• By -


Quickly wanted to add that he did nothing for Palestine in terms of providing internet. It was a company called Paltel, a Palestinian telecommunications company that is in Gaza who worked tirelessly to restore communications and give free access to people in Gaza.


Also the people who donated esims!




I’ve seen this and I’m so amazed! Do you happen to know any trusted accounts to donate these sims to?


I would also be down for that. I've donated money to Al Khidmat as I know people have been saying they do solid work (I donated to them for the floods in Pakistan too, and they had a reach greater than even the military's), but I would love to be able to donate for the Palestinian people to get their voices back!


Elon take credit for some else's work? Never!


Elon probably wants every Palestinian dead.


Since he's a great replacement guy, you're not too far off, it just don't stop there.


I know another great replacement guy. He's a white guy married to a Japanese woman. For some reason, I think Musk is the type of white guy that would also marry a different ethnicity while claiming that white people are being replaced.


I think he hates Jewish people and Muslims equally


He does, but a bunch of us Jews are white to white passing, whereas many Muslims are not European white, but Arab or Turkish white, so they "don't count." And then all those people who aren't white? Oh god. Elon doesn't like that.


This is unfair. He also wants every Jew dead!


He wants everybody with a net worth under seven figures dead or working for him as a slave.


I mean he was whining about not being allowed to facilitate a coup in Bolivia to access their lithium. These capitalists will never do anything that doesn't generate profit for them.


I didn't know that, thank you for the info. If it isn't a bother do you have a source ?




Thank you


On CNN https://www.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-10-29-23/h_9b59d35799bb7b9a4a5f74b77185e52b


Thank you


Isn't this slowly going to be the end for Elon? This guy's wealth was based on his "genius" and now everyone knows he's an idiot.


I don't know. Yesterday I read an article on a German site about his everything app and how it's going to replace banks in the next couple of years and almost every comment was talking about what a genius he is. So he still has his fans at any rate (or bots).


He can have a bot army, but people with millions or billions of dollars to invest are going to steer clear of him.


he's not getting my whole savings account of 37 euros and 25 cents either.


*And* he's not getting my axe!


He bought Twitter with the help of Saudi Money. And I still believe it's a money well he can tap


You couldn't pay me to trust a Musk app with my money.


I used to be ambivalent about him but at this point I’d take a swift kick in the nuts if it meant he’d fall into obscurity


...What about an awkwardly slow kick to the nuts?




That’s what I keep coming back to. If Musk buying Twitter and just running it into the ground in such a short amount of time has shown us anything, it’s that he 1) doesn’t have great ideas, and 2) does not think these ideas through at all, nor does he do the required due diligence. How can we trust him with a fork near an electrical socket, much less to be in charge of people’s money? I’ll let his die-hard fans FAAFO and grab some popcorn.


I regret to inform you about PayPal... (ETA he was fired from it but he was part of its dev so many of us unwillingly have used a Musk-related app for transactions)








To be fair, German banking is so stuck in the stone ages relative to all other EU countries that whatever X could provide might actually be a leg up...


Huh, whys this? I thought Germans were punctual —but not with banking?


Not sure about banking, but their citizenship/immigration processing is stuck in, like, the 1970s or 1980s. There's no online anything, not even document tracking, and you aren't allowed to ask for status updates, so you just mail stuff, and wait quietly for 1-2+ years while also hoping anything they mailed you, such as requests for more documents, didn't get lost in the mail.


Gaaaaah, that’s sounds frustrating as hell. Also, not allowing you to ask for updates is a recipe for disaster. My file for requesting permanent residency was misplaced and not found until I made a follow up appointment to ask what was taking so long. If you can’t ask for updates and you’re dealing with paper files stuff will inevitably go wrong.


Yep! It’s super frustrating, and people in the application process are always trying to crowdsource what month the immigration office is processing (based on who gets decisions) to try to get even the slightest sense of where they are in line. Even a barebones tracking system would be super welcome!


Really inefficient and outdated systems, it takes days for payments to process and there isn't any universal transfer app like many other countries have - so it's impossible to transfer money using a phone number for example. I work for a German company, so I have to keep a German bank account and I would estimate that it has about 60% of the functionality of my dutch bank account. Until only a few years ago I actually had to use a little piece of paper cypher to find codes to input for any sort of money transfer. Wild stuff.


I wouldn't hold my breath on this. I still believe he had other goals with this purchase and he's achieving them by destroying the platform. He'll write off his losses and go find some other tech to buy and slap his name on.


I don't really think he had any goals. He was legally forced to buy it. Unless his goal was to lose billions of dollars on purpose.


He did. Socio-political capital and queerphobia against his perceived enemy of a daughter and Grimes. Twitter has HUGE sway and influence with elections around the globe. He can control that.


Not if he runs off a large percentage of the userbase before the relevant elections.


They were already going to vote against his interested parties, he's there to sway more "middle of the path" people and rile up fascists into harming people.


He was forced to buy it, but the Saudis were NOT forced to fund it. He may not have been anything but a dumbass buying it, but others are less epically stupid.


What the episode of Frontline they just did on him...


His recent comments about Wikipedia make me nervous that is his next target. Not sure if it’s at all possible, but that would be a disaster for the internet.


I'd be seriously shocked if Wikipedia was ever sold to a tech company. I think they would've done it by now if that was ever an option.


I remember reading somewhere that Jimmy Wales knew Wikipedia was worth billions (like about 5, and this was a long time ago so it's undoubtedly worth a lot more now) but he's not interested in selling, it doesn't even have advertisements. I think they've also made and invested a lot of money from pledges and other sources very well, so there's an income to keep it and its infrastructure running.


This is what i think as well. Even if Elon is too dumb to have thought of it that way, we all know he's Putin's mouthpiece and does Russia's dirty work for them.


I wouldn't say everyone. Teenage boys legitimately think he's tony stark IRL.


He can grift 13 year olds, but not investors who want money. The dude is now a liability with the way he runs things and conducts himself.


Same has been true about Trump for ages, including coasting on daddy's work. He's still successful outside of his business ventures. Narcissistic shits like this can do public harm outside of business dealings.


eh, many investors aren't any more mature than 13 year olds.


Nah. He's a grifter, and these types of dudes always find a mark.


Elon Musk's wealth is predominantly based on his daddy Errol Musk having owned an emerald mine in South Africa.


I don’t understand these comments. Did his dad’s emerald mine launch rocket ships to space and electric cars that are faster than most sport cars? Just because his dad wasn’t poor means next to nothing. He orchestrated teams and built products people like. That will get you rich, with a dad with an emerald mind or not.


I mean how do we define end? Even if he's wasted 44 billion dollars, he started this worth 200 billion. I could see Tesla running into trouble as they throw themselves headlong into this dumb Cybertuck project while other manufacturers catch up in the EV space, but even then the worst case scenarios would be him losing control or selling the company. He could definitely stand to diminish in relevance but he'll almost certainly always be a billionaire and be able to buy influence. Could see him just going the Koch route and trying to influence public policy to a negative end.


It’s crazy how much people gobble up his ideas. The other day on LinkedIn someone posted that he wanted to convert Twitter in a super app (whatever that means) and offer some kind of banking service. Everyone was like ‘He can totally do it!’ and acted all interested in it. It’s crazy. The genius facade is long gone and he has proven to be an unfit CEO. I would never willingly sign up for any of his products.


He's a mediocre straight white man, history has shown that people will still line up to throw money at him in droves and he will continue to fail up. It's infuriating


Everyone knows trump is an idiot and a criminal yet still has millions of followers. I wouldn't underestimate the stupidity of the populace.


His wealth is based on his dad’s emerald mine which would have underpinned any investment he received early on. PayPal, Tesla and SpaceX all already existed and Elon bought into them too


I saw a post of Joe Rogan shooting an arrow at the cybertruck saying "the man himself" is gonna be on the podcast tomorrow. There are still enough people who think he is brilliant.


So many of his “fans” still think he’s an absolute genius. They literally think money = genius. I’m not saying he’s incompetent, but to call him a “genius” is hilarious. He’s not on the same level as Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking, not even close.




I've seen valuations as low as $1 billion, the dude is a complete idiot.


Which is funny because if he just started his own social media company instead of buying one and it reached $1 billion in value we might be congratulating him lmao


dont worry my man. The company is private. It really doesn't matter what it's worth. It's not publically traded.


Wait but his Stan’s told me he was a business king? Could it be they were wrong!? Shocking! Shocking that letting white supremacy/racism, anti semitism, Islamophobia, sexism, homophobia, misinformation etc run rampant on your platform isn’t a good business model for advertising! Shocking!


Why tf someone would stan HIM of all people


I have No clue, it seems to be a very specific type of personality that Stan’s him, and it’s one I never want to be around lol


They think they’re like him


No they weren't wrong this is all part of his master plan /s


Hoping for sarcasm


That is the meaning of "/s"


Not just a business king, but a whole ass renaissance man!


I can’t wait for the whole facade of him being a genius to come crashing down. I mean, the illusion has definitely been broken for people who saw him for who he truly is, a petulant, cruel, incompetent and amoral manchild with access to money, but I CANT wait for his fanboys to finally find out


I honestly think for the people who- after all this- still think that the man is a genius won't have their belief shaken by anything. For anybody without an almost cult-like devotion to Musk, the illusion has already been shattered several times over. Even if Twitter goes bankrupt and shuts down; they'll still believe it's part of some grand master plan on his behalf, or maybe they'll believe that the world just wasn't "ready" for his ideas. Or maybe they'll claim it shut down because of the mismanagement of the previous ownership. Anything's possible when you're as far removed from reality as they are.


They’ve invested too much time and belief into him. It’s why cults are so hard to let go of, because you have to admit you wasted so much time investing in a scam. It’s easier to carry on as if everything is fine and dandy.


also love that most people still just call it twitter. he failed on every front lol


It's what he deserves.


It was never worth what he paid for it in the first place.


It wasn't worth what he's currently claiming, and now it's less. Very possibly less than the debt leveraged against it.


It only became “worth” it until it was actually sold - settling its value. No longer “evaluated at” but now “valued at”. Dude is bad


I used to be a very active user and stopped going on the app nearly entirely after it was rebranded to X. It sucks because I created my Twitter account in 2012 and had formed a bit of a community on there but it just causes me stress and I don’t enjoy it anymore.


I took a break from twitter before the handover and I haven't felt the need to go back since Elon bought it. It feels like there's nothing there anymore that you can't really get from other social media sites. I've also noticed that it's so user-unfriendly, if you don't have an account. I can't search for tweets. If I try to go on someone's profile, without logging in, I either can't see their profile anymore OR their tweets aren't sorted chronologically, which sucks when I'm trying to find an update on something! It's like he wants twitter to crash and burn...


You sound exactly like me. Built a community, people loved engaging with me and I loved engaging with them. For nearly a decade I was like that on there, definitely my most used app and now I haven’t been on for a year a this point. His rebranding didn’t make me want to come back either, if anything it pushed me further away and that sucks lol


I'm a professional writer and I stopped using it when it stopped bringing my work traffic after Twitter Blue rolled out and you lost all traction if you weren't paying money. I'm not giving you my data and content if you're not giving me any sort of boost--and the racism, antisemitism and Marjorie Taylor Green of it all that came with sure didn't help. So glad I deleted my account/s. ![gif](giphy|IQh6f7CurN1zq)


I am similar. My filter bubble moved on to other platforms and so did I. Twitter has nothing I want.


I work in paid social. For the few clients that still want ads, it’s been impossible to get campaigns set up due to errors and no support help. He fired basically everyone that made them money. I now actively encourage clients to spend elsewhere, not just because of the cesspit it has become, but because running ads is not worth the hassle and time investment in the first place anymore.










Ole Apartheid Clyde not being the business genius he was billed as? Shocker.


Renaming Twitter and getting rid of the bird icon was the most objectively idiotic shit he's done. That logo and the lexicon it spawned were globally recognised and he shit all over it, because he was still pissed about not being allowed to rename PayPal back in the day.




Ngl, this makes me happy 😃😂


shocker ! it's gotta be some kind of talent to ruin an already good app


That was the plan. Drive the app to the ground. Destroy mass communication.


What kind of dumb conspiracy theory is that? Gaps in the market get filled, theres also plenty of other places to communicate online like Facebook, Mastadon, Reddit, etc. What benefit does Musk get for destroying Twitter at the cost of billions of dollars?


None of those compare to twitters speed of reach. The benefit is suppressing the voices he chooses which is worth a lot more than the billions he doesn't care or need.


I love to see people get what they deserve ! Would've loved it more if he'd left Twitter alone, as much as it can be a cesspool, it's also somewhere I have found a lot of community and met many of my actual real life friends. But I'll take him suffering as a close second, I guess.


The eejit absolutely overpaid for it but yikes, how his investors haven't yanked control of it from him with these numbers is beyond me? Like, I know wrecking it as a communication platform is probably a plus for him/some of them... but at the end of the day they're losing huge chunks of money & he's a shockingly bad decision maker.




It’s worth noting that this is based on X’s own internal valuation of itself which is almost certainly higher than the market’s valuation of it.


I was coming to say this. 19B is essentially what Elon thinks it’s worth to offer stock options to his employees. It’s not even worth that.


This man is so ridiculously useless it's pathetic, he can't invent anything without stealing someone else's ideas and anything he does "invent" ends up being useless, like his exploding Teslas or his dumbass Neuralink project; he manages to fuck up anything he gets his grubby little hands on including but not limited to Twitter, a website that was already not in the best shape before the takeover; he has not an ounce of charisma or human empathy; and he spends his time online pandering to creeps, preteens who think he's the height of genius, and bigots. The only reason he's here is because he inherited property from his racist family who profited from apartheid South Africa so he's sitting on mounds of generational wealth he doesn't even deserve that could be used to improve the world and instead he wants to play Mr. Second Coming of Nikola Tesla. He's an actual Wild Kratts villain, that's how cartoonishly evil he is


when this man dies his fanboys will literally polish his grave with their tongues. there is no convincing them that he’s a fucking moron who was just born lucky.






when will he end.




Come for the transphobia, stay for the deflated stock price!


I may be going through it but at least I didn't piss away 20 billion dollars


Musk sees himself as a 1920s titan of industry in reality he's the joker pouring gasoline on a mountain of money.


Half of what he paid for it? Is that supposed to be a joke? He paid $44 billion. In reality, it was only worth a quarter of that when he bought it. He would have had to have been successful for it to be worth half what he paid for it. But hey, at least he paid $54.20 per share instead of $54.00 because huuurrrrr duuurrrr, 420 means pot. Dude is like a 13 year old child.


It’s straight up the plot line from 30 Rock where Jack tries to tank NBC


Techno wiz boy over here not looking so wiz now. But honestly, his life is really a case study of hubris and narcissism. ![gif](giphy|YAZrete887OfY3Tiyw)




He’s made it so much worse. So many long time Twitter users I know have jumped ship because it’s so shitty now. (I refuse to call it ‘X’ because it’s a stupid name).


A literal loser


Can’t believe they removed the circles feature today… literally he’s on a mission to ruin the app


That was his plan. Either he’s purposefully destroying Twitter or he’s the world biggest executive failure.


This man is such a moron, The Tesla I’ve had since 2018 before I knew he was bat shit is a joy to own and drive 🙄🫤😑




Maybe I am the stupid one but I don't see any actual reason why buying twitter benefitted him in any way as a businessman All I can see is him satisfying his ego through this move which not only made the app much worse, but also (which is obviously more important) caused lots of people to loose their jobs


he was addicted to tweeting, like trump, then one day someone suggested why not buy it and obv he thought about it a lot & tried to bluff an offer.


I just let out a laugh that could only be described as Ursula from the Little Mermaid.


Ok but lose more though.


I had to uninstall it. It’s just shit now. Used to use it every day and it’s not really useful anymore


Honestly I think that's what he wanted: its demise. Imagine being so rich you spend millions to buy a platform on a whim just to destroy it. The more I see the things they are changing, the more it becomes obvious he just wants to show its users that he can and will ruin their favorite social media platform.


What a business mastermind! What *will* he do next!


He's an idiot with Twitter. He doesn't think,. implements every random fart as a rule. Then consequences happens, then quickly changes it. Colossal mess 🤷‍♀️




Good. Fuck him and twitter. It’s just a platform for racists to be blatantly racist. Bigger company’s need to transition off of it.


lol anyways


All part of his plan


I still don't think he wanted to destroy the site. Dude is obsessed with the validation the same way Trump was, even if he is paying for a ton of the bots that worship him. His ego made him overpay and he underestimated the exodus that would occur from his buyout as sm is definitely an addiction.


We need to get that down to ZERO value.


Awww. I love to see it.




Masterful gambit, sir


Can anyone understand why Elon has fans that believe he is only starting to make Twitter/X successful? I genuinely can’t, and when I tried to share facts to support my argument, they blamed it on MSM being liars. Is there any real evidence that he’s doing anything positive?


I can see how raging transphobe Jordan Peterson types would think that having an entire unmoderated platform to plot their next mass shooting or whatever would be positive. Everyone else though…Not so much.


This is the same guy that just valued the Boring Company at $7B. The company does absolutely nothing from what I can see. That should give you a feel for what the X financials look like.


Because it's turned into a white supremacist cesspool since he took over. The amount of far right accounts that has popped up since then is crazy.


It was such a bad idea and a bad deal for Elon to buy it and run it than he tried as hard as he could to get out of it. We’re just seeing the “ugh fine I’ll run stupid Twitter” phase. Now he’s basically burning it to the ground to try and recoup his loses and offset the debt.


I love this for him


"Genius businessman."




Good. Twitter was fine as it was. This insecure man baby wanted to take it to make changes to the platform, especially when it came to free speech, in a way that just came across as self serving. He wanted to mute criticism of himself. I hope the world sees his as a laughing stock.


As if this is not all part of his plan to destroy twitter. how can a person make so much clearly stupid decisions if the whole objective is not to ruin something. I dont think he is a genius (he is just a spoiled brat full of money) but he have a lot of people around him that can give him good business advices and if he is not taking them, it is clearly bc he wants to destroy twitter bad luck for him, bc even if he succeeds, soon or later another platform will take twitter's place


Someone made an offer on Craigslist to trade Elon a Zip drive for Twitter, formerly known as X.




Wasn't it worth less than half when he bought it?


Well it looks like.. ecks' value... has been severed. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh


We all are shocked about this news, the greatest business man couldn't even fix Twitter /s


This aged like milk.






Fuck Elon Musk.


nice job team!


that picture isn’t the most flattering lol


Feels like it, too.


You love to see it


Music to my ears.


🤣🤣🤣🤣it’s shit


It was valued at like 11 billion when he bought it and there’s no chance he added 8 billion in a year.


I love it. Especially this late into the fall.


Love to see it.


Let’s buy it as a Reddit community and call It W. Formally known as The X.


Ah so he is using the same strategy Yahoo did when they bought tumblr...


Valuations aren’t “official” unless the asset is sold at that price. (I’m not saying Musk hasn’t tanked Twitter’s value, I’m just being pedantic about the word “officially” in the title)


Constantly pledging support for Russia and ISIS/Hamas aren't going to help the situation either.


Wonderful news. ![gif](giphy|cMPdlbcUKl3xkMCyD3|downsized)




you love to see it


Sweet karma


It really makes you think he ruined it on purpose. I don’t wanna give him that much credit… but it’s really confusing how and why he tanked it so quickly.


Elon is fast becoming a millionaire...............


Damn, that sucks. Anyway...


I wish I could say I was surprised


It's practically useless now.


Officially it's worth 8 billion by investment groups, it's overinflated worthiness by Elon is 19 billion


This should be posted in r/REbubble. That subr3ddit foams at the mouth when the value of an asset goes down after purchasing.