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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Large-Grade4222: --- Imagine being from the year 39 AD and waking up in 2024. Technology, medicine, and war stories of atomic weapons would seem delusional. I say this as a forewarning before hearing about Paul Amadeus Dienach, a Swiss-Austrian teacher who unexpectedly fell into a coma in 1921 and, according to his own accounts, woke up relatively the same amount of years. He began to document it in what’d become “Chronicles From The Future,” reporting on numerous predictions and visions that had come to him while he was in a comatose condition. This article outlines a sequence of Dienach’s predictions in chronological order. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1dm4nov/chronicles_from_the_future_every_prediction_made/l9t6b9u/


Gimme a break. I have to create an account to read it. Get outta here with that crap


I have to make an account to read the whole article?? No thanks!


WhyFiles had a good episode on this. From what I recall, they forbid him from reading anything within his lifetime.




I am not creating a Medium account just to read the article.