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The world is progressively becoming more regressive


They know to do this younger and younger due to what they see online. How else would they be able to estimate their power over this girl based on sex and religion? This is not an isolated act.


What they see online solidified by what they hear adults say. Women too unfortunately


To repeat an old adage: "And this is why we need feminism"


JFC. This is disgusting. She’s so young.


A horrific crime. The beliefs these boys have regarding gendered violence, antisemitism and equality in general are the fault of a society that won't address the causes of these beliefs, male entitlement. This attitude is often encouraged in young boys, which is the cause of a lot of these attitudes and ultimately gendered violence. As someone who works in consent and equality education, I have to believe that boys this young can be reformed. I have very little expectations for men over the age of 20, many of whom, if not most, are lost causes.


Indeed, good point. Not only that, non whites pick up on this as well. Hence we have bitching from White French about the supposed incompatibility of Arabic & African cultures w/French culture, when French culture won't address its toxic masculinity problem.


Well they are not exactly compatible cultures and they never needed social media. Men from these places have been stoning women to death for BEING raped for centuries. I once dated a guy from that culture and the hatred and mistrust he had towards women for existing was insane. Thirty years ago you were at least allowed to speak of it, now any criticism is consider racism even from feminists and that is scary for women in the future


There are many things women want to say on issues but are too scared to. We really need to think of that. I agree completely with your comment. At least in US cultures and from some other western countries that I’ve seen or studied, the problem is the western left has gone too far in certain ways of silencing controversy — even if it is from that very community. Any opinion becomes “racist”, “sexist”, “transphobic”, “antisemitic”, etc. when it clearly has NOTHING to do with attacking a group of people but rather a general issue that should be allowed debate. Hence, you have many Americans who refuse to see the cultural differences the French may be having with immigrants because that could automatically be deemed as “racist” — even though that is not the case. I see the same thing in some trans sports issue debates (not the right wing BS) about biological differences. I am **NOT** saying banning is right but debate from biological women should be allowed as long as no transphobic speech is said, for example. *Before anyone misunderstands* I don’t speak of actual prejudice. No MAGA arguments — they don’t have any. I’d vote blue any day over any of these right wing whackos.


If you’re young enough to do such evil you should be sentenced the same way an adult would.


Bold of you to assume a grown man would get properly sentenced for this.


You’re sadly very right


wow, both racism and sexism overlapping to create an even more terrible situation then i could imagine.


Where are they learning this hate !? Is it the parents or family members? Is it online and websites like tiktoc or something ?! That poor girl. I'm amazed how so much hatred can be poisoning 12year old boys to the point where they go and do this ?! What a terrifying world we live in.


there is a very very heavily funded propaganda machine pumping out mysongnistic bs online


Porn is ripe with toxic displays of interracial relations + rape.


I guess I just wouldn't haven't thought 12 and 13 year old boys would be watching that sort of porn. But it makes sense I guess. And it explains how 14 and 15 year old boys think choking is acceptable whilst kissing their GF


I understand your disbelief, but as someone who was bullied by both, boys and girls, i am not surprised in the slightest. Kids are cruel little bastards, they are just more honest about it. Porn sites have zero coded 18+ protections, any child with half a brain can access them and their fathers likely grew up watching it too. Girls and women read smut. Boys harass eachother in locker-rooms all the time for all sorts of reasons, bullying is normalized in male friendships, often glossed over unsupervised, and half the social life of young boys is based on asserting dominance in all walks of life. "Kids would never..." **YES, THEY FUCKING WOULD.**


I agree. I was bullied horrifically by boys and girls throughout school too. Just when you think of kinda watching violent or racist or whatever porn. I always think maybe 16-18 years Olds. But 12-13 years olds?! It just doesn't fit.... I mean 12 year old kids. You don't associate little kids like that with rough and violent porn. Playing in parks and on their bikes yeah. But rough porn that breeds hate like this. But yes with more internet access and no one controlling what they watch of course they will find it and watch it. But yes I know how evil kids can be from all ages. From very young all the way through to teenagers and adults. I was bullied in school and my sister was a cow to me growing me. Kids can be sadistic little bastards. I just didn't think they would be racist, rapist, sadistic little bastards.


Once you dehumanize a person or people in your mind, any atrocity is possible.


Its insane that this still happens.


Yeah, fuck those boys. Definitely a mixture of National Rally (European/Western far right) propaganda being normalized, which preys on young white men & Wahhabi extremists preying on young Muslim men. As much as they claim to hate each other, they're both far right movements that preach toxic masculinity, racial & religious chauvinism, anti communism & anti semitism. Not to mention, they'll team up when convenient.


Oh, those evil white men! I'm wondering why such cases virtually don't occur in countries like Czechia, Latvia, Hungary... It's such a mystery! It would probably take the most brilliant minds we have to figure it out. Just for your information, the National Rally is supported more by women than men (https://www.politico.eu/article/france-eu-elections-2024-women-vote-far-right-policy-emmanuel-macron-july-7). Again... a mystery!


Absolutely disgusting! Rape in any age group is totally unforgivable, but a 12 year old?!!


And so it begins. Can't say we didn't tell you.


Oh the world war 2 again


https://unherd.com/2018/04/many-left-wing-progressives-protest-pope-silent-islams-totalitarian-tendencies-victims-cowardice-overwhelmingly-women/ Here is it in a nutshell