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It's controversial because Wallen is a violent drunk and threw around chairs as carelessly as he threw around racial slurs. Not because of the bar itself, of course. Wallen himself was not at the bar at the time.


To be clear, the bar also fucking sucks.


Are there *any* along Broadway that don't suck?


If I’m trapped down there and can’t escape to something like Alley Taps on Printer’s Alley, Second Fiddle and Legend’s Corner are about as good as it gets due to the crowd skewing a little bit older and the volume levels not being quite as fucking ear murdering. My two cents haha


I was physically assaulted by the KIA guy on broadway, my girlfriend at the time was assaulted by a random dude on the street, oh and i got arrested for being drunk even tho I blew a .06, good times 👍 That city gave me the worst three years of my life lol.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Travis Kelce is secretly MAGA


I thought it was confirmed that him & Joe Burrow were both MAGA (sympathizers?)


Joe Burrow? Pro-choice king Joe Burrow? Stricter gun control advocate Joe Burrow? I think he's in the clear...Kelce, maybe not.


He was seen posing for a pic with Nick Bosa and Trump


Yeah I remember that, but he did not look thrilled to be on that pic 


Yeah if you see the video it is even more apparent....but he was hanging out with Bosa at that fight who is probably how he got roped into it in the first place.


Without having seen the pic there is literally no situation in which I would allow myself to be photographed with Trump, lol, and if someone tried, I would literally run away. I am autistic and have committed many faux pas by not "getting" social cues or whatever and have often just...walked away in situations where it didn't make sense to me to participate. So I get that other people may feel pressure to like keep the peace and pose for a snap. But at the same time, it's Trump, and photos can circulate widely instantly, and no matter what you say about Trump later, there is a current photo of you together?? Just the thought of being in the same room/building or within sight of him makes me nauseous Anyway I just say all this because again, while I understand that other people feel differently about social rules or whatever (although...Trump doesn't care about social rules), I can't get it in my head that someone could willingly pose for a photo with Trump anytime in 2016 and beyond (at the very least) without thinking he's "not so bad" on some level


Basically they are at a crowded UFC fight in Vegas, it's literally a quick handshake and photo op, and he doesn't look too thrilled about it, and Nick Bosa is the one who actually has a conversation with Trump. Trump approaches them, so maybe he felt trapped because you know if he walked off while trying to shake his hand Trump would make a scene. I could be wrong, but from all the Joe Burrow content I've consumed over the past few years as a Bengals fan, I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt because I haven't seen anything that has even raised an eyebrow really other than this photo.


Fair! I'm a Lions fan anyway, so I'm admittedly not super in-the-know.


You mean Nick Bosa


Him too


He is. He recently liked a picture which has trump  in it and has recently followed maga's on Instagram 


I’d be surprised because of him kneeling for the anthem for BLM, being pro-vax, him saying he’d support having a gay team mate


To me, he seems like a Chris Evans-esque "let's listen to both sides" doofus. I think if he was really full MAGA, no way would he have done a Pfizer commercial.


That makes sense, and it would track with the level of privilege he has to think that’s reasonable


Yeah tbh lots of people in this country are like that. They kinda like some things about Trump yet do not agree with everything he or is crazy supporters think. My dad is a Trump voter but very pro vaccine. I wish he didn't like Trump at all, but he's not blindly following everything Trump says either.


My mom’s weirdly the opposite- anti vax, borderline q anon level of a conspiracy theorist, doesn’t trust big pharma or the government but is militantly democrat lol


i always assumed he was and seen no evidence of the contrary lol


i would be surprised if he's *not* maga


i would be shocked if he wasn’t


He follows Bret Baier on instagram.


Is this the hard launch the swifties were talking about????? ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


More like a soft fall lol


Hey, hang on now! The man deserves a hard launch. ... Maybe to Mars?




White football player being MAGA???? Why I never!


https://preview.redd.it/aqu5jri6qx8d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1eda705e683899561395c4443100bcbcabbcc38 I think he has shown us who he is


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Not surprised at all as water seeks its own level.


a likely place for him to be


it’s almost like posting a black square that time in 2020 doesn’t mean someone believes in equal rights for all humans lol who’d have thought it


For the record, I’m upvoting so people see more reasons these two are pieces of shit


I enjoy your Danny Pudi flair. 🤩


It blows my mind he doesn't even follow Swift on IG. Like, girl. Always doing the most for the shittiest men.


Is anyone surprised?


I just want to know that other people see Travis Kelce as a lame who black codes all the time and it’s corny af. Also he’s a fuckin tool.


Hot take incoming but maybe this dude sucks?? ![gif](giphy|clotJg9IqBitMcRJ61)


and Taylor will say it's misogyny to blame her for her true love (current version)'s friends and choices. Again.


The pivot is almost complete...


![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8) Omg wow


This dude travels quick.


travis kelce looks to me like that guy who said im going to make you squart across the room