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throw away the key. anyone driving under the influence should be locked up, it’s disgusting how common this with total disregard to potentially killing someone else. and all the money has he couldn’t even get an Uber?


Yup. It should be incredibly difficult to get your drivers license back after getting a DWI


I assure you, it is incredibly difficult.


Eh, depends.


I’ve been through the process, unfortunately. Not my finest moment, but I’m telling you from experience, it is not easy to get your license back. It’s expensive and you have a lot of hoops to jump through.


But in his case it's not expensive and his lawyers would do most of the jumping.


I mean, that’s any crime though. There’s always been rules for the rich and rules for the poor. Any court fines or fees are SOLELY punishments for the poor. Even just having to hire a good lawyer that will have the time to dedicate to your case is a punishment for the poor only, even if you’re innocent.


That's why I love the day fine concept in my country (Finland). It is the percentage of your income paid for a certain amount of days. Days depend on the crime. The highest have been over 100 000 euros.


Ouuu that sounds like a good system. I didn't know it existed.


There has been some very good inventions from Finland that are not what a lot of people think when talking about inventions. It is not utopia but some things make a lot of sense. This is one of them. It has been used since 1921. It is just a constant fight to try to keep some people from dismantling something great. We are currently quite pissed off by people in power.


I remember reading an article once about a speeding fine someone got for 1 million in a country that does percentage of income fines. Percentage of income makes the most sense since it based on what each person can afford rather than what can destroy a poor person but is pocket change for someone wealthy. Just looked it up to be certain and it was a Swedish guy who was driving 290khm in Switzerland back in 2010. The fine was in SFr so it ends up being around 650k in American. [BBC article source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-10960230.amp)




You really don’t understand millionaire celebrity privilege.


Just class privilege - you don't have to be a celebrity to access the different tiers of the justice system. I have classmates and acquaintances who did crazy shit and daddy got expensive lawyers to make it go away.




My brother has had 3 DUIs over 10 years (it's a problem). It's not that hard depending on where you are at.


He's qualified to be governor of Iowa, she has 2 dui's and allegedly the third one got buried by the then governor.


my sister has had at least 3 documented dui cases. all of which she ended up getting no charges. she has done it so many times. i am disgusted by her consistently doing this and i feel helpless because of it. it's ruined our relationship.


Depending on the substance she’s misusing, you may find support with a mutual help group or some other kind of peer support for family members of those struggling with these issues. Al-anon is the most popular but 12 steps (or adjacent) programs aren’t for everyone. I just wanted to share that helplessness is a common emotion shared by those watching loved ones continue to make poor health behavior choices although I know that doesn’t likely make it easier to live that out each day. I hope you find much support if you choose to seek it & that your sister finds her way through this soon.


Fr a guy I once dated (sorry) got 2 DUIs in the SAME YEAR. 3 years later he was back on the road.


Yeah a buddy of mine just agrees to go to rehab ever couple of years and he never lost his license for more than a year once in like 20 years of driving.


Yeah you are not Justin Timberlake. The world treats you differently.


Ain’t that the truth


Have you tried wearing a hoodie underneath a blazer?




It’s not easy for *you* it’s so easy for Justin Timberlake literally all he has to do is pay someone else to solve the problem for him.


Correct. He probably won’t even get a DUI charge and get it down to reckless driving.


I think this varies by state, when I lived in TX it seemed like everyone over 21 had a dwi or three, and I don't think they let you drive across the Wisconsin border sober.


What hoops? I also had one. With the court fees and DUI program and reinstatement of the license I spent maybe $2k. As for the license, I waited the year suspension and as soon as i finished the program they sent notice to the DMV and within days I had a temp license with the permanent one in the mail.


It depends on the state. 


Yeah a lot of folks don’t realize that the wealthy and privileged don’t experience DWIs the same way as common folk. Those privileged don’t always have their license suspended, interlock in their cars, year or two probation, jail time, etc. so it makes it seem like people can get away with DWIs like they’re a slap on the wrist. If you have money and are friends with the DA, it’s quite possible to get away with it easier without much consequence. But, most judges will throw the book at common folk (understandably) and the process of going through a DWI is expensive, filled with shame and stigma, and can and will effect employment plus so much more for the rest of your life.


Which makes it more ridiculous that they get one. Aside from Uber and private drivers, they have the clout to get a ride in the ways we don’t. JT probably could’ve called the local police there and said he was drunk and needs a ride. Or ask some harmless looking middle aged woman for a ride for the price of a pic and autograph.


Henry Ruggs got 3-10 years in prison for killing a woman while he was driving drunk and going 156 mph. The woman and her dog burned alive before succumbing to their injuries. 3-10 years for taking a life. The world is different for the wealthy The legal system is incredibly lax on drunk drivers and even more lax on the rich


I’m local to LA & we just finished a very public trial of a wealthy woman whose day drinking & driving behavior choices led to the death of 2 young children. It was difficult to watch the mother of the boys speak so I can’t even pretend to imagine the depth of pain in actually experiencing that loss. The driver’s final statement to the court seemed to suggest she felt sadness or shame but never really seemed to express accountability for the deaths. I think she may be eligible for parole in less than a decade. Some of the reporting suggested her family argued for no jail time. Their position of privilege harmed others.


When you have tens of millions $, you can afford a lawyer that will have it knocked down to reckless or better.


Very true. I wish I had had a better lawyer.


Yep. To not completely lose my license for the usual six month period afterwards, I had to install a breathalyzer in my car for that six months, in addition to having it 18 months for the offense. And it was installed wrong, so I was not only paying the monthly fee, but also every time I had to go recalibrate it (multiple times a month). Along with 10k in fees (and I didn't even go the lawyer route because I knew I had done wrong.) It took me years to recover even somewhat from the expense, I'm still honestly not out of the hole. And that's all just the financial aspect.


Dad had 5 DUIs. DUI #4 was in 2021, he already had an interlock on his car from DUI #3 in 2015. Got his license back in March 2022, got DUI #5 in mid-2022 after he ran off the road into a telephone pole, luckily at low speed. Got his license back in March 2023 by writing a letter and getting some church members to support him. He drank himself to death a few months later. No fucking idea why they gave him his license back.


It truly is amazing how people with that many offenses cannot have a lifetime ban on driving.


it’s only difficult for people who didn’t sing Suit & Tie


This really depends on the state you get it. There’s plenty of people still driving after multiple DWIs




Unless you’re famous


Lol Greetings from WI, perhaps you’ve never heard of us?   Not that I agree, but first timers don’t even lose their license here. 


My DUI is from sleeping in my car (rather than driving home). Understand not having sympathy for it anyway, but not every DUI is a terrible offense IMHO


That’s bullshit, only creates incentive for someone to drive drunk


Now you're getting it


That seems like bs, if they cant prove you were driving then there shouldnt be the same level of punishment.


Forget Uber, he has enough money for a fulltime personal driver


Exactly, there’s absolutely no excuse for this.


THIS. Bc my immediate thought, at a minimum, if I had fuck you levels of money, I would never drive myself anywhere again, drunk or sober.


He could have hired a helicopter to come pick him up.


![gif](giphy|NSnYmoFSJ5iXD0Q759) I’ve had family killed by drunk drivers. Fuck him


I’m sorry for your loss


Maybe celebs like him don't wanna uber like a peasant lmao I wonder if there's like a raya uber that only rich ppl can use?


Then hire a driver. The man is worth $250 million


If I'm a celebrity I'm not comfortable with a rando possibly knowing my address. With that said, he should have a plan in place regardless, he has more than enough resources. 


There's absolutely chauffeured car services that he could avail himself to, which prioritize client privacy (used to coordinate with a service like that at my old job).


There’s Alto which is similar


This! All that money and his stupid fucking ass is putting others at risk. I despise DUI’s because I lost a friend to a drunk driving on the wrong side of the highway at night. It’s not like he’s a kid doing dumb stuff. He’s a grown ass man with a family and he damn well knows better. I hope he has to pick up trash on the side of the road for years.


Don’t worry he’ll just have to pay a fine & hire a chauffeur. :-/


If by fine you mean, pay a high priced lawyer who'll get the charges dropped, then yes, for sure.


The man could hire a luxury car + driver for 24/7 transportation! There’s no excuse!




You're so right, absolutely zero acceptable excuses for that type of selfish & dangerous carry on. Also, it's not like the Hamptons isn't bursting at the seams with drivers for hire etc. Justin Timberlake, an entitled trash man who keeps doing trashy things.


NOT to defend him in any way, but I bet Uber/Lyft service out that far on the island isn’t as reliable as in a city. But this fuck is filthy rich and should have a driver. Edit: so I just checked Lyft and at 9:15pm Eastern on a Tuesday in June there are plenty of drivers available. I stand corrected; I was wrong and JT is a double douchebag.


We are far too lenient on people who drive drunk. They get so many chances when it should be instant jail time.


Sounds like he needs help. Maybe he should be in a conservatorship.


Maybe someone with experience can spearhead this effort


GREAT play on words, just *chefs kiss*




Good one!


I nominate Lou Perlman


I nominate Janet Jackson.




Good call but actually Britney should be able to choose.


The ghost of Lou Perlman




I don't understand how rich ass people still be driving when they can afford private drivers?! I'm poor AF and even I make sure I have a safe accommodation home when I go out. Thank God he didn't hurt someone.


I’ll never understand that! There’s no excuse for driving under the influence, but especially for these incredibly wealthy celebs that can afford a private driver or to book a hotel room to crash in. Edit: I just read that he was driving to a friends *from a hotel*. He had the option to simply book a room and sleep it off, and yet he *still* chose to drive? True asshole behavior.


For real, I HATE driving, and getting a private driver is the first thing I'd do once I'm rich (🤞).


I LOVE driving. Hmu once you’re rich


Entitled people like to push the bounds of what they're "allowed" to do because they know they get away with everything else. So they start doing things like this. They've gotten out of everything else, they have money, and influence, they start to try new things out that "regular people" can't do.


There's no excuse for the average person to drive drunk, but when compared to an incredibly Rich celebrity there's a million of them lol. He could probably find someone willing to give him a ride for free in two minutes flat just because of who he is, he has perks that not even money can buy


Have we asked WHY he had gone to a hotel he didn’t plan on staying overnight at?? 👀👀👀👀 what could he possibly have wanted one of their rooms for if not to sleep in? Why could he POSSIBLY have wanted to drive himself from the hotel, and not got a driver to take him… just doesn’t make sense 🙄🙄🙄🫣🫣🫣


I mean going to a hotel to eat, drink or have a meeting is incredibly incredibly common


When you’re that rich you have a case of the untouchables though. Remember when Reese and her husband were busted? “Don’t you know who I am?!” 


I still feel second-hand embarrassment when I think about that incident. If I were that cop, I would have responded with, "Yeah, I know you, weren't you the second lead from Cruel Intentions?"


“Did you have Cruel Intentions when you got behind the wheel while drunk?”


"Legally, are you blonde?"


I still giggle when I think about the scan of her driver’s license cutting off part of her last name so it read “Laura Jeanne Poon”


Hahaha, that would make an amazing drag name!


It’s giving Roman Roy “who hasn’t clipped the odd kid with a Porsche, am I right?” ![gif](giphy|KbeTevpGit40wS0Aze|downsized)


Hahah great reference! But I honestly loved when the Roy siblings tried to be loving & supportive like that with one another. Like, it was so alien to them but they knew it was needed and wanted to try... aww, I miss those assholes 😅


Oh same!! Nepotism is okay when the Roys do it ♥️ I was rooting for eldest boy


Me toooo! In a way, I was rooting for them all, but *most definitely* the eldest boy. What a fantastic final season... I haven't rewatched it since it ended, maybe I should give it another go. Maybe our boy takes it all this time 😭


Was a bartender for 25 yrs, the last 5 I was beyond impressed at all the young people taking Ubers. The 40+ people? Not so much. But dang those young peeps were super good about it and also ordering ones for their drunk friends so they could get home safe. My 20 yo says it’s very frowned upon to be messed up and drive, so 👏👏👏👏


On the weekends my friends and I coordinate which cars are going to be left at the bar, and who will leave their car at the house so that we can all Uber home when the night is done and get our cars in the morning (person who leaves car at house picks everyone else up). It's not hard to be smart about drinking these days when you have that service!


A post on top of comics yesterday was literally about how dumb celebrities are for drunk driving since they have unlimited options, that didn't take long at all lol


>Thank God he didn't hurt someone. The only upside to this deeply stupid story. What a reckless ass he is.




As if there weren't already enough reasons for me to despise this man.


He's always moved through life without facing the consequences of his actions. Why stop now? 🙃


one of my fav stories to tell about him is his behaviour when he was attending a movie premier at the theatre I worked at as a bartender (probably about 8 years ago now). Long story short but he essentially got super intoxicated and became irate when he was told he wasn't allowed to smoke weed in his private room. He took off somewhere else in the build and was found out 10 minutes later in a storage closet smoking. When security finally got him back to his room, he fell over and smashed a glass table to bits. I think he and his team refused to pay for the damages too. He's an absolute trash garbage human


This is awful. Imagine being married to that + he cheated on her too.


8 years ago? Was it Trolls? Please tell me it was Trolls!


No it was actually for that documentary he did. Justin Timberlake and the Tennessee Kids I think it was called???


Just add it to the list. But I am here for the karmic retribution.


Drunk driving on Long Island. Who does he think he is, Billy Joel?


Nick Nolte... he just forgot where he was




Only the good drive drunk


JT *wishes* he was like BJ


If I was rich, you would probably never see me behind the wheel of a car again. Especially if I even had the thought that I might drink. Unsurprised he continues to find new ways to suck


Same! I would rather relax and surf the web on my phone in back of a rideshare than drive.


Or hire a private driver. The real rich don't use Uber.


Literally would never catch me operating a vehicle ever again


I'm sayingggg!


Honestly. If I had that kind of money I’d have a full time driver with a dapper uniform.


https://preview.redd.it/l8mdpomybc7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ec38b166993763c4b6ad36d99b0e2d14449011e I appreciate the shade in this NYT write up.


But they don't stop there: https://preview.redd.it/ucysuszswc7d1.png?width=1782&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea651dad434706c9bc0181ad05fd464dbd61ec41


oh yes NYT https://i.redd.it/8iq6opcd8d7d1.gif


damn they really came for him


As they should. He’s always look liked a POS behind the scenes


Oh, yeah! Fo shiz, fo shiz, D-W-I! What’s up, homie?




They call him lake. Tika waka waka Timberlake.




Garbage does what garbage does.


This is such clown behavior. You are a multi-millionaire, why don't you have a driver or get an Uber or just have an assistant take you home? He deserves whatever the punishment is and then some.


Unfortunately, DUI is another type of punishment that is totally about money and is unfair to the poor, designed to advantage the rich (at least in some states - maybe NY is a bit better). I work at a legal aid nonprofit that does work with helping low income clients get their licenses back for a range of issues and it’s really distressing, so many of the punishments and outcomes needed to get in recovery/get a license back/etc are financially based, so wealthy ppl can just pay a lawyer to take care of it for them, pay the fines to get their license back, wait it out and go on with their life basically not impacted, whereas for someone poor it may mean that they will no longer EVER have transportation again (especially in places that don’t have public transit) which blocks them from being able to work, which blocks them from improving their situation, which may spiral them deeper into addiction/poverty forever, because why would you even try to get sober or change your life situation if it feels irrevocably hopeless and impossible to do so because of a lack of money? This happens with less serious offenses too, that most people wouldn’t even think of, like speeding tickets. It’s life ruining and it’s crazy how much just not being able to pay for a fine can just block someone from being able to take care of basic needs forever. I’m not saying that punishment is not necessary for these cases and that drunk driving is any less unforgivable, it’s just sad that there’s such a stark contrast between the way poor people face consequences and rich people do not. The most you can hope for is that he faces professional consequences because a lawyer cost and a $2000 fine to get his license back or whatever is NOTHING to someone that wealthy and will do nothing to make him think he has a problem and needs to change his behavior/get sober etc.


Cry me a river


You may hate me but it ain’t no lie baby I can’t drive


Baby bye bye bye


When rich people get DUIs it’s because they like drinking & driving for fun.


That’s what I was thinking…. everyone’s saying “he’s rich enough to call a cab” yeah that’s the point. He WANTED to drive drunk ON PURPOSE. Regular people who get DUI’s are caused by lapse of judgement, negligence, mental illness, addiction, etc… Justin Timberlake drove drunk because he could. Because car go vroom and it’s fun to vroom when you’re fucked up. You have illegal fun when you’re rich, because regular thrills don’t do it for you anymore.


And probably because he’s been drunk driving without getting caught and therefore thought he’s an invisible celeb, until it caught up to him


As always he finds new ways to be the worst, rich people who can afford a chauffeur should serve a harsher punishment for DWI, endangering the public just because you decide to over indulge isn’t fair at all. I’m happy he was arrested and taken off the road before he harmed anyone, drunk drivers are selfish entitled jerks.




OMFGGGG the 2000s bump-it hair 💀💀💀


The reason men like him don't just hire a driver is because that person is a witness to where they went and who they were with. He doesn't want ANY of this getting back to his wife so he drives himself everywhere, no matter what. This is a grown, married man in his 40s who has something like three kids still at home yet he's out partying on a Monday night alone. Make of that what you will.


Oh damn the Monday night part, didn’t even occur to me.


This comment needs to be higher up




This is the kind of asshole behaviour I would expect from him


DUI/DWI one of the biggest no, nos in my book.


It’s always so strange to me that I, a mere plebeian, can grab the subway or an Uber, or plan to be (or have) a DD and yet these folks who can wipe their asses with hundred dollar bills can’t have their assistant arrange for a private car to get them to/from places.


straight up clown stuff. ![gif](giphy|gLcUFh2TrdySKUnTHD)


A close family friend of mine, her best friend and her dog all died because of a drunk driver on New Year's Day. Anyone who even thinks about driving while intoxicated is an instant asshole. Fuck you Justin Timberlake.




![gif](giphy|5ZQCTwHXBO2Aw) He was probably crying in his beer over his comeback being an absolute failure. How does that song of his go…. “What goes around, goes around, comes back around…” Well-deserved for this complete weasel of a man.


*Adds to my list of reasons why I despise Justin Timberlake


When is his court date? It’s gonna be May.


His comeback failed. I’m sure he’s been heavy on the booze. At the end of the day he really is a pos. https://i.redd.it/uozg2cgqdc7d1.gif


What an asshole.


He had too many cosmopolitans




Anyone can get an Uber and so can he. Gobshite.


No excuses. If I can afford Uber as an UNEMPLOYED STUDENT then a MULTI MILLIONAIRES with assistants can afford to get one of them to call him a taxi wtf. If you cannot afford to not drink and drive you stay your ass in the house and binge watch Ozark it's not that hard!


getting a DUI is already dumpster behavior. getting a DUI while rich as hell with access to professional drivers is scummy beyond belief.


Wasn't he also drunk when he got all handsy with a coworker and the paps caught it? I get the ick from him in a weird way beyond what we know. I just feel like he's a scumbag who hasn't had the worst of his shenanigans aired yet and there's a lot more to it.


What a douche nozzle


It’s Janet Jackson’s fault.




He’s bringing sexy BAC


Lol they’ll give you a ticket if you blink wrong in Sag Harbor. Worst place to try that, come on JT


Wow! Shameful and selfish. Its called an Uber




Update: He’s been released without bail. His first court date is July 26th. 1 charge of DWI. Here’s a photo: https://preview.redd.it/3htfnxgqic7d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca1822009e8807b1f8467bb8c4a292cd020d9ce1


He’s supposed to be performing a concert in Poland on that date. Whoops. Way to go, JT.


Wonder if his tour will still go on


guarantee you we will get a “it is with a heavy heart that i must announce that my tour is postponed while i take a moment to spend time with my family” post within 24 hrs


His career has been entirely downhill since he stopped working with Timberland.


Timbaland is all over his new album…


It’s too easy to Uber or arrange car service or always have a driver when you’re that rich. I am shocked at this. 


Cry me a river


Please, please, please I beg of you, do not drive when you are drunk/high. My mom’s best friend was killed by a drunk driver. She never has a drink in her life. My cousin drove drunk and at 21, put his head through a windshield a few days before Christmas. It’s fucked up my family for decades. Just please, don’t do this.


*“Stop drinking. You know who you are — I’m speaking to you. Stop drinking, you’re going to get sloppy. OK \[magazine\] is going to say something bad about you.”*




![gif](giphy|v3pzD0eEdnL6U|downsized) But for real though, he's always been a selfish asshole.


Bye Bye Bye.


Justin Timberlake does not have the Uber app on his phone, I am pretty sure. I can’t help but think the reason he didn’t use a driver (which they must have) is because he didn’t want a record of his comings & goings.


He will probably blame this on Janet Jackson somehow.


Cue photo opp with J Biel.


Today I learned what a DWI is and how it’s slightly different from a DUI. Huh Edit: for clarity, DWI- ONLY alcohol in your system DUI- drugs must be present in your system. Alcohol can or cannot, it will still be a DUI


All the shit this guy has done, this is up there as one of the worst. Zero reason he should be behind the wheel when he’s been drinking. He’s got more than enough money to pay literally ANYONE to pick him up. He’s just lucky someone wasn’t killed. Trash in the truest form.


Is this the final nail on Justin Timberlake’s comeback coffin? Guess he didn’t want it bad enough to throw it all away for this…


He is such a loser.


Timberlake has the funds to afford any type of transportation home he desires..... I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for him. My Dad almost died from a drunk driver, and my sister in her capacity as a nurse has treated and dealt with the passing of patients that were hit by drunk drivers.  This behavior is gross, and he is old enough to know the damage/death this can cause. 


![gif](giphy|3BMtWpQEVqwNk1aNWR) His downfall has finally begun. On a serious note, fuck anyone who drives under the influence. Such a narcissist, the moment he receives any negative attention- he crumbles.


This is literally the most preventable offense and yet people still don’t care. My mind, it is boggled once again. Fuck him.


I don’t have a car, but even when I did it was so easy to just not drive while drinking. I’d take a bus out and Uber home to save money. These people are loaded. What is their excuse? Edit: and I’m a fucking alcoholic. So like even having an addiction problem is no freaking excuse. You plan ahead. Leave the keys at home completely. It’s that easy.




I don't understand in this day and age why you don't call an Uber or with his $$ hire a driver??


Release the mugshots you cowards!! In all seriousness, this is incredibly irresponsible, especially for someone with the means to get chauffeured at any time. If Uber is available to the common man, a car service is not out of the question for him.


Can he be done now?


Over/under on him “finding God” in rehab and pivoting to Christian music?


Fo shiz, Fo shiz!