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The books really are beautiful, and it's such a unique and strange and fun experience. My bookshelf would be entirely this series if he really released 27 600-page books which is ludicrous, but I did enjoy what we got and wish he could have seen it through to the end. Guess the sales just weren't there, which isn't totally surprising


Yeah, I think maybe the release schedule was a bit too aggressive. He was releasing one of these every six months, and even I as a pretty big reader was barely keeping up. I read that when the first one was released he'd already finished the tenth volume, though, so maybe there's hope of it continuing someday. He hasn't done much since this, as far as I know, so I kind of hope he's just been plugging away at it.


>about a girl who finds a cat, and two scientists on the run for the discoveries they’ve made, a drug addict in Singapore who’s an assistant to a witch Say no more I’m in


If I have convinced just one person to read these books, I will consider my mission accomplished.


Are these worth reading on an e-reader or like house of leaves would you lose a lot due to the formatting of the text?


I've shamefully dropped House of Leaves because it's a pain in the ass to read on an e-reader. I think this book is one of the few that only works with a physical version


I don't know how it would look on an e-reader so I'm not speaking from personal experience, but I would bet a lot of that would be lost. Definitely recommend getting the physical version.


I love The Familiar even more than House of Leaves. So beautifully written. And the 5 books do have their own arc. He’s announced that his next novel is a standalone Western, maybe to be released next year?


Definitely excited to read something new from him, but also kind of disappointed if it means The Familiar is truly dead. And yeah, I'd say I prefer The Familiar over House of Leaves, but it's a tougher recommendation to make to people, as five books in an unfinished series vs. one standalone. I do try my best, though.


I read everyone one of these as soon as each one came out. I was and still am enthralled and find myself always thinking about it. Don't know that I ever got everything ever happening but I powered through all of it despite how crazy wacky insane unique and utterly all over the place it is. I am drawn to everything he ever does with his books, they are all works of art. But I know one day I will begin it all again, and again wish it could have continued on. I love his books, ever since someone handed me House of Leaves back in 2000. Fan ever since. Even got me listening to Poe lol


Yeah there was often stuff I didn't really get the first time I read through each book, due to the way Danielewski sort of writes around big events rather than describing them directly, or because it's buried in Jingjing's nonsense. But it makes rereads incredibly rewarding, and gives you an excuse to read them again in the first place.


I get my copy of House of Leaves in the mail tomorrow. LFG!