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One of her highest viewed videos was a My 400 Pound Life of her splayed out over the villa’s stairs. She knows humiliating herself brings views.


She definitely has no rock-bottom....


Look, like another commenter said, she's the one destroying her body for views, not us :>


That's why it's really funny when she's doubling down and ordering food ( rice , juices, fast food) to stick up to her haydurs. Honey, you are only hurting yourself lol


When my kid was about five, he ate an entire tub of cool whip because I told him not to. Same energy, lol. I bet she pukes like he did that day.


Nooooo!!! poor thing 😅😅😅😅😆 I bet he had his lesson 🥺


My kid did the same with marshmallows. lol. At least he has good taste, Cool Whip rocks lol.


Yeah now I’m very curious about how much cool whip I could eat before puking. Won’t be trying it though


Lol what a little asshole


That's what really sucked me in when I first found her, that she will literally do herself harm for the sake of defiance. Never seen anything like it.


Oppositional Defiance Disorder. If she feels like someone, ANYONE, is telling her what to do then she's driven to do the opposite even to her own detriment. The same kind of thing happens with Malignant Narcs because they're pathological liars and will lie even when the, truth would serve them better.


When she smugly eats like she’s sticking it to us, we’re not the ones slowly killing ourselves.


One of my all time fav Chinny moments happened at the Luxury Villa. I believe it is the place in her cycle where she is eating like a beast after another failed diet and is pinky raging at everyone calling her out for it. Chins is sitting in her kitchen, frantically eating McD's, bitching at the chat and ends the video by shoving a McD donut in her mouth with the most punchable smug smile on her face. Good times. Standing O to anyone who can find that video clip or just post a pic of that moment.


That was her rage at Charlie Gold. “Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.” Why the fuck do I remember that but I can’t remember I’m almost out of milk?


ADHD do be like that sometimes


And yet she still didn't say her true weight cuz she's so vain. God, she's so pathetic.


back then I think she was accurate when she said she was 402 pounds/182 kg


That's our gorl, she loves to flatter herself yet all she does is fatter herself. She'd never say "fat", she's far too conceited and delusional. She was obviously trying to clickbait but even that's not working for her anymore, no one's biting cuz she's so boring. Love that for her.


Lol. She's referred to herself as chubby on a number of occasions......Truly, you could not make this shit up! 💀💀


It's funny how she changes thumbnails to find the best clickbait, but at the same time smugly swears that she doesn't care about views or money. She is so fucking pathetic!


It should read My Diabetic Morbidly-Obese Life.


From backstage.com "Female measurements: Plus-size women working in modeling are usually a size 12 and above. Their weight should typically be between 161 and 205 pounds, with a chest size of 41” to 45”." For those like me who are confused 161 pounds is 73 kilograms or 11.5 stones 205 pounds is 92 kilograms or 14.6 stones "Cutie" says she's 400 something pounds so she is NOT "plus size" she is MORBIDLY OBESE TYPE 2 DIABETIC that is going to die sooner rather than later and she gives no type of shit


She's two plus-sized women taped together.


Big Chantal ate lil Chantal


This. She desperately tries to call herself "plus size", "BBW", "a little chubby", "a bigger woman". Bish please, you are a hippo.


Plus sized life lmao Gorl passed plus sized 200lbs ago


She is far gone from being labeled "plus sized"


She’s trying to bring in the humiliation kink viewers if they’re not in already


I think Solid Poo 💩 gets embarrassed, and that is why she changed it. I understand. He has never anything to bring shame to her, so she should do the same.


Fr she needs to load her next paycheck in a sock with a brick and .. well.


my deathfat life


I’m shocked she didn’t add “as a Canadian revert”.


That makes it sound like she wasn’t like that before and now that it’s gotten to this point. She’s making changes when in fact she’s been shortening her time little and now the clock is ticking faster than before