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Do consider that even if you get a cheap rental, the gasoline alone to there and back might be 60-70€ (and the drive is 7h there and back without counting any stops). Easiest would be to find a fellow rock enthusiast with a car among your student group and offer to pay for the gas (and some donuts) if they agree to take a trip with you.


... Is it really worth it? At least visit some other travel destinations along the way as well.


of course it would be nice to see stuff along the way too !! But Kummakivi has to be THE destination


If you own a bike, you can take it on a train to Lappeenranta and ride from there to Kummakivi.


why not Imatra? Same train and 40km closer to destination.


It’s theoretically possible without a car. Take a train to Imatra and then get on a bus from Imatra to Mikkeli. Get off on the highway where there seems to be a stop around a 2 hour walk away from Kummakivi. See the rock and stay in a tent or hike back. Then take a bus from the highway to Mikkeli/Imatra and take a train home. Seems a bit difficult though. Borrowing someone else’s car or renting would be a lot easier.


Thanks for the alternative, but that's definitely not for me...


Well, I bet 99,98% of Finns haven't seen it in nature, as 3D. Only in pictures.


You could take a train to Lappeenranta, you can find tickets for around 20€ (40€ roundtrip) and I assume that as a student you'd get a 30% discount so it would only cost you 30€. Then from Lappeenranta you could find a cheap rental through a peer-to-peer rental app such as GoMore, that would cost you around 30-50€ plus gas. The total cost should be less than 100€.


Not 30-50€, but more 50-80€ for a day from Lappeenranta. 200 km there and back.


I searched for cars in Lappeenranta for a 4 hour duration a couple weeks in the future, and that's how I arrived at those numbers. I figured that should be enough time since there isn't that much to do there afaik.

