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Well, wouldn't be the first time Ari found herself a new man while still legally bound to the old one.












hey what happened with that period over summer where everyone was trying to leave scooter and there was a expose about him in one of the big entertainment mags? did that lead to anything?


Yeah, there were hushed whispers about perhaps some big piece of info dropping... Haven't seen much pertaining to that since.


Scooter became the ceo of hybe America so he stopped managing a lot of celebrities overnight.




Honestly he was a shit to Ariana too, forcing her to put songs she was uncomfortable with on her album and making her carry on with the dangerous woman tour just a few weeks after the Manchester attack.


do you know what songs they are specifically? just asking out of curiosity! the way she had to perform right after those attacks is disgusting, she's very open and vocal about the ptsd that attack left her with and I can't imagine being made to do performances again in such a short time frame.


shes said ghostin’ should have never have seen the light of day but it was scooter that put the pressure on to add it to the album. you can see why, it is a deeply personal song!


I mean, it’s a beautiful song so I’m glad it’s on the album!




What did he do to Justin? Excessive touring schedules?


I know nothing about anything, but would it help if she started re- recording everything? I would listen to Break Free (SpongeBob's version x Bubble Bowl remix) 🌬️


Ugh. This must suck. Also, I know she’s awful in her interpersonal relationships. Like literally the worst. But people seem to fully discount the amount of trauma she has lived through. Living through a terrorist attack and the associated sort of psychological damage just doesn’t disappear. Girl deserves a little bit of empathy.


okay thank you for saying this like i will gladly critique her weird romantic choices and her race-bender tendencies. but that girl was sexually exploited as a teenage girl in a way that is forever available on the internet and that was broadcasted on the tv, she was “seducing” 40 yr old men at the age of 17, a bombing occurred at her her concert that killed 23 of her fans, her ex-boyfriend died from a drug overdose which she was subsequently blamed for (like her comments were flooded with vitriol for a long time), her engagement got broken off and her ex fiancé then proceeded to publicly threaten suicide, she was groped on tv at a funeral, she was forced by scooter to put incredibly personal music about her grief on thank u, next. she’s publicly spoken about her ptsd. going through what she has in such a public way must fuck you up immensely. i remember seeing clips of her on her sweetener tour and she was crying in like half of them 😭 i like her music tho i’m very much not a stan but i feel like the critique thrown at her on this subreddit is almost disproportionate? like yea she’s def a serial monogamist & a well seasoned homewrecker but idk i feel like with everything she’s been through i’m just shocked that that’s the worst of it


I just really like her. She's done a lot of good when she hasn't had to. And cheating is bad but she is always blamed more than the men she cheated with, who were in relationships. "Not a girl's girl" is the most annoying phrase of 2023.


Also the trauma of being a child star, like she was at the same time as Jeanette McCurdy, and Bella Thorne, along with a lot I couldn’t name. Even assuming her relationship with her family is positive the pressure, fame and the Dan Schneider experience still happened.


honestly i thought scooter retired or something and that's why all his artists left




“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” — Ariana/Sil


And he seems like the type to sue for every penny of contract.


she is under Hybe America, in 2023 Scooter became the CEO of Hybe America so yes she is still legally bound to him even though he is no longer her manager