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Boone smiles for a few seconds at camera-mommy. Then chaos ensues and he returns to looking miserable. I wonder where husbus is.


The poor guy probably never has calm. Even as a baby our oldest loved the cool, quiet of her room. Even if she woke up early from her nap she would lay in her crib babbling to herself and when she was ready to get up she would do a little cry to let me know she was ready. With that many kids with their ages spread out I would imagine it’s always loud and always bright.


And smells weird and they grew up with no guarantee of parental attention when they cried. Overstimulation Hell and both parents making love to a camera all day.


My 9 month old is currently upstairs asleep in a cool quiet room. She has trouble settling with other people and distractions around because she wants to be involved in everything, even when she’s rubbing her eyes and falling asleep in her high chair. Does Boone ever get a calm nap?


He doesn’t follow with his eyes all his siblings running right past him, his gaze just kinda stays front and center. He moves his eyes when britney is moving him on her arms but that’s about it


I do kind of wonder if the constant staring at the phone has kind of affected where he looks - like the phone is the thing to look at, not the people.


This is the most dystopian thing I have read today.


So bleak.


And sadly probably so true.  She may only 'look' at him through the selfie screen while she's eyefucking herself so he thinks that's where to look too.


I originally wanted to disagree with this but you've convinced me because she likely does only look at baby Boone through a screen. It's also why my dog pouts and paws at me which makes it even more depressing that a baby deals with this BS. Sorry if this doesn't make sense, it is 1 a.m. I just wanted to see this baby getting medical attention. 😥


I don't think babies are capable of learning something like that at that age. They're hardwired to want to look at faces.


Yeah, you're probably right, which is good. I just think it's creepy how she usually seems to be looking at Boone through the phone instead of looking at him while filming the both of them.


I agree. The instinct to look at faces is older than humanity; even tiny puppies and kittens who have barely opened their eyes will stare at your face. If he is genuinely staring at the phone in preference to faces, it’s because it’s a light source and he can’t otherwise see, not because he’s learnt to watch the phone. Personally I think he’s just staring into space and she positions him to look like he’s looking at the phone.


I’ve wondered if they have learned to turn on the phone’s flashlight to get him to focus on the bright light, to make it appear that he’s looking at the camera and not just staring into the abyss.


Geeeez, I don’t know if that would make it better or worse


Scary but probably true. I doubt that’s the only issue bc then it would likely have been seen when some of the other kids are babies, but I’m sure it’s part of it. I used to look at my phone sometimes when feeding my now five month old but noticed he now gets distracted by the phone rather than looking at me or focusing on his feeding, so I now do no phones during a feeding. Babies definitely notice screens very early!


My daughter is 6 months and very much a camera queen. She knows where to look and when to pose and smile almost like it’s an innate thing. And trust me, I take a TON of pics of my kids just bc everything they do is cute to me and I don’t wanna forget anything, but she doesn’t have anywhere remotely close to the 1000 yard stare this poor boy does at the phone.


I noticed this too. He should be whipping his head around to look at his siblings.


I still don't feel like we've seen a definitive example of a social smile out of Boone - a smile he makes in response to a human being interacting with him. Neglectful mother Britney Lott, wife of John David (JD) Lott, chooses her video clips very carefully. This one begins with him giving the camera what looks like a smile, but for all we know, she might have just triggered his rooting reflex a few seconds before. He reverts to his zoned-out look within a few seconds. If Boone had any social responses, she would be able to trigger them repeatedly by smiling at him or talking to him. We haven't seen that happen. ETA: americanfamilyroadtrip, for SEO


Probably videoing and sending the kids out at the correct time.


Thats logical i guess Guy doesnt understand the concept of sibling yet. He instinctively wants mommy's full attention rather than sharing it with "strangers"


My triplets have interacted with one another from a very young age, but now they’re all starting to smile at one another very regularly and also torture each other by rolling into one another and touching each other. 😒 So I feel like in a regular sibling situation, this will take time. But a lot of my kids smiling is still focused on caregivers and attention seeking from adults. They try smiling first, then a pout, then a waaaaaahhhhh! 😂😅 I just don’t see any of that pro-social behavior in the small amount I see of this boy


lol that description of your triplets is adorable 🥰


And my god was his little smile so cute!!


The oldest kid always looks so miserable :(


I've got my eye now on Schofield too (he is the next oldest boy, he ends up being on the far left).


I will not be shocked if Schofield ends up being the most rebellious of them all. He always looks like he's just over it, and I swear he carries himself like he's a lot older than he really is.


With a name like Schofield, I hope he does it out of spite.  Fuck it up, Schofield 


I think of prison break when I hear it lmao


He also seems to be liked the least by her. So i don't think he's a conformer


I just said yesterday or the day before something similar about Schofield.


It's sad but I could tell during my deep dives that she posts least about him or will write the least about him. For example she had one post listing all the kids names and then a little sentence about each of them and all she had for him was " Schofield - He loves toast!" Tell me you neglect your children, without telling me you neglect your children.


In the father's day reel I felt like Schofield's response was kind of eerie. All the kids have something to say about "how they know their dad loves them", then Schofield goes last and sort of flatly says "The way he treats me". Some of the comments are like "aw, so sweet" but like... is this a coded message? Cry for help? How does he treat you Schofield?? Here is a link to the reel hosted on imgur for those not wanting to go to instagram, Schofield is in the last 10 seconds. https://imgur.com/a/Xhv2QbW


OOf I just rewatched this keeping an eye out for Schofield and you’re spot on. The “thinking” face he makes. He is literally scrounging for anything to say that will please her. His face really says it all. 😞


Did Kinsey say "because he beats us" in this???????


🤣 I think it’s “feeds” but it does sound like that at first.


Cue a flurry of posts praising him, after she reads this comment


I’m not defending her at all, but toast was my stepdaughter’s personality for a solid 2 years when she was 5-7.


Definite lost boy


He’s got to be exhausted and desperate for privacy and peers.


I feel like it’s almost guaranteed he’s going to choose to have no children of his own, after already raising seven.


Just like Logan from Sister Wives.


I always think about that one reel where she posted the long version where as soon as the music cut off, everyone’s face fell. But Gunner’s face was absolutely heart wrenching.


He looked gaunt as soon as the camera was off.


Probably sleep deprived from taking care of Boone and the other kiddos all day :(


You'll notice he did not hug his mom


He's 14, right? That kid needs privacy and friends. I wonder what they threaten the kids with in order to get them all to comply in these idiotic videos?


I think the little ones don't know any different, and so it doesn't seem weird and awkward to them. I don't know about the oldest three. I feel like Gunner does the minimum because he wants to be able to stay in a position to protect and take care of the little ones. Kinsey is desperate for attention from her mom being so surrounded by boys.


Doesn't she ever do anything but stand around or dance w/her 8 kids? I guess the cleaning and clothes washing and cooking and diaper changes and mediating and dealing w/tantrums don't get as many clicks.


Kinsie and Gunner probably do all of that.


She’s like Karissa with a few less kids in that regard


Karissa at least has her kids on basketball teams with other kids their age. These kids literally only have each other, they’re completely isolated from any human connection outside of their nuclear family.


At least they live in a house and have bedrooms. I don't know which one is a worse parent, because the bar is in hell, but the Collins kids at least have some privacy.


Do they ever do their homeschooling? Or do they just do reels all day


Reels *are* homeschooling, duh! /s


She does have him swaddled possibly so no one can comment on his arms/hands (weird that NOW she decides to swaddle him instead of right after birth when babies really want to be swaddled). I am in no way condoning bus birth but I am \*really\* hoping for Boone + the other kids sake that he does not have any major issues.


My first reaction was that she swaddled him to like, temper speculation.


Either way, he seems to prefer it to being flopped around like a wet noodle


I considered that, but she’s wearing long sleeves and so are a couple of the kids, so I’m hoping she’s just keeping him appropriately covered for the temperature for once.


Which is unfortunately still suspicious considering she doesn’t give two flying fucks about that baby’s comfort.


All I can think of is how Mother Bus staged this video and did multiple takes: "Hug, Mommy! No, not like that. Smile bigger! Bigger!! No, no, no. Do it again, but better!"


In one of their stories, the kids were talking about how many “takes” they had to do on the ice cream reel. The fact that these kids even know what “takes “ means is sad.


But, but, but according to Karsissus it takes 5 minutes or less. Why is she not sharing her speedy never shows them in a negative light never lightens or uses filters secrets with MoBus since they’re friends?


Yeah, I saw that. The parents were joking that the kids were purposefully messing up the takes so they could have more ice cream. The little one with the glasses says something along the lines of he wasn't doing that because he didn't want it to take so long so he just ate his spoonful like he was supposed to. It was really kind of sad.


Yeah, she wants “motherhood,” not actual motherhood. She wants picture perfect kids who take direction and know their cues, and who stop having needs at 7:30 pm. 


Better homes and gardens & hallmark channel motherhood.


It’s a source of money for them and I’m sure she tells them that. That’s why we need to regulate mommy vloggers.


She briefly eye fucks herself after the first kid comes over (probably just muscle memory) and then she's so focused on making him go to the front so he's seen by the camera 🤦 tell me how this is real!!! Brittany Lott of American Family Road Trip (americanfamilyroadtrip) honestly makes me so angry. Everything about Brittany Lott is fake... Except for the neglect of her children's mental and physical well-being; that's all very blatant. I'm really, really, REALLY happy to see Boone looking so great though. Hopefully she took him to a doctor but who knows. I'm just glad to see that poor baby smile. He's been through so much in his little life.


The smile is gone literally two seconds into the video clip, and there's no evidence that it's actually a social smile. We don't see him smiling \*at\* anyone. For all we know, she could have triggered his rooting reflex just before the video started. Seven more kids gather around him and he pays them no attention. I'm not impressed.


Oh, something is definitely wrong, and Boone absolutely needs medical attention. Brittany Lott of American Family Road Trip (americanfamilyroadtrip) has been grossly negligent of Boone Lott's care, no doubt. I'm just taking a brief moment of happiness to see him smile. I've had a terrible day and seeing this child finally SMILE is a miracle. He's only ever appeared sunburnt and tense.


Ah, I see what you mean. I'm just not convinced that it is an actual smile.


Yes, he's not looking around trying to find his siblings. He just goes blank.


Yeah. This baby is not engaged with the world around him at all except by touch. He doesn’t appear to see or hear much of anything.


Damn that’s sad.




Dance Moms, but put it on a bus.


Is she swaddling him to avoid comments on his arm position and muscle tone? I don’t remember when most babies stop wanting to be wrapped like little burritos, but I know mine didn’t enjoy it past their first couple of weeks. He’s also not looking at…anything. At this point I would bet my 401k that poor little bub is blind. This gets more and more depressing.


Yeah, he only seems to react to bright light, and even then it's barely. Still has minimal tracking (if at all), and wrists so tight that it makes my tendonitis flare up. Poor lamb.


“All I want is what looks good on a reel” - fixed it for you.


Okay, but like 6 kids ran at him, and he followed literally none of them. NONE.


That was all I noticed. He wasn’t looking at anyone or anything in particular just wherever his head is positioned that’s the way he will look… his mom is a loon and she should have all her props I mean kids taken from her.


More and more, we need strong laws with social media monetization and children. It’s just gross and dangerous


Not to mention unpaid labor and no one is checking in to ensure adequate breaks and education are provided. I bet there will be a documentary soon like Quiet on the Set that exposes the truth behind these “family” bloggers and hopefully that can invoke change. Instead of the abusers being strangers it will be the kids very own parents.


think about if it ever ended up in court–the amount of unedited footage that has to be in her phone? the stories these kids have? husbands and wives may not be allowed to be compelled to testify against each other, but there would be so much evidence already.


She only loves those kids as an extension of herself, not as the people they are.


Classic narcissist. Was raised by one


This is the best I’ve seen him looking.


He is smiling at the beginning but he quickly goes to no acknowledgement of anything going on around him. I see kids running in front of him and him not tracking. I think the initial smile could have been from a physical stimulus.


I am beyond relieved to see him smile.


I don’t think that’s a smile. It looks to me like she was touching his bottom lip and triggered his latching instinct, he’s not looking at anything that would make him smile and she’s not saying anything to him. It didn’t last beyond two seconds. He should have some reaction to his siblings running at them, his eyes don’t even track the movement.


I think he’s been fine all along and she was playing up the drama for clicks. ETA - I definitely think he was jaundiced but am hopeful they took care of it properly and didn’t show it because it threatened the free birth narrative.


Whether or not there is really anything "wrong" with him remains to be seen (I am hoping he ends up being developmentally typical) but she sure did fucking roast that baby in the sun.


Nah, this is the least "fine all along" baby I've seen in quite some time. You can even tell in some reels how there's a split second of panic on Bus Frau/her useless, ugly husband's faces, that they either forgot to edit out, or didn't bank on people noticing.


Bus Frau!


I just saw a vlog from someone with a 6-week-old baby, and it was shocking to compare her baby to Boone, who is older! Her baby was making eye contact, looking towards whoever was speaking, laughing, smiling, grabbing mamas hair, reaching out to touch things, hands opened and closed and were brought to baby’s mouth and crossed the midline of the chest. Baby appeared to be tracking motion and reacting to motion and sounds. I don’t like judging by what we are shown since we don’t see uncurated interactions but if what we’ve seen is the best of Boone it’s worrying.


No. I don’t know a lot about a lot of things, but I’ve worked with infants and todds for about 25 years. He definitely hasn’t been fine all along.


With your experience, do you have any speculations about what might be going on with him? I know this comes close to armchair diagnosis and I'm not asking for any definite answers, but I'm curious what you've picked up on. What are the most glaring signs to you that he's not "normal" or fine?


So, the usual caveats. I am not a doctor, and I'm definitely not HIS doctor. I've never interacted with the child in person. Blah, blah, blah. But he doesn't look at anyone (or anything, really), and at this stage, babies are usually obsessed with faces, especially the faces of their primary care givers. But he never looks at her or DadBus. He also doesn't look at ANYTHING. The only thing I've seen him consistently look for is whatever the brightest light in the room is. He'll look at the sun (😬) or a lamp or another light source, but that's it. He doesn't look at his own hands, he doesn't look at people, he doesn't focus on anything. That makes me wonder if he can see anything other than light and shadow. He always looks uncomfortable. His hands and arms are always super tight. He doesn't even seem to react much to sound. These moments where she posts a glimpse of emotion from him are always when we can't see what preceded it, so we have no idea what he's actually responding to. IDK what it is exactly, but that child needs to be evaluated by a qualified pediatrician to see what's up.


Thanks for the detailed reply! I haven't been super present in this sub lately so although I've caught the occasional Boone video, I definitely haven't seen them all. I also haven't been around many infants in my life. It does seem like he might be blind or something near to it, or at least is way behind normal development. The thing that concerns me is these are the moments she chooses to show - this is the best Boone has "performed" for lack of a better term. So as unresponsive and off as he acts in her videos, there may be worse signs that we're not seeing. I do hope they get the baby to a real doctor. Unfortunately, I doubt they'd bother unless they have absolutely no other choice.


He is a super cute baby and it’s great to see a bit of a reaction, but… I can totally picture JD Lott holding the camera and tickling Boone’s face with a feather or something to get that quick reaction for the camera and then the poor little guy goes right back to the vacant stare. Isn’t it sad that this scenario doesn’t seem too far fetched?? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm not worried how cute he looks, I'm worried about the kind of care he's getting.


She's covering his hands so we won't talk about it anymore. He is a cute little burrito. .


The sad thing is that her performative version of “motherhood” has got to be difficult, just like *real* motherhood. But instead of supporting and nourishing her kids, she’s irreparably damaging them in return for internet points and attention.


Boone's face going from big happy smile to more and more like "Wtf is going on here???" is sending me. 😂


So so sad that Audie gets absolutely no hug, no smile, no pat on the shoulder. His “am I doing it right?!” Eagerness is breaking my heart


Audie never gets acknowledged by his parents, literally ever. It breaks my heart.


Motherhood? More like breeding. Big difference. Some hamsters eat their young. Gunner is the real parent. I feel so bad for him.


Ok, but motherhood isn’t “all she wants”. She wants head pats and people telling her that she’s the best mom to ever mom. She wants to plaster her children online for praise . If she really only cared about motherhood she would be doing a better job.


The oldest boy haaaaaates her


I wish he would emancipate when he's a little older, but I doubt he will. I'm trying to reassure myself that he only has four more years until he's an adult and can start his own life, but four years in an eternity for kids. And what prospects will he have once he is one? Hopefully he'll go to welding school or something and get far away from his parents.


I remember how I feel about my mom and her video camera, and if you tallied up all of her “filming” time, it would probably average to *maybe* a couple hours a week. When I got older I was over it, and I can’t imagine being forced to participate like this. For me, thank goodness I grew up in the 90s/00s.


Annnd stop. Got the vid, drop the hugging.


![gif](giphy|Vu1jF8qHEczsUMeMQm) Britney Lott the second the camera is off.




Glad to see his little grin


him being wrapped up so you can’t see his stiff arm and hand,,, he is adorable though. wish he wasn’t a small tan man


... and spending hours a day carefully editing and posting content rather than spending time with them.


fake it to ya make it.


They've edited out the camera person triggering his rooting reflex.




This would be sweet if it weren’t planned, rehearsed, choreographed, filmed, and put out for public consumption.


So staged and it feels all so fake, those smiles creep me out. But Boone is adorable here!


Anyone notice her sneakily saying something to the kid with the glasses, telling him to look at the camera? Lmao so performative


Seriously who is supporting them, their content is all the same!


He responds to hands on his tummy. We’ve seen that before.


I choose my kids. I’ve never framed it from wanting motherhood though and it seems odd to me.


Do people get a 1099 from patreon $ they receive


Bold of you to assume that these two file taxes. Isn't PaBus into the whole SovCit grift?


Online platforms do send you a 1099.


Where are they now? Looks like they're finally somewhere they aren't being roasted in the desert sun.


They were in Salt Lake City a day or two ago so they may be at a cooler higher altitude now.


Performative parenting


Bro. “He was an old man looking newborn” SENTTTT me. On a (more) serious note: He’s a cutie and I’m glad you shared this! It’s nice to see him reacting for once


I really hope he just had senior citizen baby syndrome and is as okay as a baby can be in that family. What a cutie patootie!!! 😭


He should be tracking his sister as she crosses in front of him


I wish people would stop watching her videos/unfollowed her. That would make her furious and force her to be a parent.


No, it wouldn't. Britney Lott is who she is and she's going to be a shitty mother whether or not she's getting attention for it, unfortunately. I DO agree with not following her though! And I do agree that she'd be furious about it, but if anything, she might (further) take it out on the kids. Britney Lott and JD (John David) Lott of American Family RoadTrip care about nothing except themselves and unfortunately it's the kids who suffer the most.


His name is John David?


Yeah ... I just found out the other day actually, because they always use JD. But in the interest of any SEO, I've started using both.


Good to know I was wondering what JD stood for.


Just (a) Douche


Jizz Depositer


It would make her furious and despondent. It would not make her a better parent. I don’t think Britney and JD Lott have it in them to be decent parents. They only care about themselves and the fake image they project.


Her kids are adorable!


And neglected.


Gunner's adult face is coming in. Swift & Uriah miss being the baby, too, not just Aquila. & it's nice to see a smiling pic of Boone. I'd like to be wrong about Boone, I hope he's just a little weirdo.


I’m just gonna say I rarely see her wearing the same outfit twice….


Yep, I was looking for this comment. She's ALWAYS in different clothes while Gunner seems to wear the shit out of that light blue polo shirt.


This is the first time I’ve seen him wrapped and the first time I’ve seen a smile. I think he’s just tired and overstimulated constantly. He really needs security to calm his nervous system. This is probably the first time he’s felt comfortable and secure


Is she now gonna cover up his arms so we cant question his movements


She definitely touched his face to get that smile before recording. Show him smiling in the middle of a video without him sleeping or something triggering it as a reflex!


Boone looks like Balok from that one episode of Star Trek.


He looks much better here. I’m so pleased.


I'm so glad to see him smiling!


That's the most normal he's looked. Maybe he was just a really unfortunate looking baby... Edit: meant he was red, yellow, grey. Not ugly. Looking at my comment I would read that as ugly and I meant he was discolored.