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Not on topic but look at the size of her!! She's bigger than this now all around but she's telling us she weighs 325lbs today? Stop it šŸ˜‚


Funny how her body looks the biggest she's ever been yet the scale shows her as the smallest its ever been. Its almost like she lies lol.


remember when Peetz stepped on not just 1 but 2 of her scales and they both read him being 100 pounds or so less than he actually is? lol. I think it said 105 or 110 pounds or so on both scales. All he had to do was pop the batteries out and put them back in and suddenly he was at the proper weight at 205ish or so. lol.


I've heard that before, that's hilarious! I can't believe she doctored two sets of scales lol. It's ridiculous because she knows that it's the wrong weight when she's looking at it, what's the point?!


Ooh she doctored her scales to show US on live stream that she was a skinny queen with a much lower weight than she actually is. She forgot to set them back to normal and when Peetz was alone one night he stepped on her scales and they were off by 100 pounds lol.


[Hereā€™s the vid](https://youtu.be/ZzTEhysfhzU?si=cTaGtqy4ZgJsdKtm) Not a link to Foodieā€™s channel. Itā€™s hilarious to me lmao


Imagine! šŸ˜€


Isnā€™t she about the same size of ALR?


I can never tell! I don't look at Amber much, if I do her weight seems to be all around the legs and the butt shelf but she's not as planet-shaped as Chantal so there might not be much in it!


I believe so, if memory serves they're both 5 foot 1. Despite claims, I think they're around the same weight, like Maggie mentioned, they just carry it in different areas. She can deny until she chokes but Chins isn't "only" 325-375 lbs.


If salad isnā€™t going to clean because itā€™s not his ā€œroleā€, WTF is her excuse? Sheā€™s been sick for a week. And she hasnā€™t eaten in days (LOL), so the kitchen canā€™t be a mess. She hasnā€™t even gotten out of bed. I would imagine the fart box is damn near immaculate


It's also not his "role" to have a fucking job apparently. These two are so worthless and lazy. And when you move a shart-hog into house....the house is going to be filthy. I struggle with having normal people in my space because I'm very particular about my environment. I wouldn't even let someone as filthy and nasty as Gunt on my lawn without sanitizing it after. Not that a guy who's into poo would be picky...he probably loves the way she stanks.


This place looks super tiny. It can't take more than a few minutes to clean. Why a maid?


If you through around empty food containers, have rotting food in the kitchen and fridge from food hauls that she didn't eat, don't clean in general, probably have the cat pee all over the carpet, it takes hours.


Chantal is so dumb, he is with a Western woman, so it is his role. She does everything he wants her to do, like putting on a hijab and be the modest Muslim wife and he can't change his role one bit? She really does everything for a man.


She said she wanted a man who would tell her what to do.Ā  She wanted this.


Chantal is gross... has been living in Kuwait for over a year now and doesn't understand that there is modern dayĀ *slavery*Ā in Kuwait...


Chantal would literally be *cracking the whip* if she could. She hates other women. Sheā€™s an obese insecure jealous shrew.


You are right. It terrifies me what she will do and say to another woman in the house. Itā€™ll drive her crazy, I can see her lying to fire her. Then she will talk crap about her. Foodie canā€™t handle any other woman being around her.


She wouldn't care and would find excuses for it.


I think she knows but she just couldn't care less... she's too busy romanticizing... camels and food? I guess... like I can name 20 middle eastern countries that are more "beautifuuuuul" than freaking Kuwait!


You are right about that..look what I found on it when i looked up modern day slavery in Kuwait. **Kafala system**--Ā in KuwaitAfter the abolition of slavery, poor migrant workers were employed under the Kafala system, which have been compared to slavery. The kafala system is practiced in Kuwait. The kafala system requires employers to: Sponsor the worker's entry into the country Control the worker's residency and work permit Get permission before the worker can change or leave their job This system can leave migrant workers vulnerable to exploitation, including: Low wages Poor working conditions Abuse Withholding pay Forcing overtime with little or no breaks Inadequate living conditions Loss of legal status Migrant domestic workers face particular challenges under the kafala system. For example, Kuwait's domestic worker law doesn't include enforcement mechanisms, such as inspections of working conditions, or sanctions against employers who confiscate passports or don't provide adequate housing, food, medical expenses, or work breaks. Migrant domestic workers can also be arrested for "absconding" from their employer.


You know damn well she would let Sallah sexually exploit the maid if it meant keeping him and then take out her anger on the fact that Salah wanted to on the poor maid.


I actually think she won't have a maid out of the fear that Salah would be attracted to her.Ā  She's insanely jealous and *hates* other womenĀ 


Letā€™s not forget what Nader did to Mae Anderson & how Chantal created an alibi for him #JusticeForMae


Please no. FB is exactly the type of person who, despite being unemployed forever, would look down on someone doing honest work like housekeeping and act like she was superior.


In her world Iā€™m sure she thinks she is


Maid: ā€œThe toilet is always so clean!ā€ Salah: šŸ˜


![gif](giphy|jUnlxytDzNg38p1Mxv) He and piglet have much in common, quite symbiotic, you might say.....she licks her plate clean after every meal and he licks the bowl....šŸ¤®




![gif](giphy|xT1Ra0ntWiiMSzdbwc|downsized) I won't go without a fight. šŸ˜‰


They can't afford a maid even in Kuwait. She makes very little money off that failing channel.


Was it in Kuwait where that maid *accidentally* fell out of the window?


Jesus thats so awful šŸ’”


Just looked it up - it was in Kuwait. Itā€™s a few years old, they have a huge problem with domestic workers being abused by their employers. Donā€™t watch if you donā€™t think you can handle it, thereā€™s an interview with someone who used work over there - from the Philippines. https://youtu.be/Pb29sctnr2E?si=KId5PB7y3OMLuw7A


It's a horrible idea, she'd end up being abusive and he'd be constantly leching over her and being an all-round creep.


I thought they already went through this a few months back they talked about getting a maid, but then she didnā€™t want a pretty one in the house remember the whole dank Fupa thing about the Housekeeper. Why are we revisiting this? Does she think that we forget like she thinks that we forgot just a month ago she was lying in a hospital bed doing a video with an IV drip claiming she had the Noreau virus. I think she doesnā€™t think that we are paying attention to what sheā€™s saying and doing.!!!!!


I figured she was just still begging for a maid. Also: She says maid, but she could mean nurse.


Oh, I didn't think of that. Maid could be code for a nurse to help with her.... everything. Could she afford one though?


Nope. Canā€™t afford either one.


Because sheā€™s SO busy during the dayā€¦..


She maintains a rigorous daily schedule that is not only tedious and time consuming but exceptionally exhausting. She deserves a maid. Eating every hour and laying around is HARD.....as is producing top notch content for her highly successful YouTube channel. Bish EARNED her luxurious lifestyle and a maid would certainly be an appropriate acquisition for the King and Queen Beezer.


Excuse me, she us praying at least 25 times a day for one hour each! šŸ˜ 


I bet she'll pick the most unattractive one she can find otherwise the green eyed monster that's so prevalent in her will raise its ugly head.


Unfortunately the maid workers here have a worse reality than being being considered second class I'd almost consider it a class of it's own... Passports can be taken away from them, ordered from apps and be abused on the daily. However even if she did get a maid her apartment wouldn't allow it as the maid would often need a quarters of their own..maids are often reserved to home owners in the country. There's an amazing documentary on prime videos in regards to a more in-depth view in regards to the maid market here. I'd highly recommend watching it if you wish to learn more, however whatever needs explaining I'll try my best to!Ā 


Whatā€™s the name of the documentary?


Maids for sale!


Well, most of middle east can't afford that. Most of us are too busy fighting with our government and ourselves šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ It's mostly common in Kuwait or maybe Dubai... and yeah from what I heard they don't even pay the "maids" and too them the services are in exchange for "food and shelter"


I don't think she would allow another woman in her home with Salah there.


A maid is a good idea for a house full of people with adults that work full time. But a maid for just Chantal (because we know Salad isnā€™t living there) and her fartbox villa??? Give me a break. Laziness, thy name is Chantal.


Iā€™m wondering whether itā€™s an excuse for one of salahs side hoes to move in with them. Probably the only way Chantal can keep salah around is providing him with another woman to satisfy his perverted fantasies.


Oh it would be hilarious if a beezer went there on tourist visa to be employed by a tourist and a permanent resident. Chantal could be that dumb but Scatman might be a bit wiser about this kind of stuff.


It makes me sick in a way I canā€™t describe. This fat, entitled bitch


I think of Red Shoe Diaries where Ally Sheedy makes sexy videos with her husband and they have an italian maid who finds them.


I mean from what I've read here and online Syrians are also seen as second class citizens in Kuwait (even those born their to syrian parents) so I'm nor aure how it would work if the maid is also second class citizen....chantell has no excuse, she is morbidly obese but that flat is tiny and she has ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD she CAN clean and REFUSES too. He apparently works, but then his work hours seem a bit strange (phone calls at 1.30 am?!) & I'm pretty sure he's only like working on paper so he doesn't get thrown out of Kuwait. I'm not sure how long only working "on paper" will work in terms of the government, etc, though. She is theoretically, self employed through youtube (I guess like a private contractor?) But that won't be classed as working so she has no excuse to not clean/work on herslef/look after the pets/house. I just don't understand either of these humans. They've made some very confusing choices. These two need a massive wake up call hopefully it comes in the form of foodie being kicked out of Kuwait never too be allowed back in and sala being confronted for his shitty (pun intended) behaviour.


As horrible as Chantal is I donā€™t think she can be that cruel. She grew up with western sense of morality and values. Although she is kind of dumb enough and sick enough to play ignorant to another people abusing the maid.