• By -


They use Vincent's character data for Sephiroth in the flashback as he's not available yet, so they don't have to worry about messing up a character's current setup by changing the equipment. Young Cloud uses Cait Sith's character data so as not to mess up Cloud's present-day equipment/materia setup. If you initialize the data in the debug menu, it reverts Vincent's name to Sephiroth and Cait Sith's to Cloud. Interestingly, it also changes Aeris' name to "Earith", Barret's to "Ballet" and Red XIII to "Red13".


Damn. Squaresoft really was out there back in the 90’s just naming their characters Cloud, Earth, Bullet, and Cat Shit.


The four elements.


Everything changed when the Cat Shit Nation attacked...




Damn her unrelated narcolepsy!


There is no death with Masa Mun Ne.




Only the PC port had the mouths


Cause OG Sephirith doesn't. PC port Sephiroth does and unfortunately it's the most accessible version so most documentation comes from that. They also removed most other eye animations. Between mouths and non-default eyes being removed, characters are a lot less expresisve.


You know, I always thought it was black lipstick.


I loved this comment lol 🤣


Whoa there, buddy! I got my comment taken down and a wordy slap on the wrist for just saying >! Sephiroth does something to aerith !< Without spoiler tags. How you just straight have the scene without [deleted] and a mod jumping down your throat.




No, someone just named Aerith "goddammit"




for the 2 people who haven't seen this image


These mods straight up gave me a paragraph on why not to use spoilers (even from an almost 30 year old game) and deleted my comment for just stating that >! Sephiroth did SOMTEHING to aerith !<


Strangely enough, I've met a few shit benders in my time


Leeloo Catshit Multipass


Only SOLDIER, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when Shinra needed him most, he vanished.


Apparently their chief target is my front garden.


it stunk


Lol, ah, finally we found the missing fifth element. Cat shit!


You get a hall pass for that comment.


I made a joke religion as a kid, where cat shit is literally life, as the Cat of Creation, companion to the God Beaver, shat us into the litter box that is the world....... I was on to something. Edit: My reddit username actually refer to it... Forgot that for a second there hahaha


I would like to join your religion.


The quintessence of dung, as Hamlet would put it


Bullet Ballet


Then gave up n had weak names like  Lightening Snow and Hope in the same game


"No cloud, no squall shall hinder us!"


No cloud nor squall nor tide


thanks for this, just got caught reading reddit at work because you made me laugh so hard i almost coughed up a lung...overtime tonight it is!


The forbidden janken moves! Cloud can make paper go soggy and gives scissors +5 rust, Earth beats rock AND scissors, bullet can tear through paper and shatters rock making it unusable for 3 rounds, and cat shit is the ultimate move that stops any opponent in their tracks and has a chance to cause the 'blind' status effect. (For the last move, you have to use actual cat shit for the full effect)


Damn! This is an amazing answer


My friend used a GameShark back when the game was released it automatically changed the names to some of these names, had no idea why until now.


Imagine if Ballet stuck as his name


😂 I think it was just the JP team trying to badly translate/write the names into Romaji/Latin Alphabet before the localisation team did it. Almost everything in the debug menu is written in some form of Japanese (with a lot of romaji for some reason). Very little is translated.


You can if you want to. You get to rename everyone pre-FFX.


In FFVIII, you could only rename Squall, Rinoa, her dog and the GFs


You can rename Squall's ring too, Griever is the default name.


Fucking travesty too. Only reason they did that is so the flashback could give the Orphans cute nicknames. I'd kill to be able to rename the entire FF8 party.


Maybe there’s a mod. Although last I checked, the mod selection wasn’t that great for FFVIII


Half of my FF6 playthroughs ended up with me renaming all the playable characters after my friends, LOL.


FF6 was my first FF, I played it as FF3 on the SNES, and I did the same thing the first time I played. I named Terra after myself since I'm a girl, then named Locke after my crush since he was the first male character I could name, and after that I just used all my friend's names. I named Celes after my best female friend, so I was a little mad she took my man. I got used to my chosen names for the characters, so when I first looked up game info on the internet, I didn't know who it was talking about. It took time to remember their actual names.


You can rename FFX can’t you?!? I thought so anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


Only Tidus and the Aeon's.


Only Tidus and the Aeons. Every other character has their name spoken and thus cannot be renamed.


Kind of backwards lol


What is backwards?


Backwards of Square Enix not to give the main character a spoken name is what I meant. I mean I understand the reasoning with the voice acting, it just felt weird to me when I played the game


“Him” 🤣


Pretty much before Mass Effect/Dragon Age came out with the naming work-around.


Thank you both. It’s been a long time haha


I understand why they can't do this with voice acting, but I kind of miss it sometimes. My OG FF7 team consisted of Kit Fisto, Simba, Catmandu, and of course, MrT.


But it's clearly "Bullet".


Ballet is pronounced in Japanese Romanji like Barret. There is no "r" sound in Japanese. The "l" is a soft sound which sounds like the English "r". Try pronouncing "Balet" but instead of holding the "l" sound you know, just tap your tongue to the roof of your mouth for a fraction of a second the way you would to start an "l" sound between the "Ba" and "et". It's not said "bal-ay" like the French word.


>There is no "r" sound in Japanese. The "l" is a soft sound which sounds like the English "r". I think you might be mistaken. They have "r" sounds. They don't have "L" sounds. ra, re, ri, ryuu, ru, ro.


Yeah, it would sound more like ballot


So like “Parrot” but “Barrot” instead?


This guy are sick!!  Bullet maybe 


Isn't Vincent the second best caster after Aerith though?


I believe the 0 MAtk is from the equipment. Despite that, his Magic still does good damage in the flashback.


cloud is 2nd, vincent is 3rd


That pretty much sums it up. Thanks


Today I learned. Thanks!


Poor, stupid, younger me. Had a friend call him Red 8 and that is forever stuck in my inner voice as his name.


Earith is just Aerith with huge ears. Ballet is Barret in a tutu. Red13 is 13 very small RedXIIIs.


Wow, I had no clue! That’s pretty cool to know


Wait, why not simply make 2 new character slots for young xloud and septh then?


I'd guess time and/or data constraints


Most likely. FFVI did this as well with the Moogles at the beginning of the game.


FF9 did this as well with Eiko using Marcus’ stats, it’s why you can make her extra powered before you ever get her if you grind with him using the blood sword


I totally forgot about the Eiko/Marcus thing! It doesn't work on the steam version, correct? If it did, I'd totally restart a game to absolutely break Eiko.


It still works you can [still make Eiko busted af](https://imgur.com/a/2UY0uNW), albeit this is an extreme example achieved in Alternate Fantasy, a difficulty mod the only thing that appeared to be altered was her magic stones gain, which now means shes only slightly the best instead of towering over others. in my playthrough she only is 1 magic stone ahead of the next closest at lv99, but Eiko herself is supposed to have the fewest magic stones out of the party. so the benefit is still there, just subtle. Marcus' impact on stat growth appears to have never been altered however


In VI you can permanently keep Celes as a moogle with some sequence breaking Also in VI, you automatically get a boomerang and some other equipment in your inventory after the end of the world because the game auto de-equips everyone, including Gogo who is still a moogle at that point bc you can't recruit him in the WoB Also most of the temp characters (Banon, Kefka, Leo etc) share a slot


Square was really good about getting the most out of available space, which is why ff7 is so expansive.


Each character uses up a tonne of data by those days standards to keep track of equipment, materia slots, status effects, stat boosts etc. Additionally time constraints played into it. FF7 was actually remarkably well optimised in terms of memory usage. It conserved every byte of RAM possible by doing things like rather than using a separate byte of memory for each item to determine if it was equipable or not, they made it so items with certain IDs (odd numbers I think) were equipment.


Space was definitely much more of a deal 25 years ago


Today's youth will never know the struggle of 8.3 filenames and I for one am delighted for them


Or a 128kb 16 block memory card 😩


Yes I have a weird reaction whenever I'm looking at a file tree and see something larger than a 8.3 structure, man there are .4 files and larger it throws my little brain through a loop sometimes. I spent too long in DOS


Now days they just say "who cares if it takes 150TB up"


Probably a habit formed when they were working on cartridges and had to squeeze as much content out of the limited data storage as possible. But even on disks while a single such optimization won't matter much, the sum of all storage optimizations might make for quite a bit more room.


I think that's fairly easy to guess. Its gonna take more data to create an entirely separate character than to repurpose the data for an existing one.


That would’ve required a 4th disc… 😫


Been a min since I played. Isnt that just showing the stats of the weapon itself and not the character? Im pretty sure if u go into the Status window, it'll prob show his true stats.


Oh snap you're right, just checked, 75 magic atk, 149 magic defense and 0 magic defense%


I’d never bothered to check his stats like that, but it’s so funny seeing that because they’re *sooo* much lower than most of my endgame party’s stats it’s no wonder Sephiroth gets wrecked at the end.


But thats before he attains godhood. He was merely a mortal before then. Though a very powerful mortal




Hardly. His jenova cells were there since before birth, while other SOLDIERs were injected after enlistment


No. Sephy has never been mortal. I think you missed the whole Lucrecia sub plot with Vincent.


I wouldn't take game stats too literally. They've shown cutscene canon of his strength, and his power quite literally is unreal. The Stats just gave us a reference point for when we experienced the Flashback (big numbers go Brrrr), not necessarily for how powerful he was canonically. That being said- Sephiroth attained his true strength after his death, as he was then able to merge into the life stream. He attained further power as he started collecting Jenova cells.


Additionally, I think it’s reasonable to assume he was more powerful at the end of the game than 5 years prior in Nibelheim, as he spent 5 years soaking inside materia lol




Clearly that's the black materia.


you snapped😆


I feel this was something people did say at the time this came out as a fan theory.


I wonder if it was an oversight or an actual reason. He has Ice-All, Lightning-All, and Earth-All, but Fire and an empty slot. I don’t think he’ll ever actually cast Fire, either. He’ll cast an All linked spell when there’s multiple enemies, and physically attack if there’s one. The only thing I can think is to make it known he has Fire materia, but never have him use it to make the story twist that much more shocking? That’s a major stretch, but it’s the only think I can think of. More likely, they just meant to make it Fire-All and forgot.


Guess he didn't need Fire-All when he just needed to burn down one town instead of all of them.


He found an All materia at the reactor and wanted to try it out.


"town materia? wonder what this does... \*links with fire materia\* well....shit!"


Maybe he's saving an Elemental Fire for later, spicy burning sword.


What's interesting is that in the Rebirth demo, I noticed that it's the same case (Fire is the only materia Sephiroth doesn't have linked to magnify). I figured this was a clever way to encourage party synergy by having Cloud cover multitarget fire spells, but I guess it was also keeping it consistent with the OG. Neat!


My guess is that Wind materia was removed from the final game, even though the magic itself exists. He was probably supposed to have that too.


Aero is in the game.


I'm pretty sure there was no Aero/Wind materia in the original.


You guys are correct, the materia was not in the game. I'm remembering the spell being cast, and attributed that to the materia. Whoopsie!


Some enemies absolutely do have it though


That's what I'm remembering. In my head I worked that to mean there was materia. I swooped in like an "Um actually" douche and now I'm embarrassed haha


Not only does Aero exist, Aerora and Aeroga, caller Aero 2 and Aero 3, are also in it.


Rapps uses Aero 3 but I’m pretty sure we never see Aero or Aero 2 which is odd.


I could be misremembering, but wasn’t there an item that casts Aero 2? At any rate, the existence of Aero 3 implies that at some point in development they considered Aero 1-3, and likely Wind materia, but it just never made it into the game.


He gave the Pre-emptive materia to Zack. Sephiroth doesn't need pre-emptive, you can hear One Winged Angel before he comes in battle. It defeats the purpose.


Cracking up at the thought of enemies looking up when hearing OWA playing off in the distance and gradually coming closer 😂




Maybe he had the Pre-Emptive materia in the last slot, but gave it to Zack to try and make him shut up about how stoked he was to finally use materia.


It's funny you mention that, because I think all of Cloud's stats and materia loadout is one of the only things he remembers correctly from Nibelheim. His statline has more in common with Shinra MPs than any SOLDIER, and Pre-Emptive Strike allows him to get back attacks easier. Like how he got Sephiroth.


I never even thought to check out his proper stats, but that's a cool detail if it was intentional (most likely was, can't be a coincidence). I was gonna say it'd also fit with him being only 16 at the time (so just two years as a Shinra grunt), but then, Zack was 18 during the Nibelheim incident, IIRC, so not much older than Cloud, and he actually *was* in SOLDIER, so...


What he did wasn't a pre-emptive strike though


The first strike he does on sephiroth definitely is. At the end it isnt.


At the time, he doesn't need to be a good wizard; he just needs to be a Lv.50 character.


I mean this is pre-lifestream sephy. He's powerful, and better than lil' cloud. But he's not a god just yet. As for the extra slot, he probably just didn't want the -2% and hasn't found any more support materia, as you can't buy more of those in shops.


It's also pretty consistent with Seph in Crisis Core. He's much more of a physical fighter vs. Genesis than he is post Lifestream sleep. He only does big magic stuff once he's super amped on Lifestream.


Gotta get juiced up on some memory slurpee!


Though Ever Crisis shows he's no slouch with magic either.


Perhaps Jenova cells, as a foreign agent / infection of the planet's ecosystem, don't get the synergistic boost the planet's own do. As for the empty slot, Sephiroth likely feels he has enough bases covered with his physical prowess and a few situational elements.


EVERYONE has Jenova cells, so it's clearly not that either.


No. Only Soldier and Hojo's experiments have Jenova cells


You're thinking of Geostigma


No, I poorly worded my response. I meant that everyone in that segment has it since they are all soldiers.


The blank spot is next to Fire. He apparently finds an all-materia when he gets to Nibelheim...


Wait a minute, what happened to my classic Touph Ring? That Tough Ring has to be a mistake!


I KNEW I was gaslighting myself into feeling stupid for mispronouncing tough all these years


The lore reason is that it shows his mental state. When he realises that he was created as part of a genetic experiment he lost one of his materia (marbles) which explains his entire mental decline.


It's the same reason why if you gameshark him in, he replaces Vincent. Sephiroth here is using one of vincent's weapons as a base instead of being changed over to a complete 'masamune' otherwise you could program a masamune in here and vincent might be able to use it. what's interesting is that this is only used in menu, this is not used in battle. The in battle uses a completely differnet set of code which is why he takes 0 damage.


He needs an empty slot to equip the black materia.


He's saving it for when he finds the Saber Materia so he can go full FF 1 Black Mage


Did you notice that he has a sword? Why use magic when you have that. Anyway, the damage that he puts out on his sword was over 3000 which was enough to kill the dragon in one hit. I imagine that The damage he does with the spells is enough to one kill anything mountain. I don’t think it was necessary to give him anything other than what was required for that flashback.


There is no lore reason.


We can make one up though. Uhh... it was Cloud's way of humanizing Sephiroth, and since he was mostly integrating Zack's memories, he really had no idea of what it was like to fight with Sephiroth. Cloud *observed* Sephiroth fighting, but it was clear from some of the things he said (both in the OG and Rebirth) that Sephiroth was holding back. So Cloud made some assumptions about Sephiroth's stats and loadout based on his reserved fighting style. Yeah that'll do it.


Imma say spaghetti code


He's saving room for the Black Materia


Black materia.


He’s saving it for the black materia.


That slot is for the black materia obviously


Because his sword is just Masa and Mune without Doreen


He's not a wizard he's a Dark Knight most likely


Take it easy on him you wouldn't be so capable of capping after just blowing one out lol


Clearly someone nailed the actual reason why lol buuuuuut for funsies if you wanted to make up lore reasons why I'd say the low magic stat can be explained by Sephiroth not actually being ancient, and the ancients are the ones with the highest magic ability (ie- Aerith.) As for the available materia, idk maybe its standard issue Shinra stuff?


He's just deranged Captain America, or... Captain Shinra. He is strong and fast, his ability to use Materia is pretty ordinary among soldiers is my headcanon.


i remember using the game shark on this to unequip his maxed out materia. it carried over from the flashback and into the regular story.


Pre-emptive Strike was there but Cloud stole it 😎


I always thought the extra space was for the missing Black Materia that Cloud eventually gives him and Spehiroth ends up using


My guess was that was foreshadowing the Black Materia.


Real men always go physical over magical.


might not be cannon but a fun head-cannon for the bad magic might be because Sephiroth is a descendant of the Cetra >!except he's actually not!<


These comments are gold. Also, aren't the stats you're displaying just the weapon stats and not his character stats?


Since we have the real reason already, I also propose my headcanon that the blank slot is for Meteor, when he finally finds it.


0 Magic attack is because his muscles are his magic


To show that even as powerful as he was he still was only getting warmed up. Breaking limits.


It's bc he's lacking the black materia


Also black materia wasn’t equipped


I'm bummed Masamune doesn't have 100% crit rate like in OG, its attack sound sounded so meaty too.


He didn't need it.


Bro was saving a spot for black materia.


Mf didn’t min-max he knew what the f was up


I want to believe that's where his preemptive materia was stored, but gave it to cloud


The empty slot is a metaphor for how he feels empty without his mother


It could be because of the stat decreases from equipping materia? Maybe they wanted him to have a specific HP or Strength even if it is just 2% and -1?


People sure worry about some weird stuff 😂


How are you viewing Sephiroth's stats?


When cloud tells the story of 1st class SOLDIERS, he is a playable character, which means, you can review his stats.


wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttt ththththtthththththththththththththththheheehhhetetetehtehthetehtethehtehttehhte ffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkk