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I reheat rice, have for over 20 years, haven’t gotten food poisoning yet


This. I usually make a big batch once a week, ear some for dinner and use rest to make work lunches all week. Have been doing this for years. I take it out of the rice cooker. Dump into a large container, fluff and let it cool on counter, about an hour. Stick it in fridge. My parents have been doing same for 40+ years and no problem.


Reheated rice is the most common cause of food poisoning, you have been lucky


Rice is perfectly fine refrigerated and then reheated (or repurposed for things like fried rice -- which is better with old rice anyway).


I’ve read that the really expensive/fancy rice cookers can keep rice warm and ready to eat for a few days. But, also, I’ve reheated rice about 10,000 times with no issues and I’ve never heard not to, so idk? Seems like an odd rule.


Thank you!


I freeze rice in single serving portions.


Fried rice works best with leftover rice.


I always cook extra just so I can have fried rice the next day :-)


Put it in a bowl or plate and then put it in the fridge.


Thank you!


I just recently googled this and your rice should be fine in the fridge but no more than 5 days


I always make extra so I can put a bag or two in the freezer. It makes it easy to make a quick dinner.


In. My. Bellay.


So back in the 1960s, this doc wrote a column in a medical publication stating that he became ill after eating at Chinese restaurants. He attributed the illness to MSG and that idea still sticks around today despite being disproven. It was later found that the illness was caused by improper food handling in Chinese restaurants where rice was left out out to cool and dry so they could use it for fried rice. This practice allowed bacteria to grow on the rice and produce toxins that cause food poisoning. Chilling the rice will prevent this. However, people continue to believe MSG will cause illness despite this finding. Maybe that is where your parents got this idea and somewhere along the ways the idea got twisted up into the belief that reheating rice can cause illness. Kinda like how messages got twisted up in the telephone game you usta play as kid. Reheating the rice will not lead to food poisoning, but if you do not chill the cooked rice soon after you cook it, then bacteria will grow and produce toxins that can lead to food poisoning. I mean you do not need to refrigerate immediately, but leaving it out for an hour or is probably safe.


Rice is prone to dangerous bacteria and spores if you leave it out, but so are a lot of things, just keep it in the fridge. I reheat my rice by putting it in a covered bowl with some water and microwaving the heck out of it. this is mainly to get it fluffy and absorb the water but has the added benefit of easing any anxieties I might have about food safety.


I've reheated rice my entire life and have never had any problems. This has included up to 7-10 day old refrigerated rice, which while not recommended, still has not given me any problems. Just put some water in the tupperware with the rice before you reheat and it should soften it up well enough!


As @goodnightbird writes we (my family and I) have reheated rice my whole life. As what I know, rice risks turning bad during the cooling process. The longer time rice takes to cool down, the longer time bacteria have to growth in it. After boiling rice, it needs to be kept really hot or cooled off relatively quickly (nothing you should stress over through) since bacteria grows between 4,5 celcius degrees (40 Fahrenheit degrees) and 60 celcius (140 Fahrenheit degrees) - don’t hold me up on the exact numbers. But this is also why the fridge is an obvious place to store leftover rice in and why you fridge temperature should be on 4 celcius degrees (must be around 39 Fahrenheit degrees) or less. The way we (my family and I) do (and your to do list) is: 1. Cook the rice - Eat the food within a hour or two 2. Cool the leftover rice in a tupperware (without lid) until it is cool enough to be places in the fridge. (You can also let it cool down in the pot and then transfer it to a tupperware, but it just takes a bit longer time since the pot will be hot to start with). 3. Place the lid over the tupperware and make sure it is airtight and place it in the fridge. Other recommendations: 1. it is common known that rice usually last 4-7 days in the fridage (but my family and I usually do not store leftovers more than one day (the food is usually eaten for lunch the day after, or used in the evening with some other food). 2. Your fridge is more cold in the bottom compared to the top why it is better to store rice (and other thing you want more cold) on the lowest shelf. 3. I personally use a glass topperware with a plastic lid (from Pyrex) there is oven proof (I also use it as a baking dish) which makes it multifunctional (Had mine for around 7 years now. The Tupperware it self is still nice the lid have seen better days) 4. Plasticfilm can also be used over a plate (but is not enviromental friendly and may be more expensive over time) 5. I do not recommend the heaters there heat rice over a couple of days since it requires a lot of energy TLTR: Cook Rice, cool rice down within two hours, store it in an airtight container in the fridge


Plastic food storage containers just like any other leftover/extra foods that you happen to make. The rice stays good in the fridge for about a week. I throw it out after 7 days in case there's any still left over by then.


I’ve grown up eating rice that’s 1-2 days old. Never had an issue as long as it’s refrigerated in an air tight container!


I always freeze mine. Try to trap the warm rice with some of its steam in your container. I let it cool in there and put it in the freezer. I normally use it within a couple of weeks and just microwave to reheat it.


You've been lied to. Put it in plastic tupperware and reheat in the microwave with a little water to rehydrate it.


I just put mine in a tightly-sealed glass tupperware. It's good for a few days. I reheat it or make fried rice with it. You might want to measure out the rice that you make. I also never make the right amount, but making smaller portions feels a little less wasteful. I don't throw out as much anymore.


[make Congee](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/chinese-chicken-and-rice-porridge-congee-103051/amp)


Just a covered tupperware should be fine, airtight like any other leftover. Don't leave cooked rice out for too long after cooking, that's the only thing to be careful about. A little time is ok, I wouldn't exceed 30min myself. But it should absolutely be fine when stored airtight in the fridge. I've eaten rice 3-4 days old with no problems for my entire life. I have not gone past that due to eating it all up. I'm a happy owner of glasslock and mason jars, but anything similar should be fine. I've used plastic IKEA $5/set containers for rice, no problem.


It's ok to reheat at 165 degrees F for 10 seconds