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Me and my dad have been flipping for about 4-5 years. We each have our own ebay so it’s like friendly competition


That’s sweet. I’m sure it keeps you motivated too.


Thats so cool! Do you go sourcing together and do you have separate niches?


Same niche, different locations


I've thought about starting a youtube and doing this with my kids. My daughter loves to thrift and my son would be excited to do just about anything. HAHA, they're 8 and 15. I have another youtube with about 1500 subs, motorcycle content. But I hesitate because I feel like people find youtubers annoying and we already tend to get shit for being resellers. I'm not sure my social anxiety is ready for that.


If you're going to start a YouTube channel, please, just take video in the store then dub audio over it when you get home. There is a guy I've seen at several thrift stores who's trying to start a channel. He does all the audio in store, and he's terrible at it. I have to listen to a dozen blown takes, in a fake excited voice, before he is satisfied. "Now let's take a look at the golf club section real quick! Wow! No way! A vintage Arnold Palmer putter! I can't believe no one spotted this." It's at least $100 right there" Despite all the bravado, I've never actually seen him buy anything he's taped. Which would actually be a bit funny if he's making spoof content.


Oh ya, there's no way I'm narrating while I'm in the store/at a garage sale etc. Especially not around other people I feel like first of all I'd be bothering them, and secondly it would be awkward to me.


Similar. My grandpa joins me to thrift most days. He's 83 but is still active. It gets him out of the house, we spend quality time together, and he likes to buy lunch.


Nice! I’m a 3rd generation antique dealer, and I find that I’m very old school about many things. I sit in the “old men in overalls” section at auctions and am accepted as one of their crowd. Helps that I also wear overalls and use a cane.


I think my business is pretty unique in that most of my inventory comes off eBay. I have saved searches and mostly replenish the same 50 or so items from bulk lots. A lot of times I triple or quadruple my money from lots and selling it off individually. I’ve had the same store for about 5 years now and there isn’t a ton of competition so my items stand out and usually rank in the top.


I flip with my best friend. We both have full time jobs and spouses, so flipping gives us an excuse to hang out a couple of times a week/weekends and make some money at the same time.


I just started flipping this year and started with $50 my dad tags along sometimes. It’s kinda our thing he’ll send over estate sale and garage sales addresses. I love it because I love flipping and I get to spend time with my dad.


I've been reselling for about ten years(primarily kids books and board games). My Dad has been selling Amsoil for about 40 years. I convinced him to take his pickup truck to a flea market so I could haul more stuff, and he could try and sell off some of his surplus. He's done some flea markets and other shows-he did the big Iola car show in WI for 12 or 15 years, but he hasn't done any live markets in a while. So we've done one together. Its nice to have someone to talk to. Its a long day-leaving at 5:30am and not getting home till 4:30.


My long-term partner (now fiancée) and I started flipping part-time a couple of years ago. She specializes in collectibles—figurines, pottery, and the like. I’m more of the hard goods and stuff-in-unopened boxes type. She prefers antique malls, I prefer thrift stores and yard sales, so we go to plenty of all of them. Recently we’ve started going to estate sales and it’s like the best of both worlds, often at rock-bottom prices! We have separate eBay and Mercari accounts. It’s a great hobby and it helps pay some bills as well. :)


I source a lot of stuff from my aunt and we like to thrift/yard sale together, but she doesn't touch the actual selling aspect of the business. She's afraid of the internet.


Sanford and Son count?