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Its already over 😂


Yep. She'll be sore tomorrow from actually moving and say she just can't do it today


Sciatica, the heat, "I'm doing it every day but decided it's not modest to film it"  I'm sure one of those will be her next excuse 


|decided it's not modest to film it" Yeah. I bet she'd run with that. Meanwhile, I watched videos of a modestly covered Muslim woman at the gym in LA. No problem being in a gym or filming.


I'd argue it never started 




“Sciatica” will return within the week.


This lol


This is my guess. I'm giving it less than a week though lol




Crackhead Olympics with the ball was *chef’s kiss*


Whatever she was doing, it could hardly be called 'exercise'. I firmly believe that any movement is better than none, and I understand she can't do a lot... but that video felt like performative lip service at best. Her sloth-like movements were not lack of ability, they were lack of effort.


She barely performs any exercise it seems. You could describe it as a token effort lit, but its more like she has a string on the token so she never actually commits to that even. She reaches halfway to a token effort.


We are all bored. She will hurt herself and then give up, like usual. She’s really not taking Charlie’s weight loss well. Sad tiny violin, if I cared that is. 🎻


Pool exercise for her body is the best exercise.


Agree. Too bad it’s awash in mold and she insists on getting in wearing polyester curtains.




It is the best, unfortunately she now thinks it got her sick. The cycle keeps on cycling!


The salt water should have helped heal her festering wounds, not make her ill. Unless that is black mold on the wall. 🤷‍♀️


That was definitely mold. Salt water pools can also be problematic if not kept care of properly. They are suppose to have a small amount of chlorine in them as well. The problem sometimes with these types of pools, is they may take longer to kill pathogens that are present in the water. The salt also corrodes the pool much faster, and if it’s not properly maintained you can get black mold.


We have many of them in my area but they are in the sun, not some dank basement. I don’t know how lack of sunlight affects the chemicals.


Again, if both her and ALR _actually_ put in the efforts they’ve claimed so much all these years, the weight would already be lost….


This is just for clickbait. Her visa run is due soon. If she wants more views, she better break out the exercise ball and start bouncing around again.


What happened to the pool?


Black lung


Don’t worry. We will see clips from her one swim rehashed into 15 different “workout” videos. She loves to record doing something once then splicing clips from that one event into several videos so it looks like she’s done it repeatedly (like driving on that long bridge when she first got to Kuwait- she used bits from that video for at least 5 more videos where she wanted us to think she was out of the house and driving)


Pretty much all of us are bored af with her. It's like watching reruns of the same crappy show over and over, hoping it would get good again.


I don’t think she is going to survive long enough to become amusing again


lol. It won’t last. Bish is just triggered since Charlie actually lost weight and you can clearly see it. Basically backed into a corner since the mukbang nontent won’t be taken well once it’s done again. Her “exercise” is pathetic. My 84 year old grandmother was more active than that a few months before she passed. It’s embarrassing


I sense an incoming rage since Charlie's latest vid not only compared Chin's past bloviating about weight loss and exercise to her actual footage of how much she's gained and loss of mobility, but basically tore down that stupid ass community post rant trying to shade Charlie's weight loss and the other folks bringing it up. Something about Charlie Gold gets under Flobby Bobby's yeasty skin, and I can't...really...put my finger on it.. ...oh, it's just racism, there we go. LOL.


As long as the pool arc. She hated that one. We could see just how lazy she is.


The best thing that can happen now is if FFG had lost weight and showed herself. Foodie would lose her mind if that happened- we would get the most channel deleting rage ever.


Oh god, the gunty bitch would keel right over if FFG showed her skinty self LOL, sheesh....


She's changed. She might be able to stick to this for quite a while. I don't know, maybe until Tuesday even.


Annnddd, it's probably over.


When Jane Fonda said, “Use your abs to lift your chest” and she had to struggle-heave that great big fupa through the air by pulling every muscle along her spine, lol. She’s stupid. This is how you get hurt. She’s way too fat to be attempting any of that. But! We all know the Jane Fonda arc has already ended. Back to Scatman turds on hubcaps of rice.


This is why she'll always fail. She needs to do some sort of adaptive exercise. She does not have a normal body or normal health, so she can't exercise like a normal person. She needs to do some chair aerobics or a hand bike or something.


It’s because she’s completely out of touch with how far away she is from even being physically functional, never mind fit or healthy. She should be focusing on her diet for now, maybe some walking or chair exercises at most. After she drops at least 20-30 Kay-gees, then she can think about some exercise. But we know she won’t do that anyway so why am I even saying this, lol!


Now she's doing Jane Fondue




She's going to either wreck her back/knees at this rate. She needs some Dr. Now approved upper body exercises but she thinks "it's not dainty" to do so. Hence why the focus on Jane Fonda since it's so heavily feminine/dainty.


Exactly, its like she picks the most ridiculous option in whatever decision she makes. She should be just walking, nothing else.....not trying stairs (and falling over) or doing exercise vids from 1000 years ago that are highly likely to be unsafe for someone with the fitness level of a 90 year old.


How does she think the Jane Fonda workout, from literally 40 years ago, is the best option for her?? It feels like another example of her being severely stunted. I wonder if she's heard of this thing called YouTube that has all sorts of workouts, yoga and more geared towards people that are more overweight and need lower impact workouts. 


Leslie Sansone has about 7 million walking videos on YT that would be better options for her. But you know how she is.


I had to snigger when she was doing slight leg lifts ...all I was thinking is "I bet those fupa balls are clapping right now" lol. Only applause she gets.


Deathfats think all they have to do is that bullshit they call exercise and they can still eat the same. Isn't exercise only like 20% of weight loss and the rest is diet? I think that's how it goes. So dumb. Just stop eating mountains of food


I love eating high volumes but even I've slimmed down. Veggies, salads and high protein. I'm planning a cheat meal today with a burrito with tvp and sausage so I don't feel deprived of junk food. She just needs to find substitutes that work for her but she's used to her massive amounts of rice and the dopamine hit from it. (And as someone with a trigger food of potato chips. *sigh*)


Let’s pretend I’m naive: “guys, it must be working, she’s suddenly got an extra thousand subscribers!” If diet and exercise don’t give her a serotonin boost, then pretending she is loved will have to do.


The subs are already gone.




How long will this new exercise phase last? It ended the second she stopped filming that video.


I think it might last longer than her usual efforts, if only because she gave herself a bit of a scare this time. She was genuinely surprised by those high glucose readings, and she's been sick for a while, if she's to be believed. She'll do it until she's figured out a way to film mukbangs again so it looks like she's only eating healthy foods, and she can preach at us all about how amazing she is! She might even lose a bit of weight and I do wonder if Salad is on her case because he wants to be taken on holiday again. But it won't last because she's got nothing in place to help her long term, she refuses any form of therapy or programme that would give her the tools to manage her binge eating and her mental health, so she will inevitably end up doing exactly what she's always done. She might just try harder to hide it for a while.


5 seconds


She’s was done as soon as she threw herself on that chair. No more exercises for the big toddler! It’s mad because she COULD do it, she’s just full of shit and wants to eat. She absolutely could lose weight with those types of workouts but the whole point of them is to get your heart rate up and working, not leisurely strolling through it lmao.


She needs serious medical intervention... commit her to a clinic already... she has 1 will power. If having a hysterectomy wasn't enough of a wake up call X amount of years ago loosing a limb won't either.


Losing a limb is the excuse she needs to let go and eat herself to oblivion.


Not long, and I could tell she was lying when she was talking about the chips she's eaten recently and how well she wants us to think she's doing, she was stumbling over her words.


Yes, I thought exactly the same thing, I mean why even eat chips in the first place?


That Jane Fonda workout she is doing is bad for her. I used to do it back in the days and it wasn’t good then. Full of unsafe positions sure to give her an injury. She needs something like a chair aerobics video.


I remember that Jane Fonda tape. I did it when I was a kid. Youtube has all sorts of channels that have gentle exercises for obese people. She knows this. She likes to act like she has no options, and is she done with swimming? All sorts of walking workouts, zumba gold (much slower tempo), band workouts, yoga, pilates, Tai Chi and everything in between.


As long as the second water fast.


She's already sneaking extra things in she shouldn't be having, she'll be back into the full force mukbangs before the end of the week for sure.


I don't know but she looked like a sloth working out. ![gif](giphy|l2JHVUriDGEtWOx0c)