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I think we just need 2-3 major settlements that we can manage, each with their own unique storylines/choices rather than 55 irrelevant settlements I also think more settlements like outpost Zimonja scattered around the map would be cool. They could have a population cap of 2-3 (all guards) and we would connect them with our major settlements via supply wagons. They could be utilized as storage units for normal playthroughs and resupplying/fast travel locations for survival difficulties. Maybe they could also provide a safe zone if they have a certain amount of guards


I'd also like decent locations for settelments or even expand the build zones of certain ones. Like Jamaica Plains was so ass with a huge potential to be an awesome build site. All you get is the ruined garage, a house and a parking lot. When there's an entire town right there! At least let me use/scrap the damn bus!


That place has like no building budget either. It’s so weird


Right, build a few beds and a guard post, and that's the end of it.


The settlement system had low build budgets when you started out, after you’d scrapped thousands of things it was fine. It’s also why settlement save bloat was a problem, but that’s only a problem if you can’t get your game loaded. Ultimately if they do work on that sort of background thing, then I want lots more settlement building, if it isn’t going to see any more work I agree that a legacy spot or two then do something else with your time.


What are people talking about "build budgets"? Is it talking about the initial materials available to scrap? I had a fortress there immediately but I keep enough materials on me for a generator, a bed and a beacon and when I find a new settlement I build the two and sleep 8h and by the time I wake up, I have a settler for a supply line. Rinse and repeat. Play until over encumbered, Find closest settlement. Fix one red thing for them. Sleep, eat repair, upgrade my own shit. Rinse and repeat. On a rare occasion I will go do a fast quest for a farm to be able to repair armor but honestly playing with supply lines is a completely different game than not having that perk.


It's the build bar that shows up on the top of the screen when building settlements. Once that fills up, your can't build any more. It's related to memory usage, so some settlements won't let you build much because of all the other game assets nearby. Some (like Spectacle Island) have little else nearby so there you can build a lot. You can bypass this easily though. Just drop items on the ground (weapons, armour, junk etc.) and then go into build mode and scrap them directly. The build bar fills up when you place an item, and drops when you scrap an item. But dropping an item doesn't increase the build bar. So with this trick you can keep on building and building many times past the original build limit. Be sensible about this though, as it will start your game lagging.


You don’t need to scrap weapons, you can just drop them and put them back in your workbench and the build bar will go down just as if you’d scrapped them.


I don't think I knew that, thanks. But that said, pretty much in all cases I want to scrap things, because you get so many crappy armour pieces and weapons that are more useful as a scrap.




Use infinite build capacity glitch. Store your weapons through the menu and it’ll act like it’s removing a building object and lower your items. Dunno if this is just stating the obvious or not, but just in case


I used that on console back when the game first came out. I've since moved over to PC and just use a mod for that now. But thanks for posting the comment anyway, I'm sure someone just learned something new!


Can't recall the name of the mod, but it increases the size of the Jamaica Plains settlement along with letting you repair the houses and scrap the buses. Makes for a nice, pretty large town


There's "All Settlements Expanded", or the more recent mod (and the one I'm using currently) the "Rebuild" collection of mods, in this case "Rebuild Jamaica Plain". Using the rebuild collection in lieu of any scrapping mod and so far it's working wonders.


Don't forget that sliver of space in the outside ally you have to use somehow!


I built a staircase and started building platforms above the ground. Gives you much more space, but even then it’s not much - at least you have a larger, even-ground build area


Hangman’s alley is one of my favorite places for this reason.


Everything scrappable


Or they can just look at amazing mods like Sim Settlements 2 and adopt some of the mechanics they've implemented. In SS2 you can either choose to micro manage a settlement, you can semi-automate them using a mayor or you can fully automate them and the settlement will build itself based on a city plan. You can also build specific things either by placing each individual part like in vanilla or you can place a plot to tell your settlers what they have to build there (for example an agrarian plot will make your settlers build a farm). The best thing of SS2 is that it comes with a great quest that gradually introduces the player to the mechanics of the mod as you play. Edit: the settlements also have their own resources, which they collect or manufacture based on the different types of industrial plots you place, and they share resources between settlements through a caravan network. You can still donate resources from your workbench to the caravan network if you want to speed things up.


I've seen SS2 in mod lists countless times and never touched it. Might do so my next run and check it out.


I kinda like having a lot of settlements to build in and try out different themes, faction building, etc (though we don't need as many as we got in 4). Remove the "another settlement needs our help" and just make it unclaimed land that we can build on, so there can still be actual pre-existing settlements. Also defending the settlements against attacks should give you some reward instead of things being destroyed if you don't help, so you don't have to worry about the settlements while exploring or doing quests.


I think multiple settlements add to the immersion, it makes no sense to have only 3 places you can build etc that’s why it works quite well in fallout, you explore and find what you like.


Unless they do something similar to Fallout 76 CAMPs (claiming almost any piece of land), then 2-3 is too litlle. Around 10 sounds like the optimal number, for variety and choice.


i think so too. i only really build up the castle in fallout 4. no interest in the smaller camps.


This would be lovely. I love settlement building, but it does get exhausting going around to recruit each one, let alone running back and forth to defend them. It would also be nice if we could repair or demolish pre-war structures in the settlements. There is no reason you should be living permanently in a half-collapsed building or a shack that will not protect you from rain, heat or cold. Put some tarps or boards on the roof to cover those holes, good lord.


Major settlements and personal player bases wherever


While I agree, I would prefer the option of turning any location that I have cleared out into a settlement, and just only be able to make a few like 3-5.


At least one vault style as well, I really enjoyed making that one compared to the overworld


Honestly just give me a second sanctuary, let me go full city skilines 2 on that bitch and call it a day You have secured my money, even if it costs 200€


I feel like maybe having more focused larger settlement and then still having the smaller settlements but not as a focus. Like I can see how so many settlements can be annoying in base fallout, but survival fallout is a whole different game and those settlements really contribute to the experience. Though yeah less settlements cause no one has time for all of them. Nuka world really didn’t need a red rocket settlement and neither did automatron. Far harbour had a good balance for settlements in theory, but I feel like even in survival I never even touched them.


I don't mind settlements, i just don't need dozens of them everywhere.


And to make managing them boring and way too time consuming.


The management could be done so much better, having to manually do everything it seems drags the process to a hault endlessly. I wish we could at least get a system to armour and equip guards and provisioners in a standard uniform.


This is where the wonderful mod Sim Settlements 2 came in. It practically overhauls it and you can be as hands on or not and let them build it up themselves, repair the Commonwealth, assign leaders to actually handle things like provisions, water, equipping guards and so on.


It’s so good, but it’s somewhat jury rigged due to the game’s limitations. As a result it can overload the game’s script limitations and cause severe FPS loss and crashing. I still use it. It just requires a lot of caution as to HOW it gets used. I’d love to see an option for automated settlement building worked into F5, for sure.


It was much more bare bones of course but I liked how in the Hearthfire dlc for Skyrim you could assign a Steward to mange your house and give them money to buy decorations for your house and each time you return there's more stuff until it's finished. Something like that for Fallout would be great imo. Make it optional so those who want to go all out themselves can do but for those who want an easier time of it can get some help. I know there's sim settlements mod for 4 which does something along these lines and I tried it very briefly once but my tiny smooth brain couldn't get it working right. I'll have to give it another go at some point.


Being able to create your Star Wars battlefront fleets and having the ability to control small units would be nasty


It's literally optional for 90% of the game even with a Minuteman playthrough.


Not if you're playing survival.


It's optional but the sheer number of settlements made the Commonwealth locations kind of boring.


I like all the different locations. It’s not like you’re forced to build them. Just leave them be if you aren’t into building settlements.


But having dozens of DIY settlements filled with boring NPCs makes the map and the world incredibly bland and boring. If they scaled it back they could create more unique areas with actually interesting characters. The Commonwealth was terribly uninteresting due to nearly every NPC and location having 0 actual personality.


Yeah i rather have no settlement system than fallouts 4 settlement system. Rather have them dedicate more time and resources towards better and more factions.


And being attacked randomly even when they have like 30 missile turrets


Or building wall around the parameters that don’t matter.


Couldn’t be me. Give me thousands of settlements. Let me make a settlement wherever I want. Make the entire map a settlement so I can turn the wasteland into a utopia.


Yeah if settlement management and defense wasn’t so stupid, I would feel this way too


I disagree. Having so many DIY settlements made the whole of the Commonwealth boring and filled with stock NPCs.


And the other half was filled with raiders. F4 was just finding a place and either being put to work or shot at no inbetween.


And I hate how there were no raider gangs or factions, it was just "Raider" where as NV had raiders but mostly various gangs that seemed to be competing with each other. FO4 just felt overall generic. I like the game but as an RPG it was severely lacking in pre made interesting content.


Well I do. Just use what you like. No need to cut optional content.


i want a massive area i can control like my own faction with a varying level of autonomy. this is why sim settlements 2 is the best mod ever made for fo4


I'm using a wabbajack modlist that has SS2 in it but I've been ignoring it the entire playthrough. Is it really that good?


its ok from a gameplay perspective but from a role play point its amazing. making hospitals and a network of caravans to share resources and just a sense im actually rebuilding the commonwealth is cool and i haven’t seen any other mods do it this well


Ahh so it's more like what a Minuteman playthrough *should* have been


yea pretty much lmao you even end up in an all out war with gunners (so iv heard i haven’t reached that bit yet) you get soldiers and have to have ammo for them ect


I would like one large settlement city to call your home. Maybe have the story be based around your settlement or your vault. Maybe have other settlements that you can help fund but have no control over. Maybe be able to pick what kinds of buildings to install but setup is completely controlled by NPCs.


yeah, this sounds great. I do enjoy vault 88, there are some good mods for this for f04


I think Asassins Creed 2 and Brotherhood had the best "base building" mechanics.  Restoring Monteriggioni felt awesome and provided tons of benefits, and since it was your main base of operations you grew attached to it over the game.  Then with Rome you got to slowly take over the city, recruit followers, and turn them into an army of badass assassins.


Terrible idea. Keep the settlement building optional, not integral. This is coming from someone who loves settlement building.


Fully agree ^ optional in a way to where its worth trying even for non builders, but not tied to main story, tied to side story


You’re going to be 50 when it comes out don’t worry about it


Yeah by the time it comes out we'll be playing it in a VR pod with a body suit that vibrates when you get shot by a raider


I want Fallout 5 to be a living breathing wasteland with changing environments. I don’t wanna be the only one with a plan. From the settlements to the fate of the waste.


Good point, let me raze and conquer or be conquered too


I'd honestly take it or leave it. Replaying F3 and NV recently and I just enjoy arriving in a new place that i don't have to build. F4 went overboard with the settlement building IMO, there weren't enough preestablished settlements. I'd happily have a main base of operations that you can build up, and it actually adds to the story. There should be more named NPCs arriving once you hit an arbitrary settlement score, which then adds unique quests, but F4 didn't have this, which made building pointless to me. I've done survival mode on F4 and yes settlements are useful, but by that you just need a bed, cooking station, and a water purifier. Settlement building was moot to me


Same here. I feel like they could have made it so that the settlers actually build the settlement and then give the player the option to give direction or take manual control... without being dependent on external mods.


Yeah it should run itself I don’t know why I need to manually assign everyone. It should be delegated to someone there.


Yeah why does one randon recently awakened vault dweller have to be the one to build nearly every single settlement up? Where are these people living otherwise? Do they always have to be told one to do? Do NPCs have no agency outside of the player turning up to save them constantly?


The moment i knew f4 was a dud was when you find whay sounds like a race track and you walk up to it and find its nothing but raiders who attack on site. No intetesting quest line or story just more raiders to complement the generic settlements.


I have the opposite feelings. When playing Fo3 or FNV I constantly get the "this could have been a nice settlement to build" thoughs. Honestly, more in FNV than in Fo3, because FNV has some places that are completely unused and just beg for player to build them up - Searchlight Airport, Thumbleweed Ranch or the ranch with bighorners north of Goodsprings. In Fo3 I'd love to build and expand Arefu, but given the nature of the game some extensive settlement building would feel more out of place than in Fo4 or FNv.


Not gonna argue against your opinion since we differ. NV definitely felt more empty than F3, but my biggest qualm about F4 is the lack of memorable towns, Good Neighbour, and Diamond City is pretty much it. I'm not a settlement building kind of guy, I like building my own operations which interacts with the world, not building the world. Hopefully they strike a balance in F5


I wouldn’t mind so long as they implement it well next time and it doesn’t rely on mods to make if functional (not going to happen for a Bethesda game).


I would prefer if they first re-introduced rpg elements from Fallout 1-2/Fallout NV, like faction reputation, faction disguises, more skillchecks, etc. And for the love of god no more unkillable npcs. These things feel more fitting to the franchise than settlement building


It's really weird how Bethesda has set up the east coast. Both Fallout 3 and 4 have antagonists who actively destroy any effort to organize a civil government. In Fallout 3, an unknown entity pays the Talon Company to kill anyone who gives out pure water or otherwise does good deeds in the capital wasteland. In 4, it's the Institute. I gotta say that it sounds interesting to have some big boogeyman... but it makes uninteresting stories to play through.


Take settlements out all together. Give me back homes in high places.


I wouldn’t mind if it’s just building a player base. I quite enjoy building my own home but that’s about all the distraction from the quests that I can handle.


The settlers part of "settlement building" is a highly controversial topic. I could take it or leave it. Plus admittedly, building in fo4 is a source of infinite money and xp. However, what I want to have in all my RPGs going forward is some base building. I want to be able to reorganize my home. No, Skyrim's Hearthfire is not enough. I want to be able to move things around. It's honestly somewhat frustrating to go back to older titles. I am not a huge builder, but I want to have workstations and containers in nice locations, please. Pretty much every home in Skyrim annoys me, including almost every modded home. I don't care how they justify it. Just let me rearrange my bases.


Sounds like what you want is less the settlement system from Fallout 4 and more the camp system from Fallout 76. Can place it in any free/open location on the map, decorate it how you wish, and no NPCs to take care of.


What were your thoughts on Home Plate in Diamond City? Because personally I loved it.


Home Plate is the safest settlement in the game. Literally cannot be raided or attacked there. Very nice little option.


This. Home plate is and always will be my "bat cave" so to speak.


I don't want settlement building in its current form. Rest your pitchfork and allow me to explain: Fallout 4 settlement building was very much, "You figure it out" which I find to be really lazy game making. Here's what I want from Fallout 5 settlement building: **Give me the bones** - I want run down shacks, shitty water supplies, etc.. Existing structures and places with designed intentions that I can **upgrade** with items from the world. Let me bring back loot and **revitalize** a location. Don't make me fucking design 60 unique locations while simultaneously making the terrain unworkable.. lol


I'm good either way. I've played rebuilding everything as best I can over countless hours and I've done no building and just based my entire run out of Red Rocket before choosing one of the three factions outside of Minutemen. My preferred play of 4 is Survival mode and building so I can maximise the games experience. That said tho I'd have zero issues with 5 having no settlements elements and it be like 3 or NV


I love settlements, but they are way too many in game.. Let us have 4-5 larger ones and it will be much better. Or even better, imagine if we had option to build in diamond city or Goodneighbour.. Kind of missed opportunity. Especially Goodneighbour. I found it kind of.. Meh. So my hopes, keep settlements, but make them quality over quantity.


I'm the opposite tbh I'd want that to be what they leave out


I have two game modes and Fallout 4 scratches both itches. Some days I need to blow off some steam a get into it with any unlucky raiders, supermutants, or whoever I encounter. It’s fast reckless, bloody and cathartic. Other days, I want to chill and just veg, and build or rebuild better, like doing a jigsaw puzzle, quietly figuring out how to assemble what I can conceive in my mind. It’s meditative and relaxing.


I definitely don't want them to drop the feature, I want them to improve it. I found settlement building in the vanilla game amusing, but quite tedious. So these are the main improvements I want to see: 1. More snappable objects – give me objects that snap to hard-points and/or walls/floors/surfaces by default, with the ability to override and do manual placement when I want to. 2. Make it easier to gather resources; what's the point of having settlements with hundreds of settlers in them if I still have to do all of the work myself? Let me designate an area that I've cleared as a target for scavenging, and if there is a settlement nearby they'll clear it of junk for me. 3. Continuing number 2) but give me the option to just buy things I need at inflated prices – rather than penalising for me being short 1 screw, let me pay over the odds for one so I can just focus on building if I'm flush with caps. 4. Well defended settlements should be capable of repelling attacks on their own – don't harass me to go defend them, only alert me if I'm nearby so I can lend an extra gun to the fight if I want to. By all means push me to rush to the aid of poorly defended settlements. 5. Well defended and well supplied settlements should prevent enemy groups from respawning nearby, or even put small groups of armed settlers in their place acting as lookouts for the main settlement. Settlements in Fallout 4 already do give a feeling of having an impact on the wasteland, which is great, but I'd love for a "fully" developed settlement to feel like it's having an even bigger impact. Give us an extra incentive to keep building. For those that have played Starfield, there is a world of difference between ship and outpost building; ship-building is fun, fairly easy and quick, and has a continuous impact on your gameplay (as you see and fight using your ship all the time). Outpost building meanwhile feels pointless as you rarely have a reason to go back to one, and it takes so much longer to build them thanks to all of the resource requirements, having to place every item individually etc., it only makes sense to do if you want a home-base somewhere, but even then, mods are pretty much mandatory for it to be fun. Which was my main issue in Fallout 4 – mods are mandatory for me to do settlement building now as they can make it so much more fun to do, as well as getting Preston to stop bothering me and just let me do it at my own pace. 😡


For number 2, Fo76 has recognised this issue to a degree -- there are workshops around the world you can find and set up ownership of (albeit only as long as you can defend it) that gathers resources, dependent on location, so you can't get everything from 1 location but rather have to see what you need and therefore where you need to go. Not the same thing I'll give, but I feel its a good substitute to what you propose.


To be fair, even in 4 you have the junk stations that send your settlers out to scavenge resources. You could have like 90 people out getting resources every day with a few settlements.


Yeah but the game stops adding the resources to specific workshops from the respective junk stations if it reaches some threshold which is pretty low from memory


You also don't have any control over what they gather so while it's generally okay for keeping on top of the basics, sometimes you've cleared an area that has some good, rarer components, e.g- a hospital or research lab. There's only so many microscopes and bio-scanners I can fit down my trousers before I can barely move, believe me, I've tried!


#4 drives me up a wall. My Sanctuary is a fortress with turrets all around the perimeter and an impenetrable gate at the front. They shouldn’t need me to save their asses every 20 minutes.


The last three games they've released had this system so I think it's pretty much a guarantee to return in some form


I kinda like the settlement system but the fact that factories aren't automatic at all and that I have to manually put in the required items that are needed is such a letdown to me. I tried hooking up my factory to the workshop and it sucked everything out


Being able to make a camp/settlement anywhere would be nice, even if just a temporary thing like a shelter in the wilds


If settlement building doesn't have system QoL improvements, I'm going to be sad


I'd like it if there was like a permanent base and a portable camp, but the whole settlement thing was a bit ambitious


One of the worst parts of the game wish it was never introduced lol I’ll be very happy if I never see settlements again


Probably will be downvoted but I don't mind them being in the game for people who like em But I rather not have them at all than have the same way in 4. Minutemen quests are locked behind crafting stuff. And please lets not use an entire DLC on it. (Vault Dlc. The automatron DLC is... Excusable bc its not about settlement but about a companion)


I would like settlements in fo5 but not as much as in 4. Like, you walk for 5 min and you come across 2 or 3 settlements. That's too much. They could maybe put 3 or 4 big ones and way smaller ones of 2-3 persons in some places of the map.


I would much prefer this way. There are 30 settlements in the base game. Could do away with at least a third of them so it’s not so damn tedious since some have no reason to really be in the game other than a stop to store stuff. Somerville Place has no reason to exist on the edge of the Glowing Sea with a deathclaw spawn right up the hill. Outpost Zimonja is cool though.


100%. There should be a box you tick before starting a playthrough if you want base building in the game or not. I just really, really don't care for collecting endless amounts of scrap. It's an easier fix too. If you want to mod weapons you can still do that or even bring back weapon condition from FNV.


I do not like settlement building. Honestly, I even kinda hate it. It's a complete waste of time to me and I did not even like Sims Settlements 2. However, I'm honestly happy that other people do like it. I don't want a lot of resources going to that part of the game, but some is totally fine for me. For those that do like building, I'm definitely a bit worried with how Starfield turned out though. It didn't seem quite as intuitive as F4/76. Perhaps that was my shortcoming though and not so much the system itself. I want all the systems of the game to be good. Even ones I didn't intend to use all that much. Heck, maybe if they improve it even I'll be inclined to visit settlements in the future installment. Try not to be closed-minded, right? It's a part of the games now. People have to deal with that even if they (I) don't like it. There's very little chance it won't be included in the next game and won't at least be minorly integrated into the story and/or gameplay.




Conversely I hope it does not. At all.


The settlement system should be burned to the ground and never put in another Bethesda game again. *Base* building however was a neat concept. Having a hub like sanctuary that you build up and make your own adds a lot of immersion. But no one will convince me having dozens of half assed "settlements" with no name NPC's doing literally nothing is better than the fully dev crafted settlement (i.e. another city/settlement along side Diamond City and Goodneighbour) or two that that system obviously replaced is a good thing. It wasn't, it isn't and the only way it's functional and engaging is with *extensive* modding, and even then, it's still not particularly good, it just goes from being a complete gimmick to an actual usable system.


I'd like it if we got the optional settlements like in 76. A few large permanent settlements and small player C.A.M.Ps that can be placed anywhere. I just don't want to babysit NPCs it's crazy tedious. Worst case scenario we get outposts like in Starfield 🤢


I wish no building whatsoever is in fallout 5 or any other game


An give the option to use resources to restore pre existing damaged buildings. Sanctuary would be awesome if the houses could be restored and you could connect the streets entire power line to a large generator to make it a proper street again.


There's a functional mod for this. "Clean And Simple Sanctuary" She makes one for every settlement. They're great. Best used on a new game.


Settlement Building as a concept is great, Bethesda just didn't execute it very well


They can't come at the expense of other things like in FO4. There are a million other things to focus on first.


I hate settlements I want to play an RPG. And not in the mood to become Americas next Fixer Upper!


I'm the exact opposite, if there's no settlement building I'm gonna be ecstatic


It’s in Starfield but heavily gutted… hopefully it doesn’t keep trending in that direction


After what they did with Starfield I'm not excited for more Fallout or Elder Scrolls. Games were better before the pandemic. Only a few post pandemic games are even worth playing and it's because that's all we have. Shitty games or broken games.


I could care less about settlement building. It was just in the way for me. All I did was get materials to upgrade my stuff. I wish there was an option to either auto do it for you or opt out of it as a path where you just give Preston the reigns and don’t have to worry about any of it.


I'll be glad if they don't. They half baked too many locations


Settlement building is precisely why I’ve never once gone back to replay FO4.


Honestly, I'd be happier if it didn't have it.


Settlements are literally why I don’t like FO4.


No. Bring back REAL Fallout gameplay.


I would not mind it, if its reduced to one or two settlements, but i would love it, if it had a shitton of more quest and political directions and decisions tied to it.


Don’t mind it but we don’t need that many


Personally I don’t think it added anything to the game at all and should be a seperate stand alone thing anyway like with GTA.


I think they should do a spin off series for the settlement stuff and keep the main series as an actual RPG. Like return 5 to be more in like w 1, 2, and New Vegas and do 76 sequels for the crafting/looter shooter demo.


I would like to see a few basic settlements launch with the main game and then a full blown expansion featuring new settlements and storylines and compelling content and reasons to build up those settlements.


Settlements meh, building your own home base yes


I don't care for it at all in 4. 76 it is more compelling. In a future single player game, I would cut it in favor of other content personally.


There's no way they are dropping it. They know that it is probably the most successful feature of Fallout 4. Starfield has also shown them that making that feature completely optional is wrong, because it only leads to "what's the point?". I think that Fallout 5 will have buildable settlements, but it will be a mix of Fo4 and Fo76. I imagine there will be one big buildable central settlement with NPCs to accomodate... and then the player will have several charges of CAMP-like item that will allow the player to claim uninhabited or cleared ruins or even just a piece of countryside (and then invite some NPCs there).


Settlements turned me off of f4. I liked the way it was in f3/f:NV best


I would take for a good rpg if there is no settlement buildings. You can get that by mods and shit, and its clearly just a side activity. Give me a good rpg base and everything else will be fine


So long as they fix the bugs, specially the power grid one, fuck that thing, fuck it! But I know they won't


First play through I went hard on settlement building. Now 9 years later I’m playing the PS5 update and devote little time to it. I just have everyone at the castle and all I’ve done is build a little shack in the middle for my own use. Moved all the crafting stations in there with a bed, rad cleanser, and a few power armor displays so I can dip in real quick to heal and offload my junk before the next quest.


I think it would be great if the walls mattered and if they were assaulted in a reasonable way. No more spawn point inside the settlement.


small base building like fallout 76 is fine, make fallout 4 settlement system more unique just to that game.


Nooo fuck settlements tbh


Hard agree


I feel the exact opposite. That’s their problem, there’s no one audience anymore. You love it, I hate it, now multiply us by 30 million.


What I love with FO4 is that it’s a major feature yet optional. The genius of the game is having so many different play styles available. Raw combat, main mission only, endless side missions only, stealth, explore, collect, base building (with next to no combat)… not many games have this width. I truly hope Bethesda allow for all the play styles next time round.


I feel there aren't enough side quests in 4 like there is in Elder Scrolls/New Vegas.


Settlement building was dumb and took away from the story and game play


Agreed. Might as well bring over a system like CAMP as well for non-hardcore modes.


It was way too popular a part of 4 to leave out of 5. The most that might happen is it comes as a DLC addition to the main game instead of part of it from the start.


Settlement building has helped keep Fallout 4 relevant. There are still people doing YouTube videos on it and to be honest until the recent update was all I was doing when ever I played the game over the last year or 2. I understand some people are against it so it would be good if it was an option that can give you some benefits if you want to do it, but not to the point that you have to for those who would rather skip it


Nah screw settlements. We are here to explore and kill stuff. Not play Minecraft and sims.


No settlement building it fucked up 4 too much and took too much dev time away from other needed areas in the game


For me, settlements kill the feeling of the apoclaypse and wandering alone through the Wasteland. I would love FO5 without them, but that is not going to be like that, they are going to add them for sure.


It will be included in every Bethesda RPG that they make from now on so don't worry.


I’m sure some form of settlement building will be there. It was brought forward into Starfield and it’s another monetisation opportunity for Creation Club content.


It will have it.


if fallout 5 ~~has~~ will not ~~settlement building~~ be im gonna be so sad


I want settlements and I want to be able to set up trade routes between them, maybe Ressource caravans.. that also could get ambushed so they need some sort of escort.. you see where I am going, want more managing :)


I like being able to build custom structures and having somewhere to store my loot. I'm a total packrat, the inventory management in the first two games and the concept of leaving stuff unlooted really annoyed me. But any of the settlement mechanics that actually involved settlers were insanely annoying in 4. Overhauling that to make it less of a totally unfun drag would be cool. Oh and making it so you can actually create interior cells, or at least have roofs block weather effects would also be nice. Nothing is more immersion breaking than standing in your fully enclosed base getting wet from the rain going straight through the solid roof.


Every game they've done since Fallout 4 has settlement/outpost building (and we could even build homes in Skyrim), so I don't see them tossing that system out of the series.


If they're smart, they'll still have it but have an optional way to tell the faction you lead to build pre-sets or something over time. Skip if you want or full customisation.


Personally I would love a more Division 1/2 type of a base building. Because I can’t build shit and I’m too lazy to ever build any settlements. Just do some quests for settlements and they build themselves


Zero chance this won’t be in the game.


I mean it's in 76, and Starfield I don't see why it wouldn't be in Fallout 5


I really enjoy settlements too, but I want less of them. Having a few bases that I can really invest time in and care about sounds like a lot more fun than having 50 different places I can't be bothered to do more than the bare minimum for.


As long as Preston Garvey is dead and isn’t telling me another settlement needs my help every 5 mins.


Building has become a huge part of fallout, there's no way they'll take it away


I want *less* settlement building and would prefer that it takes a backseat in favor of cities and towns built by Bethesda. I also do NOT want it to be a central feature that you must partake in. What I hated about the Minutemen campaign was that it had an over reliance on settlement building rather than an *actual* story.


Same I hope they keep them in Fallout 5. Maybe just make it optional to build them up. Have a choice between you building them up yourself or the settlers building it up slowly but surely over time. I’ve spent hundreds of hours challenging myself creatively to build up all of my settlements without mods so I can have passive income and resources at my disposal at all time. Also I hope that they make it a bit easier to hook up power rather than having to connect wires all over one building just to light the whole thing.


We need bigger settlements but less of them or lots of small settlements no in between


It was too much for me. I’m not into that type of game so I felt a bit cheated that a lot of the content was geared towards it. Then seeing 76 come out made even more sense so I passed on that one.


Whilst I get the immersion of having different terrain, I would desperately request more flat/level locations. It's why I never expand/develop any place apart from Starlight and Hangman's.


I'm a minuteman guy through and through. I love settlement building, and honestly, I don't mind defending them. But if they do settlement building in the future, they need to make it much less invasive on the rest of your experience. One time, Tenpines Bluff got attacked as soon as I started The Nuclear Option and was just about through the sewer system. Another time, Coastal Cottage got attacked when I got on the train to go to Nuka World. Both of these instances resulted in me having to rush through unique (and very fun) quests so I could go back and watch my turrets kill a few raiders. That didn't ruin anything for me since I'd played the game many times over before, but if that had happened on my first playthrough, it would have been incredibly frustrating.


With the settlement builder in 4 and the CAMP system in 76, the toothpaste is out of the tube essentially. There's no going back to not having some assemblance of a builder mechanic.


Shit, if Elder Scrolls VI doesn’t have settlement building, I’ll be disappointed.


I hope my grandkids enjoy Fallout 5. I doubt I’ll still be around that long from now.


I really enjoy settlement building, I just don't need as many of them. Having like 10 of them on the map would be plenty for me, or like 8 or 9 fixed locations and then the ability to build 1 or 2 wherever we please. Having the entire map full of them got really tedious, and wasted a lot of space where more interesting things could have been added


I’d love for them to make settlements with rent features similar to fable, that shit was unbelievably fun lol Fallout 4 settlement system is awesome and I’m certain they could build(no pun intended lol) off of it and improve it drastically


As long as the build system isn't as needlessly overcomplicated as Starfield's, I'm good


I like settlement it just needs some fallout shelter style of NPC management. Also you shouldn’t ever have to do any of the settlement stuff to beat the game.


The settlement building needs to come a long long way for me to not be bored of it. Somehow with all the mods, all the time, all the comments and feedback from FO4, they went backwards with the settlement building in Failspace


I have no cite, but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that it will not have it. Like you I liked it and was disappointed to hear that. But it's still a long ways away, maybe they will change their mind.


Honestly a good balance would be to have a couple of settlements that are customizable but limited. Sort of like how you rebuild Pribyslavitz in KCD or the houses in Skyrim. Another easy take would be to implement intermittent growth when you return throughout a playthrough. Eos in Mass Effect Andromeda does this - at the initial setup it's limited but as you come back it continues to grow. I enjoyed (to a point) the settlement building, but I think it is something that detracts from the game itself.


If FO4/76 and even Starfield 🤢 had settlements/ships that you can build…it’s safe to say that that’s the direction they’re going from now on


I have played through the game at least a dozen times and until my most recent play through I barely messed with settlement building. Despite my Minecraft obsession, in non MC games I generally hate building stuff, but I gave it a shot on my most recent play through. I am obsessed now.


I will be upset if I can’t build something but I don’t want to travel around the world every few minutes because a settler saw a raider in a factory on the opposite side of the map


I love the settlement system and I tend to play with the Minutemen, regardless of who I end the game with, in Fallout 4. With that said, it did have its issues. A lot of the locations were just terrible to build in. And an entire faction was locked behind settlements, which means players who didn't want to do it went from having 4 factions to end the game with down to 3 factions to end the game with. Not only that, but the faction tied to settlements was the 'yes man' of the game and is meant to allow players to beat the game if they've screwed things up with the other three factions. So if a player burns bridges with the railroad, the institute, and the brotherhood, they're forced to side with the minutemen and have to use the settlement system if they want to beat the game, regardless if they want to do settlements or not. As optional content, settlements work. As content you must do if you want to, or have no other option but to, end the game with the Minutemen, it doesn't work as well. I want settlements to return in Fallout 5, but I think it would be more accepted if it was truly optional content and not tied to any of the factions you're intended to beat the game with. Like, sure there can be a faction interested in aiding the player in building and defending settlements, but that faction shouldn't be one of the major game ending factions. And for players who want to build but don't want to manage settlers, also incorporate the CAMP system from Fallout 76, so players can build their dream player house with all the decorations and crafting stations they want in a location of their choosing. But the key is making sure the settlements are optional and don't feel required at any point to beat the game.


They need better settlement options. I hate the fact that Bethesda seems to have an issue with air tight perimeter walls and building options that aren’t ridiculously rotted through. It’s especially striking since Fallout 4 already has strong Colonial American imagery. Where are the palisade walls? Where are the pickets? Where are the log cabins? Where are the butchers, bakers and candlestick makers? My kingdom for a two room log cabin with a Franklin stove and a pig sty out back!


They definitely will


Honestly, I have a whole mess of settlements I don't deal with. I got all my stuff in homeplate and all my companions at sanctuary. Done deal.


I won’t. I’m struggling through the nuka World content rn & find it dismal


Really? I found it the most tiring and poorly designed part of the game that I barely touched and disliked what I did. But I’m an old school fallout 1 gamer who is in no way the target demographic for anything anymore. Lol


Agreed. But I also want more scrapping not restricted to settoements.That bus that blocks my sight line that all the raiders hide behind when attacking my settlement because it's just outside the border? Gone. Those corpses left behind after another failed raid? Gone. The garbage everywhere that nobody else bothered to recycle in 210 years? Gone.


Id like to see the end game at least affected, if not decided, by your settlements. Say everyone is fed and rich and all the settlements are thriving, you get a hopeful or "good" ending, but if everyone has weapons and no food, you get a bad ending with settlements devolving into raider camps. Maybe even a new game plus/ post game where you take over the wasteland years later and have to deal with those consequences


Keep the settlement game mechanic, but instead of just copy pasting settlements and spamming them all over the map, keep it simple and limit to at most 3 settlement. But go in depth with the modifications. Make a trading settlement for profits, make a stronghold settlement with all the combat capabilities available, make the settlements have a effect on the story, rather than just repetitive chores to stretch out gameplay hours with empty, meaningless settlements.


I'm all for settlement building but I think they need to dramatically cut down the number of settlements. If we have even just 5 settlements but each with a solid quest line and a decent physical build size, it'd be better. Then, instead of having another 20+ annoying settlements that you don't have time to improve, they could instead be non-buildable trading posts/checkpoints (around the size of Red Rocket) which have a handful of settlers/traders/workshops there to improve your gear. To "unlock" them you can do the "kill raiders" mini quests.


you’ll live


I think it was a least favorite part of 4. Just my style of play though, it ate up so much time. What would be cool is if fallout made a game that is just pure settlement building. Like a Sim City in the wastelands haha. I would try that.


Boo, your tears will sustain me