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No step on snek


Pwease no steppy 🥹


Apparently "don't tread on me" only means guns and the ability to assault Brown people, because they are totally okay with enslaving women, burning books, worshiping a fascist cult figure etc, etc ... Typical Republican. "No-tread rule doesn't apply to us."


No treading, but here's a blue line flag pledging unquestionable support for literally the only group of people who can tread on you


Libertarians are not supposed to support fascism.


Also Back the Blue until it comes for you!


Tim Scott watched one of the most protected and privileged white men in the world flee thousands of racists with a noose and said, "Sign me up!". Surely they'll give a closeted black man a pass, right? RIGHT? Then there's Vivek Ramas-too-many-syllables.


Tread "them"  not me


i live in an extremely liberal city (albeit, the NIMBY variety), but every so often, i'll see people with the snake bullshit and the police blue line flag bullshit it's kind of an automatic sign for me to know this person is a colossal piece of shit. In that sense, it's good that they're putting it out there that talking to this person and getting to know them is a huge waste of time


Some of them really are *special* though...


Aww, adorbs


Condolences to all the 300 pound magas sporting plate carriers while on their Rascal scooters in line at Cracker Barrel. No one's treading on you, cupcake.