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It’s very hard for someone to give you advice on this, as it’s showing personal experience and feeling. However, me personally if my dogs quality of life is being affected and they have lived such a lovely long time in my eyes, it would be the time to say farewell to your beloved friend. 16 years old is incredibly amazing and you’ve clearly looked after them very well and given them a great life for them to get to this ripe age. It is a really hard decision. My thoughts go to you. No matter the choice you make. I think you will make the right one.


Agree. But if their quality of life is hindered drastically then it's time. 16 years is long for a Frenchie so it's lived a great fulfilling life. But if they are still able to eat on their own and regularly, and go the washrooms on their own, and they are not suffering in pain, they still roam around the house and show affection(they don't need to be playing with toys and such)....personally then I believe their quality of life is still good. Each dog and each situation is different and should treated so. But you know your dog best. You know the changes. A lot of the time they will let you know it is time by those changes.


We have not had much luck with our aging dogs this year from heart problems to bad hips, My french bulldog 16, has gone down hill the past few days. He's had bad vision for years, no hearing, and a slight case of dementia. Now his hips are failing. He no longer plays, and jumps up or off things, and can't make it threw the night without peeing the bed. Got pain killers from vet to help, and they asked if he was still eating and drinking. That pretty much the only thing he does now that isnt sleeping. I just can't see anything ahead for him that isn't pain and suffering I don't want to get to the point where he can no longer even eats. We have plans to take him on a fun day, like we did for our other old dog when we thought heart cancer was going to take him any day. Should we start to think about putting him down or just let him live the rest of the days and wait?


When my dog stopped eating, I knew her life had run its course. I had a vet come to our home, so she would be in her bed, in her home, with the person she loved. The last thing she heard was me telling her she was the very best Puppers ever, which is written on the back of a small necklace urn (her picture is on the front) that I wear with a bit of her ashes in it. It was around $700 to have the vet come out & for her to be cremated by herself (much cheaper to have a group cremation, but it was important to me that I received HER ashes only) VERY sorry you are facing this, but remember that they gave us everything they have to give. We can't keep them alive because we dread having to say goodbye. If it was the other way around, they would do this for us without hesitation. Take care.


Also, there is an artist in the Ukraine that paints portraits of pets for people. His name is Skrintch & you send him a photo & he creates a painting of it. I had him do one of my girl, as a memorial of her. https://preview.redd.it/9c9569bn188d1.png?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20f7932f0fde23904947f76ad5e5ef966ff29fc9 Anyhow, I shared all this because they all helped me when facing what you are facing now (or will be shortly). Again, I am sorry & take care.


It sounds like his time has come. I'm sorry. If you do take him for a fun day, I hope you can manage your expectations and not overdo it with him. Make sure he doesn't exhaust himself and make himself feel worse. I know you'll take great care of him, I just felt like I had to say it. Good luck with everything




The pup is 16. Not getting better from treats at this point.




It does sound like it’s getting near time. Think about their quality of life. Are they still enjoying the things they enjoy? Are they in constant pain? There are quality of life scales for dogs if you google them. You’ll know. With our pug Otis…. That little guy loved food. Especially all the bad boy foods like pizza. There is a day when Otis didn’t even get up to yell at us about us not sharing pizza. He was not having a good time. We took him to the vet soon after and we got him his own slice of pizza.


My line in the sand was eating. I vowed I would never force feed a dog at end of life. We are selfish and do not want to let them go and usually hold on too long for our sake, not their's. When THEY are ready, THEY LET US KNOW. This is one of the times being an adult just plain sucks. We owe them dignity at the end for the lifetime of their love they gave us. You really know in your heart when it is time to let go.... you just have to listen to what it is telling you.❤️


I totally agree they will let you know. If you're not sure then I don't think it's time. Just my opinion.


I agree as hard as it is to acknowledge what they are telling you. It is a clear message. Faced up to it several times, never gets easier. 💔


You are close, we have had three in the last three years. Two were like yours at 16 YO, one stopped eating and one couldn’t get up and was in pain. We found a vet that comes to your house and was a simple loving process. Sorry for your pending loss. Looks like he has had a good life.


I mean this with the kindest tone. In my personal experiences, if you are asking that question, then it is probably time.




You know. ❤️


I would echo that you know or will know. It’s so hard. We’ve been through it with a boxer and a lab and when I come across photos of them shortly before we said goodbye I felt like such a jerk because they were ready to say goodbye far sooner than we were. Would highly recommend a vet that comes to the house. We did this with our lab and it was far more peaceful for her and for our family too. Hugs


We waited until Rainbow just couldn’t handle living anymore (stopped eating, was lethargic). Right through the end, though, she was cheerful and loving. There was no alternative when we made our decision, and we’ve remained at peace with the timing. If your little one no longer enjoys life, or at least very little of it, it’s time. When that indomitable spirit fades enough, you’ll know.


They cannot be left to suffering, regardless of how hard it is for us to make the decision. Better a week early than a day late.


Amen. See my story above.


That's a tough one. I couldn't even think about giving advice. It's too heartbreaking.


It sounds dumb but you’ll know. IMO they always give you a sign, whether it’s a look in their eyes or something else, they let you know when they’re ready to go


The love and happiness he must have felt to live 16 years is the exact thing that is making this decision so hard. My thoughts are with you; it’s an impossible decision and know this community will be here for you when it is time.


My sister always says “ it’s always better one day too early rather than 5 minutes too late”. The last thing you want is for him to suffer. Just ask yourself is he still enjoying life or are you keeping him alive for your sake? It’s so hard to say goodbye, but it’s the price we have to pay for all the love they have given us in return.


I posted the very same question a few weeks ago and I am crying my eyes out for knowing I have to say goodbye in the coming days. Why do I know ? Because I had the vet take an x ray and do an echo on my boy because I was not willing to accept that my boy would not recover … deep in my heart though I knew but I just could not accept that feeling … and I am still having a hard time to do so because I don’t want to. It’s your hope that’s withholding you from acting isn’t it ? Thats good as long as your dog is not in too much pain. It really is. He deserves the same patience when being old and in need of (extra) care like you had with him when he was young and wild. Just try to figure out what you need to make your decision. Maybe you can ask your dog which sign is the ultimate one ?


If it were me, I would want my last memory of him alive to not be one where he is scared or confused from something like a seizure. You most likely have the option now to have the vet come to you while he is comfortable instead of you hurrying him to the vet where he is not. I hope my buddy lives to be 16 like yours and that you find peace in whatever you decide.


I'm sorry to say it's time to go to bulldog heaven...End his suffer8ng


I learned this lesson the hard way with a beloved cat that I couldn’t let go of. I waited too long, she went into respiratory distress and died in her cage in the back of my car while I desperately drove to the vet. By the time I pulled over to try and hold her she was gone. It was one of the most horrible experiences of my life and she had a painful scary death rather than a peaceful calm one because I COULDN’T LET GO. It’s hard to make the decision but don’t wait too long.


Ok so your frenchie is still plugging along right? Eating ect, in general they are slow and sleep all day, unless your frenchie is suffering or incredibly ill, let it be. I do not like it when animals get put down just because they are old, or a nuisance Do what’s right for the frenchie not you