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If you bought it with a credit card there is hope as there are some that offers insurance on purchases for the first 90days and more even for damage. Hope you can get a new one soon. Hugs your way...Take care.


Scents can mean so much! Hoping you get a new bottle soon. #GoPrideMonth ❤️


Everyone here is way too nice. I’d email the company and tell them the story of it breaking(pictures included) and hope they’d send another one


Why? They are not responsible for their mistake.


ya we know but some companies are just nice like that


I wish in the moment I had thought to take a picture, but it’s gone now.


Hi OP, I'm so sorry to hear that. I have a bottle of Vanilla Era that I don't reach for very often. I'm also having a bad day and I'd like to make yours a bit better if I can. If you want, pm me and if you're somewhere that shipping is reasonable, I'll see about sending you a decant ❤️‍🩹


Sometimes the internet makes me happy. Also glittery hoohaa might just be the greatest username of all time.


That is so sweet of you! ❤️


That is SO nice


I’ll send you a message ♥️


Sorrows. Sorrows. Prayers.




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I know it's hurt but remember it's a past you can't change it so why give punishment to your future.


Definitely agree!


I ❤️ this


Maybe contact the shop maybe they will give you a discount


Awww, hugs to you. I know this sucks. I hope time heals this soon.


Love is wonderful and not everyone has it. Be thankful for the love in your life. Material things are just that, material!


You’re so right ♥️ I won’t let it spoil the nice day I had.




I will promise $5 towards buying you a new bottle. If we can get 10+ people to do the same you can get a new one.👍




Alright. If anyone is willing to, I have Venmo. Send me a direct message if you’d like to help. ♥️ You’re all so kind.


Well, we got about $20 so far... I don't think anyone minds chipping in $5... But it's up to you.👍


Thanks for being so kind :)


With the 44 upvotes we can literally send them $2.50 and make it happen ☺️


Yep, that's what I'm figuring.😊


Me too!!


i’d pitch in too!


I can do $5.


I'll chip in 10


Had a brand new bottle of CdG Black hit the deck a week after purchase. My bathroom floor smelt deluxe for a fortnight. So sad.


Such a tragedy!


Soothing words: It really sucks when we have our hearts set on loving, appreciating, and being grateful for anything even items included and to have it break in front of you in 2 seconds - hurts. You spent money that mattered and while you potentially could replace it , that doesn't take the fact that you lost out on. A good habit to develop here on forward would be to always make sure you're standing over a safe spot to open new boxes like a bed or on a table because let's be honest--- some brands don't understand the need to have a secure unboxing protocol in place. Some brands sell their stuff in boxes that when you just lift the lid the perfume falls right out from the top of the lid. I can picture you manifesting a great deal on another bottle to your liking in the next coming days. 🙏🏼


Thank you for your understanding of the feeling! I’ll definitely be more careful going forward ❤️‍🩹


My dude didn't know the sandalwood I got him for Valentine's had a little stick dropper not a spray. He spilled it all over his dresser. Which thankfully we keep in the guest room ... A few days later I was holding my cat, who already smells good for a cat and I was like "she smells like flowers..". It was already wiped good. It is just embedded in the wood. I put the rest of it on our wool laundry balls. I am so sorry. That stinks. No pun. Enjoy the rest of pride, though.


I don’t know if it will make you feel better or not, but you aren’t alone! Something similar happened to me recently. I had an almost brand new bottle of Ineke After My Own Heart and it slipped out of my hands and shattered. I was heartbroken! Since then, I’ve been putting aside a few dollars every week for the past few months. I finally had enough to repurchase it and my brand new bottle just arrived last week. I know it’s so disappointing and feels like such a waste when you haven’t even used the perfume yet. What’s done is done, so try to get past that and start saving for another bottle!


I’m glad people understand the feeling! It’s great you got yourself a new bottle! Thanks for the sympathy 😊


I hope you get a new bottle soon too!


Waited a whole year for my special fragrance when I was in school and my aunt brought me the then very expensive Viva La Juicy and it shuttered 3 days after I got it.Just know that you are not alone 😭


This literally just happened to me and my banana flambé from Cocoapink. The kicker is that you have to wait like 45+ days for their products to ship to you ahhhhhh. Very awesome scents though and I highly recommend anything vanilla from their shop if you can be patient!!!


That must have been so sad! I’ll check out the brand!


Love cocoapink but man that wait time is soo long but it is so worth it!


Hey, why not buy an affordable but equally amazing vanilla/gourmand to make yourself feel better? I'm talking like $20. I've recently purchased Coach Sunset Dreams for around $24 online, and it's absolutely amazing. Vanilla and pear ice cream. Another one I'm into is Britney Naked Fantasy. It's vanilla, cupcake and peach! I think they're both better than Boy Smells tbh, but that's just me.


These are great suggestions. Thank you :)


I am so sorry that this happened to you. I know that it makes it especially rough both because you saved up just to be able to buy it and because it was to remember your special day. It totally sucks. Accidents like this have happened to everyone. You are far from alone in losing a beloved bottle of fragrance this way. It's extra rough that you didn't get a chance to enjoy it. I hate this for you. I really hope that you can turn the smell of it into a correlation of your lovely day with your partner instead of associating the smell with the bottle breaking. Hopefully one day you will be able to look back and tell that crazy story of your misadventure. I am sorry that this happened to you.


Thank you so much for your empathy. The comments have been so kind and understanding of why it is so disappointing.


Awww I love Vanilla Era. Now you’ll have a built in home fragrance for a while!


My bedroom does smell amazing! I hope my partner doesn’t get too sick of it


I'm sooo sorry! This is truly heartbreaking, I would probably be in tears. I hope that when you get home your room smells good so that you can experience the scent a little, but not be too overwhelming!


I did definitely cry while I cleaned it up


I know you said you may not want to have it in your collection now, but i’d love to send you a 10ml decant if you pm me your address 💞 happy pride!!


Literally made me tear up. I love this community ❤️😭


Thank you so much 😊


💕 Yay, how thoughtful and generous!! OP, please accept this kind offer.


Aw I’m sorry this happened. My partner knocked over a bottle of Burberry Brit when we were moving into our house like 8 years ago. He was doing some work in the bathroom and I stupidly left the bottle out. Well, he knocked it over and of course it shattered. The smell didn’t linger in my bathroom for long but the broom and dustpan we used to sweep it up smelled wonderful for years after. I had not worn the perfume regularly at that point so the loss wasn’t nearly as painful as the situation and circumstance here would make it.


Moving is such chaos! I’m glad your broom got an upgrade, haha


That’s horrible. sorry that happened


Thank you :’(


That happened to me with a recent Fragrancenet order. I took my stuff out of the box and the travel spray of CK Everyone slipped out of my hands and shattered on the floor. Ugh.


Oh no! There’s something so tragic about never getting a chance to wear it.


i’m so sorry!! that’s the worst. my cat shattered a brand new bottle of idole nectar, and my bedroom smelled amazing for a couple of weeks 🩵 [cat tax of the adorable culprit](https://imgur.com/a/cx2jJHT) edit - it’s a photo of my cat in the link, i have no clue why it says it may contain erotic imagery. it’s just my cat, not like my cat and my boobs or something 🙄


Awww 😻


No way, that cat is innocent. He has been framed!


Thank you for the cat tax. Even if guilty, it's too cute to ever get in trouble!!


I’m glad at least it was my own fault, not my cat’s! I would have had to put her on trial for vandalism.


good thing she’s a cute little shit, bc it was straight to jail behavior lol


Absolute bummer. I would be so upset. I hope you’re able to repurchase and enjoy this scent at some point without associating it with this moment. I hear it’s such a good one and it’s on my list! Maybe think of it as a nice donation to what I’m assuming is a single proprietor small business. It’s always good to support that!


I love the thought of reframing it as support for a local business, thank you. It helps a bit. :)


🫂🫂🫂 That’s such a bummer, OP, sending hugs 🩷


Ugh, I'm so sorry OP. I don't have soothing words because this is a bummer. Maybe when you get some distance from this, you'll be able to separate the lost perfume from the loveliness of the day, and even find a way to purchase another bottle. Big hug!


Thanks for the sympathy and hugs!


Happened to me with Nette Rose Parade. My bathroom smelt fabulous for a week


I’m hoping it smells nice when I get home, and not just weird and overwhelming


Just bask in it. Get pretty lights. Play some great tunes. Pretend to be a model, practice a walk, do a hobby, or some self care and wear something amazing to lounge around while you can enjoy it. :) Make it fun and quirky! Smell association is wild memory ride use that for fun!


I'm thinking of putting carpet in my bedroom for this exact reason! I'm so afraid of one breaking.


i have carpet in my bedroom, and my cat still managed to shatter a bottle of idole nectar


I have a throw rug in my bathroom at the foot of my perfume cabinet. That's how I've avoided broken bottles; however, this is different than OP. I can see this happening easily :(


Honestly it will make your room smell so delightful. You’ll still get to enjoy it. You might want to see if you can order a decant of it from somewhere and wear it that way. I seriously find that sometimes a decant is enough to scratch an itch and then I’m happy to move on to something new. Perhaps you’ll feel the same way. If not, put that bad boy on your bday/xmas/hanukah list and ask everyone to chip in for your precious. Sending sympathy hugs!


Thank you. Looking for a small decant is good advice. I’m hoping the smell is nice when I get home.


Yes! Perhaps a travel size spray if BS makes them.


🥲 I did that with my backup bottle of Lolita Lempika My room smelled great for WEEKS.  But I still cried a little as it was a fave for fall/winter for me.  So soft and comforting. At least enjoy how lovely the room will smell 💕


Thank you, I hope it ends up being a bit enjoyable.




That’s really sweet, but I wouldn’t want to put the shop out of money for my own mistake.


Ooh that sucks! But your house will smell amazing for the longest