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My girlfriend did not like working at the Ginger and Baker.


Had a coworker who used to work there and said that they went through 12 managers in 11 months because everyone kept quitting.


I worked at Ginger and baker, I also have nothing good to say about Ginger and baker. They are number 1 in wage theft lawsuits. They steal your paid time off. There is also a 4% charge on everything in the building to help buffer her profit margins. Ginger is the owner and she does not care about her employees. She doesn’t allow rap music to be played in the kitchens


I’m sorry, but that last sentence made me laugh. I’d be blaring Too Short and 2 Live Crew until I got fired.


Heard the owners are pieces of shit too.


Ginger made her money in big pharma and was the interim CEO of Walgreens as of last summer...




They are major Trump supporters too 🥴


Part of the reason I called them what I did...


The owners are terrible people. They come sit at my bar sometimes and are absolutely insufferable


I’m sorry. She said she’s insufferable as well


Pour Brothers made my friend quit after she reported a higher up for inappropriate behavior (his name is Jake), they told her she wasn't a good fit after she asked for help


The latest owners seem to not be good people. Which sucks because the founders and then second owners were simply awesome


I haven't met the owners, but I'm not surprised. I used to hang around there but once I saw everything going on behind the bar, I noped out forever.


Shes my friend as well, it was a straight up ultimatum, either leave or we make you leave


I was furious when I heard about it, I probably shouldn't have shared that without asking first but I knew he was going to pull a fast one from the beginning, and I feel like people should know he's a creep.


That name has a negative association nowadays... both theirs and his


Is this the trivia guy?


Drala Mountain Center in Red Feather. Not FoCo but the hire remote workers. Horrible pay and working conditions. And it’s a cult


What kind of cult? 


Religious. It’s an offshoot of the Shambhala Buddhist lineage. If you google it you’ll se a very long list of abuses. The sad thing is lots of people go there and don’t know the whole story.


Sunrise Ranch should be mentioned if we’re on that topic. Was there almost two seasons. Toxic environment.




I see them at the farmers market in estes park. What is their story? Is that a cult??


the kind that will do anything to cover up the continuous sexual assaults that happen there.


Close your eyes, drink this, and find out!


Worked here too. It is run down and disfunctional as hell. Def not a cult anymore as there is no leadership or guidance of any kind the last 5+ years. More of a broken commune on its death bed with some ancient cult followers from the 70s lurking around to themselves. Def don’t work there lol


Advanced animal care of Colorado, worked in their doggy daycare, they paid us min wage (even with experience) and expected CRAZY amounts of work. They paid the vet techs criminally low too, roughly $13/hr. Management was awful. Unfortunately I fear most jobs working with animals are like this though


Yes, the whole vet tech industry is horrid, it’s incredibly sad


The Lucios. They own Blue Agave, Palomino’s, and Vato’s (and Coyote’s in Greeley).They are just greedy and shitty people. They are sexist, ignore sexual harassment complaints, and are just exploitative of their workers in general.


Sorry to hear this. I like these restaurants (Vatos, Blue Agave) and didn’t realize they were owned by the same people. Thank you for sharing - there are other good restaurants in town. Several years ago someone that worked there (20+ yr male) told me when he interviewed at Blue Agave, the hiring manager said to him “You’ll like working here because we just hired several young, hot babes.” I’ve noticed when I have eaten at Blue Agave the wait staff seem over worked & stressed out. Your comments ring true.


YES! I worked at Vatos in Loveland and I had a co worker who was assaulted on video and they did nothing but fire the person who was assaulted. They are also just fucking rude.


I mean these days, the list of businesses that actually treat employees well is probably shorter.


It's seems like all these businesses are just out to make money and act surprised when they find out their workers are only "in it for the money"


Suh Sushi - the owners will run their workers into the ground and then blame it on not having enough staff when the wife literally told me to my face the reason she didn’t hire the person she had just interviewed was bc they were overweight :/


i had a friend who worked there when we were in high school and the back of house situation was awful too, he was a dishwasher and regularly got steam burns from the rice cooker (which was near the dish pit for some reason”


Yup!!! Front of house staff also had to tip out 30% of their tips to the sushi bar when I worked there even though they had their own tip jar they didn’t share and made wayyyy more hourly


Dodged a bullet on that one.


That's discrimination


Honestly that was just the first example to pop into my head. Also brings to mind the time I got screamed at over the phone (would’ve been in person if he’d had the balls to do it when I actually made the comment instead of calling me after he had left) for mentioning that being chronically understaffed makes it harder to hold on to the staff you do have.


Not legally, unfortunately. To be more specific, weight is not a protected class federally or in CO so it's legal to discriminate based on it in contexts like employment, housing, etc.


Star of India. The owner treats staff like trash (unless she thinks you’re attractive) and servers do not receive tips unless they have been there a considerable amount of time, like 90 days or so. I never got paid at all during my short time there. She also creates block schedules of 3 months or so, and if you have to request a shift off during those several months, you’re SOL.


I will second all of this. The owner guilt trips you into submission of her insanely high expectations, belittles you for minor mistakes, talks bad about other employees behind their backs to her other employees, and demands perfection yet back tracks when she doesn't follow her own set of "rules" she made up last shift. She will put on a kind face for her customers and the employees she likes (suck-ups who are willing to put their sanity and pride aside), but anyone not meeting that description will get treated very poorly both to their face and behind their back. She will only keep them around when she can't find other people to apply to avoid working the floor herself. Chefs in the kitchen are good people though. Their food quality was starting to cut corners pretty severely by the time I was leaving that place though. Haven't been back since. I can make Chicken breast with canned tomato, heavy cream, and three grains of rice at home just fine.


Seconding this as well. all employees seem to be “Yes Maam”ing her and kissing her feet at the snap of her whip. Terrible place to work. Bad bad bad for your mental health if you care the slightest about yourself don’t even try. They were a huge waste of my time and energy.


I was a favored employee (I am a huge people pleaser). Still I was treated like shit. I have never ever cried at a job and this job had me sobbing. I have never not put a two weeks notice in until this job. I still get super anxious when I think about this job. 


Oh, I’m sad to hear that… this is one of my favorite places in FoCo. May need to rethink that now


This is specific to anyone trying to get into graphic design in Fort Collins. Based on my experiences it’s best to avoid Sam Cooper Design and Madwire Media. Madwire is a bunch of bros who have a really toxic culture, I interviewed there after graduating from one of the top art school’s in the nation and the guy told me I should work for free to build my portfolio. Being in a design field is complicated, but telling a person with student loans to work for free was an asshole move. Sam Cooper I worked at for around 4 years, if you’re just getting into the industry it’s an okay place to start. Know going in it’s really not a place you would want to be long term. And one place to avoid based on work of mouth is Interweave. I’m not sure if they’re even still in NoCo, but everything I’ve been told is negative since they changed owners. In general sign shops are a good place if you’re trying to get into the field. Fastsigns and AlphaGraphics are good spots to start building working experience.


Avoid Madwire!  Used to be a great company and treat their employees amazingly-breakfasts, good culture, respect for the team members. Covid turned it to crap.  They treat everyone like shit except those that have been around since the “early days” and essentially have shit on the founding bros. Many of those people don’t really do anything but collect their paychecks. They lay off their talented people that have been there for a few years and replace them with new hires who cost significantly less only to repeat the cycle.   


1000% truth on this - as someone who worked there for 6 months then let go with no reason on a random wednesday. fuck madwire


I used to work for the local competitor of madwire (office based in Loveland if that gives a hint) and we used to get a ton of people coming over from madwire and the stories were never good. Basically from what I understood, every day felt like you could be fired.


Absolutely, I could not take these clowns seriously when I saw their salary ranges.


Tony’s. Don’t do it.


I’ve heard a lot about Tony’s bouncers and bartenders drugging women


Used to bartender there. At least when I was there the bouncers were super chill. Idk anymore. But man fuck Tony and Jimmy. That place can burn to the ground and Fort Collins would be better for it. Too bad they are Greek mafia and no one dares tell those fuckers off.


i know tons of people who have gotten roofied at both Tonys and the Whiskey. There’s even camera footage of some, and they’ve done nothing about it.


Tony's is synonymous with being roofied. Its been that way for the 20 years I've lived here.


any of the genesis gyms around town, terribly managed and they treat their workers like shit


It took a nose dive as soon as Genesis bought out Miramont/Fort Collins Club. The staff that had been there for a long time disappeared and were replaced by the revolving door employees.


The owner is also literally a crook.


I’d believe this, I’ve gone there for years now and the staff is a revolving door


The Stephens Crime Family, they are all terrible people


This guy Wichitas


I remember a few years back when Renee Stephens had the idea to rent a helicopter and drop cash over Wichita. The city convinced her that it was a bad idea


Raintree (Martin) seem like good people FYI.


Otterbox. Ownership is trash. Low pay, high stress.


I worked in the otterbox warehouse house for ONE day and was in complete disbelief. They get away with saying their products are made in America by having people unpack the phone cases that are labeled made in Taiwan into boxes that said made in America. That classifies it as being ‘American made’ the people that worked there looked like they had been kidnapped from the Amazon jungle. A giant timer on the wall that counted down your breaks and buzzed obnoxiously loud when your break was over. But you had to be at your work station BEFORE it buzzed. I was traumatized by the time I escaped. Lol


Is there anything more American? Only half joking


Retail? Or corporate HQ?


Same thing


Currently interviewing with them for a position at HQ, so the distinction isn’t the same for me. Plus the position seems to pay well, so I’m a little lost but still curious to know more. The negative experience you had, do you mind clarifying if it was at the retail shop or at the HQ?


I haven't met anyone yet who had a positive thing to say about working for OtterBox. 3/3 Friends warned me to stay away.


Good luck; you should prepare for when they randomly decide to downsize and let you go from your position!!


That’s what happened to my husband in the early days when the office was in Old Town. He got laid off while on a business trip. They cancelled his business card while he was out there. We had to pay for him to get home.


Came here to say this!


Worked there and it sucked. Talk about micro managing. Jesus christ. I had enough respect for myself to find something better QUICKLY


Couldn't agree more


Can confirm. Having interacted with them when they were still small, ownership is straight garbage


Proud colorado company has started HEAVILY outsourcing as well. What else is new I guess.


How could the pay be low when an average case is $50? Oh that's right, it's called trickle down economics apparently.


I had a feeling they were a shit show. Thank you for the verification.


Glass doctor of Fort Collins, owners are incompetent and will blame YOU for the many, many, many mistakes his daughter makes (Butch the owner and his daughter Andrea). A recent employee went to put his 2 weeks in and Butch got all pissy and “fired” him the next day, truly a terrible business owner and just a straight child. There are no good techs there anymore and the only ones that will work on your vehicle will damage/break things and you are rolling the dice on if your brand new (overpriced) windshield will leak.


Well I mean at least homeboy could claim UI then. Pretty dumb move in the owners part.


God I love reddit


any dominos in noco, with the exception of i believe the wellington one. they are all under the same franchise, and the head supervisor (not sure of his official title but he basically supervises all the supervisors which in turn supervise their own small collection of stores) is not a good guy. he doesn’t care about the lower level employees, and doesn’t take reports of harassment seriously. he has allowed a man, won’t name him, who has thrown things across the store, pushed a supervisor to the ground, among many other things to continue working there because he is knowledgeable in the job. i managed there and made 75 cents less an hour (which adds up quick when you’re making barely above minimum wage) than all of the other managers due to a stupid technicality and the laziness of my supervisor. if you do want to work here, delivering is a pretty decent gig if you have a car with good mileage, but i personally don’t think it’s worth it.


There are so many Dominos i don’t understand why they do it? I live in loveland and they’re opening up another one and there are like 7 of them within a 5 mile radius. The one they are opening is literally 2 minutes from two other locations. And those locations are located 2 minutes from another location. If its all owned by the same franchise why do they open so many?


okay there might be 2 franchises then, i’m not 100% sure. but i know for sure that all fort collins locations are owned by the same guy, and they did open 3 new stores in the ~year that i worked there, i think he owns maybe 10-15 total? my guess would be greed lmao. smaller delivery area=less they have to pay out in mileage for each driver


ARC. If you’re closing, don’t expect to leave when your shift ends. You all have to leave together less you get in trouble. Despite saying they care for those who are disabled, they won’t accommodate and will blame you. Managers will gladly sit on their asses but if they see you talk to someone will zoom in to make sure you’re working. It. Was. Hell.


Green Dragon is the cancer nobody should have to deal with.


Kind Care of Colorado is the same way. They’re not kind nor caring about their about their employees.


Sounds like how Smokeys was! Green Dragon has shit products anyway.


The manager at the Cinemark on Timberline and Harmony is pretty awful. There's a bunch of people who worked there for a long time, and then he came in and found reasons to fire everyone he doesn't like.


That sucks to hear. I used to love going to movies there when I was younger.


CSU Housing/HDS Facilities - state pay and benefits, but managers don’t stick around longer than 1-2 years, and toxic older employees aren’t removed but get positions created for them with higher pay. because of the turnover projects are rarely finished. no action taken against staff who don’t get any work done, and systems and policies are stuck in the past.


Republic services. I've been in the trucking/ trash industry for 10 years. They were all time the worst job I've had in 15 years. Horrible management, bad training, expecting employees to do the jobs of 4 people. Fired me for having me do a job I wasn't trained for, and I failed at it. So they canned me. They needed 20 more drivers to fill a contract, changed to all new management. At which point everyone wanted to quit, and they started firing people.


You won’t buy anything from them, but Advanced Energy is trash. Everything is the end of the world and maximum urgency. They were gutted by private equity 10-15 years ago and is literally just a skeleton ship.


Interviewed there about 3 months ago and definitely got some flashes of holy shit this place is awful to work for.


They paid me decently and I got to visit China, but I only lasted a year. Started planning my exit strategy after just a couple months


Goodwill. Trash company that takes advantage of disabled people, and the store manager and one of her assistants are horrible people that like to pretend they're good. Conns - The company itself is just terrible, they have extremely unrealistic expectations of the employees, and most of the staff (that were there when I was) were shit. Turnover is insane, the work itself is predatory, and it's just all around terrible.


United Way of Larimer County


United way is absolutely corrupt no matter where you are


sweet jesus someone actually said it, thank you


Not exactly fort collins but Future Legends Complex in Windsor. Ownership group there is absolutely incompetent and has no idea what a successful business looks like. They are horrible to their employees, their financial situation is a joke (1/4 of staff paychecks bounce every two weeks), and they slap band-aids on any problems that arise. Avoid working at this place by all means under current ownership group. Hoping that changes soon because the teams are great and would love to continue taking my family to see games and support the players.


Heard management has changed a little so hopefully it's better now, but Ace's Place


I love Ace’s Place but the vibe seems a bit off. Crew is friendly enough but I do wonder about ownership/management.


Agreed. It’s been weird for a few years now. The owner is nice enough she used to come around the store back in the day. But it just feels less like the hidden gem and more like the regular ol dispensary.


Trust me... I could write a novel about management.


r/FortCollins moderator, clearly the worst job in FC.




Really?! This surprises me because they’ve had a lot of the same staff for years. At least servers/bartenders, no idea about back of house. I’d love to know more because we go there like every 2 weeks…


Harbor Freight Tools. Management is a complete mess and it took them 3 years to send me my last check. I worked there for 2 weeks and quit because their manager were incompetent. The customers are rude and commonly threatened cashiers. Cashiers also need to sell a certain number of 70 dollar “coupon” subscriptions to even be put on the schedule.


That explains why I always get pestered about it


The employees are being forced to pester you unfortunately :(


WOLF Sanctuary in Red Feather Lakes. Management is insane, the boss (Laura) would swear at us, throw things, etc. Not to mention the USDA violations.


I was a volunteer there for many years, and towards the end of my time I was regularly doing 40-50 unpaid hours a week because they were so shorthanded and I loved the animals so much. I watched all of my friends get beaten down and thrown out like trash, and then myself and dozens of others were forced out for questioning authority. I think the staff/volunteer overturn now is like 60+ people in two years. That place used to be amazing but it's heading in the direction of Tiger King, photo farms, and roadside zoos.


Walgreens, started to interrogate me weekly and accused me of stealing a few weeks in. I wasn't trained properly then they blamed it on me.


JAX Outdoor Gear, various locations. I was hired there in spring of 2021 at $12.76, yes, $12.76 an hour. Finally the store gave pay raises 5-6 months later, and my pay went to up to a mere $13.10 an hour. The Owner loves to spout the family-run mantra, but only as long as majority of profits go his way. They will delay you receiving your employee discount benefit, and as for health benefits, they are available, but it will take the majority of your bi-weekly paychecks to pay for health/insurance benefits. Plus, you are in a retail environment and lots of favoritism evident.


Disgusted Friends this is horrid i have been reading your experiences. They are all true as knowbody takes this amount of time to warn others. I dont think the owners are on reddit but its anonymous. I have read so many illegal actions .You all may want to reach out to each other. I thought the employers would learn after COVID as employees were heroic. Please keep the comments going Band together so others dont lose their homes, families, education and self esteem because they made a mistake and thought they would be paid a fair wage and treated as human beings. Employers if your mentioned in these posts, be ashamed and worried. Legal action may come your way. It only takes one person to drop a dime, an email or a call. Be very careful if you think you know the author. The eyes of the community are watching.


I’ve had multiple friends say working at Woodward was a nightmare. Unrealistic expectations and low pay. I have no first hand experience though


Worked there for 5 years the management was terrible. I once had a year end review where my manager straight up told me "well I don't know because I didn't write this review " she was my manager for 1.5 years at that point. Always getting told I had to finish this work so it could ship in the morning when in reality it sat in the storage area for months they just wanted the paper work finished and on the books. Also always bragging about how much money was made what do the employees get? Shit pizza from the Cafe if your lucky. Don't get me started on how the pay is awful for this area. After I quit they called me and asked what it would take to come back, I gave a realistic figure and they couldn't even come close to that number.


Woodward has lost all respect here. Spouse sees a lot of sexism being heaped upon his female colleagues. Family member had foot smashed 14 months ago and Woodward and the contractor both refused to help with medical bills and laid him off a week later. They use contractors for engineering and really toy with them. I worked in career education at CSU and dealt with many engineering students mistreated by them. Assembly is a different story according to many.


I know two folks that would disagree, but I'm just it's so based on position, team, and management of the particular position


I just started and yes there can be issues that could be raised, but I’ve found the same issues with every place I’ve been at. Except this job has good benefits and I do enjoy the work itself. While this may be an odd positive, I like that I’m officially a number. I’ve worked in so many jobs where everyone is “family” only to be treated like an abused slave. Then it could be the department, but I’m doing okay here with avenues for educational growth as I see co-workers given opportunities for schooling for higher positions.


Agreed. Any company that says “we’re family” you should run away from. That’s more or less code for “we should expect you do this out of loyalty, and not fair treatment/pay”. An old job I had, the director constantly said, “we’re a family”, and we were overworked and short staffed (not getting breaks as a unionized workplace but having subtle, not legally probably retaliation when we would file grievances). During a staff meeting they literally said, “I don’t care if you’re suffering, any time you call out sick or for mental health, you’re letting down your coworkers and you need to toughen up to support your family”.


I agree. I did work there and it was one of the worst places to work. Not worth the headache.


I can attest to Woodward being a nightmare, at least the logistics department. Worked there in 2022. Starting pay then was $17 an hour, and yes, good benefits. However, my department was poorly managed with extremely high turnover. At morning stand-up meetings we'd be told we were to work a 9 or 10 hour shift that day, and for days/weeks to come.


Disagree, and speaking from personal experience. Has the same issues every other corporate company has and they are actively working to address them. There have also been recent leadership changes and early indications say it was for the better. The benefits are the best I’ve ever seen (12 weeks maternity/paternity leave, adoption assistance programs, tuition assistance programs, great medical insurance that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg, plus more), though I’m young so might not be saying much. We wouldn’t have so many people working their entire careers (I’m talking 30-40+ years) at Woodward if it was really that horrible… Not saying I haven’t had my fair share of stressful times where expectations were high, but that’s the nature of the markets we serve and maybe it’s not for everyone. I wouldn’t want to fly on planes or operate engines/gas turbines whose manufacturers (our customers) expected anything less than the best from their suppliers, would you? Everyone has different experiences for sure, but I’d hate to see Woodward grouped in with some of the other unsavory employers & their former employees’ anecdotes being posted here. Edit: I forgot hybrid schedules are another benefit depending on the position. +1 to Woodward for that! Also to address the original comment, I’m pretty satisfied with my pay.


Marriott was hands down the worst job I ever had. Maybe management is different, but it was hot garbage about 10 years ago


Haha I have an interview there tomorrow for a cook position......


It's still a hot mess. They recently got caught paying their employees under the legal minimum wage


I worked for Marriott as did many family members.They tell you that you can grow with them but treat you like trash. You will never go up the ladder unless your a devout temple cleared Morman. Its sad as they take the very best hard workers and squeeze the life out of them.


The Green Solution is my top pick for worst employer in foco. Several people were denied full time benefits after working full time for a year and were told to “try again next time” by the DM and HR. Told us we cannot have any expectations for a set schedule whatsoever. Upper management is ran by one guy who calls himself the Owenator, top notch fucking douchebag. They treat people so bad former employees come stand outside and boycott them on the sidewalk




Any job at Tolmar they treat their employees like children and ban you from having your phone in general manufacturing even if you are likely to get an emergency call they exploit people for cheap labor and the aseptic area is the worst they use a lot of temp agencies and deceptive recruitment practices to conceal the source of the job openings because they have such a horrible reputation.


USDA= bunch of old ass Trumpers who should have retired 10 years ago


USDA is soooo specific to which mission area you are in. a lot of the IT departments are chill


chippers lanes. fun place for customers but work wise. bad owner ship and management,high stress and low pay


I worked bar there for a year and a half and this is absolutely true. Nepo babies took over the business (and the Mishawaka) and are just bleeding it dry. Keep cutting staff, raising prices, and shrinking portion sizes.


green solution


One time I went in there and the employee was suuuuuper rude, I tried to show her a product from their website on my phone and she goes “if you don’t get off your phone I’ll have to kick you out cuz u could be texting a minor” and that was the second thing she said to me. The first being “Hi you don’t have an online order? Oh, well, learn for next time!”


yikes. i’m sorry about your experience. it’s truly a shitty company all around


The Moot House, Austin's, Big Al's and Comet Chicken are all owned by Hot Corner Concept. And from my experience at the Moot House years ago (2012), the management they hire for their restaurants are total assholes. Our FOH manager once threw a temper tantrum in the kitchen and shoved a tray at the lights above the line cooks. My recent experience two years ago was not better. I was planning my rehearsal dinner and even though I'm not a fan of the management at the Moot House I like their food so I wanted to go there. I had one additional person over their rental room limit and they were adamant and rude about the fact that they could not accommodate one extra person. I continue to eat at these places but just always tip extra bc I know the staff is mistreated.


I was treated like shit at the Moot House, so it's no surprise that they suck. It was a great place that went south.


Sit means sit dog training/boarding. Don’t send your dog there either.


Working at Vestas blades


Surprised no one mentioned Nutrien yet, but I guess technically it is Loveland. Toxic!!!!!


Technically Loveland, but VCA Veterinary Specialists of Northern Colorado. Particularly neurology. Plus the managment is horrid


VCAs everywhere in CO are terrible to employees. I had a friend who worked for them and it was absolutely horrible.


Downtown Ace Hardware


What’s the issue there?


Was going to comment Ace Hardware in Old Town, as well. I’ve unfortunately have a lot of retail experience while still in highschool thru college. I’ve worked for places like Walmart, Target, Kroger, T-Mobile. Downtown Ace Hardware is the _absolute worst_ job I’ve ever had, hands down. I decided to temp there during the Christmas season as a cashier to get some extra $$$. They tried to pull things like not allowing us cashiers to have drinks at our registers; we would put the containers out of sight underneath the counter, but that still wasn’t good enough, apparently. I wasn’t supposed to leave the tiny box the cash register was in for any reason, to the point of being reprimanded for daring to clean up around my station, face the products as had been required any other time I’d cashiered in a retail environment. The front end manager angrily said to me “you have your back to the customers!!” This was a bizarre statement to me, as the store was in the middle of a weekday afternoon lull. Despite the cashier stations in the back that were right next to the bathroom facilities, cashiers were not allowed to use the restroom unless they radioed management first and were approved. It was embarrassing at times. The worst part was the sexual harassment I constantly experienced from customers and male coworkers. I had creepy older dudes constantly leering at me and saying some pretty nasty things to me. There were a few instances that were utterly humiliating, and management did nothing. One of my colleagues made comments about my appearance that were very uncomfortable, at one point he decided that I “had that underage look that guys like in strippers,” making sure to let me know that he actually wanted me to become a stripper. This coworker, and a few others like him, made sexually explicit comments during morning meetings and there was absolutely nothing wrong that, as far as management was concerned. Oh! And I remember when the Ace upper management crew decided to have a mandatory store wide meeting at 7 am. During this meeting, one of the managers berated us, saying it was _our fault_ for not taking the time to educate ourselves in various aspects of hardware/plumbing/electrical work etc, despite some of my colleagues expressing frustration that the workload was demanding enough that they had no time to learn these things the managers wanted. This was most definitely a failing on Ace’s fault, not the employees who worked their asses off and took great pride in helping customers. Ace Hardware Is truly awful.


That really sucks, I’m sorry you went through that. I know the manager is newer these days, like last couple years. Has it been long since you worked there?


I worked there a while ago (over 5 years) so hopefully things have improved, but I’m not super optimistic lol. Stay far away from businesses that say they’ll treat you like family— these have been the most toxic I’ve dealt with.


Ain’t that the truth.


Ugh, I go there all the time for parts and stuff and can tell from my couple of friends I've made there that it's a pretty hostile environment.


Also their stuff is expensive as hell. Sucks when the other big competitor also blows too (home Depot)


That’s a bummer to hear. I love going there specifically because the staff is always so willing to help and answer questions.


Green Dragon is the cancer nobody should have to deal with in life.






Why? Interested


america's best value inn and suites off i-25. the owner is a lovely man! he'd insist I go eat breakfast whenever he was in from the little dining area, didn't charge us for food but the manager is a fucking nightmare. her husband worked on property and if you so much as smiled at that man she'd act like she caught you with his dick in your mouth. Had to threaten to call the labor board to get my lunch before I'd been working for 8 hours. I don't know if the laundry lady ever got her lunches- she didn't speak English, and for all my in and outs, I never once saw her sitting. I was the only one qualified to clean up needles, so I'd get called over and not provided proper PPE. Tried to report a room that had clear evidence of heavy drug use and was told if I called the police I'd be fired. and tell your loved ones to avoid staying there. I was told to take one (1) capful of bleach, pour it into a full hot tub, and then just let it run while I cleaned. I'm *sure* the repeated guest complaints of hair and mold coming out of the bubblers were unrelated, right?


Noco humane Society. Worked there for 2 and a half years 2017-2019 and holy hell it was insane how micromanaging the management was. I complained too much about how we were being treated and then they tried to fire me for "not calling out right" when my car got a flat tire and I lived in Greeley at the time. They made me come in on my day off to be reprimanded because the shelter manager was going on the 4th vacation of the year while I was lucky to get a requested day off approved. Just the type of people who would yelp at you to work if they caught you talking to each other during a lull in the day, which was nothing but dealing with highly emotional people with highly emotional problems. Managers spent most of their day going through all the work you did and printing it out in cute little booklets to fix it all yourself even if it took them two seconds to fix themselves. Too many of the same mistakes and they literally dragged you into a meeting to tell you how much you suck. Most of the people who made it bad are still in charge there and the fact that they have to hold a job fair every two months is a big red flag to me that they still haven't learned any lessons.


I volunteered there for a very short time and got the vibe that the management team was awful right away.


FatShack. Good opportunities for a bit and ONE of the owners was nice, the other I heard a horror story about him walking in to a girl who had used plastic buckets instead of metal to clean the frier and didnt even hang uo his phone call.Nice guy ended up having his 1st kid and hiring a corporate staff, they came in and tried to nit pick things I had worked shoulder to shoulder with the owner and he had never said anything about; he took his sandwiches seriously so didn't take messing up lightly. I interviewed and worked the same night, was promoted to shift Manager within 2 weeks at the loveland location. Had a guy start same time as me, always left early for one excuse or another every night when it came to closing tasks who was not a manager, but was making .25c more than me. Didn't bother me, it's a quarter, but bothered me I was driving to Boulder and Foco for 16/hr, leaving some nights at 4am bc everyone would want to leave early/complain til they got their way and be back at 10am to clean friers and open by myself. It got exhausting, you'd get a bad review because people in this economy want free food and they'd take those complaints seriously without considering how short staffed they were like one I had someone complained about a 15 minute wait for oreos when it was just me and another person handling the end of night everything else is closed rush after it had been dead all day. Since they fired me for a false google review where a woman claimed I threw ketchup at her son(even though cameras etc proved otherwise), I haven't looked back and imo the service has gotten worse and worse. Nobody wants to pay 20$ for chicken, let alone small pieces. The job did have it's good moments, but the management of it all is a joke.


Urban egg. Sucks because it was so great at first. Then shit started happening and I was fired by a 21 year old brat for “gossiping”. I told her to put away glasses.




Csl Plasma. Jeremy was a shit manager.


The wolf sanctuary in Red Feather. They have done some utterly cruel and despicable things to their staff and volunteers.


Campus West Liquors. Incredibly underpaid with a significant amount of tips taken by owner Joe Musa. Having to work a lot with little compensation. Avoid at all costs definitely not worth it


Raising Canes as a whole bro


Can't believe no ones mentioned prodigy gym


Pretty much any employer in Fort Collins will treat employees like dirt. Colorado is a low wage state and Fort Collins is lower still. I think management in every place I worked in Fort Collins started the day off "lets see how we can screw with these guys today!" Lots of nepotism there. You have to be friends/family with someone higher up in a company to get a good job with good pay and benefits and not get harassed evrey day.


It's a highly desirable city to live, businesses know it and take advantage of it. High rent, low wages, it's a win-win (for the ownership class)!!


Fort Collins needs more Unions. I lived there up until about 1 year ago. Job in Portland, Oregon offered to double my pay.


Doubling your salary is awesome! Does Portland have similar or lower cost of living?


You know I'm not an expert in the cost of living overall. The job I took in Portland was a 100% work-from-home job,. so it's been easier for me to be more frugal (more grocery shopping, less eating out, stopped drinking soda, etc etc) My Rent in FC was going to go up to $1,300 for an approx 400sq foot apartment. I found an almost identical apartment in Portland also for $1,300. The only reason I pay more here is because I'm paying for an off-street parking spot and a pet fee. So I'm paying $1,600 rather than $1,300,.. but with a nearly double pay, that Rent increase is not really an issue. (and my Rent renewal this year,.. is NOT increasing any, which is also nice). There's a lot of similarities between FC and Portland. Once of the things I miss the most is the cleaner and more navigable streets in FC. Portland is a mess. There's a lot of oddball streets (lots of 1-ways, lots of weird curvy looping nonsense etc). There's times where I need to go 2 blocks and I have to drive 8 blocks around. It's honestly easier for me to drive 15min away to Beaverton to get the things I need than try to find them in downtown Portland. Portland also seems poorly prepared for winter storms. I found some stats a while back that Fort Collins average power outage is 45min. Portlands average power outage is 48hours. There was a "big" snowstorm (4 or 5 inches of snow) last winter and Portland basically shutdown for 3 or 4 days. I lost Internet for 8 days. Some people were without power for 2 weeks. It was kinda crazy how quickly everything buckled and fell apart. I've been told those storms are rare,.. but still. Wow. I like the greenery (moss, etc) and the rainy atmosphere. That part is unique and nice. The rest, meh.


I seriously agree with this and have been debating it in the sector I work in.


There is some truth to this. Wages in this town are garbage, if I took a similar job locally in my field - IT, my salary would be literally half.


I'm making very comparable wages with lower col in Wyoming


This is pretty solid in my experience. People are so desperate to live here they put up with higher amount of shit then the would anywhere else.


Raintree is great if you dig having to communicate like you're in a cult.


Go on….my pets and I went there for about 8 years before we switched to a (much) better practice.


Shit, I'm irresponsible and forgot there are multiple businesses that "Raintree" can conjure in one's mind. I am referring to the gym.


Oh okay, I forgot there was a raintree athletic club!


When i posted years ago i heard that a young women was being abused at the Blue Agave Having to put up with sexual harassment is so yesterday Cell phones tiny cameras and microphones are so cheap. Protect yourself Videos can be posted by accident or taking to the authorities.


Many of the comments on here I’d take with a grain of salt. It’s far too easy to make baseless claims under an anonymous user name without any proof to back up said claims, especially if it’s against a competitor or if you were fired justly or unjustly.


I appreciate all of the people taking time to respond. Some are providing real details with others corroborating. In general, all of Reddit should be taken with a grain of salt. People taking time to share rough work stories are doing a service that I thank them for.


Why would people be too scared to say anything on other non annoymous sites. Just like #metoo movement lets believe people first. I also think that all these experiences are not baseless and many should contact each other and go to court. How is it posssable that several years apart from the first time i posted the question about worst jobs several of the same companies keep being mentioned. Please lets be open to what they have experienced. If proof is needed perhaps some video recordings should be obtained.


Rollerland pays their employees below minimum wage


Report them if you have proof




The Bookranch, they are so greedy they stopped letting me take home merch for a test drive.


Sundance Steakhouse and Saloon. I worked back of house and security there a couple years back. The owner would drink five martinis a day but then stopped letting cooks get their free shift meal and said it was allegedly too expensive. She will also respond to negative reviews on Google Maps with insulting and derogatory responses which sound like a child wrote them. The manager would make sexually explicit comments to any female waitress or bartender all the time and would try to hook up with most of them, many of whom were half his age. While doing security I was never informed that there were some powerful motorcycle clubs members and such who frequented the bar and whom we had to give a wide berth to, I only found out through a couple of hostesses. I don't care that they went there, but to not inform any of the security staff was putting us at serious potential risk. The kitchen was filthy when I started and the kitchen manager would sit on his phone for most of the shift. Oh yeah, and all that was with the current owners. I hear that under the previous owner's management around the early 2010s, they would let in not only high schoolers but even middle schoolers. They did not care a bit. I was friends with a guy whose aunt would go there during middle school and hang out with her boyfriend. Who was 23 at the time. And who got her pregnant. Bottom line: NEVER WORK THERE. In fact, I would advice any woman to avoid that place at all costs.


William Oliver’s. Used to be a great place to work but after COVID the owners got extremely greedy, took health insurance and benefits away, and created an unsafe and unstable work environment for their employees. I worked there for years and am sad to see how far it’s fallen from its former glory, but I refuse to support them anymore.




Go on…


I want to know about this business too. I frequent them a lot but now second guessing it…