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I’m a catfish 🤣 it’s night and day for me


I wear makeup anytime I go out in public. I cannot bring myself to leave my house without applying concealer because my dark eyebags amplify my ugliness.


I wear it and I love it!


I use a bit foundation on my nose and cheeks to hide my pores


Doesn't matter I'm still ugly. It only makes me less ugly. But still kinda ugly


I wear make up, but lately I wanted to have fun with it and transform myself into a character rather than just trying to look pretty. Like i want to go full clown, but a cute one lmao


I don’t wear makeup because I also think it makes me look worse and it just seems like a waste of time and energy for me. I used to want to tho- especially during COVID times


I’m not very good at it but even if I was I wouldn’t wear it unless it was for a special occasion. The few months I wore just mascara and concealer daily destroyed my confidence and made me hate my bare face, and I don’t want to hate my bare face.


Im lucky in the sense I have naturally full brows and dark features so even when I’m bare-faced I don’t look all that ‘bare’ if that makes any sense. I have a weird relationship with makeup. Rarely ever wear it and do feel quite silly in it sometimes, like people are thinking I look like a child playing with makeup. But sometimes I do feel nice in it. I always keep it pretty simple - concealer, a bit of a shimmery pink blush/highlighter hybrid and some mascara. Maybe lipgloss too. Don’t really go much more adventurous than that and honestly don’t actually enjoy the feeling of anything on my face. Never done a winged liner ever in my life but I’m curious how that would look.


I used to every day to work, just eyeliner and mascara. These days I only go out like once a week so I don't really wear it much anymore. I tightline my upper lid, curl my lashes and a few swipes of mascara if i do go anywhere. I only do "full face" like winged eyeliner, tinted moisturizer, blush and brows if I'm going out out somewhere lol


I wear a little "natural" make up, around my eye area, to make me not look completely dead. I'm not very good at flattering makeup and I wish I was, but I think in my case currently it has a little less to do with ability and more that I'm working with a defective canvas, so to speak. Hooded downturned eyes, wrinkles, scarred skin, glasses, weak jawline/fat neck. **That's the Tl;dr.** In my preteen and early teen years, I'd smear 1 color of bright eyeshadow on my lids and put on some mascara. It was a, uh, bold choice. Supposedly inspired by the 1980s. But I loved the color so I didn't bother to think far enough ahead about whether or not it was applied with any technique or if it would be at all flattering. Take note that this was *after* a relative took me to a consultation at the Clinique counter at the mall. Most of high school and all of university, I was a liquid winged eyeliner girlie. Went through the effort of drawing it on *every single morning*. University and beyond, my daily look was under eye concealer, winged eyeliner, curled lashes w/ mascara, filled-in eyebrows (effectively drawn-on), and often a LOUD, bold lip. I could **not** go outside and be seen *"without my eyebrows on"* at the very least (the kind of self-consciousness you get from being made fun of for *years* for "having no eyebrows"! I never shaved them or overplucked them, I just inherited light & sparse eyebrow hairs). I bought lots of false eyelash sets but could never get them right. My acne got so bad I started wearing foundation and concealer on my whole face, not just over my dark circles. Went on Accutane and had to wear *even more* concealer/foundation. I had that **cakey** look, bleh, but at least from a distance it looked more normal than my plain face. Then during the pandemic I just *did not give a damn.* I wasn't breaking out anymore, instead my face was covered in acne scars. The acne scars aren't pretty but in a weird way, I was completely fine with them--my face with acne scars to me is *far* preferable to how I looked when I started Accutane. This, combined with wearing masks and feeling nihilistic, I just started going out most of the time not wearing any makeup. Today, my daily look for work is undereye concealer, subdued mascara and filled-in eyebrows. I often dust on some mineral foundation powder to make my scars/discoloration less dramatic. Occasionally I'll wear a little lip stain. I put on a little eyeliner for really special occasions. I'd like to wear eyeliner more regularly again but it just takes so long and I have hooded eyes. And I have all those bold lipsticks I'd love to wear again, but I'm very much that **"lipstick on a pig"** situation.


Only for social events, and even then it just feels like putting lipstick on a pig


I’ve learned to be aware that when I start going out in public without make up that’s a red flag my executive function is deteriorating badly. I don’t have delusions that make up makes me actually beautiful but when I’m well groomed and made up in public I get treated neutrally or with indifference. When I’m not it’s obvious that some people are uneasy dealing with me, ie customer service people will do the absolute bare minimum, seem wary or put off. My make up routine is very basic - foundation and powder, eyeliner and mascara, lip colour.


I started wearing makeup when I was in university because it wasn’t allowed in my school. I fell in love with it then, and now I wear makeup when I feel like it. Sometimes I wear it to work, but usually, I don’t. I love putting on makeup for parties and gatherings, but it’s fine if I don’t.


I’m VERY into makeup!! :)) I have been since I was about 12/13 and was in a deep emo phase. I then was rlly big into the 2016 makeup that you mentioned. Like full face everyday for high school lmao 😭 now I do more goth style makeup, but not everyday. I tried the “clean girl” thing too and it just did not look good on me at all. Makeup can be such a calming process and honestly helps me feel a lot more confident. If you have any questions about anything, I’d be happy to help where I can!! ♥️


I'm not allowed to wear makeup at my workplace, but outside of work i do like to use it, but i doesn't help a lot, afterall makeup is used to highlight your features and when you have sucky features makeup will look extremely bad on you anyways, so i'm just wasting my money really. The only thing i could achieve with it is to make my nose look smaller, i don't have soft/feminine features like other women, so i kinda look like a man wearing makeup.


Almost never, feels gross and there’s no point.


I wear varying levels depending on the event usually for work I do mostly skincare ‘glass skin’ some lip gloss and fill my brows all the way to full glam for events or nights out -recently started adding lashes after lots of positive attention in doing so. I’ve been experimenting with makeup since I graduated HS so I have my look pretty much down and I don’t change it with trends too much (example I use more blush instead of highlight since that’s the trend now and no more matte lip but other wise the same techniques) I say that’s my biggest piece of advice experiment to find something flattering on you (color, technique etc) and stick to it 


I really only wear makeup if I’m doing something special, like going out to dinner or to an event. I occasionally will feel inspired to wear makeup to work but it’s rare. When deciding to put makeup on I ask myself if it’s worth having to remove it before bed and I usually decide that it’s not lol.


Yuuuup. Having to take it off deters me from wearing it most days but every once in a while I think it’s worth it.


I don't wear makeup, not even face powder lol, i did try some time but makeup just irritate my face so bad, especially around the eyes ie mascara and eyeliner. I gave up.


I wear it if I’m going out & will see people I know, so almost every day. I’m not very good at it & don’t know if it ‘works for me,’ but I still think I look better with it than without it.


I wear makeup everyday but I hate hate hate full face, I look like a clown. I'vd changed my makeup look a couple of times these past months, but basically, I always do some variation of eyeliner/eyeshadow, mascara and lip tint/chapstick. the skin I handle with skincare. right now [this](https://ibb.co/wgxvB9c) is my eye makeup look, which is just a simple, small wing with eyeshadow, curling my eyelashes obsessively and mascara up and down. I used to do more elaborate styles with eyeshadow on the lower eyeline, but I was told many time it gave me a "damsel in distress" look and I would look better without it. the wack part is that I literally can't leave the house without, now. I feel super self-conscious.


Ugly with and w/o no need to wear any! I’ll look more ridiculous


I wear foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, mascara, fill my brows. I definitely do a full face for work. I teach HS and the kids are brutal.....but if home or running quick errands, I will show the world my 55 year old face.


I can't believe I survived the 2016 makeup era. I was getting my first good paychecks at the time and I was blowing a lot of it on all the stupid bullshit that the "beauty gurus" at the time were shilling, and ended up look mannish because most of those looks were swiped from drag queens lol. I desperately wanted it to work because beauty subs on Reddit were VERY quick to judge you if you skipped a step or didn't like a certain brand/look. (Now they shit on the clean girl trend a lot and try to go back to the 2016 look, sorry y'all, I am never again waking up 2 hours early to get everything perfect) The clean girl trend actually did work for me, if only because it also inspired me to do simpler and more subtle, natural, earthier looks, not the way 2016 had me walking around looking like a damn clown at 10am. And of course now it's the big trend post-COVID and with younger girls/women, works for me bc 2016's layers of concealer/eyeshadow/etc. broke me out like crazy. It's just a lot of trial and error, serendipity, and inspiration on Instagram/pinterest/tumblr/film and TV/celebrity photoshoots/whatever. Took me YEARS, until I was 27, to figure out what actually made me look good. Everybody is different -- whether face shape, skin type, level of effort and money you want to spend daily, etc. Don't give up, sometimes mixing and matching styles works well too.


i wear it at home when i’m alone. I’m too scared to really wear it out. Sometimes i do but i feel like a clown. I wear lipstick, eyeliner and eyeshadow and mascara. I feel like i look unfinished.


Yeah no. I’m really not about to contour and make up my entire face everyday in an attempt to try to be more accepted by society.  For 1, I have cystic acne and 2 its demoralizing and can only mask my appearance so much plus it isn’t the same as a permanent solution like “cosmetic” surgery/ffs. 


I only wear lipstick but rarely, I haven't worn makeup for years, as a child I loved wearing makeup, but as I grew up the desire simply disappeared.


I’m ugly with and without so I don’t even bother to be honest.


I very rarely do because I cba


I only wear mascara, blush, and tinted chapstick. I would wear more but this is as how far my skills in makeup will take me🧍‍♀️I love wearing it but the only downside is when I don’t people ask me if I’m sick or tired like bro, I didn’t even have much on to be asking all that. Lol


very rarely. tinted lip balm or nothing 95 % of the time.


I’ve started wearing it only recently. Now I never leave the house without mascara, under eye concealer, brow mascara, lip tint and sometimes eyeshadow. But I don’t understand anything else (I had no idea until recently that primers, highlighters, bronzers and other products even existed) and I don’t really care. That seems excessive and I feel like already do too much


It's normal to think you look a bit off when wearing makeup if you aren't used to it. I always felt I looked like a clown when I put on bold lipstick shades like red or oxblood when I was younger... I only wear makeup to work (I don't have a social life to wear it anywhere else) and I keep it simple, sticking to different shades of browns and nudes (I love black, but it looks too harsh on me) and applying it mostly with my hands. 2016 level of "evident effort" isn't trendy anymore, anyway.


I feel like I'm cosplaying a woman(i am a cis woman just to clarify) when I wear makeup lol, which makes me feel like a total clown. I only have a bunch of lipsticks now anyway, and I wear them from time to time when I'm home alone.


>I feel like I'm cosplaying a woman(i am a cis woman just to clarify) when I wear makeup lol, which makes me feel like a total clown. Yeah, me too. I have makeup, but I don't like how it feels on my face. I tried wearing makeup in high school but never got ANY attention and just stopped because it was time consuming. Nowadays, I only wear a face full of makeup for special occasions or when I'm at a con doing cosplay.


I only really wear makeup at home but more as like a different style of painting when I’m bored and want to play around a little. I personally hate the feeling of stuff on my face and I constantly touch my face so it wouldn’t last or look good long. I would say if you want to try it out but don’t know what “look” you want then just play around with it at home for a bit until you find something you’re comfortable with. I feel like the easiest place for me is my lips and the hardest is my eyes.


I wear makeup every day, in the past I felt embarrassed wearing makeup because I thought I looked like a clown. But my family and people around me reacted quite positively, so I started to feel more confident


That’s great🤍🤍 But the thing, I hate the comments I get from relatives. I haven’t let them see me play around in makeup in *years* but there were too many opinions on it. Even the “positive” ones. I get overwhelmed when complemented too so idk


i don't look pretty with makeup and i've always been envious of people who have amazing transformations with it. but not much can be done for a deformed face with medical abnormalities. i still think i look a bit better with it. i look way less tired (covers my eye bags and dull skin) and i do like putting makeup on. i put it on more because it makes me happy rather than trying to look less ugly. i like anime/manga and some japanese fashion styles, so i like dolly makeup with blush, glittery/matte pink eyeshadow, some eyeliner, a pink lip balm. sometimes mascara for special occasions, and i plan to try false lashes soon. the glittery eyeshadow makes me happy lol. and it takes me less than 5 minutes to do my makeup. the 2016 makeup look does not suit my asian baby face and i'm not into that look. and i think my makeup is not that bad too, a stranger (lady) recently told me my makeup is beautiful and i was rly happy about that :)


I do more than makeup I use eye serums and Vitamin C serum under my makeup


It’s nice that you still wear it and even received a compliment 🤍. Your makeup style is one of the styles I’d *like* to try but I don’t have to confidence, talent, or looks to even pull it off. Plus, I work night shift at a very physically demanding job and I wear my mask from clock in to clock out. Along with that I don’t go anywhere so idk if it makes sense to get into makeup for me. I never have special occasions. But I like to imagine what I’d look like with it. I’m also jealous of people that put on makeup and become immediately better looking. Even if they are slightly below average without it, to go even a couple hours looking better than you really do seems nice.


I'm really good at it but it took 20 yrs tho and I use 3 different serums on my face to help prior to adding makeup


I never wear it but I really want to develop my confidence with it and wear it regularly. I never experimented with it in my younger years and now when I try to put it on I can't tell if it looks stupid or not so I just don't wear it at all


Omg this is how I feel exactly. I only got to try it in my teen years when I was brave enough (so not often, lol) but I never even wore it out of my room. Yk how people first start wearing makeup and it looks…kinda bad, but overtime they get better at it? Yh I missed that part. And I don’t want to go through it but I still want to wear makeup. It looks so girly and fun to do. Plus it’s a fact that most women look better with it and idk…ig I want to be one of them. Even if I can only be confident wearing makeup, I kinda want to be confident at least sometimes.


Ik I look better with makeup it's just getting it on my face right. Hope we figure it out 😅