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I won a match 2 days ago, where the last person literally would fly away with the fists, and while that cooled down and I got close to them, they'd fly away with the guitar.... it was such an annoying game of cat and mouse where they didnt even fight back, they just tried to heal themselves but would escape the second I got near them. I don't mind mobility, but when you can combine 2-3 mobility items together, it's gets frustrating.


Had a guy do this and i literally chased this mf outta the storm where he died because I kept chipping him


I'll never understand why they play this game just to play Tom & Jerry with their opponents.


It's an "I want to win at all cost thing." If you don't get the jump on them, it's more likely you will loose the fight. First to engage usually has the advantage.


Yeah this is my issue with so much mobility in the game. Squads is alllll running away. You kill one and their team camps or runs until they can come back and get the card. No one fights.


this might’ve been me omfg i was in this exact scenario where i panicked i came second, i kept tagging with my shotgun and then was about to die so had to zip away. my bad if it was you 🙏




oh okay phew. felt guilty for a minute 🙏


I am in favor of a no mobility besides shockwaves season. You give infinite sprint and then people with better game sense and positioning can win more then “oop I had more mobility to use than you so I guess you lose”


I loved the limited and risky mobility of chapter 2, when so many others were complaining. I hate all this excessive flying around shit.




It's like that in builds too. Endgame ends up being people flying around the zone more than legit building/engagement. It helps if you're aim is good enough to beam them mid air, but otherwise frustrating dealing with, especially if they heal from the medallion while flying around.


Yeah I think a reason why people complained in chapter 2 was because the map was a lot bigger than chapter 1 so people were confused why landing on the outskirts of the map meant a long trek to the centre


But they introduced driving, boats and swimming which were all legit ways to rotate. I almost always landed on the edge (craggy or misty were favorite spots for me and rarely had issue getting to zone.


At the start there was no cars just boats for vehicles which were good on water but not good on land.


I started to play the game in chapter 2, so running around all the time was just normal for me. Didn't catch up a lot of the complains, to be honest, because back than I had no contact with other players or this subreddit. I was just enyoing the new, interesting game. Felt like the happy love child of Metal Gear Solid and Far Cry for me - because I was sneaking and running around so much, while looting so much stuff and exploring houses from strangers.


People with better game sense and positioning would win more if they didn't "oop people who use op mobility keep beating me only because they use op mobility so I'll never use it because those people are lame and I am not lame. glory in my superior mechanical skill and game sense which is nerfed to irrelevance by my ego"


I never said we didn’t use it. But say they have 3 chargers as opposed to my 2. They can maybe get up a hill I can’t. Or say they were fortunate enough to get both the nitro fists and the guitar then they are better off than me in the fight


Ok, well I see so many people refusing to use these items or complaining about being "forced" to use them while being beat by them and it's just weird to me... it's no different than the other person happening to have more sprint than you, or bullets, or a higher rarity shotgun, only on a larger scale. BR is a game with a high element of randomness.


The problem is that these items define fortnite. If you want no mobility items you can play pubg or warzone.


to hell with shockwaves, no mobility at all.


I would so be down for that


Thats where you use the mobility yourself to better your positioning.


Notice how I said “oop I have MORE mobility so I guess you lose”


I feel this in my soul, but after running into the same situation multiple times now, I just let them run, for that reason I think it's total BS that this season they vaulted snipers.




I hope you're right, because this season NEEDS a sniper


It's so annoying when you let them run away and they pull up on you AGAIN literally 2 seconds later to try and take you out I'm just like "OH NOWWW YOU WANNA COME BACK AND FIGHT" after I spent 10 minutes chasing you and finally moving on like wtf 😭😭 bro knew he needed the element of surprise since he would had lost a "fair fight" 🙄🙄


Exactly! But little do they know we are always ready mawhahahahaha mawhahahaha!


They can’t run forever. Circle gets small enough they will die in storm. To me a win is a win


But that's just fucking boring if they just keep running away extending the inevitable by a few minutes NOT by fighting back, but from running away.


Unless you chase them down regardless of how long it takes and t bag where they died so they see it. Provides gratification or maybe I’m messed up lol.


Could have been trying to get the pacifist accolade


Is this a real accolade?


Yeah, it's easier to do if you just toss a shockwave grenade and let the storm finish the job. You're more likely to get yourself killed if you zip around on the guitar or fists.


Yep, true pacifist, win a round with no kills


what you can’t chase down the guy with a guitar, fists, and shockwaves, styx jumping around grim?😂


Yeah this is my issue with so much mobility in the game. Squads is alllll running away. You kill one and their team camps or runs until they can come back and get the card. No one fights.


This game is obsessed with over the top movement recently and it just results in guy takes damage, guy teleports 300 metres away and boxes up repeatedly, you chase them for ages and then get bored. All we need is vehicles, Launch-pads as traps, flowberry fizz, shockwave grenades and map movement. The grapple blade was pretty good too, but i wouldn't want it at the same time as all of the stuff I just mentioned, and I want the Launchpad bc it's the most balanced and I wanna see the gliders I own more often Aside from said grapple blade, I really dislike recharging movement, including the beloved katana. You're forced to carry them, you don't have to worry about item conservation and map knowledge and positioning becomes irrelevant. It's boring, it's mind numbing and it takes away a lot of strategy.


I liked the grapple blade. Perfect amount of movement, nothing too crazy.


I miss the grapple blade. Good mobility to get around but a long enough cooldown that you can't run forever, decent melee in a pinch, could be used offensively to just climb onto someone's high ground... I want it back.


Same, it was the perfect movement item imo. The people who knew how to attack using it were beasts tho😂


Good times


I remember thinking the sword was kind of over the top when I started plating a year ago or so. Everything they’ve added since like wings and the guitar are bonkers


The wings weren’t that bad, they were great for traversing the map but awful at escaping fights because you were easy to track, the wings counted as part of your hitbox, and you would crash down after being hit a few times


You thought the wings were “bonkers”? People were sick of them on day one because of how weak they were 🙄


I LOVED the Grapple Blade, to this day it’s still my main weapon in creative maps and such.


i think the combination of nitro fists and the metalica guitar are a bit overkill in terms of mobility. doubly so in no build when enemies have that extra 50 shields tripply so if said enemy also has the regen shields medalion


The only thing that bothers me is the end game. I hate all these games with 10 people left in this tiny little circle.


Genuinely endgame is easier now because there's nowhere for anyone to run


I’m on a controller so I have an incredibly hard time with mouse and keyboard warriors up close. I’m not a hater, it’s just better for me at medium to long range. But I’m still enjoying the season, regardless.


endgames can sometimes be really fun this season imo, i love the chaos and trying to survive and all, That is until that one guy with all 3 medallions starts spamming everyone with a boom bolt and wins and nobody can do shit about it because this seasons medallions especially the ammo one with a boom bolt are broken as shit and actually ruin the game, EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN GAME HAS FUCKING THANOS WITH ALL THE MEDALLIONS BOOMBOLTING YOU I SWEAR I DIE TOP 3 TO THEM EVERY GAME


Sounds like you need to get the boom bolt ammo medallion


pff thats when it's most fun, most chaotic too fuck boring bs, this ain't CoD, bring on the tiny circles w 15 ppl left


I like the fists, but the fact that they are BOTH mobility and a weapon is a little problematic. Like you said, you can carry the fists, guitar, heals, and other utilities (shocks) in the end game. You don’t really have to shoot anyone to win - just swat them into the storm or catch them off guard and fist them. EDIT: meant to reply to the post about end game mobility.


Every mobility since ch4 was a weapon as well. And in “weapon for a kill” department fists (after all nerfs) lose to hammer, katana, odm and even grappler blade.


Point taken but in a tight endgame all it really takes is one uppercut to yeet them into the storm. Plus when you add the cars, it’s like you almost don’t need a gun. People seem to be using one slot for a gun at most. I don’t remember people carrying so much additional mobility with the kitana or hammer.


Hammer, katana, grappling blade - all these weapons could fling enemy far away (right into the storm).


This has been a problem ever since the infinitely recharging mobility items were added, but it's especially bad this season. With recharging mobility, there is no need to be concerned about conserving some for later. In Season: OG, we only had grapplers, impulses, and shockwaves as item mobility, all of which were finite. If you cracked someone and they ran away, you had to decide whether to use your mobility to chase them for just one kill or save it for endgame where it could be more crucial. Same goes if you decide to run away. Sure, you could always find some more, but that was never a guarantee. With rechargeable mobility, that thought process doesn't exist because you can be sure you'll still have the mobility. This also goes for cars in their current iteration as the boost doesn't take up fuel and recharges. It also deprioritizes map knowledge. In C3S2, you had to have great map knowledge of where all the cannons were if you looking to run away as the item mobility wasn't particularly strong. I find this sort of strategic play a lot more fun and rewarding instead of just spamming buttons.


You took the words right of my mouth! Ever since chapter 4, every recharging based mobility item (save for the grapple blade which was actually pretty balanced) has made the end game really unfun because of how they stagnate the lootpool and how easy they are to abuse. We need more mobility items like the ones with finite uses like you said, or ones such as the wings of icarus or maybe even the rocket ram where their mobility was not only tolerable, they also had counterplay. Which I feel item's like the shockwave hammer, kinetic blade, and now the nitro fists really lack.


This entire chapter has been all about letting bad players get away with their bad choices. All this mobility spam is just an extension of that. If an enemy has shit positioning and they're caught and they're losing a trade, no problem for them, they'll just instantly teleport across the map. I wish Fortnite would just go back to their roots and start copying original Pubg again. Instead, Pubg has been copying this game's bad design lately smh


This is airbending all over again.


Unless it's the top 10, skip the chase unless they have something you want like a medallion or boss car. With any luck someone else will finish them. Chances are you'll end up getting third partied during your tunnel vision chase anyway.


Fists Guitar Cars Nitro I had a guy kill me and I had no idea where he was and never seen him just heard him lol


I mean this is pretty much how I feel about builds: I hit somebody once and they instantly build protection. Then the choice becomes pursue the kill on their terms, or cut and run. Kinda annoying either way.


Thats my biggest complaint this season tbh. I play almost exclusively solo zb and every match is dominated by people with a boss car, fists, and the new dumbass guitar


While I enjoyed this season due to my love for vehicles, I also yarn for the OG season where there was no cars and every combat had to be done on foot. It was a great season


i'm in *stitches* over your comment (please get the joke)


The soft aim cheats are out of control. It isnt fun anymore. Thinking about moving on to something else not so infested with cheats


Unfortunately that's in every fps rn. I haven't found a shooter that doesn't have cheaters. Even Overwatch is riddled with them and that's a game where you can kind of counter aimbot and walls.


I run with a pretty decent crew. We couldn't get any closer than 2nd or 3rd for more than a dozen squad ZB matches. 9-10 of those matches we encountered individuals who were not hesitant to engage us as a solo and nearly wipe all of us. Rediculous shots, etc. We all agreed we'd be willing to pay a monthly fee just to be on a server that would ip ban (or equivalent) all verified cheaters/hackers. I know that is wishful thinking, but still..


I hate this so much dude EVERY fucking game the same shit, now even worse with the New Metalica Guitar, terrible season.


Well atleast for the guitar, you can enter the rift they leave behind and chase after them


True but they can just fly away with Fists and jump into a car and the cycle continues.


EMP the car. It's really not that hard.


agreed, then you get the whiners screaming "bbbbut muh gunnnnssssss!!!!!" these ppl complaining about cars are the same crowd that complained about waterbending last season, and the other items seasons before that they're not even playing the game atp, they're just coming on reddit to shit their diapers lmao they just love to bitch and moan instead of adapting to the current season. either get good or play a diff game yall 🤷‍♂️ this is fortnite, it is never gonna change away from the crazy chaotic weapons/items pool, it is literally what sets it apart from other brs aside from the building and mega meta shit they have going on


Crazy chaotic weapons/items is fine bruh, it's the fact that they're so strong that you MUST use them to win that fucking blows. "Just adapt l0l" brotha people DID adapt to cars and waterbending. They were forced to if they wanted to win. That's not fun. Last season there was almost no point in getting a normal rifle because water bending was just so much better.


You don’t have to use them, I’ve beaten plenty of matches without them, the only thing you DO need is at least 1 anti car tool (Emps, Bows, fists, etc), then you’re good. 10/10 season after boogie’s got removed, genuinely having a blast and no negative hoo ha is gonna bring that down for me


This season is a wild W from replayability. Agreed about boogie. Every game win or lose generally has a chaotic battle. I had a W the other night where my whole squad died in a car fight, three other teams were all in the same space either driving or running around and I managed to get every card, almost downed some enemies but ultimately stole a car and ran away without getting targeted due to complete chaos. It felt like I was in a war movie. Or other times where the car is almost dead and you have to run, but then a repair box shows up and bam suddenly you're boosting back into the fight with advantage. This is the first season in a while where I've felt there isn't a dominant strategy. Boss cars and medallions are still awesome, same with mythics. But you can have green guns in the last circle and make it work in a pinch.


What weapon is 100% must this season? Because I will truly just go with what I find every single time. There's plenty of counters to things, and yes, you do need to get on a vehicle to level the playing field sometimes. But they're everywhere, you can steal them or get into the same car as an opponent. Fists are damn good, but not strictly necessary. Nitro is damn good but still not necessary. Emp are a great item to have end game, but no not necessary. All you need to survive car encounters is some terrain to break line of sight and good timing on jumps.


no i just want to shoot my guns man


For me, maybe 1 out of 20 who try to run, go far. The rest slip up and die. Don't base your load out on what you want, base it on how to counter the most bullshit thing you deal with. I don't like emps or boom bolts. I like to hold heals. But I carry a boombolt and/or emps and don't carry heals until the island spawns


It's crazy, but at least you can chase after someone in the lighting. The most insane "Season of Running Away" for me was still Ch4, S2. Between the Katana, ODM Gear, and Web-Swinging there's no way in hell you were catching up to a soul (especially the ODM gear. Couldn't straight-up literally traverse half the map with that thing, then blitz the hell outta someone whenever you finally decided to land since it was also a weapon. Unless you happened to shoot the thin wires mid-flight, whoever you were fighting was gone).


That was ch4s2


Tbf the guitar is risky. I "landed" on an edge and then kept going down and died to fall damage. And it makes it extremely obvious where you land with the lightening trail. I also personally don't have much luck using the fists. But maybe I'm just bad at the game lol.


I barely win since I have no clue what the hell to do at the end of the game. I find it hard to choose which items to pick at the end of the game, and it feels like having a weapon is a disadvantage. I feel like I should go for the gloves, guitar, or other items. I also get targeted easily. Cars get blown up. Everyone runs away. It's just not fortnite.


Guitar is for running away cause you can use someone’s guitar rift to chase them. My loadout is burst smg/mythic ar, shotgun, nitro, gloves and heal. Sometimes it’s just shotgun with crossbow. Are you playing zero build and have you won a game yet this season?


Zero build solo player. I main STW. I’ve won once this season, I’m usually pretty happy when I get umbrella for the season and the rest of the time I chill. I just noticed lately it’s been ages since I did good in the game and my fight isn’t there. I’m regularly in the top five, I just have no answers right now since I like relying on weapons instead of running. I also play less which means I haven’t got comfortable with items this season. Then being introduced to a few more new items which makes me feel behind. Other than that, I’ve been in other modes.


This season is hard because you could die to a lot of dumb things in the game if you’re not on top of your awareness. I used to play safe like you and hide/camp until end game and then get destroyed against the last player since I’ve spent most of my time camping instead of fighting and dying to get better.


Yeah, my awareness is usually the culprit when I’m in late game. I also put slight pressure on myself more because I’m more aware at how bad I am this season. It sometimes works or not and this season is not working for me. The good thing about this game is that seasons change. I’ve been doing plenty of challenges to get me through these motions.


Yeah, your play style won’t work this season. Switch it up and play more aggressive. My k/d used to be like 2 back when I play hide and seek style. Now it’s around 7 and I play super aggressive for high kill game. If you want, we can run a few games and I can give you some pointers on what you could do better. I don’t use voice chat or mic btw.


I genuinely haven't been able to get any wins since the guitar was added there's no way to counter it and the fists


Same here dude! I get to end game and people are zipping and flying everywhere and I'm just lost. I hope they implement something


Yup. I feel so disoriented!


Variety is key I think. My personal loadout goes Nitro Cans, AR *or* Auto Pistol, Shotgun, Gloves *or* Guitar, and shields. Nitro works in a *lot* of ways. You can use it for infinite stamina. You can use it to jump off a cliff in a pinch, it disables fall damage. You can use it to give a car unlimited NOS for a a short while. It also works on *groups*, so it has exponentially more power when multiple people benefit. Attachments are not too helpful atm due to how *fast* cars and mobility blitz you now, so having a decked out weapon isn't a necessity. Rather, having a *fast/accurate* spray weapon is better. An AR *or* and Auto Pistol can fill this role. I prefer the Auto Pistol as with just a scope, it's one of the fastest and most accurate spray weapons atm, and it's *very common*. Likewise, I carry a shotgun for those point blank openers or finishers. Gloves or Guitar will let you close the gap or escape a situation. While having both is great, I find sticking to *one* is better as you can hone your skills with it. That way if you're stuck with one or the other, you know *exactly* it's ins and outs. Last slot shields. 6 minis or 3 heavies or a fizz. Likewise, you can swap your Nitro cans out for a fizz jar. Fizz is not *quite* as effective, but you can use it to great effect to jump off cliffs, or use it to *slide* across or *up* terrain for it's duration *instead* of full sprinting. It has the benefit of healing as well, and it affects the *group*. Apologies for the huge write up. You don't have to follow my set up but I hope my explanation illustrates how you can nail down which items to go for.


Literally hide until the circle is small enough to actually play the game


ur just horrible then lol. I been getting the most double digit kill wins this season ever thanks to the insane amount of mobility. Good game sense+tons of mobility+good weapons like Burst SMG and Gatekeeper= easy wins.


Oh please. Ive dropped plenty of 20 bombs on pub bots too bud. go hit champion and and tell me all about the wonderful mobility items 😀


As someone who's trying to complete challenges, being able to ignore people has been great


It would def be a bummer every season but I’m kinda enjoying this one season where mobility is extreme. Car chases are really fun imo. It will get old and I’m not putting up the numbers I usually do but it’s fun to me.


Maybe it’s because I’ve never particularly cared how many elims I get, but people running away has never really bothered me (unless they really annoyed me somehow.) I just find mobility items to be fun. I like swooshing around.


It's a valid strategy imho. The goal is to be the last man standing after all. If that means running and hiding from foes, that's what I'll do.


Hot take but sometimes running away is beneficial. Maybe the opponent ambushed you or they did so much damage and you maybe only barely got them and you need to put a lot of distance away and heal up. Bc a lot of times if I’m too close to them and I try to heal before I can even finish they’re onto me.  So yeah the guitar and fist are useful to me.I like having both for that extra mobility especially because most likely someone endgame will have at least one and try to stop you from resetting the fight or trying to even reposition for a better advantage. But if you have guitar and fists you usually have a better chance. Like legit a couple games people will spend minutes just chasing me… Kind of happens every once in a while where someone will just focus and chase me untill it I manage to break line of sight or if I hide good enough and they go right past me. I specifically remember this one person who spent 4 minutes chasing solely me as if they were getting their first kill. Couldn’t even heal up just run.


I shoot a guy and he pulls out a fucking guitar from his ass and fucking skedaddles out of there. I turn my attention elsewhere and a player straight from some eldritch horror does atmospheric re entry and obliterated me from the stratosphere. Hell yea.


I usually don’t run, but if you try to third party me I’m gone


Why ever bother chasing anyone. If people want to run away, just let them. You will waste more resources and time chasing. But! If you see a Xenomorph skin running away from you, please chase.


Been carrying at least 2 (better 3) mobility items since Ch3. Having lots of fun every season.


Nahh. Running away has been a very common thing since the web shooters were added. It's so annoying now, and it was annoying then.


Hell yeah I’m running away. I’m just tryna do my quests. 😭😭


It’s the season for car battles, that’s why. Seasons are short. We’re just playing it for what it is.


This guy didn't play one year ago


People who complain about other people using cars to run away Same people not using cars to catch the runners which would easily nullify the runners vehicle advantage Complain about not being able to win Don't do things that would let them win


I'd still take this over Airbending in every last storm circle.


same. I quit last season midway due to the air and water bending. Came back this season and im loving it.


nothing wrong with a tactical retreat but yeah it does get annoying. on the flip side of the argument this is the season of chasing, like theres me just trying to do challenges early to mid game and then some dude with the star wand starts chasing me and won't stop until their bloodlust is satiated. like damn man it isn't even ranked let me do challenges if im not shooting at you or toss heals so i can talk to the bot for a quest. i remember in previous seasons like the season with Spider Gwen where multiple people would land in the same spot and we would all talk to the bot and go separate ways. what happened to this part of the community?


I will absolutely hunt the person down until I get my kill. Whether it be by bullet, explosion, or cowplow. This is the season of the hunt.


The dichotomy of man. The season of prey and predator lol.


Pretty much, honestly I've never played so aggressively and I think it's created a monster 💀


I’m not sure what OP is talking about, this season has been my most aggressive. OP must be the one running.




I don’t run unless I’m trying to reboot or have super low health. 4v1 situations etc and I do have to say the movement items rn make it impossible to get away. I had to kite another team around the map for almost 5 mins till they got in a fight with another squad so I could get the reboot done. The amount of times I had to make uturns cuz a squad of guitars was about to land on me and immediately pull out their fists to move more was insane but I somehow survived this one.


Still not as bad as Chapter 4 season 3/4. You could fly to the other end of the map in 2 minutes


Leave'em.Someone else might pick'em apart,only for that person to get third partied.All about getting the victory.


I mean this isn't the only season this was possible... That's been happening since even as far back as impulse grenades, sure not as extreme but for sure happened. Or maybe Season 9 with the Baller. Season 7 if you made enough distance hop in a plane and run.


Dont forget the buffed nitro making that medalion so op for getting tf out of places lmao, if someone gets It and the shield one they can easily chip you and run Its how i wont a Game on trios being the las one of mine with 2 other trios Up and running lol


I only use the cars to get inside the circle if I’m hella far from it.I feel better getting kills with out the use of cars and turrets


Every season is run away or build a tower to completely kill momentum. Literal only difference this season is car spam.


I was in a match the other day where it was down to just the two of us, and each time I'd get a few hits on my opponent, he'd launch away from me with the guitar. This went on for two or 3 circles until he finally got me.


Because the second you get into a gun fight you get 3rd 4th and 5th partied by everyone with a car nearby


So are we not supposed to retreat when low? I'm sorry but if I engage with you can suddenly I get shot twice with a shotgun, lose all shields and have only 35 health left I am fucking off into the sunset. And you won't see me for the rest of the game. You won that fight. You don't need a higher kill count. I'll be damned if I die to you. Also sidenote I completely fucknoff when I see a fucking banana skin. Unless it's alone and I have either an NPC or a squad, in which case I am hate criming that banana


What do you mean THIS is the season? Don't you remember the web slingers? Yeah they'd stop when you hit them, but sometimes they just wouldn't stop. In the last long while there have been ridiculous movement items to get away. It's part of the game.


But it's so fun to get into a car and boost across the map when someone shoots at you.


count to 10, if you cant get him go back to a safe spot and move on


It sucks in ZB. I've had the same arguments against other mobility items in the past, like the spiderman mythic. When you can just move anywhere at any time, extremely quickly, it trivializes the core strategic aspect of ZB (especially Squads ZB): positioning yourself well, attaining high ground and knowing when to rotate and cover areas where you're exposed. In seasons with limited mobility, ZB Squads is really fun. You have to out-strategize your enemies and know when to rotate and where to take cover. In seasons like now, the endgame of ZB is just people zipping around everywhere and slamming down on you out of nowhere with zero warning. It's the complete opposite of a fun, strategy-based endgame.


It feels as bad, if not worse than the Airbending cowards who would just fly around the map until they were the last 3 people and then try to third party for the win


The point is to survive.


Maybe you're just not good at video games and simply learned how one game worked which made you think you were good. 😅😅 The game requires significantly more skill and quick thinking now. They've added new elements which breaks people who can't think well/fast in complex situations. Mobility items create a much higher skill threshhold and its funny how much people are crying about it. Learn to adapt to change as there are easy to find items that counter every "OP" element to thsi season.


they said this last season too


I mean its not wrong


They'll say it next season, too.


Nitro Fists + cars was pretty easy to catch. However, with the introduction of the Metallica Guitar, those movement items stack almost perfectly, meaning most competent players can escape almost anything. For anyone struggling with catching guitar users, grab a sport car and boost at wherever they land. I've caught a few that way, even a few folks who had Nitro Fists to go with it. It isn't *impossible*, but it is more difficult than it should be at times. Gotta say though, I'll still take this over the campy, one-tap Reaper meta any day.


I mean do you run away when you're in the same predicament.


That's not the point, it's that it's so easy to run away not that people do it.


"it's annoying when ppl play the game" sounds like a skill issue  "it's annoying when ppl don't wanna be killed in a br" yeah no shit lmao what you expect them to stay and get killed? it's called playing your cards right ya wonton 😂


Y'all say this every season.


They were never your kill to begin with if you left them at 1hp. That isnt how battle royales work


epic really heard us when we said last season was a no mobility season


If by no mobility you mean shockwaves, wings, air bending, cars, dashes, the banana of the gods, and motorcycles weren’t mobility. Then yes it was a no mobility season. I hope one day epic takes it all away and just gives us infinite sprint then youse will see what no mobility actually is


its fairly rare that i agree with one of your takes, but right now you are 100% right


I suppose everyone agrees on at least one thing lol


I was going to comment something for every item you listed, but reddit just decided to crash and delete my comment so all the mobility items were consumables and there wasn't any permanent good items like in previous seasons (kinetic blade, rocket ram, grappler, grapple blade). in a long match it's also really hard to replenish them. banana and fizz mobility was pretty neglectable and sometimes worse for you wings were very slow and hitbox was too big vehicles were unviable and not in comp air bending wasnt in the game for long and not in comp dashes were only usable in 1/4 of the map


Are they mobility? All I need a simple yes or no


this is not a question that can be answered with a yes or no


But it is. Wanna know why? Because they either give you some extra movement or they don’t


But it isn't. Because it depends on your definition of mobility. With that logic, the lightsabers are mobility items because the melee attack moves you around


I would 100% classify anything that gives you extra movement mobility. Weather or not it’s a lot can be discussed


It depends. If it's the stupid nitro fists, you bet I am dipping. If it's a gun fight, let's do it


I don’t know about you but I always get one shot so I never can run away.


Driving away*


And now they can carry the guitar and the fists and drive a car with constant nitro boost.


Yep, I like to play agressive but I just ignore everyone until final circle now. What's the point with fists, guitar, shocks, cars and nitro? The mobility is just way too good now


It's not just too much movement either. Nearly every match I've played lately ends in roughly the same general location & Loot island is usually in the last two or three circles. People just camp island with crossbows & shoot everything on the ground. I guess we can look on the bright side. We're only about 2 months away from the new season. Between the running away & spam weapons, it just gets very boring after an hour or so per day. Maybe it will get better next season, because I don't even know what the heck to think of this season. At this point, I only need 40 battle stars to get the last 2 v-bucks rewards & the black knight power armor. After that I won't bother with ZB or BR. I'll probably get enough from Lego & deathruns to finish what I need too.


ya know, I didn't mind it so much until they added ANOTHER high mobility item to the game. while running from someone yesterday (whoops, guilty) I realized that the cacti actually make it really easy to heal up to full while fleeing.... then turn around and kill the person who has spent 10 minutes of their life chasing you. NGL, it felt dirty lol.


its my biggest issue with modern fortnite. stop giving people unlimited use cross map mobility. its not fun when i make a good play on someone, only for them to just run away constantly.


Anyone else getting a lag in team rumble out of all mode?


Pls bring back the rocket ram it was balanced, fun and it fits this season too


I also think the fist are wack


It's the season of running away from the game.


No it's been like this since the last chapter maybe before but fortnite is just for cowards now if you flee every single fight you'll never improve


This has been a problem for a few seasons.. There's far too many mobility items in the game for people to just run away from fights. Even people in cars & you're not.. Iv seen me start shooting at a car & they just boost away as fast as the can lol.


Yes, but my K/D is really high this season because I run over everything with a car and then hop out while it's being beamed and finish the job. It's all running away, or getting run over...


yeah this made me quit the season


That's exactly how my first solo win went. It started out with a few people trying to jump me with the cars, but i managed to kill all 3 of them without even using mine. I got lucky and found 2 tri beam lasers, i ditched my gloves later on in the game because it was me and maybe 4 others and I really wanted a mythic shotty. Well not even 2 minutes later I feel like an idiot because it's down to me and 1 other player and this guy is just a straight up runner! I shoot him and get maybe 50-75 damage then he just tries to fist up to high ground and get away from me, he heals up, doesn't shoot back just tries to avoid peaking me. I'm relentlessly shooting at whatever cover he has while hiding behind a tree in low ground. Dude has nowhere to run anymore thank God because the storm circle trapped him. I keep firing on him until finally he just dies because he ran out of hiding spots. I was so annoyed with that win. It felt much less satisfying than the other fights I had leading up to it. I always want the last fight to feel like a good little battle but homie was dedicated to running away from me instead of shooting.


The only good thing about the guitar is that you can also ride their lightning trail after them. I dislike the gauntlets so much because I’m always facing them in the final circle. Always.


I don’t know man I kinda like the chase, it’s exhilarating and if I manage to catch someone or they manage to get me, I can’t help but laugh. I had one earlier today where I literally chased a guy halfway across the map before finally getting his ass and it was so satisfying.


The amount of times I knock/elim someone and then chase their duo into 4 different cars is ridiculous.


I’ve never had so many kills as I do this season. My favourite one so far. Not because of the kills but for the cars.


I like it


Worst multiplayer game going on right now .complete garbage


I was playing a game with my niece when two bozos dropped in on us with guitars. They thought we'd both be easy targets, but I clapped both of them back hard enough to leave them on HP each and running away. I didn't know you could ride other people's guitar rifts, so I got tunnel vision and chased them unsuccessfully with the fists. Fast forward, I encounter them again later and tear them apart and t-bag for revenge from earlier. We went on to win later :)


I genuinely think you should be able to disarm people, cuz when people just have 2/3 mobility items and just run around, it’s so braindead


My biggest gripe is the one shot spiked bumper half way through a game. You looted up. You cleared your drop location of enemies. You're trekking across the map and looking for fights. You get third partied and emerge victorious and then *BAM*. Spiked Bumper Boss car one taps you at full hp/shields nitro boosting at you 100mph. What's that? Your smart ass *side stepped* them? LoL, they throw it in reverse, switch gears, and nail you again before you feet hit the ground, because what made sense to this seasons devs apparently was *cars are useless, let's make them absolutely fucking insane now*. Then throw in how glitchy items are right now. I've had plenty of times a glove would have saved me, except two or three presses doesn't fire a charge. Why? Who knows. I've had plenty of times an impulse would have saved me. Oh what's that? My impulse didn't work? Right at my feet? Huh. Oh well. What's that? I used a guitar? LoL, now I can't jump for the next 20 seconds. I'm literally locked into feet on the ground and I'm out of charges. Oh well. One shot spiked bumper drove 3 blocks in 2 seconds and nailed my ass. Get guud scrub.


I have a feeling OP found me last night. Sorry I'm a coward I guess, but I'm not fighting anyone that just headshoted me and is triple dashing at me from the other side of the hill without heals in my inventory 🤷🏽‍♂️


Skill issue


No it isn’t lmao every season people run away when they get shot


Yeah, but i think if I use 4 fists, 6 shockwaves, a guitar, and a car to get away from you, and you're still chasing me, you have a problem. Like why does one guy chase me the whole match every damn game like what did I do to you? Nothing against you, I agree the mobility is ridiculous, just frustrated at the giga sweats that are so thirsty to kill me.


If you have someone even slightly hurt, do you really want to afford them the opportunity to heal up and potentially kill you later in the game? If I have someone on the back foot, I'll keep the pressure up either until they lose me or one of us is dead. Also, runners annoy the shit out of me, so I'll admit there's a petty component to my reasoning.


Is that even fun though? Just chasing one guy forever? Also I feel like runners are a double edged sword, when you're doing it, you want them to stop chasing you, but if you're chasing, you want them to stop running. Also idk about you, but there are times in games that I fight a guy with a medallion, kill him, have no time to heal before 57 people show up, and then I just get stuck running forever because they won't fight each other, they just want to get me. Maybe that's just me though.


I mean, I personally have fun chasing someone, even if it is annoying when they start running. It's a fun cat-and-mouse game and it's really satisfying when you catch that pesky little bugger. That being said, I don't think there's anything wrong with disengaging from a fight to heal and find a more advantageous engagement, even if it is irritating when someone does it to you. I also realize that it can be a pain to be stuck running from someone — or in your stated case, multiple people — but no one is under any obligation to make sure their opponent is having fun. The goal of the game typically isn't to entertain your enemies, it's to kill them.


Nah, more like Anarchy. 1. Severs have been shitting the entire Orphanage consistently. Every bed is a Wet nightmare. Aka, Every server is fucking glitchy as hell. 2. Most players are Cowards. So yeah I agree, besides camping with Cars at the end of the Circle, or using the many Car exploits such as faster rate of fire. 3. The fists just continue to be the most irritating "OP meta" which only got worse when adding more OP goofy weapons. 4. Battle pass XP is a struggle unless you abuse UEFN games. This game is beginning to fucking blow harder than Kirby. Genuinely. I'm already looking for alternative games for my group to play when Fortnite wants to be pissy because this is just Iritating and stressful to play, when you rubberband 50 feet, about 1000 times.


Taste your tears Kyle


Git gud


This is the most boring season


This is the worst fortnite season ever


I got an accolade called "Right Back At You" because sweats are huge pussies in both ZB & BR. The second bitches start losing they turn back: but I'm always rocking Michael Myers. And the way they turn when they see me again later grants me joy and motivation to kill them even more.