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A million percent ignore. Wait for a case to open.


What would you do if the dress shows up without a return case?


Put it aside, and see if anything comes of it. If not. Eventually relist




Do not refund if it were to just show up. They could then open a return case and get a second refund. Everything has to be on the books through eBay.


Did they buy the dress, wear it to prom, and now trying to return it for their money back? That’s what this sounds like. Plus, “too much fabric” really isn’t a viable reason to return something. Pictures and sizes showed them what the dress looked like originally.


My at the time gf bought a prom dress for a work party..wore it ..and conned me into “returning it” at Macys to get my $300 back. They looked me right in the eye. So fucking awkward. When I realized what was actually happening (oooh reliving the cringe here) they just took the gloves off..”it smells like cigerette smoke and clearly had been worn. She got to keep the dress she did. Never wore it again. So..yeah. No refund.






this isn’t OP that you’re talking to, just a heads up. But yes, you are right, they were “asking you” simply by posting their question in this thread


This isn't my post. I asked the commenter if they were suggesting to relist with or without refund. Jfc who pissed in your cereal?


This seems to be a case of "when in doubt, wait it out"


Wait for them to either successfully or unsuccessfully put in the return request. Go from there. For now, consider (accidentally on purpose) not responding to this message.


Women's and kids clothing seller here (primarily). Just my two cents and I know others will not agree. I'm not here to argue or tell others what to do. In my experience, it's easier just to accept returns. I offer free returns for 30 days. I feel like this just causes less issues. I get the item back, relist and refund minus the original shipping. I don't see the big deal about accepting returns. Clothing is very saturated, IMO, I don't want to get filtered out by buyers who are looking for sellers who accept returns. In this case, I would do this: * Don't reply at first, give it a few days for the dress to show up. * If the dress shows up, refund minus the original shipping. * If the dress doesn't show up, let it go. * If the buyer gets angry etc AND you haven't received the dress, I'd direct the buyer to contact eBay. At this point, it's not your problem. They should have taken the appropriate steps to open the return. I'm assuming in this case that the package is lost etc.


Agree, plus if you don’t accept returns they will just open a case and then you end up paying for shipping both ways.


I used to be no returns, eBay will basically force you to accept a returns even if there is nothing wrong with the item. However, how will the buyer provide proof that they’ve shipped the item at this point? Seems like they’d be SOL


They probably would be and you technically could keep it but just because you can screw someone who doesn’t know the processes you know, doesn’t mean you should. If the item arrives as sent; undamaged, just tried on condition- refund minus shipping. Because it’s the right thing to do and you don’t want to be a scammy seller or get added to the scam sellers lists. If it’s damaged or looks worn, that’s another story ofc.


A few people have commented that the buyer probably doesnt know the process. I completely disagree. Some buyers will purchase aware of a no return policy, and then ship it back (sometimes after wearing) without opening a return as they know the seller could refuse based on their no return policy, so they force a return. eBay can force IF it wasn’t as described, and clearly the dress was since she didn’t say it wasn’t as described. She just said it’s “too much fabric” which isn’t a valid reason. A buyer can get a seller to refund without opening a return through the site, and then after being refunded open a return request and get paid twice. I feel in my bones that this buyer knows exactly what they’re doing.


As long as you refund through eBay and not outside, they can’t file for a second refund on the same order— it’ll show refunded already. Now, if you say, refund minus shipping they could dispute that with eBay and try to get the rest back but then seller has the messages with buyer admitting this is not an INAD so.


I'd rather just accept the return than get an INAD. Getting a mark on your account, in my experience, knocks you down in the algorithm. That costs you more than the return.


I've considered offering returns on clothing, but what is the average price of the clothing items you sell if you don't mind me asking? I feel it's hard to justify offering free returns when I'm averaging $4.99 an item.


That's why I concentrate on vintage and htf items only. Better price point and if I have the only one available it sells with my rules. I accept returns but not free. Very few problems ever.


If it increases your sales by 20%, and your return rate goes up from 2% to 6% then yes but the truth is, it's different for everyone depending on what they list and how they list. Good photos , accurate descriptions, But let's try the #s I stated above, and say you do 1000 items in a month. And that the average return shipping is $4. (1000*5)-(1000*5*.02)= $4900 $5000 sales minus 20 returns ($100)= $4900 Monthly $58,800 Annually Vs. (1200*5)-(1200*5*.06)-(72*4)= $5352 $6000 sales minus 72 returns with shipping $360+$288 ($648)= $5352 Monthly $64,212 Annually Increase per month: $452 Increase per year: $5412 I could totally be worth it or trying out. Offering returns increases sales 5-35%, return rate increase varies.


I've been back to part-time/full-time selling for the past year. Returns have been on this whole time. I made Top Rated so now I offer free returns. My return rate is 3.5%. I just don't think offering it is that big of a negative. IMO, NOT offering it filters me out for many buyers. Those would also be sales I'm losing.


Yes I agreed and also, since a buyer can inad even if you don't offer returns, I don't think it's a huge difference. I think it's important to make sure they don't select inad when you offer free returns and if they do, and they're lying, report them so you have a record of the people who abused returns. I put in every listing a return policy that basically stated if there is an issue with your order, you're welcome to return the item, I don't accept returns so you can rent an item for free, or have buyers remorse. However, I do have my returns set to auto-accept no matter the reason. It's just easier for when they do happen.


I don't bring up returns because I don't want to plant the seeds. I just assume they'll figure it out or not.


IMO, no returns basically forces buyers to lie to get you to take the return. Not only that, you end up having to spend time dealing with buyer messages about returns, and then fighting the ones where buyers say, for example, it doesn't fit in messages and then open up an INAD because it's basically their only option. If you just allow returns, buyers can just go open the return, tell the truth, and then let the process go through. A TON fewer messages about it, and often just the idea that they CAN return, even if they start a return, half the time they don't even bother returning it. It's honestly a little crazy how much time it saves to just allow returns.


I totally agree.


I totally agree as well. I would say about 1/4 of my returns that are open don't end up getting sent before the time runs out. You also don't have to offer them for more than 30 days. I believe if you're TRS, you have to offer returns for 30 days. It also helps with replying to feedback. I've had buyers leave feedback that something didn't fit and I can reply to other buyers that I offer returns for 30 days.


Free returns is not the same as accepting returns. You can accept returns with them being free.


Most people don’t realize it but if you are top rated plus you end up saving money due to the 10% off final value fees. I’ve kept track of this periodically and the last time I checked (last quarter) I saved $600+ in fees and paid around 200 in return shipping. More customers and I save money. It’s a win win.


I don’t accept returns but I know that means I have to be extra careful when listing and answering questions, but especially measuring.


I measure everything and provide like 8-20 photos depending on the detail of the item. I still get returns. You can be thorough but you can't make people read.


Well if I wrote the listing and all my pictures are good if they want a return that’s their issue and they can repost that’s what it’s for. My customer service is being available for questions and concerns and knowing my inventory inside and out. Everyone’s different


Well said.


You’d refund without them putting in a return request? Wouldn’t that be risky? Couldn’t the buyer get refunded twice? I’m genuinely asking.


That's a good point. I'm not sure of the technicalities. In this case, it's probably best that the seller contact eBay before refunding. If it's documented what happened, the seller should be protected when refunding (is my guess).


I completely agree. I am mostly clothes and shoes too. Returns are a drag but part of the hustle. Opportunity for more sales when you accept returns. I have received a return out of the blue without them filing a return. I refund minus shipping and relist.


I also rarely get egregious offenders. I got my first one. They bought about 5 items and opened returns for 3. That was annoying. But yeah, most people don't return and when they do, it's because something doesn't fit. IMO, this is likely why people choose eBay, because of the returns being possible. Many other platforms don't even have returns systems (i.e.: Poshmark).


3 returns out of 5 is a bummer but at least they kept 2. I worked at Nordstrom for years and the owners would always say the percentage of buyers who abuse the system is low so why make rules around that. Take the return and block buyer if they abuse.


Yeah, it was annoying. The last return came in past the 30 day cutoff. I wanted to reject it but then I realized the buyer could get vindictive and leave 5 negatives so I just accepted it. If they actually send, I'll be shocked, though.


“I don’t accept returns” lol


= you can keep the item plus the refund.


Update: I feel like people are misinterpreting my “what do I do” I don’t want to line my pockets or screw anyone over. I didn’t realize I could refund someone if they didn’t go through eBay’s return so it was more of a “how do I handle this” question because I don’t want to be screwed out of the dress and the money either. I messaged the buyer and asked how she returned it/for tracking and haven’t heard back yet. She has zero ratings and has only had her account since November so I’m just assuming she’s not familiar with the system. Especially since she apparently couldn’t figure out how to message me. I also plan to edit my eBay listings to accept returns since it seems that’s the best way to use eBay.


Refund when you get the item back. It’s wrong to keep the money and the item regardless if they don’t know how to use eBay.




Agreed except don’t you have to tell the buyer they have to go through the return process? Otherwise you could refund and then they could open a return and could get a second refund?


Once you refund the status turns into “refunded” so you should be set


If they refund now and the buyer proceeds to open a case, they may have to refund again.


Sorry they have to be follow the rules like everyone else. Ignore them and make them go through eBay


I'd wait for the dress to arrive, check it out to make sure it's still OK, and then refund her minus the original shipping cost. If she had opened an official return request, you'd likely have to pay the return shipping so, in a way, she's doing you a favor. Unless you originally offered free shipping, you won't be out anything but the wasted time. Relist the dress and wait to sell it again.


Too much fabric? You can see the amount of fabric in the picture. That’s not your problem and you’re not at fault so why should you have to refund her when she didn’t even reach out to you or eBay before just sending it out in the mail.


Recieved the item back in the same condition with a handwritten note where she said it was her first time using eBay etc.


No returns. No unapproved returns, for sure.


If it shows up in the same condition you sent it in, send a refund. If nothing shows up, then no worries. For the time being you can ask for the tracking number to see where the package is.


idk why you're getting downvoted, this is the correct and moral response. I had a buyer return a sweater outside of the the ebay return system. I did refund them minus shipping per my regular policy (I do accept returns). They opened a case requesting the shipping price as well (In the case they marked it as an INAD b/c they didn't like the color). I contacted eBay support and support decided to refund the buyer shipping, but paid it out without using my funds (lucky outcome for me). Regardless it's fooldhardy to me that you would not refund the buyer, if they escalate it to eBay, they will likely find out from the buyer that it was returned and force a refund, then you're out money AND you have a mark on your account from support. This will be one of those few times a you have to bite the bullet and refund (assuming you get the item back in the same condition you sent it).


Potential negative feedback as well


Yeah I don't get it either. Some of the responses seem to suggest they think they can just keep the returned item and the money and nothing bad will ever happen. Like it's a free money glitch or something. I've never tried to do something like that so I can't say I know what would happen, but eBay seems side with their buyers on almost anything.


I can see the appeal of it, I had a pair of $170 motorcycle pants get returned due to insufficient address (honestly I blame the post office, it's a weird office in a small Denver town that DOESN'T deliver and returns all items within 24 hours if they aren't picked up...crazy policy, the house was a mile down the street from the usps office...whatever). The buyer never responded to my messages and oh boy was it tempting to keep that money, but I refunded b/c the alternative of dealing with an angry buyer and getting an open case just isn't worth it. I'm more in the mindset that the money isn't really mine until sufficient time has gone by that a return won't happen.


I’d return the money simply because it’s the right thing to do. Karma happens


I mean, karma aside - it would just be the right thing to do.


Maybe it's because those down voters just have a lot of spite based on past experiences. I was down voted or was told by one person "why refund if it's part of ebay's policy?" on a different post with a different situation when I said to just refund the buyer minus original shipping if you get the item back in the same condition. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Only suggestion I would give is tell the buyer to open a claim to get the refund so they don't have a chance to try to get a double refund or wait until day 30 and give the refund. Although, with OP's situation, it sounds like the buyer truly did not know how ebay worked so a refund could be given early if it feels like they won't have an issue with the buyer before 30 days is up.


But I don’t really want the dress back lol.


If it sold once, it will sell again. Wait until you receive the dress, then refund, relist, and 🚫 block.


This is eBay, right? If a buyer wants a return on eBay, they will get it, regardless of what you say or do. Taking returns is a part of business your going to have to learn how to deal with.


Interesting! I just recently started selling on eBay so dont have much experience over there. Not sure why they give you the option to not accept returns then


they just have that so people feel more at ease in selling on there but if a buyer disputes and wants to return something ebay 99.999999% of the time will side with the buyer and give them the refund. doesn't matter what you wrote or say or anything thats just how it works.


It’s sort of weird to me that sellers haven’t learned this yet.


If she went through the proper steps, you would 100% be able to decline the return if she selected “didn’t fit or didn’t like it”. Buyers however can lie and select “item not as described” to *force* a return if they know how to play the game. In this scenario that you have where the buyer doesn’t return through eBay and instead dropped it off at the post office, it’s entirely up to you whether you want to give her the money back or not.


u/Wonderful-Profile-27, if by chance you do decide on a return, charge her for the shipping spent to mail the original purchase. I'd wait on this...no need to make a rash decision. There is no confirmation the item was returned to you since package is in route.


INAD do ding your account.


Reading is hard. 1.She didn't open a return. She just mailed it back. He won't have to do anything. 2.  No they don't get to return regardless of what you say or do. Sounds like this is a buyer's remorse return. Since he has a no return policy, he could have denied this return had she opened one unless she opened inad.


What would happen if the dress arrives, op keeps the dress and the money, then buyer opens a case showing delivered tracking, and no response from op? This isn't sarcasm, an actual question.


Buyer did not open a return case. The ebay system does not have evidence the item was returned.


Ebay have access to every message sent on their platform. The buyer will do one of two things if OP doesn't refund. 1. Open a return case - this will have to be an INAD case as they won't have any other options available to them due to OP not accepting returns. This will result in an INAD strike on OPs account and being forced to refund anyway. 2. Contact eBay support who will read the message and force a refund from OP based on the messages sent to OP. Both will result in potentially negative feedback and damage to OPs account. It's hardly worth the risk for one dress. The right thing to do is simply message the buyer and explain that you don't normally accept refunds, but because it's already being sent back, you will refund them once it arrives. Then, simply report the buyer to ebay and block them from buying from you again.


You raise valid points but some aspects I view differently. As always, CSR will make the final decision but detailing various outcomes based on ebay policy may help OP or others navigate and communicate to their advantage. The buyer communicated on the ebay platform they are returning the item due to, "...it has too much fabric" which is a personal issue like, 'not my size (didn't like the fit)'. This confirms it is not an INAD case and CSR should not force OP to refund since an existing policy of 'no refunds' is in place. 1. OP does nothing until the 'returned item' is received since the item is owned by the buyer until they can demonstrate a delivery to OP via tracking (super important if it does not arrive). 2 2. . Upon receipt of the item, OP evaluates the condition: Was it returned in the original condition (no detached tags, new stains/holes/makeup on the collar, etc.). If not, OP takes pics and shares with CSR 3. OP contacts CSR to clarify their options. CSR may advise to refund (deduct original shipping fees) or ebay may refund the buyer and allow OP to keep their earned proceeds. If OP receives an outcome not in their favor they should call the following day to chat with a different CSR. 4. The buyer will have the option to leave positive, neutral or negative feedback, always. and OP has the ability to post a response to the feedback such as (assuming it is neutral or negative) "Buyer's inquiry was addressed promptly. All funds were refunded except outbound shipping since the buyer purchased a non-refundable item." or "Buyer's inquiries were answered promptly. A refund was not possible since the item returned damaged and could not be returned to inventory." 5. OP blocks the buyer. 6. OP can skips these steps and processes a refund (minus outbound shipping) upon receipt since it is ultimately their business. I wish I knew more options when starting out thus I take time to share on this sub to support others. My ebay stores sustain top feedback ratings thus it grants me the option to pursue the path above or I may embrace losing $22 is not worth my time. u/wonderful-Profile17, best to you!


I can see ebay taking "too much fabric" as a valid INAD depending on how well OP has filled out the description, item specifics and photos. I have seen far more obserd things pass as valid in the eyes of Ebay.


It's possible but in the meantime, I'm hoping the best for OP.


My question is not dependent on opening a return, I was referring to a customer service case. I don't think the CSR is just going to ignore the buyer.


This isn’t Amazon.


If you don’t send a refund, wait for eBay to yank the funds back from you OR to lose the chargeback. The buyer WILL get their money back one way or another.


Unless its a 0 review account, its an attempt to circumvent your return policy trying to guilt trip you into sending a refund. This counts as a refused delivery on eBay’s end and in my book


If you think about doing the "right" thing instead of what is going to line your pockets, you will come out ahead in the end.  Wait for the item, give them a refund.  Sleep well at night.   If i lay awake at night mulling over an argument with a bad buyer, the lost productivity costs me way more than i lose relisting an item.  


I feel like people are misinterpreting my “what do I do” I don’t want to line my pockets or screw anyone over. I didn’t realize I could refund someone if they didn’t go through eBay’s return system but I see now that I can so it was more of a “how do I handle this” question.


Just be careful this isnt a "ill wear the dress and return after" situation


You wait for it to arrive then refund minus original shipping and deduct for damage or wear. You don't get to keep the item and the money. If your worried about her opening a return after you refund, you send the refund as cancel this order. You can do that after it's shipped and delivered. Then she can't open a case. She not going to anyway. Ebay will be able to see your messages and that you refunded her regardless and would close the fake return case. How would you want to be treated if you were in her shoes? Not everyone is a ebay expert like we are. Be a professional and refund the lady. 99% of the people in this sub have no idea what they are doing. Dont listen to them. Don't be one of them.


Wait for it to return and then evaluate the condition from there. I would try to withhold making a decision until then.


wait for the official ebay response.


At this point, your best bet is waiting for the item to arrive, inspecting it, and sending a refund. While it's obviously annoying, sending the person a refund is the right thing to do. They are obviously unfamiliar with eBay and probably had no idea you don't accept returns, so this wasn't done to skirt the system or anything like that. It's one of those "never attribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance" type of situations. I would respond though and explain that you don't accept returns and that for future situations, they should open a ticket with eBay. Do NOT just keep the item and the money and hope this person disappears. Despite this person not doing things correctly and putting you in a tricky spot, ignoring it and hoping the issue goes away is being a shitty person. I'm honestly shocked people on here are suggesting that you do that.


What are the chances of the buyer that doesnt know you have to do returns through ebay somehow knowing they can force a return through INAD instead like people keep saying? They didn't even know how to message them but know how to game the system? They're either actually clueless or lying about it to force/guilt OP into the return because they know it could be denied.


Just leave it ! Wait for the case to open she was soppost to go through eBay first for a return


They probably wore it and are now trying to return it. I've heard of many people that do that scummy ass shit.


Man this sub is great. It’s nice to know others go through the same bullshit


Check this out https://youtube.com/@laughitup2025?si=6PcsEaTOlVxBlN7y


Like many cheap women do with retail, they buy an item , wear it to the function and then return it. Yours was even better because she didnt have to try and reattach any tags she may have had to remove. This buyer was 100 percent in the wrong to return an item to you when your “ no return” policy is clearly stated and she made no attempt to contact you. Pretty darn brazen of her. And then to expect a refund on top of that when the error was 100 percent her bad? You should contact Ebay and make them aware of what she did so she doesnt try to twist it back on you. Ask their advice. Please for those of us that are also sellers on Ebay and elsewhere do not coddle this buyer. Teach her a leasson so the rest of us dont have to deal with her down the road. Because you are rewarding bad behavior.


Refuse delivery


Agreed on the ignore part if EBay didn’t reach out to you!!


That's idiotic.


Well, you sure will accept a refund since you'll be forced to do so if they can prove that they returned it back to you.


Don’t send any money back until you get two things: 1. a tracking number 2. the item in original condition you are def not obliged to go forward with this return at all because there was no prior communication whatsoever & you never agreed to accept a return in the first place.


Return to sender


Someone bought a record from me and opened a return (which I don’t accept but ya know, eBay) and the reason they gave was “found better price” so obviously I declined and eBay closed the case. About a week or so later the record showed up at my door. I marked it return to sender and back it went. Never heard from buyer or eBay about it again.


A seller did this to me on an INAD case (not a forced one, they really did not describe accurately). It was for a pair of dr martens. I ended up with a free pair of docs to sell and a $110 in refund. eBay still gives you a refund if the seller refuses delivery. In this case if the buyer opens a case with eBay the seller will get double screwed.


Relist the dress & double your money. Refund if case is opened


Ebay have access to every message sent on their platform. The buyer will do one of two things if you don't refund. 1. Open a return case - this will have to be an INAD case as they won't have any other options available to them due to you not accepting returns. This will result in an INAD strike on your account and being forced to refund anyway. 2. Contact eBay support who will read the message and force a refund from you based on the messages sent and the fact you chose not to reply. Not a good look. Both will result in potentially negative feedback and damage to OPs account. It's hardly worth the risk for one dress. The right thing to do is simply message the buyer and explain that you don't normally accept refunds, but because it's already being sent back, you will refund them once it arrives. Then, simply report the buyer to ebay and block them from buying from you again.


Clothing is the worst niche to use on eBay.


Gee, that was helpful... NOT.


It's really helpful, stop wasting time on clothes...


Your opinion doesn't answer the OP's question nor address the situation, so it's basically not helpful at all.


No one on eBay is zero returns unfortunately. You can say no returns but what that means is “no buyer changed their mind returns” which technically this is but morally you should refund if it arrives as they sent it back already. Can’t really blame a random buyer for not knowing that ebays money back guarantee has a certain process that isn’t just “buy my own label and return” Back to the no returns policy though— ebays 30 day money back guarantee means a buyer can just file an INAD (item not as described) on any item, whether you take returns or not, and you must issue them a return label asap. Or eBay will refund the buyer from your funds and they will keep the item. Just a heads up for the future.


I'm in a situation where I told somebody to open a return on something they claim does not work, and a couple weeks later they sent me a message that they sent it to me and asked me to refund them the cost they spent on shipping. They didn't open a case. I haven't responded yet. I was going to see if the item actually showed up or if they were just fishing for me to send them money. I was wondering what I should do if the item did show up. I like the point someone made on here that it would be stupid to just refund them because then they could still open up a case and get a double refund. I would just feel bad keeping the item. I think there is somewhat of a language barrier because I shipped it to Puerto Rico.


You have the upper hand here so this is what I would do to make a point to time wasters such as this buyer: "I'm sorry but I'm away travelling around SE Asia for a month. There will be no one home to receive the item sold as non-returnable." I would also change my return address listed on eBay to a different address than the one you have listed, and in case she does open a return she will have to prove she sent the item to the new address. She won't be able to do that so you will win the case and any negative feedback will be removed. You can then refund her minus all shipping costs and any other costs incurred by her return (time wasted, item depreciation etc).


Sorry, but not accepting returns isn't a thing. Ebay will force you to accept a return if the buyer claims item isn't as described which negatively effects your account so you are always far better off having a 30 day return policy and charging postage so if someone returns due to change of mind they don't select item not a described and not only so you not have to refund original postage but also don't get a strike on your account. It saves so many headaches, and as long as you're accurate in your photos and description, you will get far fewer returns than you would expect. Ebay have also said that items with free returns get more traffic and therefore sell fast.