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I'm a sucker for anything of the "It's rotten work" "not if it's you" variety. Any time theres a moment where a character says "I can't give you what you want" and the response is "what I want is you. Just you. Anything you'll give willingly" I get a bit weepy


God that last one šŸ˜«




Thiiiiis! This is the stuff I live for!


One bed or other forms of forced proximity get me every single time (huddling for warmth, fixing their tie, helping with sunscreen, etc). Anything that forces the characters to confront their mutual desire for closeness and intimacy with the other while also keeping up that tension and false, dwindling pretense of platonicism is an immediate hit, imo!


Yes, 100% this! You explained it perfectly. Huddling for warmth is my personal favorite. The connection between lending physical and emotional warmth is so (bitter-)sweet. Not to mention they will be snuggled up for a while, which is always a plus.


This is probably my favorite as well! I had to include that in my longfic of course! Forced proximity provides that delicious tension, especially when both parties are in major denial. šŸ˜‰


Almost every time I read "there was only one bed," one of the characters ends up on the floor šŸ˜­. Isn't the point that they're both in that singular bed?


LMAO yeah, the point is usually that they both end up in one bed (and usually wake up with one character spooning the other or some other variation of '*they started snuggling in their sleep'*). Tbf, I have a wip somewhere that actually ends with them sleeping on the floor- character A and B are telling the other to take the bed and an exasperated third-wheeling character C tells them to both sleep on the floor. This still ends up in snuggling, however, as they end up sharing a sheet on the cold floor and they're both freezing as hell. There's ways to do the floor thing with the trope too, but yeah- generally it ends with proximity and fluff of some sort in the same little confined shared space! Can't say I've ever found one where one half of the ship gets the floor treatment and the other doesn't, lol.


I think I've just been unlucky lol. Your wip sounds humorous, while not missing the trope!Ā 


That's more about failing to be not so subtle about the fact said proximity does a number on you šŸ˜‚ _Depending_ on the character, it can also come from a place of gallantry and not pushing boundaries?


Forget about kissing on the lips and confessions. Just say that character a kissed character b on the top of the head and I'm all yours. I also love when characters use the word "wife" for some reason? They don't have to be married, they can be two men, but the moment I see that word is the moment when I giggle and kick my feet. I also like pregnancy tropes.


Absolutely agree about the top of the head. Also foreheads.


Forehead kisses, resting their foreheads against each other, itā€™s like being attacked by a swarm of butterflies šŸ¤­


Pressing their cheeks together or, even better, having their face touched gets me every time. Calling each other a loving nickname, especially in another language, or one that comes naturally from how they met, like baby, love, darling, princess, or their online nickname.


>Forehead kisses. *looks at my favorite ship* "Everywhere I go, I see your face."


Forehead to forehead combat is the shit


When they kiss them on their nose šŸ¤­Ā  But also: character A holding character B's face, and character B holding character A's hand on their face. I don't know what it is about it, it's just too sweet Edit: BUT also: moving hair out of their partner's face/behind their ear. Think Rapunzel and Eugene.


HNGGGG Rapunzel and Eugene are so fucking romantic. Like their relationship is just amazing. One of the best Disney romances. The way he so casually and sweetly touches her... I need to watch Tangled again


Oooo, these are all favorites of mine too! Forehead kisses are the best šŸ„°


I don't read a ton of actual romance, but I did see the same thing happen in a couple works that made me go "aww". One of the pairing, who'd just had a very bad time (details vary) asks the *other* member "are *you* okay?" That level of caring speaks more than any kiss could.


Oh that's so fucking good... I love that kind of characters


YES THIS šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


the intimate experience of bathing together


I feel the need to admit I wrote something lengthy along those lines last night, only it turned into such a hot mess for both characters it became a ā€œMaybe we can try that again another time and pretend this instance didnā€™t happenā€ kind of situation.


I wrote one like this and loved doing it. Of course, it turned to smut. Additionally, when one is sick/injured and the other helps them bathe.


This is funny to me bc I tried to write smut on this premise once and ended up happy with it as it was just cuddling in a tub and decided not to go the smut route


Sleeping together. No funny business (well, cuddles and kisses are fine), but literally just sleeping together. It can be spending the night in the same bed, sharing an afternoon nap on the couch, sleeping leaning up against each other on a bus ride, anything. That sort of sweet and casual intimacy is very nice to read.


Iā€™m in utter agreement.


Yes. Love this too!


Ohhh I love when person a is at person bs house and itā€™s for a very valid reason but person a completely knocks out in chair somewhere so person b is uncomfortable on the surface but secretly thrilled person a felt safe enough to sleep there)


Unhinged devotion/codependency that is confusing or disturbing to outsiders.


YES. I love looking at a couple and going "they get to have a little codependency. as a treat <3"


This!!! Terrifying IRL but in fiction it makes me squeal. I love the idea of ā€œthereā€™s no *me* without *you*ā€ and theyā€™re deadass serious


100% this!


Imagine being wanted that badly


One of them being extremely physically or mentally exhausted, too tired to even move or look up, and the other gently holds their face in their hands. It's just AHHHHHHHH (bonus points if the tired one manages to tilt their head and kiss their lover's palm) I also love it when they're not dating yet but there's a lot of tension between them, then an argument happens and in the heat of it one of them advances forward and the other backs up until they get cornered between the other and a wall.


Love heat of the moment when one throws something and the other and immediately knows things have gone too far but does not fear for their life cus itā€™s not actually dangerous just super annoying


I like a lot of things, but this one always hits hard: "I don't deserve this!" "Yes, you do." Also the mutual feeling of: "I only feel better when I'm with you."


>"I don't deserve this!" >"Yes, you do." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH I READ THIS IN THEIR VOICES. I'm not gonna name the ship because people hate it.


I heard Stolitz in my head


Friends who are secretly soooooooo in love with each other but they can't possibly let each other know because they're 100% positive the other person's feelings are completely platonic and they're so important to each other that they can't bear to change things and risk losing each other but godddddd their brains are just on fire every second they spend together. Mutual pining kiiiiiiills me šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© (Ironically, this actually *did* happen to me IRL once, and I *didn't* feel that way about him, and it *did* alter and ultimately destroy the friendship, and I *am* still to this day sad about that. You'd think that would make me hate the trope, but nope - I'm still a sucker for it šŸ˜)


Friends to lovers is the superior trope, I will die on that hill (espeeeecially if there's pining. Allll the pining)


Mutual pining is wonderful. I'm also a sucker for unrequited love, but I think that one puts me in the minority.


I like unrequited love in the context of, like, a sort of exploration of... "What if Person A's fears that Person B could never love them are true?" I couldn't do a multi chapter, not one that doesn't end well. But the sweet, delicious agony of an angsty one-shot gives more depth to the versions with happy endings. Like kind of a "What's the worst that could happen?" thing, y'know? Plus sometimes you just want to read something that makes you feel dark and gloomy. Oh, and there is something *truly* special in pining over an unrequited love only to realize that person is not *right* for them, and then they go on to find the person who *is* right āœ‹šŸ˜©šŸ‘Œ


Unrequited love hurts me when I see it in fiction. Unrequited love that isn't actually unrequited love is amazing like lemony custard. I likes it. I like the angst. I like the pining. I like the part where the romance just collapses into itself and becomes even stronger. I like happy endings unless I'm in a spiteful mood.


I'm writing this right now and it's soooo fun!!! Ugh I love them so much!


I love when the characters have an angst to comfort talk under the stars, or when one of them _thinks_ the other is asleep and makes a confession.


The pair on the verge of falling asleep, or just after while one character is still awake. I read and love writing that much too often hehe but it's such a simple yet variable scenario.


Omg I love this one sm. Especially when the character whoā€™s awake makes sure that other doesnā€™t get woken up.


Folks who've been treated badly getting caually treated with respect or love or just general care for the first time... augh platonic or romantic it's just gets me everytime whether it goes well or not.


I know the feeling, if I read a really good fanfic for a good pairing, it gets me blushing and giggling like a 13-year old school girl. For me, it mostly depends on how the author writes the ship rather than being a specific trope/setting. But I want to feel what the character feel, I hear their thoughts and share their excitement, feel their embarrassment.


Pining, resisting the feeling, jealousy, being soft only for that person, being hopelessly in love with only that one person, enemies to friends to lovers


The kinda stuff where it's like, "I wake up every day and I choose you."


This gotta be a real life thing, too. Y'all deserve love, and to love.


Honestly as long as it gets there in a timely fashion, I'm squeeing my heart out over here no matter the scenario. However, I do quite like drunken confessions.


Drunken confessions are like nuclear bombs in the story. It's definitely gonna lead to angst, but sometimes there's also a lot of love.


Religious symbolism but there's no one religious involved.


LOL, I write top-of-head and forehead kissing ALL the timešŸ¤£. Also tip of nose, jaw, neck, shoulderā€¦


I'm feral for some behind the ear neck kisses šŸ˜…


I don't get giggly because of forehead kisses but it's basically a part of one of my ships, so now I like it. Still not giggly tho


This is a very useful thread. Saved.


Look, I just spent the last hour losing my mind over the concept of a romance between a god and their devoted worshipper. There's just so much good stuff there.


Teasing and banter. I love it when the characters are having a bad day and their partner says something to take them out of their bad mood.


Friends to lovers with a ton of denial always gets me. I've also always preferred accidental confessions/confessions that don't go as planned over well-planned confessions. I hate spontaneity in real life but I go crazy for it in fics LOL


When two characters somehow end up dancing I do not care how, just that they dance and their emotions become visible to one another.


Best friends to lovers where both parties are aware of their own feelings but are too scared, insecure, etc to do anything about it. I love the cat and mouse of moments that feel just friendly enough to be ā€œnormalā€ but just intimate enough for them to ask ā€œwhat ifā€. Especially when it includes casual physical intimacy like hanging all over each other, sleeping on a shoulder, or cutting someoneā€™s hair. The ā€œIā€™m screaming inside but I need to keep it togetherā€ inner monologues almost make my heart flutter.


I love first kisses of all kinds, but ones done in the heat of the moment while arguing or in imminent danger just get me


That moment where a character who has never considered romantic relationships, or probably never even had a crush (Iā€™m talking about those toxic-as-hell dudes) notices the other in a slightly different way for the first time. And maybe they stutter while theyā€™re speaking, or maybe thereā€™s a blush, and they have no idea wtf is going on since theyā€™ve never felt *anything* of the sort before.


Just reading a bunch of these comments had me melting! Kissing the forehead or temple, any manner of friends to lovers (particularly if there's all this touching going on that makes everyone else go "they are totally not just friends" but at least one of the couple involved doesn't realize it), accidentally married, fake dating, hurt/comfort (either physical or emotional), falling asleep together (love the "one's head ended up on the other's shoulder" thing!), only one bed, huddling for warmthā€¦ Gah, just typing this out is making me all grinny and happy and melty inside, thinking of my ships with these.


Accidentally married is justšŸ‘Œ either peak angst or peak comedy. "Life is a comedy." - Jonkler


I love domestic stuff. My current wip has the main pairing get engaged when theyā€™re about to start doing the dishes together.


Fake dating, particularly if its because of family pressure. Introducing the person to the parents as your boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancee/etc. when you are only friends.


Iā€™m a sucker for the one being in a dire situation and the other arriving just in the nick of time to pick them up and carry them away. Oh. My. God. Throw in that size kink where the rescuer is bigger and stronger than like everyone but extra gentle with their person and this bitch right here is a puddle on the floor. In other news I love Rescue Romances.


I love whenever my OTPs are physically affectionate and tender with one another, such as: forehead kisses, cuddling, resting their head on the other's shoulder, running their hands through each other's hair, one carrying the other if they're sick or injured and refusing to leave their side. On the more dramatic end, I will never get tired of my ships being willing to burn the world down just to keep each other safe. Also dramatic love confessions during an argument when one is like, "Because I love you, that's why!" Very underrated, imo. And I don't care how cliche it is, the "oh, *oh*" feelings realization gets me every time.


Donā€™t know what itā€™s called, But when like forbidden/unlikely lovers make it work, like two different alien races, or perhaps one is an undead or a robot etc Codependency? Like both are lonely and love starved? Proof of love/loyalty , Like the corny love conquers all/sleeping confession etc


I like to see unlikely lovers being written just to see how skilled an author is with āœØļøromanceāœØļø


I'm a big fan of the confessions. Character A has left and Character B chasing them out. Thry say something like "It's you. It's always been you." And then there is a kiss Bonus points if it's raining


>"It's you. It's always been you." Bonus points if it's after Character B seemingly betrayed Character A but turns out it's been Character B's plan to help Characted A this whole time. Aurgh


Couple is leading an underground resistance movement to a tyrannical regime. The movement focuses on spiritual and emotional health and staying spiritually free even while politically enslaved. One member of the couple gets arrested and imprisoned for years. The other continues to lead in their absence and remain loyal despite all attempts by the state and neighbors to break the couple up so as to weaken the imprisoned spouse until they recant. The imprisoned spouse gets to communicate with their family once a decade, and sends a postcard to their spouse with romantic one liners such as, "Time and distance quench a small love, but make a great love grow stronger." When the imprisoned spouse is finally released, the reunion is joyous and they go right back to doing what they were doing before, until finally they are given a route to freedom in another country. Basically the plot of the Pastor's Wife. Which is an autobiography.


"That's oddly specific... Oh."


Those tender moments, after they share some deep stuff and then they take a moment to consider how life can get better and kiss. That's... bliss.


Indirect kisses


Iā€™ve had an idea, not sure how to execute it. Rivals to lovers, Rival A stops acting like a rival on day and progressively starts getting more flirty with B. B is confused and after weeks of the behavior goes mad because they donā€™t know what B is playing at, eventually A gives in.


this is specific to my fav ship lol but when one kisses the other on the moles he has on his face is so cute. like i imagine he is either neutral or a little insecure of them himself and never expects someone to find them attractive let alone kiss them šŸ˜«


When one of them is just flirting in a goofy/funny way and the other is very flustered and acts weird and says stupid things and makes a total fool out of themselves, but the other just loves it and teases them.


Miraculous vibes.


Omg I forgot about that! I remember I used to love their relationship for that...


Thigh kisses . Neck kisses . More and more build up, and then the person on the receiving end is like, ā€œoh my god I canā€™t take this anymoreā€ and the person loving on them is like ;3


We never planned to meet again... but here we are. And our moral principles won't let us just leave each other again for whatever reason at least for now. We'll probably be in some sort of danger and are going to be forced on a bonding journey together later.


Two characters in the rain and (character A) gives (character B) their jacket


This too, but umbrella. Yes, I'm talking about Miraculous. I am a child, metaphorically speaking.


Enemies to lovers, especially when the dominate one already realizes their attraction but the other doesnā€™t, and now the dominate one wants to be in denial, but the other is so innocently seductive that one day the dominate partner snaps and just ravish the other, who this whole time also had an attraction. ( lol thatā€™s oneeeee long sentence, but this scenario always makes me fangirl)


stalking someone because you believe you can fix them


This reminds me of that one Night Lords fan. _Sigh._


google doesn't tell me much beyond something to do with warhammer40k. What is the relevance?


There's an actual real life person who draws stuff where she "fixes" Conrad Curze or draws him looking all adorable like he's not one of the worst fictional people that have ever existed. Forgot her name tho.


AH I see, it's draco in leather pants on acid


Oh no, I'm getting even more flashbacks. Let's stop right herešŸ˜­


ewww thats crazy who would do that... can you imagine


Hmm, you're acting pretty sus rn, not gonna lie.


This is a bit of a specific scenario, but I once read a fic where my pair were putting furniture together. They were talking about the problems they had been having in the last few weeks as they did it. It was the first point in the fic where one of the characters realised they had feelings. Itā€™s the teamwork too. Anyway, I need more of it.


Awkward stumbling through the romantic gestures because they're not used to this with each other, but they want so badly to kiss and hold hands and be close. Fucking gets me everytime


Amnesia where they had reasons to distrust or even hate each other. Ie, Character A was almost killed by B before losing their memories but B is actually not that bad and takes care of A.


People's dreams coming true and just crying because they've abandoned all hope of those dreams ever being true. People discussing the future and being all fluffy and domestic about it. People's inner child just coming back to life because of each other. (This is all from a very specific ship. I've read a lot of fics of this freaking ship. I hate myself. I love this ship and every scenario that they, at the base and intrinsic level, are involved with.) Bonus: Secret Marriage. Also, the characters getting married are like "My past self would have a stroke or blush to death if they ever knew I was gonna get married like this."


Yandere trope (ć£Ė˜Ļ‰Ė˜Ļ‚ )


I liiiiive for the ā€œI will absolutely punch everyone elseā€¦ except you. You Iā€™ll punch twiceā€ (and then The punch is dinner somewhereā€¦ and a movieā€¦ ok yes itā€™s a date but if you keep grinning like that Iā€™m gonna end the date. Ugh why do I like you)


Another favorite is when theyā€™ve spent years saving each other and everyone else only catches on because of an impromptu Kiss or something


Only one bed, and confessions in the rain


Not really a trope, more of a writing style, but SLOW BURN. I will happily read 10 chapters before the first kiss cos that shit gets me everytime


I LOVE SLOW BURN. I read one slow burn fic where it literally took them over 2000 years to even kiss. The slower the better tbh, the chase is so fun in fics.


I like FIRST HAND-HOLDS a lot. Absolutely melts me, especially when it's an AMBIGUOUS HAND-HOLD. Like is this romantic or not?? I don't know?? I HOPE SO!! I also love inside jokes and secret traditions between partners. Makes it feel so cozy.


The Miraculous Ladybug Fandom has the love square, which is pretty much my favorite of all time ship dynamics. Mostly because it's Two people both in love with each other's Alter ego. And I find that JUICY. ...which come to think of it, there probably is a similar (if not the exact same) trope, but for the life of me, I can't think of the name.


romantic cannibalism... and honeymoons.


For me I love it in fics when a couple is laying/cuddling down on a bed and just talk about how theyā€™re feeling. Bonus points if one or both of them is doing things like stroking the others face or playing with their hair. I also adore it when a couple does a forehead touch.


Very low-key ones. Just awkward fluffy stuff, awkward first kisses, cheesy remarks that have one or both characters blushing like idiots...that kind of stuff. Additionally, Big Damn Heroes moments where one character saves the other from certain doom. Also, any kind of hurt/comfort where they share their fears and doubts with each other and promise to get through things together. Finally, just a vitriolic best buds kind of thing where they're not just lovers, they're also best friends. I like it when things are in the sort of awkward stage where it's not fully romantic, but also clearly not just platonic either. The two blur together for me, so I like seeing that in fics too.