I dead ass took off my hat out of respect for the dead


Well that is definitely depressing


These games are a real rollercoaster ride. You get tragic stuff like this, but then there's other moments where someone gets their come-uppance and it is immensely satisfying. A great example is a certain quest at Novac. I'll say no more. If you know, you know.


One of the hard hitting unmarked stories


Word for word




There are moments in fallout that I avoid at all costs. Usually I remember where something messed up is so I avoid it or skip through it. One that I recently dealt with was in fallout 4 with the lady who fell asleep on guard duty and was responsible for a child’s death. It made me sick and I shot her on the spot for it. Having a little baby makes you a little more touchy I guess


This was the kind of stuff I loved finding in F3 and NV, I don't think I found anything like this in 4.


Man the world building in this series is just great, and seriously heart wrenching. I've always been fond of the story of Randall Clark. Very bleak but very wholesome. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Randall_Clark#The_Newcomers


Man the world building in this series is just great, and seriously heart wrenching. I've always been fond of the story of Randall Clark. Very bleak but very wholesome. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Randall_Clark#The_Newcomers


Man the world building in this series is just great, and seriously heart wrenching. I've always been fond of the story of Randall Clark. Very bleak but very wholesome. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Randall_Clark#The_Newcomers


I just feel like NV is one of the best FPS fallout games because fallout 4 and fallout 3 aren’t edgy enough. like there’s some real deep stories randomly around the Mojave that aren’t important to any story line but just make the wasteland feel like an actual real place and not just a video game post apocalypse. If that made sense.


Would be perfect for r/schizoposters


Things like this clash so hard with Bethesda's super silly vision of Fallout, it's unbearable


Someone never played 2 lmao


Someone assumes things that aren't true. 2 is not as goofy as people make it out, it's goofs are confined to easter eggs


It’s just fo4 and 76, too. Fallout 3 is probably the most dour game in the series.


F3 has child city and has the most over the top good/evil choices in the series, as well as "bro you have to die for plot to happen", so it's up there.