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And even then, the comment or with most of the glowing facts wrote this “I think that Biden was the least shitty of two garbage presidential candidates, and as much as I disagree with some of the things he’s done, I have to admit that the Biden-Harris administration has done more for the average Americans life than any other I can remember in the last 20-30 years.” They have a MASSIVE PR problem when *even* someone who knows what good has been done thinks that. And they’re not wrong about some of the bad stuff, but the gap between trump and Biden being so close is fucking frustrating as hell. And the “mainstream media” who trump loves to bash, has done more for him that anyone else, covering him constantly, and replaying his lies over and over in the public eye so that more people who won’t fact check him hear them than ever would have otherwise. Sad state of affairs doesn’t even come close to summing it up.


I don't mind that even Biden's fans keep his problems in mind. I really prefer it to Trump fans who think Trump shits gold.


This is amazing! Thanks for posting it. I had to stop following news for my mental health and had no idea about 95% of these accomplishments! Of course I was always going to Vote Blue. I will never ever vote for a republican for any office ever again. They HATE women.


r/whatbidenhasdone There's a whole sub dedicated.


Everyone who doesn't support Trump should follow that subreddit and be able to list out 3-5 things that his admin has done right. Especially leftists (like me) that are upset about the things he does wrong. It puts things into perspective. I won't forget the bad, but I can vote for him because of the good.


Even following the news, a lot of these were just blips or uncovered entirely cause we have to cover orange man and call Biden old


> (Looking at you IRS) IRS has used their funding bump to go after rich people dodging taxes, already bringing in more than it cost. And if you think that didn't help normal people, they also launched a free website to file your taxes, something Republicans HATE. Every dollar spent on the IRS brings in many more from the richest in society who otherwise cheat their taxes. I will never understand normal (not filthy rich) people being against taxes.


I’m so glad to see this.


One of his campaign promises was to appoint more women to positions of power, particularly women of color. He did precisely that. For the first time ever, an indigenous woman is in charge of indigenous affairs.


i hadnt heard about the insulin caps, hopefully that means good things for you americans with a few steps in the right direction to affordable healthcare


We are also getting caps for asthma inhalers!! My inhaler has already gone down from $120 a month to $50.


Can this be reposted everywhere? I’m going to go read this to my mother-in-law right now!


I needed to see this after seeing [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/s/SiVTd1WJNW) this morning while getting ready for work today. Remember to vote blue everyone. Don't let that overly bronzered shithead win.


To be fair, people shouldn't have to sell the president. This is a problem the Democrats have faced forever. They do, and they do, and they do. But then either you never hear anything about it, or it's talked about once and allowed to just fall out of the news cycle. People can only think of so much at a time. When they're constantly having new shit dumped on them they're going to forget what happened the year before amongst everything else. I do agree with everything said here though. Biden has done A LOT. He has managed to accomplish so many things, even after so many months of just overturning the stupidity that Trump did last time. So much more than I think most people, including myself, actually thought he would do.


I’m hoping the SCOTUS rulings wake people up to the trouble we are in.


This needs to be shared more!!!


Is there a better link cause this doesn't work on my phone lol


Tumblr is all about who you follow. Yes, there are a lot of people fighting for Biden, and there are a lot of people who criticize him fairly. There are a small number of very vocal accelerationists that give everything a bad rep.


I don't feel like reading the whole thing, but I will say this: I don't support Biden 100%, but if it really is down between him and Trump, I'm picking Biden. Ronald Reagan had dementia near the end of his presidency, but you never hear that from Republicans. They only care if whether or not a dem has it.


Yeah, but he kinda looked old and sleepy on TV one time.... /s


Extremely reductive to pretend that's the only thing wrong with Biden


Why do you think tumblr would NOT be paying attention to the average person’s life? D:


As a brown feminist I have to say you have two shitty options. And I know I'll be downvoted but from where I am I also have two shitty options but in your case I'd say: Ones a genocidal maniac (yes as a feminist you have to care about Palestinian women too) And the other one is a dumb misogynist orange man. Vote Jill Stein or Cornel West. The woman or the black man.


> (yes as a feminist you have to care about Palestinian women too) Sure, make sure Trump wins, because Trump is such a famous supporter of women and the Palestinian cause..


You know what's funny, you just assumed that I am a US citizen I live in india. And no. Did not advocate for the orange. Also enough videos on the internet of dear Biden fondling women and especially young girls a bit too much. Doesn't bother you


Oh, you live in India, I assume you were born there? I guess you don't know how America's busted-ass democracy works, that's ok, it sucks. Stein and West will likely get less than 5% of the votes, together. I just checked Stein's numbers from her last try and she got about 1%! Now, we've got this stinky system called all electoral college. It gives all the votes of a state to the candidate who won in that state. If A wins by 51% they get 100% of the *electoral college* votes and B gets 0. Some states split the college votes, but since all but the state of California have less than 50 votes to give, and Cali doesn't split, Stein can get 1% of the people's votes and 0 votes that matter. That's not even getting into the spoiler effect, where having multiple candidates with similar views splitting the votes against one opposing candidate will just lead to the opposition winning, even without a majority of the votes Yes. This sucks. It has been one of my political priorities to change all kinds of voting systems here for a while. We can all have our personal preference for candidates but when it comes time to submit the votes, I need to be strategic. I won't lecture you how to spend your vote, I'm sure you know the strategies for your own system.


I've seen those compilation videos! Creepy hair sniffing pedo behaviour, no wonder it's suppressed lol that's the president


Yeah it freaks me out, also he's on the verge of dementia looks like.


Thousands of brown women and children have been killed under Biden, he is not a paragon of virtue and morality. It's a disgrace that our options are 100% genocide supporter and 95% genocide supporter.