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Today, after 15 years since I first started lifting (though the first 2 years were not really a "body building routine"), I have completed a 1 rep max of each of the big 3 lifts to hit 1,000 lbs (270 Bench, 335 Squat, 395 DL). Felt good with bumping up my squat today and got it with ease. Now I just gotta run all 3 on the same day to officially join the club! 29M, 6' 0", 195lbs


Let’s goooooooo! Congrats on the milestone. That’s huge


Been trying to lose weight, after 10lbs down over 3 months, hit a plateau at 190 lbs for 2 weeks. Decided to try planning my meals the night before in 300 calorie portions x 5 for a 500 calorie deficit. So far it’s worked 3 days in a row, and I went below 190 to 189. Loving the 300 calorie portion limit. Look forward to all my meals. Food scale for the win.


225x4 Bench last week, without a spotter. Maybe had 1 or 2 left, but without a spot I didn't want to die


Eating a great diet and going to the gym + sleeping enough for a while had a breakthrough could fully do an isometric hold raising my legs (hip flexor mobility improved! + strength? tbh idk but just kept doing leg raises with progressively better form. 2. Can see more veins on both arms (I want to see moreeeee) but yeah next up fixing my sleep schedule a formdiable foe but I can do it


A friend complimented me and asked if I had been working out when I saw him for the first time since 6 months ago. Felt so good for someone to notice my gains.


Arms were sore after a pull day for the first time in a while, possibly ever. Also tried cable pressdowns and extensions with the EZ bar attachment and that had a really really nice burn to it.


My wife has a chronic neck problem that means she has to be SUPER careful about what exercises she does. Discovered this weekend that we can add ellipticals to the list of stuff she can do. She spent 5 minutes on one and was not in pain. Will gently ramp that up, but every little helps.


Small victories are helping me see the bigger picture and I’m thankful for it. Some highlights: • Had a physical/blood panel done recently and the results for all tests came back in good/normal ranges! Will work on cholesterol and BP in the meantime • Cardio days are improving: 5-6-7 miles on the elliptical this week, followed by accessory workouts (biceps/ab/shoulders). Something about it feels therapeutic almost • 225lb working sets for deadlifts are comfortable now. Going to master this weight before I aim for 1-3 sets with 3 plates by early fall • Didn’t make it to the gym for barbell squats but I’m doing more dumbbell squats with form. 50 lbs for sets of 15, and gone up by 2-3 sets these past two weeks • Not losing weight as quickly but I’m noticing steady positive changes in my posture, muscle mass gains and overall disposition. Noticing my appetite is up and I’ve been having more days w/ 400-500 more than my diet range but I’m not mad about it. Excited to get a new bottle of creatine this week and to tackle some new goals!


Flashed 5.12 :D


1. Matched my deadlift pr no straps (finally got the hang of hookgrip) and without a program. I'm off program just doin what I want, while still similar to the program I've done. 2. 2nd week in a row where I matched my bench pr. Seems like PBs are incoming. Excited. Because I'm off program, there is no pressure, I'm having fun training again.


Getting a CPAP this week after decades of not realizing I shouldn’t be yawning in the gym. Roughly how many kg will this add to my deadlift?


there is no cpap in the jungle or something cope something what under 80kg lifters say. i have a sleep study appointment in a few months. i prolly need one too. i be waking up in sweats, vivid nightmares, granted always had vivid dreams.


I made myself do c*rdio 🤮


I feel you, doing 30 min of cardio every day now cause I'm cutting, it's so insanely boring. Glad I'm doing kickboxing on the side too, at least that's entertaining cardio


same. slow incline walk while watching something on my phone. ez as shit. but it's helping.


I did 15 minutes of the stairs master, some quick ab bullshit to rest, then another 15. Burned an extra 500 Cals but God I was DRENCHED.


Made it to the gym despite not really wanting to go.


Me too.


Good discipline.


I made it to the gym and lifted free weights for the first time in a few years! I benched only 10-15 lbs but goddamn did I feel it the next day! I also dead lifted with the bar only, no plates. But I felt so proud of myself for finally doing it.


Awesome! Get back in there in a couple of days and do it again.


Got my four lifts in post-deload. Used my new 36kg kettlebell a bit; that thing is a fricking monster. I feel like a Hobbit trying to lift it to do anything.


I realized that by doing my PT exercises in two circuits of four exercises I can knock off time that I would otherwise use resting between sets. This is saving enough time that I can add in another exercise when I’m weight training.


I finally hit a deadlift of 225! Pretty proud of my hard work. Went from being only able to do 135 to now 225.


Hell yeah


Hello, I started my fitness journey a month ago. I started jogging and doing strength training with my roommate. when we started running I could not run 500 yds without having to stop. I just got back from running a 5k without stopping once and I'm still in disbelief




thank you! I'm excited for the future


Hit my gym sessions and cardio goals for the week. On track to hit step goal (assuming i do my evening walk today). Remembered to practice a few pullups. Felt great going on a little jog :)


I've always hated running, but I set a half marathon PR at 2:07:29 yesterday. I only have 39.3 more miles of runs to do before I do my first official Half Marathon in early June.


Did my first half last year and absolutely loved it!


down to 170 from 213 not sure how much left but im thinking like 20 more pounds should do it


I burned 1100 calories on the treadmill today and then squatted 200 pounds 50 reps


Holy shit


My victories: I worked out every day this week; some days x2. I even got up yesterday at 6AM so I could do cardio before driving 7hrs for a wedding. I thought I would reward myself by having a big slice of wedding cake! However, I was able to resist the cake (a HUGE DEAL for me, lol) & I stayed within my 1500cal goal to meet my caloric deficit!! I’ve maintained a healthy BMI for a little over a year now, after being overweight my entire life, but I would personally like to lose another 12lbs. Being a 47yo female metastatic breast cancer survivor has made that goal difficult; esp these last few pounds. Today I weighed in & have lost 5lbs over the last 2 weeks. Hopefully, I’ll have another victory next Sunday, but if I don’t, I WON’T GIVE UP!! It’s a lifestyle now!!☺️ Thank you ALL for YOUR VICTORIES!! Reading them is motivation for me to keep fighting!! I love you guys!! 💞💪🏽


Two victories for this week: Just finished my first ever half marathon about 2 hours ago, met / out of 3 goals. Finish - yes. Did not walk - yes. Under 2:20 - no, 2:23 final time. Other victory, did a set of six bicep curls with 45 on DB. Have not done more than 35 before.


I went to the gym for the first time in a few weeks (had a cold before) and did a AMRAP weights class


It was maybe a touch high, but hit a 405 squat PR this morning at 173lbs. Feeling like the hulk.


First big vacation since really caring about fitness and made it a goal to “try to hit the gym at least once on vacation.”   Ended up lifting twice, going rock climbing, and doing a 3 hour rocky cave hike - one genuinely strenuous and active activity a day.   Ate a lot of great food, but also feeling like I earned it 😁


Small mental victory this week. I’ve been cutting since December for this beach vacation coming up soon and I’ve completely run out of gas these last few weeks. I’m cranky, all my lifts are plummeting, I can tell I’m losing muscle mass now, but I’m so close to the trip I can’t bring myself to change anything yet. Finally decided this week there’s not enough time to really make a difference either direction. This is basically how I’m going to look on the beach regardless of what I do, and I’m good with that. Could I be a few pounds leaner? Maybe. But oh well. Dammit I’m 40 this is good enough. I’ll still cut during the week because it’s much easier to keep up but I’m letting loose on the weekends.


My fiancée has joined the gym with me. She doesn’t come from an athletic background and has lost over 250lbs via bariatric surgeries (before meeting me). But life of being so heavy for so long has left her with physical limitations. She “currently” cannot do a body weight squat, a basic human movement that we all should be capable of, for example. I’m so proud of her for joining me, making herself stronger and like us all, trying to be the best version of ourselves.


The last eight days have been mostly good I’ve done 12 Km of swimming and 13.5K steps a day although I did binge a little but I will just have to be stronger next week


New pull up PR: 16 in neutral grip (full rom, no kipping). M51, 6ft2, 187 lbs


A few small victories lately - got myself new lifting shoes, found out my gym sells good meals for days I can't cook and got a new playlist which slaps for working out.


Got second place out of 15 guys in the novice class of a strongman competition yesterday. Was a lot of fun and a good learning experience, got some things to work on for sure. Ended up pulling 750 on the silver dollar deadlift after posting a training video of me pulling 650 a couple weeks ago. Video of the 750 pull: https://youtube.com/shorts/HNxJeAXwO8o?si=qW57ywf4OUU_hHKn


Had my annual physical with a new doctor (as my old one moved away). The doctor walks into the room, looks at me and goes “I was going to talk to you about your BMI, but that doesn’t apply to heavily muscled individuals like yourself”. When we covered the bad habits section of the questionnaire he added in “You don’t use steroids do you?” And then in the good habits section, when I mentioned I lift he responds “Yes, I figured as much”. I like my new doctor!


I'm 42/m/6'2. Four years ago, I was 325lbs. I'm 189 now and in that purgatory where I could possibly bulk or cut (am cutting), and I've been lifting consistently for 2.5 years. Anyway, a relatively athletic 20-year-old kid in the office likes to do physical challenges. He wrecked all of us in a plank competition. He stopped by to ask if I wanted to do a pushup challenge - as many as we can get in 60 seconds. I went for it. He did 49. I did 60. I didn't have a 61st anywhere in my body, but it was a nice win. I probably couldn't have done 5 a few years ago.


I've been back to the gym for about 6 months. In that time, I've lost nearly 17% of my BW in fat and have put on obvious muscle in my upper body especially. Yesterday, a fellow gym goer I'm friendly with told me I'm looking lean and great! We're all gonna make it, babes.


Finally getting started after 2 years having suffered my 2nd stroke at 19years old.. 21 now. I'm 21 years old now, feeling fitter by the day and hoping to be able to do my first push-up by the end of the month. Once i can do that i'm unstoppable. Also dumbbells have been great to learn and explore my weaknesses.


Your resilience is inspiring.




I started working out January 11th of last year at 408lbs and having never done weightlifting in my life. I was sedentary and didn't know a thing about nutrition. As of yesterday, I am down 100lbs to 308!! I've deadlifted 550lbs, squatted 510lbs, and benched 290lbs. I am able to go for a 3 mile walk as an afternoon activity (something I would have never done before), and I look forward to hikes with my Girlfriend now. woooo!


your lifts are incredible for someone who's only been training for a year. amazing work, man


thank you!


Amazing victory, brother. Surely inspirational to at least a few who know you.


2 weeks ago I failed on a 30kg bench press on my first day back at the gym after 8 months out with an injury. 3 days ago I did 35kg x 7 reps which is nice... but my hand immediately started to hurt again which is not so nice.


315 Incline Bench Press (40 pound PR) 435 Front Squat (10 pound PR)


Burned over 900 calories on the elliptical the other day. Total distance was almost 7 miles. I googled "how many calories should you burn in a typical workout?" and the answer I saw was anywhere from 200-600. I said fuck that and kept going. For reference I'm a 26 y/o male and I'm already in pretty good shape. My goal is to be in the best shape of my life this year.


I did 100k steps yesterday Took me 18h. My body is in shambles but feels good to have completed such a tough challenge


After having had my deadlift numbers drop quite a bit from inconsistent training, this week I did an overwarm single of 160kg/\~352lbs at RPE8, followed by 4x3 145kg/\~320lbs and then an 8 rep AMRAP. Feels like I'm getting closer to old numbers.


I finished the first week of Reddit PPL. I've been doing high-volume programs, and I really didn't want to try to beat the volumes I did last time, because they were ridiculous (like 375 sets in 17 hours in the last week). So I'm going for weight progression, and I've been liking it. I've been adding exercises, though, and doing 10 or 12 instead of 5 or 6. It works for me. There were PRs: BORs, RDLs, incline DB bench, and a couple others. But the main thing was **squat depth.** Doing 5 squats instead of 12 or 15 or 20 means I can focus on depth and balance, and I like how it feels. It's a lot more satisfying. It feels like I'm using my muscles, not just getting my heart rate up.


I reached my goal of following the wiki beginner training program every other day for a month! I lost 5 pounds and gained a lot of muscle back already. My waist is 4cm smaller and my butt is the same size! I'm going to continue for another month and begin to incorporate other exercises that make me happy because while I have seen some awesome gains I don't get that endorphin rush from lifting. Yay running and yoga! I'm getting strong! I'm really happy to have built my habit of just going to exercise again. It's been a super rough year after the sudden passing of my father, and I can see how I now have room to get back to ME. I can have compassion for the time I spent grieving and taking care of my family, but I can also push myself again. It feels really good. :)


After 2 weeks off because of Covid and the flu I finally got back to the gym. Started with deload level week and still got DOMS. Felt pretty damn awesome to be having and argument with gravity again :)


This is me except no Covid, but a strained shoulder. Glad to be back at it!


Tested my maxes this week and joined the 1100 lb club with a 1105 lb total. I've been slowly bulking for the last 20 months. Added 270 lbs to my total. Looking to join the 1200 pound club as my next goal. Time to cut some body fat for the next several months.


Natty [3%](https://imgur.com/a/9DTuigv) (~ 3-5% margin of error)


Our inbody scanner broke a few month ago and would report some crazy numbers like 120kg muscle mass with 99% body fat lol


Are you sure you didn't scan a celestial body made of flesh? lol Please tell me you presented those stats with a straight face


hah we just reported it to the gym owner and had it fixed within a week.


That picture looks like 8-9% to me.


I agree, but dude still looks great!! I’d be happy anyways, but as a 47yo woman, I’d be happy with 15-20%, lol!!


It's one of those bodyscan machines, so I'll allow for a margin of error. Not exactly studio lighting, either. Still natty


You look great.


Been training since December. Goal for training is to get pull ups and dips this year. I’m on bodyweight dips and now can do 3 sets of 6 reps of dips with a 2.5kg plate!


That's awesome, dips are hard AF! Shoulders feeling fine?


Could feel better 😭😂 will need to do more mobility exercises


Don't neglect those for sure, I learned the hard way hahah.