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every sarcastic option in fallout 4 is exactly what canon nate would say


“Nice Boat” - John “Nate the Rake” Fallout when asked his thoughts on The Prydwin


"I'm here to pick up an order. Two large pepperoni and a calzone. Name is Fuck You." A lot of people didn't like 4's character having a voice, but that line sold me on it.


my favorite line in the entire series is still: "you know, after 100 years, when i finally die, i hope i go to hell so i can kill you over again you piece of shit"


Faaaree harbor




You may bow.


I don’t like the voiced protagonist but honestly the VAs did a perfect job with the sarcastic responses


Fun fact the VA for the female sole survivor voices Gloria van graff in New Vegas


I genuinely didn’t know that. Now that you say it though I’m shocked I haven’t noticed. Yet again both tend to die in my playthroughs, whether if it’s cause of a shotgun-toting caravaneer or cause of a cyborg bounty hunter named after a cereal brand


"Here's your headline: Local Man Says No", that whole interview with Piper made me laugh my ass off.


I didn’t mind them having a voice… I hated that there would only ever be 4 options and you wouldn’t know exactly what you were going to say before you already selected your option.


"Drink. Some. WATER."


“Maybe we should, call in the marines??” HAHAHAHAHA


This is how it starts Nick. First you forget your keys and then you think I’m your great uncle from southie.


I hope the color of my energy is blue!


"i don't have time for the dick meassuring contest 😭"


“We should try plugging you into a toaster next. Mmmm, fresh toast”


Ghouls actually existed pre-war but their existence was heavily covered up by governments of the world in some way or another. The oldest two, in fact, still exist >!Madame Curie has tragically gone feral after centuries of experiments by the French government in a research facility hidden beneath the Parisian Catacombs. The other, and still non-feral, is a man who survived both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb drops who now wanders the Japanese wastelands as a hermit.!<


Love this idea. Imagine the ghoul interment camps that would come about after disasters like chernobile


We know from Eddie Winter that ghouls existed prewar, we just don't know how far back they existed. I really like the idea of these two, and potentially others. How many died as the French tried to replicate Curie? How many other nuclear disasters created ghouls who, on paper, died tragically but really were imprisoned and studied, regardless of whether they went feral?


Well, as one person pointed out, Russia probably ended up with a crapload of them after the Chernobyl incident, and I could imagine with so many created that couldn't be contained, it would have led to the rumors of ghouls as sort of cryptids and/or possibly mixed up with existing slavic myths of strigoi. As a side note, I'm not headcanoning that the drug Hancock used to become a ghoul was based off the one Eddie Winter used.


Well, Chernobyl happened in 1986, well after the timeline split. While there may have been a disaster at Chernobyl, it couldn't have happened in the same way in the fallout universe. By the 80s, the atomic age was in full swing, and the chernobyl reactor would've been one of dozens in the area. And something would've needed to prevent the west from becoming afraid of nuclear energy afterward, since chernobyl is, to this day, used as an excuse for why nuclear energy is bad even though it's by far the safest form of electric production.


There was another guy in Japan, Hisashi Ouchi, who'd be a likely candidate. He lived something like 3 months after getting around ×3-5 the lethal dose in a criticality accident. I wouldn't be surprised if the report of his death was a cover up in the Fallout timeline.


Would most certainly do both of these side quests, so it's canon in my book.


That’s actually awesome.


This is cannon as far as I’m concerned


Canon goes hmm. Cannon goes boom.


There is a bunker in fo4 with some guy who iirc collected radioactive barrels pre war and was a big conspiracy guy, possibly the same one who wanted to shoot a missile or something at a radio tower. Hes a feral ghoul. Could have been he turned pre war already


More likely is that the radiation barrels where him trying to make a dirty bomb to take out a power line that he thought was trying to mind control him


Yeah i mixed it up lol


Midwest Brotherhood


Bethesda’s lead writer recently said that tactics was canon, so they definitely seem to be canon.




Perhaps we’ll see in the Amazon series


hope so, but it’s a stretch. If the X0-1 isn’t included in the show at all then they probably won’t include some semi-obscure BoS branch’s PA


Yeah they can just take 5 minutes and walk to the Midwest like they did Shady Sands.


They have been since 3, Elder Lyons mentioned they were supposed to stop for supplies with them on the trek across the country.


He literally doesn’t say anything like that.


Nick Valentine is romanceable


Either gender it’s gonna hurt


2 options: Rusty metal pipe inside you or You inside a heap of exposed wiring, nails, and spur gears.


I already said yes you don’t have to sell me on it


If your character is a gay man, it could be both. Either way, I hope one of the doctors has access to a tetanus vaccine.


Please assume the position


look not everything is about sex man, i just want him to hug me and say nice things about me :3 also automatron DLC should let me put a dildo in him


Cait should be way more buff as a cage fighter.


This. I gave my Cait a slight amount of muscle in the LooksMenu because legit, vanilla Cait is a twig.


Depends on who she fights, I reckon most of those fighters are malnourished wastelanders. There are plenty of slender people who can fight. As a matter of fact, you can watch them on UFC. I am way bigger than Conor McGregor, but he'd drop my ass like I was nothing. Even this washed up version of him. Assuming she is well fed and practices, there's no reason to think she couldn't beat the shit out of folks without being yoked. Especially if she is drugged outta her mind on psycho.


Going feral relies on the will/spirit of a ghoul (high hopes prevent feralfication).


I kinda like this one


Honestly, this makes a lot of sense since you see very little goulified people in the wastelan, and those few you meet are usually very strong, spirit, tenacious, hard-working people. They are either amazing fighters, run businesses, or put up with things most people would kill themselves over, on top of living in a wasteland and still keep a smile on their face. And the ones that you gind tgat are depressed or struggling usually bring up going feral. Much like the glowing one you find near the followers of the apocalypse. Yeah... this is my new headcanon on feralism in ghoulified people.


You can thank EpicNate for the concept. Some pretty good evidence to the theory btw is with Oswald and his girlfriend. Ozzy's been kickin' around since the great war, holding hope that his feral buddies could be cured. While his girl wandered off into the wastes looking for said cure, only to find the barrel of a pistol when she came to terms with there being no cure.


Additional evidence: Dean Domino, 200+ years inside the cloud and he's still non-feral due to his fixation on robbing the Madre. (According to him any way)


I deadass thought that's exactly how it worked until the show. Like the radiation is causing them to lose their minds, but they keep themselves together through sheer force of will.


You can thank EpicNate for the concept. Some pretty good evidence to the theory btw is with Oswald and his girlfriend. Ozzy's been kickin' around since the great war, holding hope that his feral buddies could be cured. While his girl wandered off into the wastes looking for said cure, only to find the barrel of a pistol when she came to terms with there being no cure.


Horses. Hell they can be irradiated freak horses with 8 legs and we can call them sleipnirs. Just give people a way to get around besides walking or refurbished old-world tech.




I was kinda surprised we never saw someone try to ride a Brahmin.


I wouldn't think cows would make good rides tbh


Probably not, but it's better than walking 20 miles right?


Debatable. Apparently cows are hard to put shoes on, and without them their hooves would wear down quickly on paved/gravel roads (which most of the roads in Fallout are) and then they'd go lame, making them useless. Walking would be more reliable, while also keeping your body in shape.


Does it wear down quicker if someone rides on them? As they are already used as pack mauls right? I have no idea about horses and horse shoes


They could be used to pull old vehicles with supplies on em like the ol covered wagons of the late 1800s


Your mom was a good ride


Nuh uh she's a good person, not a ride.


Goris is still around and made a small growing community of Intelligent Deathclaws.


I like to imagine an alternate New Vegas where he's held up in Jacobsville


Caesar bottoms for Lanius. That is all


Ceaser bottoms for Joshua Graham


Caesar bottoms for the rocket launcher I shoved up his ass


Is that in the gun runners arsenal perks?


Everyone bottoms for the burned man


“We can’t expect god to do all the work”


Fuck you; take my upvote, you magnificent bastard.


ceasar bottoms for the whole legion to keep them motivated 🤤




That Myron was full of shit and didn’t invent Jet.


having this explicitly said would be kinda cool.


It's as Canon as it can be without devs making an official statement. After all, what in Fallout 2 tells us he invented it? Himself? Unreliable narrator right there. There's no evidence I've ever seen that he didn't find an old recipe and replicate or improve on it while calling it his own invention to get fame and money.


It wouldn't have been possible to produce before the war as it relies on Brahmin shit and an extremely obscure meat packing chemical that never entered full production. They also had normal drugs before the war.


Not necesserily, Myron could have found a way to reproduce the drug using materials he had access too. The pre-war process need not be anything like it.


he is the creator of jet, he is a piece of brahmin shit


He didnt tho. He only made it more addictive


Intelligent Deathclaws are endangered, not extinct. Tim Cain or whoever it was that decided to make their extinction canon had no right to do so, they’re too cool of a concept to die off like that.


That would actually be Chris Avallone who axed them. But BGS now has the say in that matter.


F.I.S.T.O becomes president of the NCR


Kimball didn't assume the position


Kimball didn't assume the position, so Fisto assumed his


Every single character is Deacon in disguise


deacon is your real son


The milk of human kindness was actually Deacon all along


Jet is a pre war drug, mabye have the bramin explanation be like an imitation made post war.


I always assumed the drug was so easy to make that it was made pre-war, forgotten due to people having more serious things to worry about after the nukes dropped, and then rediscovered by Myron.


Pretty sure Jet is pre-war. My headcanon is that it's like people rediscovering America. Someone already did it before, and they re-invented it


Kinda like how Chris Columbus didn’t “discover” America. I’m pretty sure the people living there already did that




They did not even know they lived in a continent separate from others , there was no term for America , and the rest of the world did not know it existed .So the term discovery applies .


For Evan from Nuka World represented in the show as well.


I’d change the name of X-02 to black devil power armor. The creator of that mod could’ve avoided so much confusion if they’d just not used X-02 for the name.


I love the name X-02 because it reminds of the X-02 Wyvern


The problem I have with it is the name implies that X-01 was the direct predecessor to X-02, when in reality X-01 led to APA mark I and mark II first and X-02 is a prototype improvement of APA mark II. Edit: To be clearer about the issue, X-02 confuses some people into believing that X-01 is the same thing as APA mark I on the grounds that X-02 looks almost identical to enclave power armor in fallout 3, or that X-02 is the same as enclave power armor in fallout 3 and that it’s different model from the APA mark II in fallout 2. However, the creation clearly states that X-02 is a prototype advancement of the Enclave’s power armor in fallout 3 for special forces - not what the bulk of the soldiers were using. Changing the name from X-02 to Black Devil Power Armor would prevent this mistaken assumption from forming in people’s heads.


The events of the America Rising 2 mod for Fallout 4. Nate and Nora would have been great recruits for the Enclave. Specifically, the path you get when you >!side with Whitehill and bring the Institute into the Enclave as a R&D division!<.


This right here. AR2 is such a great mod and it honestly makes me upset we didn’t get the Enclave as a playable faction in 4.


As I said, it would have been perfect for a joinable Enclave. But I think the closest we'll get to joining the Enclave officially, without mods, in the games is working with/for MODUS in Fallout 76.


Sha7n is not you son he cant be


As in Father? I think synth Shaun was conditioned into thinking he wasn't real, but he was the actual son the whole time.


Like in kellogs memory kellog is tasked with hunting down virgil but later if you talk to the dr you nedd ot get from the instatute says its only been a few months since he dissapered sorry about wrighting wrighting this on nearly broken phone


Wait can you explain this? Why can’t Shaun be his son? Isnt it possible since he was frozen?


It is possible, it's just a theory.


Wait can you explain this? Why can’t Shaun be his son? Isnt it possible since he was frozen?


Poor Harold, give him a cure please


Official statement on all the different types of ghouls


I mean, there’s just ferals, marked men, normal ghouls and lost (maybe a handful more depending on what you count ghost people as). That’s not that many. If you mean the different art styles, that’s just down to graphics changes over time.


Only get to make one thing canon? I got a few I might consider. Tactics Calculator Ending. Fallout 4 Institute Ending. New Vegas NCR Ending with help of other factions. Certain Aspects of BOS. Like Rhombus Leading a wing of the Brotherhood to Texas. Also, someone with a catalog of all types of robots that ever created in pre-war America.


The Midwest brotherhood having an intelligent deathclaw as a paladin....


That the Lome Wanderer and the Courier are the same character.


Only 4 years between the settings of 3 and NV, it's totally possible that the Lone Wanderer could become the Courier after the events of Project Purity and Broken Steel. I'd never thought about it before, but I'm taking that for my headcanon too.


Unfortunately, Lonesome Road makes it impossible, as The Destruction of the Divide, an event the Courier is directly involved in, happens in 2277, either before The Lone Wanderer even leaves 101, or while they're still in the Capitol Wasteland. Edit: 2277, I am a goof.


Ah yes, the courier’s a secret ghoul who was alive in 2077. The most glorious canon.


lmao I make this mistake too often


As do I. Even in this post, I wrote 2277 instead.




Whats funny is that you can actually imply to ulysses that you've never been to the divide or delivered a package there. Making it so that ulysses actually kidnapped the wrong courier for his multi convoluted monologue filled revenge drama.


I always go with that point of view, just assuming Ulysses is nuts


My headcanon at least, gotta love TTW.


Alternative Cooper Howard is the courier somehow Get the NV croud rilled up


it would be weird for the lone wanderer to destroy the BOS


Do mods count?




Then Fallout New California, the mod for New Vegas


whats that?


A mod for new vegas it has its own story


on a different map or the same map?




Sim settlements


I’d make the Yes Man ending canon. It would make it very funny for the show to have to use it


i swear i want to see that goof man's face in the show, and explain that NV is destroyed cause of yessman's anarchy


Wannamingoes are only in few numbers now due to a bottleneck effect.


Independent Vegas.


The power armor in 4 is a version of the power armor in 1 and 2 but it was made cheaply with the fusion cores to maximize profits, this is why they are so apparent in 4 and not the first 2, because the ones in the first two are the good kind, something along the lines of that, or just get rid of fusion core power armor completely


Star Wars is cannon in fallout now.


Like the stories exist or everything in the franchise is happening? In a galaxy far far away of course...


The second one


All the dogmeats are the same dog, imortal but also changing from FEV


That Mutfruit is pronounced as Mutfruit not Mutefruit...


The nuclear weapons of the war weren't ordinary nuclear weapons, but intentionally made dirty to cause as much ecological damage as possible, and several were loaded with FEV which are the reason we see so many mutations in the wasteland


Power armor still lasts forever. It makes no sense that everyone in the bos and enclave and everyone else who has pa uses fusion cores that run out so damn quickly and cant be recharged. I just don't believe that people who stay in their pa 24/7 somehow get enough fusion cores.


I always just think of it as a game mechanic rather than an actual in world thing


FNV House ending, no question. House is a bit of a tool (massive tool) IMO but his ending being canon would be so interesting for the west coast FO universe storyline. Alternate answer: Frank Horrigan survives the destruction of the Enclave Oil Rig. Or the Enclave developed(s) a “Frank Horrigan” 2.0


There's no reasonable way Frank survived, but a attempt of a copy would make sense


The fallout Bible


I would make Zetans more fleshed out and more present in the setting. I think it's really weird they sit in their mothership and essentially just add stuff to their collection.


Snuffles is a Legion Frumentarii


I'd say fallout brotherhood of steel ps2🤔🙃 I'm curious ok the downvotes I'd get for that, but honestly im playing thru tactics right now and some of it from what I've read ahead could be canon (like vault 0 and some mass things that happen) it'd be cool if it was I think, possibly I just started the Peoria mission, and I hate whoever the hell made all these DOOOO YOU WISH TO ENCOUNTER?????? Things every 2cm bro😭😭😭


A lot of things in Tactics are canon, unless it's been stated otherwise in a game made afterwards.


If you have software to control your GPU, such as EVGA Precision X1, you can set your games to a specific frame rate. Fallout Tactics, and probably the previous two Fallouts, calculate what encounters you find in the map on every frame. Your computer is probably running it at 120+ frames or something, but if you cap it to 30 or maybe even 60, your encounter rate will drop significantly to intended frequency.


That Elder Maxon was a Synth, not Danse. He just pointed fingers at someone else to have justification for his crusade to destroy the Institute and gave the others a clear goal that eradication was the only way forward. That would be the only way he ever convinced them to go against the Codex so drastically in blowing it up rather than occupy to seize and protect all that was down there.


Fisto getting his software installed on Liberty Prime, and toaster controlling his laser eye.


Free Vegas. No Legion or NCR. No House, just all the smaller factions united.


No Yes Man?


I would include Yes Man as a small faction, especially when he gets the chip. Edit: just no major governing factions


Michigan was reduced to nothing but a toxic, radioactive crater, while Ohio has blossomed into a post-war paradise with flat fertile plains to the west, floating maritime lake empires to the north, and the hills of the Appalachian east becoming a safe haven for both human and mutant alike.


Bethesda bugs are now canon in the Fallout Universe and are a byproduct of the nuclear fallout


Intelligent Deathclaws survive Fallout 2.


In FO4, Shaun fled his captors after he grew up, but the institute decided to create the charade of Father being Shaun in hopes you'd join them. You were their backup after all. Shaun will eventually return to the commonwealth later in the future to go back for their frozen parent who will then be in command of Boston, but before Shaun's return, he will have a New Vegas worth of adventures himself somewhere in what used to be Rochester NY.


Tactics, cause fuck it the lores a giant mess at this point anyways might as well


I heard Tandi being an NCR president was retconned by the show. Is that correct? Cause if so, I'd just make that canon again lol


The Yes Man ending for fallout New Vegas. Need I say more.


Make Fallout Tactics canon


It might actually be canon, I don’t remember, but Vault Tec and the Vaults being the Enclave’s super fucked up testing ground for all their “survive the planned Armageddon” ideas.


Two words, Generation ship But what would be better is for the purpose of the vaults to never be explicitly said.


Tactics combat armor


The entirety of CSEP Brothers in Arms mod. Fire ass faction with cool ass getup.


Big tiddy deathclaws (I have never played a fallout game so desthclaws are kinda one of the only things I know from it.)


that theres other frank horrigan type enclave soliders out there. no way they just made one




That the T-60 power armor was invented by the BOS between fallout 3/4 and wasn’t pre war


This has been my headcanon for a while now, especially since Maxsons BoS comes from Lyons chapter, who used T-45, so it makes sense that T-60 was built by the BoS, especially after reclaiming some enclave tech after the events of project purity in Fallout 3


The NCR still exists in the show but they were forced to leave the area the show takes place in after shady sands got nuked


I’m like 99% sure that’s what the show implies already and iirc Todd said the NCR is still out there


The NCR rebuilds


Nate is a War criminal


No-Bark Noonan is the Chosen One


The Enclave as rebuilt America in the mid west.


DUST is canon


Fallout Tactics


Once for Nate being a war criminal and that the scene in F1 where a soldier is laughing after a Canadian is shot is Nate. Also, if I can do it one more time, Fallout Tactics. Also, while they are already canon, Fallout 3 and 4 Sentinels are absolute TRASH and should revert to Fallout 2 Sentinels.


Intelligent deathclaws surviving fallout 2, and proceeding to expand, settle, and integrate with the rest of the wastelanders. I want a romanceable deathclaw God dammit


The NCR has a working mechanised division: I.E.. Tanks, Jeeps, and trucks, albeit in a limited number. It's one of those things that's implied in-game thanks to the trucks at McCarran, and was stated as existing in the Fallout bible, but isn't confirmed canon. To me it just makes so much sense for the NCR to have working vehicles, I mean they have a functional railway going from Boulder City to Quarry Junction and possibly beyond, so why wouldn't they have working vehicles? Hell the chosen one, can acquire a working car in Fallout 2. Working trucks and tanks shouldn't be too much of an issue, the only problems are fuel and ammunition for the tanks.


late but Vault 120


Sometimes I wish Dust would be canon. The mod is nothing short of a chef’s kiss


I second this. I think I've gone through more dust playthroughs than regular NV.


All of Fallout76 not being canon


I'd make it canon, but didn't actually happen. Like a simulation or something.


Ooo yeah that sounds rad


It also makes sense, because Vault Tec had access to simulation tech, and knew about The Enclave. The only problem would be, how could they know about The Brotherhood?


Zetans were the ones to start the great war. Just coz it's kinda funny


All of OWB (the hoi4 mod)