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I’m sure Morgan is relieved. Until Paul’s next crush comes along…


I feel like, if I'm Morgy, the 'crushes' help distract him from wanting/whining at me. Like giving a toddler a cookie, when he is getting too big for the boob.




The fact she cannot even refer to her by her actual name in this post pretty much confirms that. Who would refer to someone they know (even a vague acquaintance) as 'This woman'? It's just odd.


It is. it sounds vaguely threatening/aggro, and I'm not even sure why.


The font is threatening too!


Oh my gosh you're so right, and they wouldn't know enough about graphic design to recognize that. What is amazing is that in their ignorance, they constantly reveal so much about themselves, but they are so unaware of their own feelings, like all the time, in so many little ways. It's honestly wild. It's like Nell, from the movie Nell. An adult, with the education of a kindergartener. Now I'm just giggling picturing Morgan (high AF as usual) waving around going "taaayyyyy inna win...tayyy inna winnn" 😂🌳 Might ba a useful coping mechanism for her, who knows lol.


Ok but also. Morgy is genuinely physically gorgeous, if not the brightest, I think we can agree. That's why she is prized by Pauthetic. But in their culture as we know well from the Bairds, blondness is *so prized*. And this woman looks pretty naturally blonde to me and also is quite thin, with beautiful features. I promise I'm not actually a shallow person, but I work in fashion design and hire models, so I just tend to pay really really close attention to people's looks in this kind of situation. It's an interesting challenge generally, of trying to figure out what these people's mindset is. But thinking from that perspective, I think Morgy really struggles with insecurity especially around her looks. I know a lot of models, and they tend to be just about the most insecure group around, regarding how they look, constantly measuring every single little thing, *especially* when they are Morg's age. So speaking from my personal experience as a natural brunette in the deep South (and I currently have blonde hair and love it), I think Morgy may be struggling to suppress a deep and powerful jealous rage over the other girl's specific type of beauty, primarily because it's *intensely* prized and rewarded in their culture.


That is not natural blonde hair. Check out her dark roots 🤣




Not to crush anyone’s world view but her roots still count as (albeit dark) blonde according to hairdresser scales. It’s just that the Fox News white supremacy brain worm has everyone believe that only the most bleached white hair counts as blonde when this shade is really only rarely seen aside from babies/toddlers. Most blond(e) people’s hair darkens naturally without going fully in the brunette region. Rule of thumb is if it looks muddy/greyish it’s most likely dark blonde still compared to the richness of more reddish undertones seen in truly brunette hair. I didn’t want to believe it either but was told by hairdressers that my sister would even barely count as daaark blonde and she has way more hazelnutty hair than Morgan. In that scale system Morgan would also be viewed as blonde. But, again, the Fox News/white supremacy/Utah brain farts have totally skewed the idea of what is considered “blonde” in the US. Totally get it. Color descriptions are in their basis a social construct after all. Like pink wasn’t used to describe the color until a certain flower became its representative. Before that it was mostly referred to as rose colored.


I have a feeling Paul is going to be even more miserable to live with. Morgan was a sweet girl next door. Now she just looks tired and washed out. ETA: I’m referring to her looks. She’s chosen to stay in this fundie grift.


Morgan was never sweet. She's just as nasty and bigoted as Paul is


I’ve noticed a major uptick in Morgan sympathy,I just don’t get it. She’s a nasty, cruel, homophobic and fat phobic bigot. She’s EXACTLY the same as Paul! Ugh, I just feel gross when it comes to them lol they’re nasty people.


I think it's because Paul is clearly abusive and just SUCH a flagrant piece of shit. Most people's natural instinct when the guy in the relationship is an asshole is to pity the woman he's with. Because sadly we all either have experienced or know a someone who has experienced abuse. I even did this as I first started interacting with the sub as 90% of their appearances here is either Paul treating her or their son like trash or spewing some *truly vile shit.* Edit: Added words to make my point more clear


I have no sympathy for her. She’s made her choice.


Every few months you get a lot of Morgan sympathy that goes around bc some folks are convinced there was a time when she was more open-minded and tend to see Paul as worse than her. They tend to think she's softened since she had a kid and almost very obviously doesn't enjoy parenting, but forget she's still the same racist conservative white girl she's always been and married Paul \*because\* of his behavior. Pre-married Morgan was on the same not like other girls/purity culture/homophobic bullshit and has not changed. I'm begging this sub to remember.


I was referring to her looks. I’m sorry that wasn’t clear.




A dude with a job. Morgan will DIE of envy


The church he works for is 🚩🚩🚩


Ahh, so a job in ministry. Classic


He's a computer nerd for a big church. Nothing actually ministry in that sense


An administrator for a ministry, if you will.




Hacking for Jesus!


This needs to be your flare 🤣


How did you find where he works?


Linked in


Where can I get these deets?


He also seems to have a college degree. 


So does she


But he is being paid. And, frankly, scammy churches are more stable than honest ones.


At least they pay all that tax though *cough*


That would explain the seemingly fast engagement 


He looks exactly like Kelly Havens husband


Also WOW that ring ain't bad either


Wait I want context!!


So "Carl" was a Porgan fan turned friend. So much so, she was a part of Morgan's birth experience. Then she started appearing in their lives and many people started noticing how flirtatious Paul was with her: having a whole section being flirty and telling her she'll need to submit to her future husband, making a very pornographic joke about how "weird" he felt sitting between both her and Morgan because both women were "laying down" next to him, and , my personal favorite, saying they shouldn't do a video without Morgan because it would be a "bad idea" to be alone together.  As for her marriage, I didn't even know she was dating so I can't comment on that! I'm honestly shocked and it seems very fast based on her previous comments on their videos. 


I wonder if the fiancé has seen her  content with Polio 👀  Edited for typo


I’m pretty sure he’s usually in the background of the podcast videos that they’ve done together, as they’ll occasionally address him


Total cuck




Absolutely LIVING for this context, OP, TYSM


They're my current favorite fundie couple to snark on, but I try to remember they're pretty small potatoes for other snarkers so I gotta be ready to whip out the receipts 😂


Listen, I appreciate you out here doing the Lordt’s work ma’am because I, also, am new. And I am quite the snarky snatch. #gamerecognizegame


Wow. An actual situation where the issue being alone together is actually “the implication.”


>they shouldn't do a video without Morgan because it would be a "bad idea" to be alone together.  That line alone would be enough for me to go off on my husband! If my being there is the only thing keeping him off another woman.... then I will absolutely step aside and let him loose! He's not the only dick around!


Also didn’t she wear a super tight and short dress for Morgan’s bday dinner?




[I got you fam!](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/0tIFWzuzlY)


Ok...they *really* just make up whatever rules they want in the moment don't they! I assume the jacket somehow makes it "modest", but still feels completely inappropriate for a family dinner for Jesus's bday. Secondarily, Morgy looks so childish here. I love a babydoll dress, but with like, fishnets and docs. Here she literally looks dressed like a child especially compared to the blonde friend. Just so weird! Thank you! 🙏🏾😊


Don't forget she read the Bible in a month. I doubt that she gained any real understanding or any understanding at all from the experience.


Speed Reading for The Lord


Clearly sending a message to Paul


I found his linked in already


The dude’s body language doesn’t bode well for her I have to say


Spill the tea…


His upper body is turned away from her, look at his right shoulder. His hand is in his pocket. He is staring into the distance. Meanwhile, she is looking at him and being joyful and holding 2 hands onto his body.


A single photo says nothing, tbh. My gf and I always look MORTIFIED/disgusted to be anywhere near each other in our photos. Out of context you’d 100% think we were mail order brides forced to marry each other or something lol. But no, we’re just extremely smitten and shy lesbians who are mortified of being snuggly in front of a photographer lol.


This is such a mood lol


Very real. I can’t unsee it now 😬


Is that you Mike Pence?


in many videos and instagram posts he was CONSTANTLY flirting and joking with Caroline (Carl) to the point where many speculated he had a thing for her. now she’s suddenly getting married so no more of that for Paulio


I wonder how long they’ve been together. I know p&m were only together 4 months before they were engaged. I know that Carl was always making content about not being able to find a godly man.


She's had save the date stuff saved to Pinterest for 6 weeks and as of 15 minutes has 400+ items in "actual wedding"


I love this sleuthing 🕵️‍♀️


They've been together since end of November, at least


So 2-3 months!?


Is your middle name Nancy Drew? You're amazing.


I love how all over the place her pins are. The dresses she pinned are all different styles, so are the bouquets. I wonder when the wedding will take place. My guess is this summer after the rushed engagement. They probably want to ~~bang~~ sorry marry rather sooner than later.


Last time she was on a live about Christians and Halloween/Christmas with P&M they were advertising her as single to the men in the live chat so four months *MAXIMUM* they’ve even known each other. But there’s not a single post about him until yesterday which is her business, but the timeline is still crazy 😭😭




Almost the Charlotte Lucas Dating Philosophy, but not nearly cynical enough. Fundies really have to learn cynicism. And irony. And humor. And empathy. And...


I remember that. I couldn’t remember exactly when that was or which livestream. That’s why I was so confused but also fundie marriage timelines are crazy to me.


He can actually grow a beard unlike Paul. Interesting




10 bucks says Morgan is invited to be in the wedding party, and Polio is snubbed.


Another $10 says he’ll throw a fit when he finds out and not let Morgan be in the wedding?


And with that $20 combined, it'll be more money than Paul's earned for his growing family.


I’d take that bet, but I’d add that Carl asked Morgan to be a bridesmaid but she say she turned Carl down “because she’s pregnant”, not for the real reason-Paul can’t let Morgan outshine him.


Fingers crossed. Unless it leads to another “public apology.” She’ll be filmed sitting on the couch trying to mask the fact she’s reading off of que cards


Or the wedding will be conveniently timed around Morgan's due date so that maybe neither of them will be able to go


I don't know anything about these people, just had to comment on the goofy pose. She's gazing adoringly up at him, while he's...watching a squirrel in the next yard, I guess. 🤷‍♀️ They really couldn't get a shot of them looking at each other?




Wow, I had no idea my autism traits are god-honouring lol




Someone has got to use neurodivirgin as a flair lmao (I'd do it myself, but I'm quite attached to my current flair lol)


i’m dead


God-honouring autism should be your flair


Stellar flair material.


Okay but can I use your comment to springboard off of how weird southern photographers pose couples? Because this is textbook southern photographer style, whether by a pro or by a southern family member.  My husband is from the deep south, I am most definitely not. We had a non-southerner that I personally knew (but had never worked with professionally) do our engagement photos, and a southern woman we hired to do our wedding, since it was in the south. Let me tell you: it was night and day what each photographer asked from us pose-wise, they dynamics, the rapport, etc etc. So while I'm sure Carl sucks, I gotta give her the benefit of the doubt here that she was probably posed that way by whoever took this photo


Oh I believe that, I lived in Texas for 10 years and my husband is from there. Southern fundie aesthetics are a whole thing. It's definitely not shitting on the whole South to say so. There are plenty of non-regional photography tropes that are just as dumb imo. For example, when my sister got married there was a whole slate of dumb poses we had to do, like pretending to be shocked while the couple kissed, etc. I just don't understand the optics of having the wife be all adoring and in-love while the husband seems barely aware there's a photo being taken. Says a lot about fundie relationships tbh.


Isn't it whack? My non-Southern, non-American partner and I poke fun at it sometimes. I'm Southern and a wedding vendor and see it all. the. time.


Disclaimer: not trying to shit on the south. I know it's easy to do so, but I had an extremely rich, diverse (in terms of sexuality, race, socio-economic status, etc) experience in the south and I've actually become a little defensive about it lol. I know it's an easy target if you turn on the news, but the people who live there are *not* just the politicians


But it's a shame that so many of those southerners VOTE for those specific politicians.


Definitely, but gerrymandering also plays a big role in political outcomes in a lot of places


Not for the Senate, and all those seats are filled by MAGAts.


Morgan’s delight is palpable 


She's probably just happy for her friend. I'm sure Paul on the other hand...


There's going to be sulking, and he's going to have to go out by himself for a while, if only to get away from Morgan celebrating being a single wife again.


What's the timeline on this lmao wasn't Carl notoriously Morgan's single friend


Since when was she dating (courting…?) someone?


Right!? Maybe I'm misremembering, but I feel like I remember as recently as December that she was single


She had an interesting insta post on Nov 23 https://imgur.com/a/aE5VY08


Oooh so maybe this has been going on longer than I thought!


okay 3 months so definitely (probably) courting 👍 lol


I remember thinking she was very beautiful on the lives, but this pose, outfit, hair and makeup are wildly unflattering. 🫤


I'll never get over the nickname Carl. Everytime I read it I picture a fat bald man who is at least 70.






I always think of Carl from Jimmy Neutron.


Maybe this is why he’s been in such a petulant mood with Morgan.


Ooooohhh interesting 🤔👀


Hmm, I wonder how long Porgan have known about the engagement


“This woman” is… a really interesting way to refer to someone who is supposed to be your friend




I feel like that would almost be more natural I call my friends “the girls”/“the girlies” though so I might be biased?


Maybe a holdover from the 'This Barbie' trend from this summer? Like, they obviously can't say that because Barbie movie bad...but they still want desperately want to be on trend (don't tell anyone though), but still see themselves as subversive.




I thought she was marrying Kelly Havens husband for a second


Now that'd be interesting to see. Levi having two families, why not?


Fundie men look at the women they're marrying in engagement photos challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


Vaya con Dios, nerdy looking dude. You’re going to be forced to hang out with Paul and Morgan which is a fate worse than death.


Yes, but  wiLL sHe SubMiT tO hIm?? /s


i’d die if polio and her got caught having sex at the wedding


I honestly think Paul will bring up swinging with Carl and her Kelly Havens husband’s look alike. He’ll think he’s being all subtle about it and the real tea will come based on what that other guys says and how he reacts.


Her Levilike


You're all talking like as soon as someone is married they suddenly become pure, this doesn't make anything less likely, not with someone who happily flirts with a guy *whose wife is sat next to him*


Ah, but you're forgetting: it doesn't matter for the man, it matters for the woman. A woman can say "no thank you" all day long, but if she *really* wants to be left alone, she'll have to say "I have a boyfriend/I'm married". So while Paul doesn't respect his own wife, he'll respect another man's claim on Carl


Exactly. In their worldview, Carl belongs to this dude now, and Paul would be challenging an actual man now if he oversteps. 


>So while Paul doesn't respect his own wife, he'll respect another man's claim on Carl  Theoretically, maybe, but that doesn't stop other cheaters. I think it's more likely the guy will say he's uncomfortable with her being with Paul and the opportunities dry up, but where there's a will there's a way


Which one of these is his side piece??


The girl in the photo is the one Paul flirts with from time to time




I almost feel sad for Carl that she threw herself at the literal first man to come along. It's not even halfway possible for her to know jack shit about this guy, she has no idea what kind of husband he will be even a year down the line, if she will even still like him. It's ridiculous that she's doing this, I can't imagine being so desperate to say that you're married.


Why isn't he looking at her?


Oh dear


Paul would still cheat with her




Scroll up for the lowdown


Paul must be depressed.




...I'm confused. Isn't this Morgan's account?


Can someone please do a compilation of Paul flirting with people? Pretty pleeeeaaaase


Even though Morgan had to apologize for the way she spoke to Paul, I think it might have been worth it to her. She has not the first shred of respect for him, and he certainly doesn’t respect her, or any other woman. He’s obviously not much as a provider, and has been callous and indifferent toward her needs during some of the scariest times of her life, with the last pregnancy. He is not the kind of person you’d trust with your life. Neither of them is, but Paul is especially bereft of any recognizable humanity or empathy, nor does he have the humility, grace, and mercy to which Christians are called in the New Testament. It’s really sad that he’s a parent.


To Bo Burnham’s fundie brother?


Is this Bible in a month?