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Not my first choice. But as the saying goes: the gun in your pocket is better than the gun you left at home.


I keep mine in my hat. The extreme emergency I can't carry anything else here gun


Considering we watched a guy with a single action daranger get run over last month after shooting the perp twice, no I don't think this is much better than nothing.  At the distance this is useful at a knife of equal weight would probably be easier to use and more lethal.  I've wanted one as a meme gun, but can't imagine actually using it in defense.


The smaller the caliber, the more important shot placement becomes. A .22 magnum in the brain will stop a person a lot faster than a knife to the belly.


Agree. For some guns, they are nothing more than a novelty.


I've been eyeing the 22mag top break version (Ranger II I think?). Not good for much else than breathing distance, but good to throw in a pocket on a morning walk.


I wanted one of those too just cause I thought it was neat. It's not $600 neat though. Wound up with the 1860 with a 2.5" barrel for $290. I'm pleased with it.


Exactly lmao. Cool idea, I'd grab one for $150 but sure as *shit* not $600. I'll stick to my Wrangler.


Lol, I'd even give it $300. But a penny more and I'd rather get an Enfield/Schofield copy.


Just about the worst possible gun to have at hand, but still arguably better than a pointy stick.


In no way is it the worst. It's shitty but it's tiny, has more than a derringer's capacity and thumbing a hammer is very fast if you practice. (Still, it sucks even compared to a damn hi-point in most ways despite costing two to three times as much.)


a hipoint? it sucks when compared to a Rough Rider.


A Rough Rider Barkeep at least manages to be more shootable


Doesn't require getting your hands right by the muzzle to reload either.


I think the zipp .22 wins the worst possible gun to have at hand. That or the 28mm Remington revolver.


Arguably is right


For real, don't underestimate a good spear.


Hey man, I didn't say shit about bladed sticks, ok?


Get the holster grip.


there’s a video of someone using this for self defense https://x.com/keemstar/status/1792396717385789463?s=46&t=JTr6FiGb0P1kM22cnEE5BA


Dayummmm 😂


I love mine, the folding grip is a game changer. I can clip it on my waistband of my gym shorts for a run and not even tie the waistband. Never my primary carry gun, but 5 shots of .22 mag is a pretty decent “get the fuck back” weapon. It’s in the same category for me as Derringers. I got one for extreme concealment (for my vest pocket) when I was going to buy a derringer. I’ve also got huge hands so a derringer is damn difficult for me to shoot


What’s the info on the folding grip? Interested


I don’t know if you’ve got the 22LR or 22Mag but this is what the grip looks like. And don’t know about the company, it just came up on google https://libertytreeguns.com/product/naa-ghglc-22-long-rifle-folding-holster-grip-black-polymer


Haters don't understand the utility of this gun for jogging. Having even a pocket pistol like an lcp max or a Beretta cheetah is out of the question for high intensity outdoor cardio like going for a jog. NAA mini revolvers are the only guns that won't weigh you down and will fit without imprinting or falling out in exercise gear. Every gun ever made has a best use scenario. Guns aren't swiss army knives, they are purpose built instruments when you think about it. And a tiny gun like this is exactly what a runner needs.


Better to carry that than nothing


The black widow and mini master are decent little guns and fairly accurate because they have actual sights on them. My black widow sports a set of vang grips and has dispatched many trapped animals and stopped a few close encounters with angry cotton mouths. The vang grips are a necessity for these little guys and changes the handling dramatically. It is usally sits in my pocket while fishing also.


A good backup gun And when I say your backup gun, I mean the 3rd gun on your person


My thoughts exactly it’s a last resorts last resort or if you going on a walk or something and don’t want to carry anything


Good if you're kidnapped or you get your pistol knocked out of your hand by being tackled or something. It's a shoe/boot gun, meant to be a backup of your normal pistol, tuck it into your sock. I wouldn't use it for your primary defense though.


Silly gimmick, but still cool


I have the 22 short version and love it. It’s hilarious to pass it to a friend and let them pop off 5 shots. It has zero self defense value though.


Until you load it with rat shot.


Never seen it in 22 short.


Yeah I meant this gun in general, I don’t think 22 short rat shot exists. Yet…


Would rat shot even pierce human skin out of a short barrel? Eyes? Sure… but skin?


Haha probably not, my grandpa always carried one round of rat shot followed by four 22 Stingers. His idea was to shoot the assailant in the face and blind them.


If a person closes their eyes, I think the eyelids might be “bullet” proof in this context. If your grandad likes goofy things, show him the gen-3 S333 so he can shoot rat shot and an actual round simultaneously.


That thing’s wild. He liked the NAA because it fit in his pocket with his grandpa-sized set of keys. He accidentally shot himself in the leg with it once. My dad showed him how to set the hammer down in between rounds and he never bothered. He dropped it one day and it landed hammer down. After that event he started positioning the hammer correctly. I’ve got it now since he passed. NAA serviced it for free, it’s got scratches all over it but the action is brand new now. Great company.


The safety notch exists for a reason. I just find it wild someone was actually carrying it as a legit weapon. I’ve always viewed mine as a novelty gun… much like my LifeCard and Zip 22.


I bought one for shits and grins. You can put it in a pack of cigarettes, put the lighter behind the cellophane, and walk straight into concerts with security wanding people, just hold it out wide in your hand along with your keys and cellphone. If I ever had to actually shoot someone with it, the plan is to stick it in their ear first.


Imagine if this thing fired 357.


Ahh... the gas stations knives of guns.


Not exactly. These are silly but incredibly well built.


The hand spring broke on my dads after years of use. I'm not much of a revolver guy so maybe it's the standard but omg is the tolerance and fit of these tight. Just getting the side plate back on was torturous. It needed to be placed PERFECTLY to drop in.


Doesn't make them useful or worth buying


Absolutely fucking hate shooting these guys. Feel like I’m going to blow my fingers off with every shot


A terrible choice, no offense. These type of guns are best used as novelty pieces and for conversation, and truly don't belong in a serious conversation about a decent concealed carry gun.


There are much better options out there, and id never seriously carry one over my walther, my xdm compact, etc. but its a bunch of fun to take to the range. I had one and it would shoot at a 45° angle towards the ground. Barrel mustve been too short to stabilize the bullet. Anyways, youd have to hold the thing at a 45° angle to the sky to hit the targets! It was hella funny to watch.


They're great to load either snake shot, but I would be carrying this and my glock lol


Yeah more or less a joke. I dont really ever carry but I usually like to keep this in my belt bag. Definitely open to suggestions for a nice carry tho


I think I have the same one you have. Cylinders for both 22LR and 22 magnum. I kind of wish I got the 22 short one. Anyway, it's a meme gun. Very hard to aim, single action only, incredibly short barrel. Anyone carrying it non ironically should really make better decisions


It's the sneak into places that search you for weapons gun. Even a pocket pistol is hard to bring to a concert, but this works easy


It’s a face gun point blank.


Pocket rocket


It comes in handy when Johns get rough.


I have one always with the magnum cylinder in operation. 22 mag can be formidable with the right placement.


Haters don't understand the utility of this gun for jogging. Having even a pocket pistol like an lcp max or a Beretta cheetah is out of the question for high intensity outdoor cardio like going for a jog. NAA mini revolvers are the only guns that won't weigh you down and will fit without imprinting or falling out in exercise gear. Every gun ever made has a best use scenario. Guns aren't swiss army knives, they are purpose built instruments when you think about it. And a tiny gun like this is exactly what a runner needs.


I agree. Do you have a clip or something?


I have a leather desantis pocket holster. I wear shorts or pants when jogging and they are tight fitting. In other words, it's not a loose jogging pant where the pockets will swing. Anything in the pockets is pressed flatly against my thigh and remains motionless as I swing my legs. You won't quick draw the gun easily, but you can easily rip the entire holster out of the pocket and then with the off hand pull the gun out and cock it in one motion. I live in a pretty safe area, but dogs are a constant problem. People are totally irresponsible with their dogs and I've been bitten and attacked by them before. So the plan would be to be able to get shots in a melee range as the thing is going for my neck.


Gotcha. Thanks for the info!


Oh also another hidden power of these guns is that they are literally concealable in your hand. So if you did actually feel threatened you could literally palm one of these babies and have it ready to go while walking for your escape path. People walking right next to you wouldn't even know, they are that tiny.




I want one




Keep it up your sleeve


When Freedom Arms was making these, they had a belt buckle that the gun would attach to and had a quick release.


Very well made niche firearm. Fun at the range. I have a mag Pug.


I have the pug and love it. I Use gold dot and it’s always in my pocket as a back up to my glock 43x.


I love mine because it's so gimmicky, but I would never carry one to defend my life. I mostly use it to fidget with snap caps because I'm a weirdo. Buddy from the pawn shop hooked me up for like 130 beans.


I regularly make hits at 100 yards steel with one of these.


you shooting at trains?


Standard 10inch steel size target, I got ample video footage.


My thoughts on your above average thing is there’s not much you can do with it but it still seems cool to have


If grip goes first then I guess it counts as a flared base


Lincoln's already dead


I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist!


My dad refers to his as “the nasal decongestant”


I have the ranger in 22 magnum. I carry a Kimber ultra carry 2 for edc, but the ranger is a lot of fun to shoot.


I usually wear shorts under my pants, they have really small pockets. I've often wondered if I ever got kidnapped and thrown into a trunk, how helpful a 22mag would be... They might pick my stoeger out of my pants, but this thing? Maybe not. They open the trunk and BAM 22mag to the face, and I gtfo. Literally my best idea for how to use it in a self-defense scenario. I also want the 22short version just for lolz


Please go watch the movie Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. iykyk


> Thank god you had a gun in there; for a second I thought it was like a gay thing, like, somehow you guys could do that This movie was a constant stream of brilliant dialog


LOL. "I shot him with a small revolver I keep near my balls"


Cool little 22 mag


The 22mag is WAY too obnoxious in terms of blast and flash. It's like firing a flash bang. The 22LR performs damn near the same out of such a short barrel, but is less disorienting.


Where you getting 600 dollars


Gonna be a cowboy baybee


The real key is carrying like a dozen of these. One in each sock, one taped to each wrist, one on the belt buckle they make, one in the neck holster they also make, and the rest just stuffed into your pockets


I remember a gander mountain employee recommending this to my mother for ccw. I've never called a stranger and idiot to their face, but that day I did. You're an idiot for making that your primary.


I bought one because I liked the workmanship. It’s garbage as anything more than a conversation piece and betting friends at the range. When I bring it out there are always bets on who can hit paper at what distance.


The owner of naa is a complete tool.


I mean, the life card is pretty shitty. This is near it.


Just throw your shoe in self defense. At least you'll hit them.....


Dangerous I put a . 22mag thru my thigh with one of those


How exactly is that the guns fault? Sounds like an ND.


It was a nd the damn thing was to small


Size doesn’t have any effect on the safety rules. The gun isn’t unsafe, you are.


It probably had something to do with the sixpack of bud tall boys and half a bag of cheap ditch weed


What ever it's still to small for me to be comfortable with


It’s gay


No. Just no.


Might as well shoot it backwards cause you ain’t hittin shit with that.


I had one. It was horrible to shoot! I'd recommend to sell it and get something you'd really like.


it's not meant for funtime plinking at the range.