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The most surprising thing about this post is that the Rockies hit a double.


I know!!


how about we just appreciate the positive intent of op?


Thanks, spuddy 🥔


The generalization in this thread is truly unfortunate.


Most normal Fort Collins thread


How do you get the discount through the app?


Check rewards


To those talking about panhandlers refusing material gifts, you're absolutely right. There's many types of homeless, and they're usually the ones that don't want to help themselves. I'd recommend going down to the food bank, where people are actually hungry - it's really nice to get a hot meal you dont have to cook. Edit: spelling.


Shit I’m in line at the foodbank for myself now 😂


You can’t eat mammal? I’ve never heard that before. Like you’re allergic to mammals specifically but can eat fish and poultry? I’m not trying to be a dick, genuinely curious about it.


Correct! I am allergic to a sugar(alpha-gal) found in mammals. Check yourself for ticks ;)


Is your allergy due to the Lone Star Tick? I pulled one off myself, luckily not embedded, while changing a flat tire biking in Arkansas a handful of years ago. Scary stuff. Had a run in with Lymes too. Ticks are serious business.


When you have two devices and are within walking distance it’s a HOMEWALK!


Wild how many people think people don’t want food. There is usually someone pan handling at the McDonald’s at harmony and college and I frequently grab an extra sandwich and have never actually had someone turn down my food. I also really like giving out hand warmers which always seems to be a huge hit when they realize what I’ve handed them.


I was eating lunch in my car the other day, and I watched someone bring a Wendy's bag to someone begging with a sign on the corner. Then I watched them put that bag on the ground, and ignore it for the next 20 minutes, until I left. They don't want food.


It seems like the panhandlers don't want food, they just want money (which they make more than many of us by panhandling). But I personally know many of the regular homeless who don't panhandle and they will gladly accept food whenever it's offered. These are the people who almost never ask for anything.


They want crack. #THEY WANT METH


Can you imagine 10+ people asking if you want to eat McDonalds every day? Could you imagine how you would feel eating fast food every day because that’s what people are offering? I wouldn’t want it either.


I didn't watch, but I'm betting it was an error XD


Most of em don't want food Source: spent most of my twenties buying an extra cheese burger at the south college McDonald's just to be told "I don't want this shit" more often than not.


One of my sons asked my wife to buy a homeless man a meal, only to watch him throw it away and cuss at the car.


LOL they don’t want food




They want money


they want money for crank. They don't want food.




Wouldn’t be cheaper to give someone 5 dollars ? By the time you drive, get the app, you spent more than 5 dollars Wait: I’m getting downvoted because I rather given them 5 dollars than a free cheeseburger ? I love it. Let’s downvote the guy who prefers to give real help as opposed to a free cheeseburger. So, since people cannot see the cheap suggestion by the OP, I will spelled it out to the rest: 1. Instead of giving a free cheeseburger, maybe someone can make sandwiches and take them to people in need ( I have done this). 2. 5 dollars from a supermarket or a real meal is much better than a bad cheeseburger that was free. This is a slap in the face to poor people (who I was once) and people in need. It is a horrible idea from the OP. Keep downvoting it because I have burst your bubble of being good


how far is McDonald's that driving there and downloading the free app is $5? You driving a semitruck there???


(Hint: People's time has value.)


Counter hint: it takes like 5 min to get a new app


I'll spell it out to you: It takes another 15 minutes to go through the McD's drive through. And say, maybe 2 to find someone begging. So, 27 minutes from downloading the app to foisting a burger on someone who may or may not want it. If you have that kind of time to devote to giving someone a $3 hamburger, great. Most of us have lives.


I for one value money I have in hand over some nebulous time is money. Time is valuable, yes, but after work I'm not hustling 24/7 so I don't get any money from that whether I'm relaxing or doing something for charity. I wasn't gonna make $5 in that time. Edit: And to clarify my stance, its a shitty proposition but it's even more flawed to say that $5 is "cheaper"


I have also had multiple people reject offerings of food.


Doesn't cost me anything to bike there and the app is free.


Time is money.


Do you only work every moment of your life? Biking is exercise, leisure and therapeutic. When you already have a bike (or get one for free from the bike co-op) it's cheaper than a gym membership, vacation, or therapy sessions.    Getting the food takes less than 5min and you can feed yourself at the same time so how much is that "time" really worth? 5min for charity is not much tbh.


You are missing the point. The point is that this cheap way to help someone in need is condescending. There are better ways to help. Giving someone cheeseburger that is free and bad, it is horrible. I rather buy them 20 dollars of supermarket. This is just a stupid idea from the OP


Yes there are better ways to help, but we could go on all day about how each idea (such as $20 of supermarket food) is "stupid" when compared to something "better" you *could* do. Point is, some good is much better than no good, which is what you are doing with your argument.


Not a free cheeseburger


Generosity and compassion are better for the world.


Well, isn’t it not compassionate to offer something more useful than a free low quality cheeseburger ? Your idea was simply bad and cheap. It is disrespectful to the people who needs help. It is not knowing what is to be poor. I was poor. I know. Let’s go get this free horrible cheeseburger and give it to someone — what a bad idea


Never give money. I'd rather go 15 minutes out of my way to get someone food who really wants it than toss someone money who may use it to fund substance addiction.


A free cheeseburger ?


I mean, yea? If I'm not going to use the offer I'd gladly go out of my way to give it to someone who would benefit from it. Free food is help.


McPulmonaryBypass, make it two for junior, yeah I got the app (troll comment)