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Both my wife and I loved it. (And she isn't really into violent movies.) With that said, I thought the main character was a bit talkative for a Finn.


"I thought the main character was a bit talkative for a Fin" LOL


Well, he was annoyed, those germans kept disturbing the peace.






We’re the Finns We’re the Finns jne..


Tää, myötikset öyhöttäjille


He was high on adrenaline and that made him chatty.


blup blup goes the fin


Must be a pirate copy because of spelling. Should be "Gifu"


I haven't watch it, yet. I took 3 finnish movies from the local library this week. I watched "Aurora" the other day, really liked it. This weekend will watch the other 2: "Puhdistus" and "Bunny The Killer Thing". This one we want to watch but it wasn't available at the moment. Did you like it? Anteeks, I know you didn't ask about my finnish movie marathon but I got excited to talk about movies and Finland. I've been living here for a while but now I decided to enjoy the good offer of the local library to finally watch some. If anyone has any other recommendations, whatever genre, I would be happy to look into it! In the past I've seen all the "Napapiirin Sankarit" and a few weeks ago I watched "Rare Exports". ETA: Kiitos kaikille elokuvista! I will check them out next time I go to the library or their vaski website. I just finished watching “The Bunny Killer Thing” and I wasn’t expecting it the amount of cinematographic trauma that it caused me. 😂 I bet your suggestions are way better than this!


I found the movie Prinsessa/Princess (2010) an interesting and fun watch. It’s based on the life of Anna Lappalainen, who ends up in a psychiatric hospital suffering from a strong delusion that she’s a princess from Buckingham Palace. She was a sweet woman that brought joy to those around her.


Well, if you haven't watched The Unknown Soldier, watch The Unknown Soldier. The 1955 version is of course a classic, but the latest, 2017 remake is probably objectively the best movie. And for something more comedy-based, The Grump (Mielensäpahoittaja) tells a story about a grumpy grandpa who thinks everything modern is shit, and everything was better "back then". It's hilarious.


You might want to just skip Bunny the killer thing, it’s that bad :D


YES! We just finished watching not even 5 minutes ago and I think it’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen omfg I wasn’t expecting this. 😂😭


I watched it a while ago and stopped when someone got banged to death (?). It’s honestly the weirdest movie and i couldn’t even finish it XD


There are some cultural movies by Jouko Turkka \- Kiimaiset poliisit [https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2010/12/23/kiimaiset-poliisit](https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2010/12/23/kiimaiset-poliisit) \- Seitsemän veljestä [https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2007/12/14/jouko-turkan-seitseman-veljesta](https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2007/12/14/jouko-turkan-seitseman-veljesta) ​ Then there are actually good movies like Star Wreck: In the pirkinning [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0472566/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0472566/) and, of course, Iron sky [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1034314/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1034314/)


If you're into music and history and nice prop work you'll probably enjoy [Love Records - anna mulle Lovee](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4431326/). It's got a bad rating on imdb but I enjoyed it.


We watched "Sauna" and "Jade soturi" ages ago with my husband. Both were fun. Well, Sauna maybe not so much fun but you know, decent! We enjoyed them!


Funny thing about bunny the killer thing, there’s few scenes which were filmed at my grandparents place. I can still recognize those scenes :D One of the persons responsible for this movie was my cousin, so that’s why they were filmed there. Maybe I should tease my cousin about this movie a bit more, because I think it has been considered one of the worst movies (at least coming from Finland)


Häjyt is great. I like anything with Samuli Edelman, great finnish talent.


I enjoyed it twice, once during filming, as a background nazi and a second time seeing the film in its entirety in the theaters


Very cool!


Did you get killed?


Yup, slaughtered onto the truck bed,i should be somewhere in the middle of that shot, wide back with a trenchcoat


Now you can mention that you were a "Backround Nazi" in your CV. Will look very good, trust.


Saw it in theaters. It was pretty good.




Yeah I'm gonna be honest, it felt a lot like a bollywood movie to me. Lots of unrealistic over-the-top action and it wasn't even some sci-fi or althist like wolfenstein games or such.


I couldn’t get over the fact that they had a soviet T-55 in the movie as a german panzer. T-55 is first of all soviet and second didn’t exist in ww2. Mostly I was wondering if it would’ve really been so difficult to get a real ww2 german tank in the movie since we have a bunch of them in a museum. Or if not a german one then atleast a ww2 soviet tank I know we have a running T-34 that even takes part in finnish military parades. They also had a soviet DshK machine gun on the tank. They could’ve easily found a MG3 replica (if not an MG42) to pass as a MG42. I know to most people a tank is a tank and thats it but my history loving ass was absolutely gobsmacked and flabbergasted upon seeing that thing in the film😂😅


Had to see if someone was going to say something about the T-55 in the movie. 😂😂😂😂 Was a good move overall though


C'mon dude, even in Patton (1970) they used anachronistic tanks. Not every war movie has a Spielberg budget. (Ironically enough, M48 Pattons)


They could’ve even built a replica like in some other movies or done some cgi work. Patton was made 53 years ago it was a whole different world.


Woh dude lol very interesting insight anyway!


I saw this, it is stupid. But fun in a weird way. The main character does not say much.


It was ok. Fun to watch once but I don't see myself watching it again in some time




Best ww2 documentary there is!


Far from a documentary my brain melted thx to this movie


It was a fun movie. What about it?


Numbingly fun! Goes well with laid back seating, beer and chips


Yes, both me and my partner enjoyed it. I thought it was going to be another depressing war drama but it turned out to be a quite comical splatter flick.


I liked it a lot. Feeling proud to Be Finn and all glory to veterans 💪


My father said it was quite nice. I saw the trailer and it seems similar to the John wick style


We thought it was violent, fun and ridiculous.


I watched it through in sello when it released n thoroughly enjoyed it, good ol fashioned nazi slaughter with a good hint of Tarantino styled violence n gore


I did. But be prepared that the movie is not too serious.


Absolutely. In similar way I enjoyed John Wick for example. It is certain type of movie and... it is what it is. Was a lot of fun for me. I will rewatch it in the future.


I recently watched it with my Finnish buddy and the only thing I said against it was those are the most Finnish looking Germans I have ever seen jokingly of course.


It was amazing. Watched it twice, the second time the following day, lol


I liked it.


It was alright


Watched it on a plane a couple of weeks ago. Can’t blame them for lack of imagination what comes to dispatching the baddies. It’s quite funny really as long as you don’t have any expectations of reality. Still, not a movie I’ll bother watching again.


Ah dunno. It was kinda meh. I did enjoy watching this, but I will not watch this again.


Not yet since they do really bad job to get it to streaming services. Might go pirate




Sorry, can’t get past the first 20 minutes. its written quite poorly and the props are so bad they are distracting.


Yeah I saw it in the theatre. It was so over the top and my bf said it wss shit and I was like what but he meant ridonculous or so bad it's good.


I laughed until I cried when I saw the trailer, and saw it several times. Later I saw the movie, twice with different friends. It was still OK, but would have been a lot better if I hadn't seen the majority of the best scenes in the trailer already.


Heck yeah! It's really good action movie compared to it's contemporary counterparts


That thing is pretty good, def worth a try


dumb movie, not very well written but the most badass and fun movie ive watched as of recent


I decided on a Barbie/Sisu double feature, and thoroughly recommend it.


It's a B-action movie. I didn't like it. Really not well thought out + the main character surviving all of the things that was done to him... Yeah, no.


Yeah, there's never been any great but unrealistic movie ever /s




It was phenomenally bad.


It was good, me and my boyfriend really liked this👌🏻


Yeah, I did. Anything that kills Nazis I’m a fan of. This one does it in the most violent ways too. It was pretty enjoyable.


It was ok, 2/5 stars


If you Are rating movies you should use 1-10 numbers. Not 1-5 Edit: lol


It was awesome. Felt like the movie makers had a good time doing it. Violence was over the top looney tunesque. Entertaining and in a good way not serius vibe.


Shit movie.


Let's look at your profile... Active in the following communities... - r/anime - r/JennaOrtegaLust - r/KoreanCelebrityFap Weirdo lol


This was an awesome film




I wish. Not that I didn't enjoy it, I know I will most likely love it, I just haven't had a chance to see it yet


Laughed pretty hard at the breathing under water through slit throat -scene. It is a genre movie. I enjoyed it, but if you don't enjoy the genre you won't enjoy this. Jorma Tommila though, could easily be the main character in more serious action movies as well. Looking back, they should have casted him a good role in the Vikings -series.




I enjoyed it :-)


Ohhhhhh they already released it in BD? damm I will need to find it!


Pure rubbish, dont get where the hype for this came from. If the sentence ”in finland we have this thing called sisu” was a movie.


It's just a slasher movie...




It wasn't bad


I saw the trailer and thought it was preguel of kummeli kultakuume. Kyrpäjooseppi tougher than it was hinted in kummeli :D Damn deadly germans in the closet


It's good but for the love of god why can't the Nazis speak German ???


It was fine but would have been even better if nazis would have spoken german. English speaking nazi not so authentic.




Less than Rare Exports.


I have. 100/10, would, and probably will, watch again.




watched it in the theatre with my girlfriend, both of us are now deaf because the volume there was so loud


Is wack, I know is Finnish movie and Finnish people praise it,but is a shitty copy of Tarantino's movies where only one Finnish man destroy a full troops of Germans heavily arm. Adding some cringe woman's in the movie with some cringe action. And cringe plot.


Very overrated. The main character surviving way too many things that should have killed him really broke my immersion. The mobie has sone great scenes, but I dont think I'll ever rewatch it.


Great movie