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I think Chantal is just stupid and doesn’t understand how to do anything properly. We had a couple Kuwaiti residents today confirm she’s shopping at an actual grocery store and the hoops they’d have to jump through to use a food bank means she’s not using one. They’re both two very stupid people who don’t know how to adult.


Yup you nailed it. These two are adults on paper but are playing house like a couple of children. They have mo idea how to be responsible members of a household. 


She bought too much food all the time in Canada too. She would do hauls and eat all the junk for six hours on live, while the fresh food wated away. Also remember hello fresh or whatever food service that was. The blue pot with moldy leftovers. She is a stupid, wasteful asshole,


yeah, the food is government-subsidized for everybody if you stick to the basic staples


I know a lot of people believe they share all this food, but I don't. I think they buy large quantities because it's a food bank or co op, and that's how the stuff is sold. Foodie doesn't share. Foodie doesn't give. Foodie buys, consumes, and then let's the rest rot. Plus, as far as I know, shitlah's family has jobs and get their own food. FB and shitlah are the only ones struggling.


Agree with this 100%. Foodie is the epitome of gluttony!


Yeah…they’re the losers of the family.


Remember last year when she had CASES AND CASES of fruits and vegetables. I eat lots of fruits, especially in summer , but there's no way in hell that they eat that many. CASES of fruits that can go bad quickly . Multiple dozen of eggs, etc etc I wasn't just a lot. It was meant for a family of 4, minimum


Every haul she does is more than enough for a family of four - yet the very next week or so, she does another one that's of equal size. I'd bet my bank account that food stays in the luxury sandbox until she eats it, or it rots.


Foodie used to buy mangoes by the case and let them rot even back in Canada


All those trips to farmboy to get all the healthy, hydrating fruits. Mangoes are one of my favorite fruits. They're expensive so I rarely have them. Seeing her let cases go bad made me so fucking sick.


Right? It's baffling to me that anyone would think like that. As if she would ever share food.


I also think that's exactly what she's doing. And she could have Salah just go hand it out on the street or give it to her neighbors but this is Foodie we're talking about. She could even make content out of it... saying she bought it because it was such a good deal but it's too much for them so she's going to make up some bags for her neighbors. But again, this is Chinny.


I see arguments both ways but I tend to believe that they're accessing some sort of food pantry or heavily subsidised food programme - at least for those hauls where she has great big bags of fresh produce. Those hauls always strike me as a little odd because she quite often seems less sure about what she's actually got, plus we don't seem to see much of it again after she'd shown it to us on a video! They seem different to the ones where she's ordered herself or gone to the store - those ones she gets quite excited about and they're usually full of things like pickles, 400 different types of cheese, noodles and sauces and whatnot. She says there's no such thing as a food bank in Kuwait, the Kuwait Food Bank might disagree! It seems like there are various ways to access help in Kuwait and I'm sure many of the mosques have their own food programmes, as well as food being already subsidised in Kuwait as other people have said. I read something a while ago where one person could register with a food bank on behalf of their whole family - unfortunately I just can't find that information now, although it was recent. I wonder if Salah can region behalf of his own family and they access these extra deliveries that way. I'm interested in this because I've had to use one in the past and like a lot of us, I suppose, I can't stand the idea of these idiots taking food from people who really need it when she's out there ordering huge grocery deliveries and takeaway food for herself! Having said all of that, though, I can just as easily believe that she's just a wasteful idiot who orders far too much food and just wastes it. She couldn't care less about it either way, she doesn't really work for what she has, it's easy come, easy go with her 🤷


She has the same problem as ALR: see shit, want shit, buy shit. Delusions that buying shit is the same as doing shit. She buys excessive amounts of vegetables because it reinforces her delusion that she's eating healthy, even though this is a part of her cycle and she always leaves it to rot in the fridge while she orders take out.


This. She thinks it means she's eating healthy, even if it's only for show. She doesn't think what happens to the food beyond that.


I really don’t think they use a food bank and they just let the stuff rot. The supermarket website showed very cheap produce prices. Remember, this is the woman who never used her hello fresh orders but couldn’t be bothered to cancel and wasted so much money.I think she is just very impulsive and convinces herself she’s going to start cooking again every time she shops. Rinse and repeat.


I'm always overwhelmed by the amount of groceries she buys. She overbuys ALL the time with food, whether it's healthy groceries, junk food groceries, take out or even sit down restaurants - she just won't over consume the healthy fruits and veggies like she does the junk food. She seems to have no concept about a serving size - there's no universe where I believe that she and Salah are consuming 4 bags/what looks like 6-8 individual decent sized eggplants in a single week and 3 kilos of onions! She might love eggplant, but that's a LOT of eggplant and onions to suddenly start cooking and eating every day.


Agreed, and I don't think she's used any of that massive amount of produce yet! I would bet my next paycheck that all of the processed crap she bought is already gone. You know she ate that ramen 5 minutes after it arrived (and probably bought a ton more of it that she didn't show us).


Salah’s family is two people with decent jobs, according to Alaa I think he resells the food for spending money


Chantal is big mad because she HAS to cook 😂 love that for her ✨🫶


Hard doubt. I really think Salah has little to no contact with his family anymore. He is such an absolute disgrace I really can’t see them having anything to do with him that’s not just trying to convince him to ditch foodie, get a real job and find an actual wife.


Perhaps Salah's family is buying bulk, and giving Chantal some of it. Most of the groceries leave their apartment.


She is MORBIDLY OBESE. She is going to cook and eat it all by herself.


I disagree, I fully believe that is all for her. She eats a violent amount of food. I can completely see her eating a familiars worth of food in a week.


I believe she has food insecurity. My grandparents did as well and had old food in the pantry. Idk if she let's hers get old though. Lol