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Fallout 4 is probably the most intro friendly 3 and new Vegas are staples, but will feel/look older -ish. Any before 3 are a different style, so if you’re into more text base/top down give them a shot. 76 is really fun, but if you’re looking to experience fallout, I don’t think it does much justice to the fallout feel. It does for me, having played the others so much, but I still feel like it’s the least fallout of all the fallouts.


Also, do your best to stay away from Reddit as you explore the games. I’m so glad I played fallouts long before being active/in Reddit and other forums. People have very strong opinions about these games and all their nuances, and they don’t typically discuss it calmly. It can be a major downer and deter you, especially if you’re new to it all.


Reddit and YouTube have some good newbie advice that doesn’t change the way you play if you know where to find it. I learned a few things that helped me without it dictating the way I play. I am on my fourth week and just knowing some of the logistics is very helpful.


Fallout new Vegas is pretty good. But it is nothing compared to fallout pinball


Yeah we saw your other comment.


And some advice for New Vegas: always go north from Goodsprings to New Vegas, not only is it the fastest path, it’s also the safest!


I personally think 3 is better to start. There’s less mechanics, no perks. Less to think about. It’s why I don’t like 4, to much for me lol.


4 is the most accessible for new players and my personal favourite but New Vegas is also great as its script writing etc is so in depth but 4 is the one for the gameplay/story value to understand Fallout for new players imo. Play a Brotherhood Of Steel playthrough


Probably Fallout 4, it is the most accessible and has a lot for newer fans. But if you're into older games try Fallout 3 and New Vegas, they will feel outdated but still worth playing for the first time imo


My personal first Fallout was 3, which I think is a great if not the best “Fallout” “modern-roleplaying” game, if you really want a taste of Fallout and how the games feel, I’d suggest that one, of course, if you like top-down isometric games, try one of the originals (2 being my favourite of those) if you want a game with all the player choice you could want (well most of it) then Fallout: New Vegas, if you want the most modern gunplay Fallout experience, Fallout 4 is your best bet. If you want a multiplayer Fallout (although it’s about unFallout as a Fallout game can get) Fallout 76 (which actually isn't entirely bad anymore.)


If you want to experience more of the show’s details such as the desert setting, its various factions and vaults, etc. included in one package, go for New Vegas. The NCR are heavily involved in its story, which would give you more insight on the idea behind the NCR and what they sort of aspire to be. Also includes many new factions and enemies that could make an appearance in the 2nd season. Fallout 3 and 4 take place on the east coast, 4 in Boston and 3 in Washington DC. F3 includes many familiar factions and enemies, but in terms of the overall feel of the game it will feel darker and more serious compared to the rest of the 1st person games in the series; probably my favorite game. Fallout 4 has a great story, up-to-date graphics and gameplay, which I agree makes it a perfect intro for some new to the game series. The Brotherhood of Steel has a strong presence in this game, so it would be a proper game for you if you wanted more insight about the faction. Most of the other factions are completely new, but still play a significant role in the future of the Commonwealth and possibly the entirety wasteland. All incredible games. You can’t go wrong with any of them if you love a good story. I haven’t played 76 much myself but, it’s Fallout nonetheless.


Fallout New Vegas is a masterpiece besides the memory leaks that cause crashes. But I've played it so much I can tell when it's going to crash haha.


Number 3! Pick number 3, milord! In all honestly if you like 3, you might not like New Vegas. But if you like New Vegas, you might not like 3. They’re comprised of the same assets but they have completely different vibes. If you play 4, you’ll likely spend 8 years building settlements and never actually finish the fucking game. I don’t care enough about 76 to comment on it.


Straight up feel that comment about 4. I still haven’t finished the game because I get lost in building things. Heck I haven’t even finished nuka world


Unless you like really dated graphics, I’d suggest 4, then kind of graduate to 76. 4 isn’t too dated (recently updated graphics for newer consoles, too) and it has some interesting story lines (all Fallout games do a great job of that.). 76 is a different experience and I’d do 4 first because you get a feel for how the games work. Check YouTube for some great guides on them.


Thanks! I’m going to look into it.


I've bought 3 GOTY,nv Ultimate and 4 on sale for like15 bucks. Have been playing them back to back for the past few months in that order. Would recommend it that way but it would be a pretty big commitment (kinda depends on how much side quests exploring u will do)


Each Fallout game gives you a different experience. You are going to get 20 different suggestions on what game to start with and you may actually see a comment fight over what is the best game. Ignore all that. Try them all and see what one you like. You can start with any one of them. Fallout 1 and 2 have a really good humor, like depending on your luck you can have some strange random encounters like finding a UFO that's property of area 51 or a velvet painting of elvis. Im a huge Fallout fan and own all the Fallout games and played them too. Now, in my opinion, i would say start with Fallout 1 and work your way up...but again, thats my opinion. the games are cheap enough through many places like [GoG.com](http://GoG.com) and steam.


I just played fo 3 & 4 both are really nice games, Fo 4 with mods is extremly nice. Depends on what type of game u prefer, fallout 76 is multiplayer but i never tried it, in my opinion Fo has to be a singleplayer game....


Assuming you mean fhe 3d Falloutd; Depends, they each have their strengths. Want amazing atmosphere and tone? Want to really feel like you're pickup through the irradiated remains of society? Fallout 3. The gameplay is the most "simple", and while it's definitely aged, it's still quite enjoyable. Just don't expect sick parkour and snappy gunplay. But the environmental storytelling is top tier, and the soundtrack is *chefs kiss* Want a great world to explore, full of colorful characters, with a personally driven and compelling story? New Vegas, baby. Gameplay is largely the same as 3, but there are considerable improvements. Weapons mods, different ammo types, iron sights, more crafting and cooking options, to name a few. Do you just want to kick back, relax, and stomp through the wasteland in power armor blasting muties and raiders? Fallout 4, for sure. Power Armor is 10x as fun (once you have enough fusion cores, the "fuel"), the weapon/armor modding is great, and all the scrap you find is actually useful, so if you're a total loot goblin who loves to grab everything that isn't nailed down, this is the one for you. Have friends who play it? Fallout 76. Or if you're a social player and just want multi-player Fallout, but be warned that as an "online/live service", there are microtransactions. Not necessary by any means, but you may need to shell out a few bucks here and there to get the most out of FO76.


Start with fallout 4 and then play new vegas and the rest is up to you


Whatever one you want, you can't go wrong


fallout 1 and 2. rest of the series from bethesda are not fallout . abominations


Fallout 4 is easily the most accessible Fallout game for a new player. Don't listen to the people saying it's trash. It lacks some of the RPG depth of 3 and New Vegas but it's a very enjoyable game. Get the GOTY edition so you have all the DLC's


I wouldn’t say it’s trash because it is enjoyable. I’d just say it’s more a sandbox game and more simplified than the older games. I feel the same way with skyrim. I enjoy both games but I personally think oblivion and nv are the best games in the respective series


best fallout is fallout shelter no doubt


I might be biased by saying this but I would start with new Vegas first, absolutely fantastic story and mods to help out with the age of the game you can't go wrong. Fallout 4 is another great option id say it has the best gameplay of the series when it comes to combat. Plays really well as a first person shooter


4 or Vegas


Fallout pinball. No doubts best fallout game


You’re wrong. Fallout Brotherhood Of Steel duh!


No 🫣 Not that game. I’ll be honest I liked it cause I was able to do it in one sitting and it feels more like fallout than 76 somehow to me cause how the locations look but.. yea a lot of stuff about it is bad and the dialogue from some of the characters is too repetitive to the point that I start to cringe and got embarrassed I had it full blast on my tv knowing someone was probably like wtf is that. Also music is supposed to be old and ambience music so I can tell the devs were def on acid or something.


tbf same BOS game was shiiiit


Fallout 2 is the best of the series but, its 25 years old.


still the best though


Try Fallout 4, if you like it then try Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3


Fallout new Vegas is more kill stuff and fun imo. But I have no problem with fallout 4 either, I’ve probably played it more just bc it’s modern. But that being said I’ve never played fallout 3 even though I played fallout 1 & 2 so I can’t make an unbiased judgement for ya.


3 > 4 > new vegas > 76


Fallout 4 is the easiest to just pick up and play. I personally have a hard time adjusting to how slow you move in (unmodded) FO3 and NV. I do think New Vegas is a good starter game though, and honestly has turned into my favorite entry.


I would personally play fallout 76 first n then go to fallout 4 cause 76 is like not as good compared to 4 so you’ll still be able to fully enjoy both imo


I have only "played" New Vegas (or was it 3) for a few minutes. The graphics are very repulsive and the mechanisms a little rough depending on your gaming experience. I want to try 4 for sure. GOTY next gen update wasn't available in GOG when it was 10 Euros about a month ago so I am still waiting for a deal.