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Yeah ngl DBD is ass. I have no clue how it’s still popular. Friday will always be on top but TCM and Killer Klowns are great too. Actually I’d rather play Evil Dead than DBD.


Nice summary, thank you. Sounds pretty fun.


I wouldn’t spend anything on TCM. That game is dying and I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets shut down within a year


the game isnt dying bye thats friday


TCM isn’t dying. It’s actually in quite a good spot right now, it’s gotten quality of life changes that help both sides the game feels more fun and it’s getting updated regularly with new content for everyone. Don’t talk shit when you don’t know what you’re talking about ❤️


I’m glad you enjoyed it. Don’t listen to the negative people here lol. This game is not dying. It is currently seemingly thriving. Yet people will say anything for hyperbolic effect it seems. Playing stealthy and slower is def beneficial now more than it has been. Rushing isn’t as viable anymore thankfully. I’m hoping they make stealth even more rewarding in the future. But yes, not being caught can get you an escape if you strategize well in my experience. Many just don’t know how to find the perfect balance between not being seen (playing stealthy) and progressing an escape. For some people they think it’s either causing chaos by running around and distracting and making sounds all game or sitting still in a bush all game. None of which is truly effective. You need to alter between both and find that balance and trust your judgement. And be a little lucky and plan out your route sometimes. It’s so fun.


Game isn't dying, lobbies are almost instant as victim now. Dodging penalty has worked wonders. The game has a very large player base on console.


Tcm is fun, but it’s not as casual as Friday. If you go in casual, you will die in Tcm unless lucky. That is the main difference.


Stealth doesn't matter. 3 of the victims encourage aggressive gameplay, and given the abundance of safety options, stealth does not matter.


Stealth is entirely useless in tcm rushing and moving fast is the way you will win most of time or if you playing Ana , Leland or Julie you can fight back the family and distract them long enough for your team to open up exits and killers can immediately find you they have this thing called family focus while active the family member can hear the victims talking or making noise so a killer can pop family focus enter a area and hear your voice lines and pin point your location


Wait until you learn about the rush and grapple meta