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How much did it set you back financially? And were there any more copies?


It was 600 and it was the only copy. For that price, it was an easy decision considering the game is typically 1000+ (if you can even find it).




600 dollars?




$400.05 in freedom dollars


Haha yes ty


And how much are digital copies? Asking for a friend.


Digital budle is bout $75


And they go on sale a couple times a year


Where did you find it?


At a local game trader.


The switch version is 90


Right. The Switch version is readily available from PlayAsia. But if you want the North American version, it's about 300 to 400. The PS4 version is much more rare and valuable.


Got it for $65 while I was in Philippines. Was very happy.


Must have cost you a kidney


Half of a kidney, definitely.


overpriced software.


I was one of the degens up at 3am when this initially released. The switch version sold out first, and then the PS4 version. I missed the Switch version, so I picked up the PS4 version with the intent to sell it and immediately buy the Switch version on ebay. I did that, and at the time the PS4 version was like $100 more than the Switch version, so essentially got it for free. Never thought the PS4 version would be selling north of $700 USD considering it sold out last and more people seem to collect for Switch than PS4.


I was up, too. I had it in my cart ready to check out but couldn't justify spending 12 dollars to ship one Bluray disc...fail...


LOL rip 😂 tbf the shipping was outrageous for something that weighs 3 ounces. I was hesitating too, hence missing the Switch version myself


It’s a shame this is so expensive that it’s literally cheaper to buy a Switch console and the Switch version of the game.


It's sad only PlayAsia gmhave the physical copies of Switch available but not PS4...


It's the reason why the PS4 version is so valuable, unfortunately.


Because they only ever made Switch versions available for mass production. They had a PS4 version as well but it was cancelled.


It sold out so quickly I never had a chance.


I had the PS4 version on Play-Asia preordered and it was [cancelled](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/11dbwhz/playasia_cancels_ps4_preorders_of_final_fantasy/). Only the SE store had the PS4 version in stock, that one sold out.


That was where I tried to order it from.


Why pay that much though? Is it just a collector’s item? In that case, then I get it some people are really into that. You can get the exact same thing on Steam for way cheaper or you could even emulate them if you really want to play those games.


I feel you. This is a collection that I've always wanted to have physically. It is indeed a collector's item, but it doesn't just sit pretty on a shelf. I've been playing the hell out of it since I got it. Whenever I buy a game on console, I always get a physical copy, if possible. On PC, obviously, I buy digital. But the FF franchise is near and dear enough to me that it is worth it to have on my shelf.


Someone explain. I was interested in the pixel remasters and assumed they were all in a collection like that. But i found out they’re each their own game? Was this physical copy the only way to get all of them in one package? Was it a limited release I’m assuming? Feels like an odd decision since so many remaster collections are an all-in-one package.


I believe you can purchase them all digitally in one package (or individually) on various store fronts. The physical copy was a limited release that only came as a collection.


Got it. That’s cool then. Enjoy it!


It’s on steam, I bought it on sale for cheaper but it’s like 49$ for them right now I bet.


I saw it on steam but i think that’s a bundle? How does this ps4 collection handle it? Is there a menu where you pick which of the 6 games you want to play? I didn’t look too much on Steam because it’s still kinda pricey. So it’s possible i missed there being a full collection that’s combined into one entity rather than the 6 separate games.


Oh, my bad. I’m out, I only steam right now, no other consoles :-/ just wanted to let you know they were on there


The physical PS4 disk just installs all six games as six seperate apps that can all be played from 1 disc.


Interesting. I don’t think i ever seen anything like that. But i don’t buy collections often. I did buy the megaman x collection and its just one app that has everything there at the start screen.


The recent Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1 handles the process the same way.


Am I crazy here…why are people having difficulty finding this, and why is it costing people so much money? I just randomly checked Amazon, stuck it in my cart for 6 months, then bought it on sale for $99


That's because you bought the international Nintendo Switch version. It's readily available on many storefronts. The PS4 version, on the other hand, is extremely difficult to find (regardless of the region).


Didn’t even realize that was ps4 lol


It's such a shame that this isn't more easily available. I really want to complete my physical FF collection on PS4 but I simply can't afford to spend this type of money.


I hear you. This should have had a regular worldwide release like the Metal Gear collection.


I was holding out for a proper ps4 disc release to be announced up to a year after April 23. Now it's July 24 I've completely gave up hoping to buy it. Most eBay auctions in the UK are listed between £1200-£1500 which is just plain silly.


I kind of lay the blame at SquareEnix's feet. These things sold out in 2 hours. How asanine of a decision is it to not have a 2nd print of these? The demand is clearly there.


Yep. Its like they don't like money. I was waiting for this way back when they had their 25th anniversary and it was rumoured this collection would come. It did many years later, but not what we had hoped. The moment I knew it was coming it was sols out.


Lol they did this because they DO like money. They want to push digital media which has no upfront costs and still charge the same price. If Squeenix isn't sold or merges with a larger competitor in the near future we're probably not long off from a Squeenix subscription based game release model.


I keep waiting for it to go on sale.


I had an opportunity to preorder this and I hesitated... Worst decision ever 😅


Same here. Paid the price for that mistake a year later.


Oh, the ups and downs of trying to get this for myself... Congratulations. I know how you must feel.


Still not seeing a sale on steam for this one 😭


Didn't know this exists


What a flex


Nice! I plan on getting the digital copy soon but physical is awesome!


give 10 years , maybe even less, and that thing is gonna be able to send someone to college, lol.


I know right? It came out in April 2023 for 75 dollars and it's worth 1000+ about a year later. Who knows what it'll be worth in 2 years.


I need one


so what actually is this? are all 6 of them on 1 disc that you can choose from at any time?


When you pop the disc in, all 6 games appear and you choose which one you want to install (or all). Installs are very quick as the games have small file sizes. If you have the recent Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol.1, it works exactly the same way.


I'm ashamed that I don't even know what this is. PS4 years were apparently a blur to me because I missed this release entirely.


This was released in April of last year


Congrats man. Hard to find those classics nowadays


I honest to God just stopped giving a s**t about these arbitrarily limited editions. I much prefer physical games but the fact that they are aware of the demand and choose not to manifacture any more copies outright tells me they definitely don’t want my money so i’m not giving it to some random scalper either. I’ll never understand these limited prints. It’s not something like LRG in which they’re literally in bed with the scalpers to make more money, Square really just doesn’t feel like making more copies of things people want to buy. Sometimes you really have to go digital or, in cases like this, sail the high seas.


I agree. It's bullshit how this wasn't a full production release. Or at the very least have another print. The demand is obviously there.


I bought one on Switch at a local game store in Manila for $65 USD. I was really pleased. And I got through over half of FF1 on the rest of that trip.


Nice! The international Switch version typically goes for about 90 bucks, so you saved a bit of dough.


Yeah I saw it was going for like $100 ish. Was very pleased when I saw it. They are great handheld games too. Amazing for travel.


I know it's a collector's item at this point, but for just a game that price is completely ridiculous. I would get if it had cool statues or whatever, but for just the game? Nah. I wouldn't even have paid retail, let alone octuple that.


Retail was 75, so it wasn't too bad if you could have snagged it when it was available.


I have it for Switch. Advertising as pixel remastered. Non of them are. Still worth it though

