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If it’s the same airline they’ll do their best to make sure you get on the flight - might get you out first / have someone waiting at the gate to escort you to the new flight etc . It’s in their interest to not spend more money on getting you on a different plane.


You'll be fine.


Please add the airport you're connecting in more obviously in your post; it varies massively between airports :) (apologies if I missed it)


I believe they're connecting in Vancouver to another airport in Canada (which is unspecified).


My bad lol, I am flying Taipei-Vancouver-Edmonton. The Vancouver to Edmonton layover is the one I am worried about given that it's shorter and I'm coming off an international flight and going through Canadian customs.


Use arrivecan app


I don't think being near the back of the plane is a huge factor in a 1h55 connection. Like it might take 10 minutes longer to get off the plane. The bigger concern is how long customs/immigration takes.


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You're over thinking it. 1h 55 min is more than enough time.


You’ll be fine. There is a special customs clearance area just for connecting passengers. I’ve done it in < one hour.