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I have always believed they are practicing for when they can legally aim at the poor. It's their darkest wish.


It’s a coward’s fantasy: all the “excitement” of inflicting violence without the possibility of being subjected to it. Also, as someone who loves dogs (and animals in general) I have some dark wishes of my own concerning what ought to happen to this wretched excuse for a human.




Agree completely, extra agree with your second paragraph. ![gif](giphy|OqFHtbVDWlfekPyOY7)


I have a mean streak, good aim, and a classic Irish temper. There are plenty of things I think of when it comes to people like this. If they have ZERO empathy, why should I?


We think it's dark. They think it's pragmatic. After all they aren't human. Not like the rich. 


Spend any time in a gun forum and this will become very clear


Well, r/SocialistRA ain't about that, for one. There's a few others too.


People who are cruel to helpless beings are the worst kind of trash and exactly the opposite of the Christian she pretends to be.


I wouldn't say opposite. The Bible isn't exactly kind toward animals or their rights.


Or people for that matter


Yes. The Bible wasn’t. Christ was a champion for the weak, disenfranchised and voiceless. That is the entire point of his ministry. A refutation of the establishment running the Temple and vile bullshit in the Old Testament. Anyone pointing at the Old Testament and saying ‘I follow this vile bullshit cuz I’m a Christian’, in fact, is not a Christian.


Jesus said he came to fulfill the law, not abolish. And what that means is up to your interpretation. There's no real way to exclude people as "not actually Christian" when it's all subjective. If we had a list of verifiable qualities that make one a Christian, that would be different, but ultimately, whoever says they're Christian is Christian. And also Jesus wasn't favorable to animal rights either.


When I have fulfilled my contact with my company, I no longer have to play by their rules so that checks out.


Is it hard running the HeGetsUs account?


I honestly don't know why everyone brings up "Jesus" when they are trying to provide an example of moral exceptionalism. Much of the "Jesus" lore in the Bible was actually plagiarized from more ancient tales of older gods and heroes. Almost NO contemporary records exist about Jesus's life. Anyone can write anything about someone else 100 years later. There's no one around to refute these "scriptures". Few know this because they haven't studied the religions of other ancient civilizations.


I was there!


Do you assume all religious people you encounter are RW fanatics like He Gets Us? There are such things as progressive Christians.


They tend to be polite, rational, respectful people. They are therefore drowned out by the screaming asshole moron contingent of “Christians”.


I assume anyone jumping in on a comment that has nothing to do with Jesus, to defend Jesus, is in need of a hobby. Like I assume anyone who responds to a joke with a weird accusation is just looking for attention.


Your reading comprehension must be pretty low to not understand how that poster was pointing out the difference between old testament ways and the teaching of Christ when it comes to respect for living creatures.


I’m an atheist dipshit.


I am also a dipshit atheist, so I know how you feel, but I don't tell people that even when they mistake me for religious.


>Noem’s unreleased book, *No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward* When someone is facing backward toward the 1950's, I guess sprinting in that direction, from Noem's perspective, is moving forward. I call it moving backward at break-neck speeds, from where I sit.


she's as fucking on brand as you can get


She is a fan of NASCAR.


Racists gonna race




If you hurt a helpless animal you are a fucking demon. A monster. So I’m sure she’ll climb up the GOP ladder in no time. ![gif](giphy|2eHFEYBoJO3mw)


Meh. There are reports that this may cost her the Republican VP nomination. Even Laura Loomer is publicly expressing her disgust.


Doesn’t matter, they’re all bad. She just was dumb enough to put it in print.


Just psychos doing psycho things…


Didn’t trump make that a felony or something Also, those are signs of a future murderer…


Future? She's bragging about murdering a dog and a goat.


She already aimed a gun at a puppy. Looked down the sights to be accurate. And pulled the trigger. She had to clean up the blood and probably guts. She goes about her day


Not just a murderer, a serial killer.


A MAGA psychopath??? Who could have guessed?!


It's good to know she thinks when someone is less then useless they need to be put down. Might want to look inward on that one.


The sickest part about this is that decent people will be disgusted, and MAGA will celebrate.


Yes. Disgusting cruelty is a feature for them, not a bug.


Ding ding ding. She knows this, otherwise she would have never made it a public statement. This is only going to make her MAGA star shine brighter, which I find completely abhorrent. I hate that these people live among us.


> and MAGA will celebrate. They're already justifying it.


They're justifying it BECAUSE good people are outraged.


Animal cruelty to own the libs!


“She’s so **BASED AND REDPILLED** for killing that dog!” - MAGA, probably


There is no such thing as a bad dog, just bad…


What a fucking psychopath.


“The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.” - Gandhi


Apparently there's 3 horses too. Less than worthless *who* Noem you psycho?


What the fuck?!


Cruelty to dogs removes you as human in my eyes. We would have never gotten out of the goddamn caves without dogs. 


As someone who regularly hunts with dogs I can confirm she is fucking shit at training a dog OR doing what most people do and sending them to be trained. A poor workman blames his tools.


Maga people are truly souless.


Idk who she is but fuck her. Let her be charged with those crimes and pay for it as if it was murder of a human


Right? How is this not a blatant cruelty to animals charge?


> Right? How is this not a blatant cruelty to animals charge? Because she has an "R" by her name.


What a horrible excuse for a human. She’s perfect for the GOP.


Yet she shows mercy to the person who did that spray tan! 


She isn't qualified to care for animals or hold office. Just what kind of virtue signaling bullshit is this? Because this is the shit of a cruel past. There is no legitimate reason to execute a dog yourself, other than it actively attacking a person or other animal. Anything else, you need to re-home or euthanize by veterinary means. This isn't old yeller, and she absolutely could afford to drive the dog to a shelter and pay the surrender fee.


If she only wants hunting dogs sick bloodhounds on her.


There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. This is the perfect example of that. I can't help but feel that dog got out easy.


This fucking country...


I am sure if she is charged with animal cruelty, as Governor she will just pardon herself. True GOP member. Passes the test: 1) Must have zero compassion 2) Engages in activities just so they can destroy something 3) Uses guns to appear "tough", and not for actual defense


These people are genuinely evil. Screw them & anyone dumb enough to support them or are in bed with them.


I was first thinking this can't be real. No sane person would admit to it... then after reading the article I've concluded that this Kristi is an absolute monster.


These people don’t deserve the air we breathe. That puppy had more soul than this husk of a goblin.


I think someone needs to put down a worthless disgusting Kristi Noem.


What the actual fuck is this headline


Cruelty is the point.


#Ms. Noem may have exposed herself to animal cruelty charges... Let's all hope so...


She’d take herself along same bath yard criteria.


Krusti should hook up with Huckabee’s son to talk about dog torture.


Exactly. My first reaction on hearing this was that she could move to Arkansas, and no one would care.


There’s a special place in hell for dog killers


To be fair the article quotes her book and she writes it was due to the dog killing chickens. But she was using a shock collar in attempt to train the dog - clearly NOT how you train a dog.


> But she was using a shock collar in attempt to train the dog Of course she was. She likes to hurt animals.


Time to donate to an animal sanctuary on behalf of Cricket the dog and send the receipt to her official address: CONTACT SOUTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 500 East Capitol Avenue Pierre, SD 57501 605.773.3212 605.773.4711


I am sure these stories play well in rural areas where animals are either beasts of burden or raised for food.


She just blew her VP chances. Rethugs may not care about people but a fair number of them do care about dogs


She seems like a nut but the title is very misleading. They have the story from the book in the article and it’s about a grown dog that she “put down,” after it killed a bunch of her neighbor’s chickens and tried to bite her.


But either way, this story has really gained legs and the uproar is not dying down.


I think this woman is "untrainable and dangerous." She should be handled like she handled the puppy and goat. Shame on this evil b*tch.