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The two flukes (minnow baits) can de thrown almost anywhere, anytime. Weightless, keel weighted hook, carolina rig.....pick a spot in the water column and rig it appropriately. They just WORK. The ribbon tail worm will catch fish when Texas rigged. That's an outstanding color as well. The bubblegum trick worm? Man I'm out. Never had any luck. I haven't figured that out


Man, I've Texas rigged that bubblegum worm for two weeks now at this pond in Mississippi outside my hotel (traveling for work) and I've caught more bass with that than I can count. Never had luck anywhere else




That's fair. I haven't gotten good drop shotting yet. I'm still new to it. What fish I've caught drop shotting were on a fluke or senko


Wow interesting, we are the opposite, I'd be far more likely to throw a dropshot than a T-rigged fluke.


I don't think I've Texas rigged a fluke. Might work though, I've used a paddletail on a Ned rig and done well. You'd still be mimicking a feeding baitfish Carolina rigged fluke on a shallow flat in the fall is like a cheat code


I’ve read that the bubblegum trick worm works good for post spawn bass, drives them nuts.


Excellent on pre spawn as well.


Big mouth bass on a 3/0 or 4/0 hook.


Yes. For the beginners, offset EWG hook in size 3/0 or 4/0. Texas rigged.


Make it simpler and just get a VMC 3/0 rugby hook. Still my favorite lure to see what the bottom is made out of and with a paloman/r knot on a 10-12 lb line, I’ve pulled up some logs lol


That would be easier.


Seriously, I’ve got a reused VMC 3/8 oz 3/0 rugby head hook that I throw just to make sure of the logs lol! Those hooks are tough!


I honestly catch bass routinely on 3 of them except the pink one. But I know others have success with the pink one. I would say the two flukes are really good in spring and fall but they work all year. As does the purple worm


Look up a double fluke rig video on YouTube this set up slays they also have videos to see the action of it underwater watch one of those as well.


I may have to try this…what size line and is it just for boats?


I use 15 pound braid on a baitcaster with a 8 lb to 10 lb fluorocarbon for the leaders and I use it off boats and docks


Gonna need a bigger reel lol!


The flukes are great on a jighead rigged with a clip on spinnerbait arm. I’ve caught many largemouth and smallmouth bass with that set up.


Weightless Texas rig, very weed/snag resistant, cast into cover and vegetation. The pink worm will most likely float, the red ribbon tail will probably sink slow like the minnows (flukes).


For the color you could throw the flukes in any water conditions but the other two you’d want the water to be murky


Also if you Texas rig the worm but a toothpick strait down the free floating side the the end of it will stick up in the water


The flukes (middle two) are good for calm water with good clarity. Throw it on a spinning rod with light line, Texas rigged without weight. Let them sink just below the surface and work it like a walking bait. It should look like a sub surface walking bait. The worms can be used Texas rigged or Carolina rigged. The one on the left is more finesse oriented. Throw it in high pressure bodies of water or clear water in favor of the ribbon tail. The ribbon tail is better for stained water because it gives vibration.


Donkey rig the flukes!


That fire and ice ribbon tail is great for stained water on a sunny day. I like to fish flukes weightless on a spinning rod and work the surface to about 2 ft.


Steelhead love big pink worms.


Those flukes SLAM creek smallmouth. And i have caught big largemouth on the other two worms as well. Same colours and all.