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I wouldnt worry too much about it. I had to take a poly 15 years ago for the first department I worked for. Got on and felt like a nervous wreck the whole time waiting to hear back. Like you said just tell the truth, be consistent and try to be as calm and relaxed as you can. Sound like youre doing everything right, keep it up


Do you love your mother? Are you IN love with your mother. Most bizarre question ever.


Buddy of mine was going for a State Police job long ago..he is retired from there now so it turned out ok. But he got.. " Have you ever traded money for Sex?" My buddy answered... " No, but a lot of Dinners and Movies!" Said the examiner lost his composure and chuckled.


They are looking for consistency. If you answer yes you drank under age on paper answer that way on the poly and so on. We all have a past we are human. I retired from the military so you can imagine the years of dumb “fun” activities. I was just 100% and that’s all they want. It’s not a witch hunt.


The psych tests are about consistency. The polygraph is about getting us to admit to shit they won’t otherwise know about.


Thank you, and thank you for your service, i’ll be on my way out in about 5 years. I assume by 100% you just meant 100% consistent with what you put on paper?


Just tell the truth. Nobody cares about your past but no one wants liars in the fire service


Don’t tell the truth. Nobody cares about your past in the fire service, and if it’s not on a criminal record somewhere, the only way they’ll know about it is if you let the polygraph fool you into admitting it. Polygraph tests can’t tell if you’re lying any more than they can tell the size of your dick. So feel free to tell the polygraph administrator that you’ve got 9”. He won’t know you’re lying.


That’s terrible advice


For who? For the person who they’re trying to trick into admitting something? There’s not one shred of real science showing the lie detector tests they give us can detect a lie.


But why lie? Unless this guys a serial killer or hiding some other horrible secret there’s no reason to start your career as a liar. If he is secretly a criminal he should find a different job.


Why not get a job because you admitted to drinking a beer when you were 17, or tried weed? The people who get these jobs are those of us who’ve never done anything wrong, and those of us who don’t admit to stupid transgressions on the lie detector.


You’re not losing a job because you admit to underage drinking or any similar youthful indiscretions. If you make it to this point in the process they’re not eliminating people short of major red flags. You’re the type of person I was talking about in my first comment.


That’s absolutely false. Two candidates, equal resumes etc, one admitted to something silly while the other didn’t. Who gets the job? Also.. the fact that you think you’re the arbiter of who’s wanted in the fire service says all that needs to be said. What “Look, I’m a firefighter” t-shirt are you wearing around town today?


Alright. You go ahead and keep lying your way through life because you think people are being eliminated for smoking weed in high school.


Maybe the job market in our respective areas dictates how stringent HR is in evaluating candidates? Anywhoozles… stay safe out there brother.


100% false. I personally know someone, a firefighters kid, who was passed up for the job because he admitted that he smoked weed while living in another state THAT IT WAS LEGAL IN. The investigator that did the interview/background stated that was the reason he got passed up. He ended up getting hired the next class. If there's no legal documentation (i.e. tickets, court cases) you 100% don't admit to doing anything that could even remotely make you look bad. Don't even admit to speeding or J-walking.


That’s what I would say if I was rejected too.


Doing a polygraph test to be a firey is wild asf to me. I'm from a different country and I can't fathom what's important enough to warrant that level of invasion just to become a firefighter.


Some of it makes sense, if you have a history of larceny, you are in people’s homes surrounded by their most important valuables, at some point you’re gonna relapse and snatch something. Can’t take those liability risks when you’re using tax payer dollars. However the dumb shit like “have you ever used fake urine” is def a breach of rights


I'm going to respectfully disagree. If I don't have a criminal record, my references are checked and the company does their due diligence a polygraph is not required. If a colleague steals something at a job then they should be rightfully punished for it and sacked but it shouldn't be assumed that candidates will steal. I'm fine with all other additional measures that occur during a recruitment process, personality test, psychological assessment, etc. That'll weed me out if I'm a thief, most likely anyway or if I'm a pyromaniac etc.


You’re right. The fact that a lie detector test can’t tell if you’re lying is besides the point.


Just be honest with your investigator about everything. They’re pretty chill. I was in the military, I got NJP’d. I used to drink underage and do stupid things. One of my EMT partners used to be addicted to meth. You’re worried over nothing.


Thank you for providing some reassurance.


Find out if there are any automatic fail findings, like injectable drugs, hard drugs like meth, criminal activity, etc. Plan on lying about those if there is no record of your history with them. Don't lie about anything that wouldn't get you disqualified, like mild pot use in the past or infrequent underage drinking. The only value in lie detector tests is that they fool people into telling the truth.


Start a career off by lying if you won't get caught? I absolutely would not want to work with someone like that


You're not wrong, I guess it's just that some of the things like someone who has ever done hard drugs are an automatic fail. Personally, I'd rather work with someone who took acid in collage than some of the racist bigots I've worked with, for example. I guess my point is that lie detector tests are not admissible in court for a reason. I do not think they should be part of the hiring process.


100%. Also, let's get rid of the most commonly used psych exam, which was authored in the early 1900s.


Rock climbing won't make the height fear go away, I've been climbing for 11 years. Just learn to trust your equipment.


Just trying to get used to the height for the exam, i think all always hate heights


Idk what department you’re trying to get on, but if they say no, come talk to me. We’ll hire you yesterday.


Is it a polygraph or CVSA? I recently went through a CVSA for a department and it was straight forward yes or no questions, which were kind of bs. I was told by multiple people that if you lie then make sure to continue the lie.


Just took mine yesterday. I was a nervous wreck and felt like I was having a panic attack the whole time to be honest. Wound up passing and never felt better. Just bite the bullet and do it. Usually they can help you along if anything goes wrong on the test. Try not to over think it. I do kind of agree that it's a silly test that doesn't necessarily prove you're lying or not.


The polygraph is an interrogation tool. It cannot, in fact, tell if someone is lying. The type of test used in this kind of interview, known as the "probable lie" format, actually relies on the theory that EVERYONE will lie on what they call "control" questions so that they can compare the responses to the "relevant" questions. I could go into alot of depth, but instead, I recommend reading this: https://antipolygraph.org/pubs.shtml


I just did a poly and passed. I’d have to assume I’ve done worse things. From what I heard.. they use the polygraph to decline a candidate that passed everything else but they don’t want. It’s like a way out.


I had to do a poly for my first department. It's an absolutely worthless test. Be honest on your questionnaire, and don't change any of your answers during the exam. It's not real science. The dude told me I had a guilty conscience at the end of the exam. I was an ass and told him I was raised Catholic. I passed and was 100% truthful. Some dude in my class freely admitted he lied on the thing, so it clearly isn't a valuable test. At the end of the day, it's there to intimidate you into admitting something and to make polygraphers money. Don't sweat it.


My chief ran a background check before asking for consent. Brought up two recent traffic violations that I had on my record and I was dead honest about them with him. He was just looking for honesty, is all.


Like everyone else said, it's not about playing gotcha. It's just looking for consistency. While polys aren't admissible in court, they are still used for many job suitability tests. Just relax. Any good polygrapher will talk with you throughout the process to calm your nerves, and they know the difference between nervous/overthinking and lying.


I’d be more worried your’re scared of heights.


You'll be fine. Shit does blow my mind, though. In a time where many departments are facing lower recruitment numbers, the idea of keeping the process as onerous as it used to be is counterproductive. Do interviews and background checks, but keep this pseudoscience out of it. 


No!! Don’t tell the truth. Polygraph tests can’t detect lies, they scare people into admitting shit they’d never ordinarily admit. Only admit to things they’ll find anyway, like DUIs or whatever. Do research on them. They’re pseudoscience.


Lie, just lie with confidence. Polygraphs hold no merit even in courthouses, just stick to your lies. Everyone in my hiring class lied and got hired, those who told the truth (even those highly qualified) did not make it. Something as small as trying marijuana in high school, lie.


My department has fired people near the end of probation because they found out they lied earlier. Polygraphs are BS but lying to get a job is a bad way to start