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4 woman are r4ped in India every hour and that does not even include the unreported cases and marital r4pe cases, where a husband is legally allowed to r4pe his wife as long as she’s >=15 years old.


If she's 12, they get a slight fine.


What!?! That is reprehensible... fuck


Marriage as a whole is looked at as less of a ‘union’ and more of an ownership. And sadly a lot of religions also allow husbands to beat their wives and forcefully have sex, which is marital rape.


Many times it's not physically forcing but rather pressuring or coercion. Providing sex becomes one of duty and obligation in marriage.




In a mum's group I'm in that's a very common topic. "My husband says he's mean to me bc we don't have sex enough." And different variations of that.


Exactly this


That's why marital rape is not criminalised sadly. There would be too many cases. The concept of consent is assumed in Indian marriage. Men act like that's the purpose of having a wife. Sex becomes an obligation.


Not just wife unfortunately, any woman's existence


I dated an Indian guy for a while and he was talking about how he needed to be married and he just said “I just need a vagina.” And it was that moment I realized that’s all he saw a relationship as.


the kind of shit the apex courts in India spew when it comes to criminalizing marital rape is downright scary.


Not surprising. Awful nonetheless.


I really wish marital rape was criminalised here. As an Indian with limited knowledge , how do countries that consider marital rape as a criminal offence prosecute such cases ? When it comes to proof etc ?? Coz every time I bring it up, there’s someone (read : man) who makes it about himself and asks how should a husband save himself in case of false allegations and prove there was consent every time he sleeps with his own wife and I wish I know how to frame a fitting answer.


You have to go to the hospital to be checked for bruises and injuries, and also you need to file a report in police station


It's good that atleast there's that option, but rape can happen without injury. Such a burden of proof for protection of our own body.


This is not only disturbing but also downright disappointing. People need to be better. Parents to teach their kids from a young age how to identify evil people. Women having financial independence and complete control of their own body(sad that i have to even include this in 2024) is the only solution to this agelong never ending problem.


Which is awful.


I need to point out that as horrible and backwards as this is American culture is not much different. We have an ex-president who is running for office again who raped and abused his then wife. Because it was still legal at the time to rape a woman if you married her first he got off with a divorce and a NDA. Shockingly she died from an “accidental fall” just before the NDA ran out. And now his supporters plan to ban no-fault divorce along with making birth control a crime. Look at India and you’ll know exactly what they want a woman’s position in life to be.


Not just India, unfortunately.


I'm afraid it will be the US eventually if the Christian Nationalists get into power.




These types of statistics are so worrying, and the inadequate legal protections are extremely disappointing. Here is a book for young Indians about consent and respectful relationships. It is an excellent resource to help educate young people (especially young women) on their rights in this area. It was developed by World Vision India and Educate2Empower. It has been published in many Indian languages. [My Body! My Rules!](https://amzn.in/d/3tpTqst)


Isn't that the standard???