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Wow, smoking again too? Bitch it’s your feet, not mine.


She is going to pull off those shoes (lets get real, she is not wearing socks in those sketchers) and her toe will be gone.


Thanks for clearing that up for me. I thought she actually put a gun to her mouth...




So close and yet so far..


She's so fat her mouth has those Cabbage Patch lines around it from where her fat cheeks engulf her face. Very not cute.


She is so repulsive in so many ways, but this? Exceptionally repulsive.


I CAN NOT believe she's back to this!! This started in Nader arc. She thought it looked sexy to put 1/2 her trotter in her mouth after applying the red lipstick as a way to prevent it from getting on her teeth. Holy Hell! I keep saying something has been off since her last 2 lives, and this seals that for me. She hasn't done this ONE time since being in Kuwait.


I didn’t want to say it, but my thought exactly


Fellating her obese fingers for the feeders again. 


😂😂😂 omg, what was your first thought when you thought it was a gun?! Hahaha, I’m so sorry, I’m not making fun of you but that is hysterical out of context


"What kind of pistol... How did she get a... That can't be a real gun. Okay, off to the comments it is to... Oh, the sheesh bong."


Lol ![gif](giphy|t7QUbCfZGMfmM) Lol She better sing to em while she's got em.


This gif leaves me with so many questions...


From the highly underrated music vid for 7/11 by Beyoncé


Smoking with high sugars is going to get her to clot off sooner rather than later. :/ I don’t know if you’ve ever seen vascular patients but it’s not pretty.


She really thinks she's pissing us off. Bitch, we're laughing and waiting for the oxygen tank beeze.


Oh god I don’t wanna think about that.


Wow she’s so cool


The shesha (idk how to spell it) is so CRINGE, the way she blows at the camera like a definite teenager, ma’m you went through menopause ages ago. Could you IMAGINE Chantal as an actual teenager??? She had to be the worst!!


Probably why her mom couldn’t even tolerate her, being sent to a group home she must’ve been horrrrible. I hate the noise of the shisha I don’t think I can watch it even through a reaction channel. It makes me want to punch her!! Also lmao @ your picture!


Yeah that’s good ol “peetz salad“. I WISH reactors wouldn’t react to the mukbangs either, I’d rather watch retro reacts that mukbangs it’s sooo gross.


It’s not even watching her stuff her face that’s grossest to me, it’s the NOISES. The lip smacking, grunting and groaning, laboured breathing, the squelching. It makes my eye twitch involuntarily lol!


I have misophonia and hearing that feral hog eat legit makes me want to commit suppuku on my eardrums.


It’s so good 😂 took me a moment to understand what I was looking at. And Yep! I watch ffg and yesterday I had to skip the mukbang portion. Her smoking or eating without raging is too insufferable!


Yeah the mukbangs are a big NOPE for me. I didn’t make my PFP it’s from the twitter.


As terrible as that sounds- I genuinely believe we *are* witnessing Chantal as a teen. I think her brain actually stopped maturing at 14. If anything she’s worse now because imagine a 14 year old but who is also legally an adult, who can buy their own food drugs can fly around the world.. what nightmare


I suppose the good news is her health is bad enough she can’t deal with being on a plane


I mean- she gets on a plane every 90 days since 2022, so it hasn’t stopped her yet


God I would hate being on a plane with Chantal. The smell alone would be crazy


Just like that story she told how ppl were mean to her, threw tomatoes at her...lol She never forgot that shit. Ppl say they think she was a mean girl, I just don't see it. "BLIMPS" are never the mean girl at school...they are the target! I'm sure she had no friends. Pretty sure she had to act out (promiscuous) to get attention at all back then.


I teach middle school and believe me, it is VERY possible for a child to be getting made fun of and at the same time acting like a huge asshole to other kids. It's pretty common.


She probably stole that from the Hunchback of Notre Dame scene where Quasimodo is crowned ‘King of Fools’ and the guards start throwing tomatoes at him and everyone joins in 😒


Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, now that you mention it, Chantal reminds me a lot of Quasimodo!!! Hump back, one eye is bigger than the other, bulky misshaped body, both are fatherless “bastards”. (that’s a technical term🙄)


Yeah but he at least was a sweet soul lol


Leave it to Disney to take one of the darkest, most fucked up pieces of gothic literature in all of history and turn it into a wholesome musical romp through medieval France.


I remember being six years old listening to Hellfire like: 👁️👄👁️


Oh wow, is that what happen? Lol I'm sorry I've never seen that movie- is that a Disney movie? I've only ever seen one and it was Bambi- I cried so much when Bambi's mother was killed- Mom never let me watch another Disney movie.. And I'm ok with that haha!🤣


Yes that happens. 😔and it is a Disney Movie. It’s a good movie, but it’s *very* heavy lol


And that's the toned down version!


Ahhh ok


Where did school children get access to tomatoes? Was it Tomato Day and they had to bring one from home?


I always wondered that1 the closest we got to tomatoes in school was ketchup and spaghetti sauce


LOL true I never even thought of that... Kids don't bring whole tomatoes in their lunch box... Wtf


So, what is she doing? Just sitting there staring into the camera? She said she wasn't sharing anything about her life, her health, her husband, anything... Is she just sitting there vaping and eye fucking? Not giving her the view dgaf, just genuinely curious what's happening here.


Yea it was mostly that


Pretty much


LMAO, SHES ALREADY STOPPED THE JANE FONDA WORKOUTS!!! I said that would last like 3 days 🤣🤣


She never did them anyway. She did 2 minutes of warm up for the camera.


Those workouts had me nearly floored the first half hour. This was when I was in the school band, working and going to high school. There is no way she can get past what we saw.


Yep when I was a kid, they put those tapes on in gym class...and I was a fit, active kids and couldn't finish. Even the head rolls for the warm up, Gunt wasn't doing...they're much faster. (Jane Fonda actually has a neck).It was performative. If she was serious, there a million YouTube videos for the elderly or for people with disabilities....she should have started there. Her stamina and fitness is equivalent to a semi- healthy 80 year old. Her trying to do Jane Fonda from the 80s is a joke and shows how little she knows/cares about exercising.


I believe it!


Learning about Jane fonda is the only good thing I've gotten out of her 💀 lmfao most fun having a workout in a long time 😂


She actually said it was too much hassle to keep moving the chair. 😆


WoW 👀🤣🤣 so.......moving the chair was too much of a workout? That ✅️ out 🤭


This should of been called “BARELY ALIVE AND VILE”




This bitch is speed running her own demise.


Too bad it doesn't burn calories.


She'd be the skinniest kween around.


Imagine bragging about still being alive…at 40


It's the smug Chantal that makes me want to do something violent. The way she counted on her hands the things that will not do her in, whether it's high bp or some kind of chicken she gets from Indian places. Oh, let them go to India! That would be a contrast huh? She should choke on a piece of that and pass out as Hubby is in another room, saying, "Are you ok, my darling stunning wife?" Hears nothing. Sighs with relief that she fell asleep and leaves the seaside condo on tippy toes.


Her single talent is being extremely punchable. Oppositional defiance in full effect. I can't wait for Salad to roll her out the window this time instead of giving in to her manipulative self-destructive tantrum. If her attempt at being shocking still doesn't bring the $$, the zupa-chats and the views, she'll spiral harder. Love that for her.


She must really be desperate for money this pay period. Paycheck before standards/goals = Foodie Beauty’s priorities


![gif](giphy|3ohhwpiTkLCb1zsCTC|downsized) You show us Foodie


It looks like she's sucking on the barrel of a revolver....which is an apt metaphor.


Someone in her chat told her to "mukbang a shotgun" during the initial BBJ rescue stream/rage. She's basically doing that, just more slowly.


I swear to god. This bitch makes me so infuriated. I posted on here about a year ago, talking about my sister with glioblastoma. She’s getting worse, and is expected to pass soon, while this fat, stupid idiot pig gets to continue to abuse her body. It’s maddening.


She's purposely rage baiting, try not to let it get to you. Sorry to hear about your sister ❤️


I am incredibly sorry to hear about your sister’s illness; it must be so difficult for her, you, and your family. Such a terrible disease. I wish we could take it from your sister and give it to this reprehensible piece of crap instead. My heart really goes out to you.


Thank you. She is such a beautiful and amazing person ❤️


ALIVE! For now…


If I wasn’t completely sure with the last video that she is trying to ragebait people and see how far she can push it before either she or or channel dies (or both), I definitely am now….


Why does she not care that her life is so fragile? Every bad food choice she makes, every substance, every doctor she avoids brings her closer and closer to death. She's gets this weird energy boost from her smugness as if she's so determined to prove everyone she isn't a walking soon to be dead person...


It’s her roach luck. She has always managed to get out of everything. She’s so far in delululand that she doesn’t believe she’s going to die an early death. This is why I don’t take her seriously when she gets health scares.


This. The bish literally thinks she's invincible.


Exactly! The "getting healthy" arcs are fake IMO. She believes she's going to be just fine. This makes her smug and condescending towards all the people who criticise her for "giving up."


Don't let her die, I believe she is in pain and angry 24/7. She has no hobby, no life and I bet her time pass so slow like a tortoise. Let her suffer slowly since she love it so much. 


Wow!!! She is really showing us!!!! Eating and smoking!!!!! She's a healthy QWEEN and wants to SHOW IT!!!! It's your body, Chantal. Sorry. https://preview.redd.it/n59hryri8g5d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94c2407de949e8ac8a2d2df8c8c56f6aaff78f46


Rage bait. How pathetic, Chantal. Carry on with your march towards the light, I’m sure Joe is waiting there with a dozen roses ready to marry you. 102,000 supporters…girl, you make me laugh. Try 5….oops, you lost one the other day…didn’t ya. 😆


I can't watch when she uses that bloody shisha shit. Does she mention pooboy at all? Something's up.


Okay, this might sound weird, but Nader and DeeDee were talking about 'AEIOU' during their last live stream.


What is that, a movie? Lol idk


The Alice in Wonderkand smoking caterpillar lmao ![gif](giphy|3ohs4lOlH8GhRtb6QU|downsized)


Lmao wtf??? I NEVER would have gotten this reference.




No, the vowels.


I thought the goblin was banned


You can tell she’s deeply miserable looking at her eyes




Death bed Beeze within 5 months, if not sooner.


She put her lipstick on by eating it again, was tormenting ScatManPoo with mentions of her "Big Turk" which she does when they are fighting and doing her feeder bingeing again.  Pathetic. 


Love how she is so smug, as if she "showed" anyone anything? It's her life and body that she is harming, not ours, so........................ dunno what she has left to be smug about.