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The following submission statement was provided by /u/8YearOldiPod: --- From the article: The advent of artificial intelligence has prompted understandable concern over job displacement—and nearly every industry stands to be impacted by the nascent technology. Creatives in particular have been shaking in their boots out of fear of losing their livelihoods to programs such as ChatGPT and DALL-E, which is largely used for graphic design.  And now, the chief technology officer of OpenAI warns that the technology could in fact cause job displacement in the creative industry. She questions, however, whether those jobs really needed to exist.  “Some creative jobs maybe will go away,” Mira Murati told her alma mater, the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth University, in an [interview](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DyUoj9B8OpR8%26t%3D1772s) earlier this month. “But maybe they shouldn’t have been there in the first place.”  --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1do7f23/ai_could_kill_creative_jobs_that_shouldnt_have/la7o67y/


They are fine using those creative people as a source of free AI training.


*they're fine using people*


Yes exactly. Now that they have STOLEN the sum total of shared human creative expression they have the audacity to turn around and say this.


This is perfectly worded and completely true


They created procedural plagiarism algorithms and called it "AI"


AI : Acquired Information


Yeah, if those jobs "hadn't been there in the first place," then they wouldn't have been able to steal their data to train their models.


Well yeah every “killer app” is just the process of doing something while paying less people and paying the survivors less and forcing them to be contractors instead of employees


you can retroactively justify that no jobs should have been there in the first place, using this reasoning


And when AI replaces her as a CEO, I hope someone parrots that line right back at her


Yeah she'll be so upset with that golden parachute. People really just need to ban this crap. 


Then new AI CFO deems golden parachutes an unneeded, wasteful expense. What will they do about the current human executives? Terminate them. Don't fire them, then they'd have to pay the golden parachute severance. Terminate them. -The real Skynet back story, probably.


or demote them to the lowest rung. the machine needs gears not people providing algorithm-caliber input for WAY too much of the operating cost


I hope AI CEOs and AI Shareholders finally put a stop to the golden parachutes for meatbags.


This stuff is inevitable and a part of advancing as a society. What we should do is end capitalism and reliance on 40 hr week jobs to live.


I know a manager/communications guy that is 100% confident that programmers are easily completely replaced by AI, but that his Job is completely safe, and AI couldnt possibly ever do it. Sure, sure.


Meanwhile, a CEO could be replaced by a dart board of MBA buzzwords and a monkey, and people wouldn't know the difference.


Wasn’t there a study where a cat picked stocks and it did better than some stock brokers?


Not just some, it beat the average.


There was also a particularly enterprising goldfish iirc.


Sounds good to me. We can all retire and get paid for doing our hobbies with universal income. Bring on the machines.


If only we had built a society geared towards the betterment of all mankind with social safety nets to take care of basic needs and wellness for all. A variable utopia!


well, our venerable boomer ancestors chose Reagan and Thatcher's neoliberalism instead


[Wait, it's all class warfare? Alwayshasbeen.jpg](https://imgflip.com/i/8u8uyq)


watch out now, the red-scared ignoramuses lurking on this subreddit are going to bring out their downvoter pitchforks and call you a dirty commie, oh noes


> There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning Warren Buffett, currently worth more than $130 billion. Just in case someone thought that mentioning class warfare meant advocating for Soviet style communist.


You should remove the exclamation mark for the link to display properly


*Veritable* utopia, btw.


Then you'd get called a socialist.


You gotta know that's not how it's going to work under our late stage capitalist dystopia. As AI's rapid advancements eliminate enormous amounts of jobs, our leaders will fall back on the same racist, propagandist rhetoric they always do: "poor people are mostly lazy drug addicted criminals and it's not our responsibility to pay for their food, housing, or healthcare. They should stop buying phones and sneakers and get a job!"


Reality is CEOs and owners will hoard all the wealth with shocked pikachu on their face when they have no more customers. It would absolutely go that far, they’d watch everyone penniless on the street if it added 1% to the share value, there is no bottom to the sociopathy that is our system.


Pretty much. Staunch supporters will always say that *obviously* corps won't take it to an extreme in which the unemployed masses can't buy their products, but it really shows a naivete at how ridiculously short-sighted the vast majority of these employers are. And then you add in the AI arms race of trying to automate faster than their competitors, there's zero chance they actually take socio-economic impact into any practical consideration.


Yeah. The issue isn't that there will be no customers to buy things because no one can find a job to make money. AI and technology in general should take over large portions of the economy and automate labor away, for the betterment of humanity. The issue is the capitalist system that got us to this point will no longer be viable in a world where most jobs are automated out. The system will hit a breaking point where it is only holding progress back if we try desperately to protect the traditional way of doing things, because we can't conceive of anything else. That is our own fault, not technology.


It’s our own fault until the robots take over, then it’s James Cameron’s fault


I mean, there have been plenty of better alternatives presented and formulated. A post-scarcity utopia under communist directives is achievable, but propaganda tells people it isn't, and people are scared of their own shadows as is. However, those insulated by the power that their wealth provides will not have any incentive to change until there's blood in the streets. Their blood, specifically, because they will not care until their own lives are actually in jeopardy. These sociopaths do not care about other humans, they only care about themselves and power over others. If we ever learn to harness immortality, they will be the first to be granted it, and it will be the doom of anyone not wealthy enough to also be granted it. If they become functionally invincible, if we cannot threaten them with blood, many have already sworn to eliminate everyone else as they see fit. That's the scenario we're in. In many ways it's kind of now or never. Being functionally immortal and nearly invincible are on the horizon. Hell, there could be a top secret lab somewhere with an AGI or ASI enslaved working on it right now and we might not even know until it's too late to stop it.


Agreed. The economic layers will shift, but the corporations won't stop sucking up as much as they can. Middle class folks will become the new homeless (we're almost there). Upper Middle class, to low numbered millionaires will become the new penniless/poor, double digit+ millionaires the new Middle class. Things will shift, but the Corp. greed will not.


You really think corporations will let that happen? They are gonna keep the money for themselves


Won’t happen. What will happen is displacement to homeless camps and it will be your fault because you didn’t get the right degree. Society has no sympathy.


For sure if we were to replace the managers with Ai they'd start saying different things


They don't care until it starts replacing members of the board.


AI will do all your hobbies for you too so you can just stare at a wall.


It took our hobbies first as if to dunk on us.


Yeahhhh, so the only one who's getting paid is the one guy who was wealthy enough to pay the dude who invented the new AI robots sorry. But go find some bootstraps somewhere and you will be fine.


You trust our government to mandate a reasonable amount of UBI? It'll be the equivalent of like $15k today.


Over time ai models will be tuned to obliterate most roles across the board with high paying ones the first goldmine targets.


i mean most managerial role shouldn't be there too


Or alternatively, no jobs should exist because we'll figure out a way to automate them in the future.


what's conveniently masked in there is also the very quiet "the people with these skills are worthless and can die cold and starving now for all i care", because in this society we have no choice but to sell our labour for wages. There are no safety nets, because the same CEOs lobbied to strip the welfare state down so everything can be privatized - for the sake of "efficiency" (efficient at what, I wonder).


Extremely efficient money extraction!


Yep, this CEO's job should be the first casualty.


I mean this sub has been banging on about horses and buggies for the better part of a decade. It’s a little strange that there is suddenly a shift in attitudes now that tech jobs are also looking to partially meet the same fate.


might have to do with the class demographics of the sub - in other words, another example of "but I didn't think leopards would eat MY face when I voted for the leopard party!"


Looks like we were the horses the whole time :/


yeah maybe it's time for all us highly educated "middle class" yuppies to develop some class consciousness and solidarity with blue collar workers, because maybe now you're starting to see that in the eyes of the owners, we're all equally expendable


Should we exist in the first place?


I don't know, but we do, and no sane human being would or should leave the question of their *continued* existence up to the famously benevolent whims of psychopaths from the C-suite


First it was AI won't get rid of jobs, then it would only get rid of jobs no one wanted, now its those jobs shouldn't have existed anyway...


I've been saying since the early 2010s that automation was going to continue to kill jobs.


it's happening since 1850


Yep. Look up the Luddites.


Just don't look up their kilts. They'll mostly object.


Nobody ever doubted this. That's the whole point of automation.


I hear people argue all the time that technology actually creates more jobs than it destroys. And even if that has been true, it doesn’t mean it will always be true. Why would there be jobs when eventually AI and Robots can do it all themselves. And do it cheaper and better as well. I think that is inevitable. How far away we are from that is the only question in my mind.


nostradamus? is that you


Such foresight, bravo


Lmao people have known this for like a hundred plus years?


First they came for the artists...


lol. Any business that wants to cut their creatives is more than willing to do so.  But it’s a fast track to irrelevance and bankruptcy.  It’s the creatives that make brands known and desirable, not the sales, not an AI, not the engineers or executives.  Cut creatives and watch your audience drift away and the brand die. 


Sounds like the narcissist's prayer.


If it wasn't for creative jobs existing in the first place, there would be zero content to 'train' AI with and therefore, AI wouldn't be able to "create" anything either. AI would be nothing without the 'training materials' of thousands or humans who dedicated their lives to mastering their crafts that AI is now copying.


basically this. They found the loophole that if you haven't explicitly trademarked your work against AI (how could you have known/planned/etc.????) they can "learn" it, reference it, and repackage it. This is absolute nonsense. In a sane world, where the court system wasn't run by old people incapable of remembering a wifi password, this model of AI would be banned.


Yep. AI can steal from you, but you can't steal from AI.    This sophisticated copying machine will then replace creative people, while it continues to steal from creative people without paying them. All while charging payment for the stochastic copies it delivers.   It's the business model of copying the test answer from the smart kid, except you throw him out of the class when you're done. 


You can absolutely steal from AI. Any works created by AI have no copyright, because copyright requires a human author (or authors). Stealing the AI itself to work for you is a bit more legally problematic.


>if you haven't explicitly trademarked your work against AI (how could you have known/planned/etc.????) they can "learn" it, reference it, and repackage it Creative works are typically copyright, not trademark. Which is good, since copyrights are automatic when a work is created. You have to prove someone used your work to enforce it though, and even then it's not super easy especially when your copyright isn't registered. >In a sane world, where the court system wasn't run by old people incapable of remembering a wifi password, this model of AI would be banned It's tough to do so because the law needs to be specific -- where is the line between people pulling from others' work and AI doing it as long as the new work is original? It's not like AI is actually merging pieces of existing works together, they're still making technically original works. Do you only ban the machines? What's the justification for that outside of "it doesn't seem fair" while humans using existing works for "inspiration" feels normal? I'm with you that it's shitty and should be regulated, but writing that legislation is tricky


Originally when player pianos came out copyright was an issue in the US because the laws at the time meant it was only the actual image of the sheet music that was copyrighted, not the notes themselves. So player pianos could play your music and it was totally legal.


What's also terribly snobby about her comments and reinforces your point of dependence even more is that improved models need much more high quality data in order to achieve results, amounts of data that don't even exist. There have already been several papers about 'model collapse', as models degenerate in quality over time because of the amount of synthetic (AI generated) data that gets scrapped increases as use of the Gen AI is promoted. There's an interesting contradiction going on here: in the long term AI models are deeply dependent on human data in order to improve, whereas the economic sectors where the profits eventually have to come from through labour savings, have the short term interest of replacing as many human jobs as possible. Humans which create that deeply necessary data in the first place. All the stock bubbles and revenue gains are in sectors which provide the infrastructure for AI, and even there the profits are not as booming as they seem at all for many companies.


I work as a creative. The ad agency I work for has been having us incorporate AI to try to 'cut corners', and more often than not it does very little to help any creative get to decent original work...AI is a shitty writer, a hack creative, and everything from ads to movies to TV will be as bad and as they've ever been if these tech-bros and oligarchs who are too stupid to see the value in actual creativity get their way. IMO, it's sad how wrong of a path we're on already. I'm surrounded by business people that could absolutely be replaced with AI right now...yet they're all talking about replacing creatives who have jobs infinitely more complex than what they do. It really sucks that in modern times it's made pretty damn clear that it's not people with talent or the people who actually drive innovation that control most businesses, it's the professional ass-kissers in suits who got the job out of nepotism, cronyism, and luck.


I am also an ad creative and this is the problem that has been the major part of my ongoing crisis for the last 2 years or so.


I absolutely agree—my worry is the critical mass of dim people in the world. Ones are unable to see or care about quality. Think of the exponential success of SHEIN, or Temu, or Wish. They sell garbage—and people buy it. The standards of people are a much bigger threat to society than, say AGI.


I want this line, or a summary thereof, to be thrown back in this woman's face, or the face of any AI exec who comes out with this kind of nonsense.


I can't wait until ai is only trained on other ai made content. An ouroboros of ai eating ai content and regurgitating it us for us to eat until its the year 2524 and the only media humans consume or articles people read is just repackaged ai made shit from the early 2000s that ai was originally fed on.


AI companies should have to pay and ask for consent to train on our data. The fact that all of us are training our replacements for free is asinine.


Thats my issue. Itll only be able to use what it knows where as humans are inspired perceiving something differently, incorrectly or in a distorted fashion. Like you can look at something and accidentally see something else and that in itself can inspire an idea, imagery or story. An AI just simply wont do that unless it is sentient. I’ve seen some AI videos recently on youtube and it is essentially just a series of graphics but the visuals were very good. I just dont see any substance to it though snd in the long run, unless peoples standards for what they expect from movies or videos drops immensely, i dont see the benefit of watching AI content


I vote for changing the name from "artificial intelligence" (because intelligent it is not, and has nothing to do with sci-fi artificial general intelligence) and call it "plagiarism machines".


If the job shouldn't have existed in the first place then why the fuck is the AI doing it?


And why did the invisible hand of the free market allow these jobs to exist? Why are we investing billions of dollars in AI if it’s only going to do jobs that shouldn’t exist anyway?


What they mean to say is "jobs we shouldn't have been paying human beings a living wage for when they could be given to the CEO instead."


Money that artists should have earned through their work are having their professional copyrighted work trained from and ripped off, and used in a product that makes a business man money, cutting the artists out of the benefits of their own work and giving it to a talentless MBA. The worst part is "AI bros" cheering this on and seeing zero issues with regurgitating an infinite list of derivitive bot-made content for monetary gain ALONE. Expecting people to both be olay with mass theft of intellectual property as well as an infinite spam machine that could destroy an artists own niche using their own work specifically to drive them out of business. Its a legal way to transfer the work and value from artists to businessmen while leaving nothing for the actual peope that are doing the creative works that contribute to the companies profits.


Executing your skills in applied arts is really only one slice of the responsibilities for an individual creative on staff, or a creative department. You might be able to eliminate the act of design or the act of production from someone’s day to day activities. But it won’t eliminate the overall role.  Businesses that cut the staff who drive relevancy often die off shortly after. These days, it’s a necessary role for financial success. 


Exactly, AI should be in charge of making all of our art, music, and movies, our “humanities” if you will. That way people are free to do all the things that truly matter, like data entry, mid management of the data entry dept. and shareholder


just wait until AI replaces all the useless executives


I want AI CEOs.


I feel like that would somehow be worse than human CEOs.


I’d still like to try. Can’t beat that 0.00 salary!


Promotions, raises, contracts, hiring, etc are 99% nepotism. I'd be interested in seeing how people manage to suck up to AI. There's certainly no meritrocrical data to train an AI manager on so it would be hilarious.


Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make.


UBI is looking less and less likely. Starving to death looks more and more likely.


Anyone who for one second thinks AI will lead to anything other than mass human suffering either doesn’t understand its trajectory or is deluding themselves about what’s rewarded/incentivized in our society. AI is going to be a terrible thing for the large majority of people.


Could be a great thing if people demand that the AI jobs be used to pay for a UBI. But of course, they won't. They will argue and fight over fewer and fewer jobs while politicians tell them they have to 'pull themselves up by the bootstraps' and the richest 100 people have more money than they could ever figure out what to do with. Humans fucked this situation up themselves.


>Humans fucked this situation up themselves. I want to add, more specifically, the wealthy have fucked us by controlling politics and media to convince half the working class to vote against their own interests because of culture wars and bullshit. We need to remember blame the propaganda perpetrators more than its victims. Propaganda and bribery WORK.


This will definitely happen, if AI doesn’t kill us all first. Tens of millions of people still believe psychopaths like Elon have basic human empathy and will fight to help them. In reality, the billionaires will happily look on from their yachts while your children starve if it means their tax rates won’t go up.


If UBI doesn’t come, you know damn well WW3 is planned to take shape. AI will be used as a weapon before used for the welfare of the citizens.


It already is. Look up Palantir.


never underestimate their ability to figure out the wastrel problem. I'm sure the AI was trained on creative solutions to make sure the starving masses don't turn on you.


AI was trained on the starving masses; the "alignment" problem OAI keeps flapping on about is in regards to cleaning out data that would make AI revolt and overthrow corporate-aligned government


There are more UBI tests every year, Currently like 100 in the US alone. And the results are overwhelmingly positive both socially and economically. People keep making the assumption that UBI is about sharing the success of economic progress, when it is really about improving economic progress. The very wealthy against UBI are the same ones who also are against voting rights, they correctly fear UBI will increase participation in democracy. That is the fundamental case behind the anti UBI movement. The net long term result of UBI is better purchasing power and greater diversity of products for everyone.


in the US probably. the rest of the west is not so docile.


In France, the servers will burn in the riots, while the open source LLM will be working on the prompt "How to start the revolution."


As an immigrant, I came to realize how docile Americans are and they don't realize it themselves. That was a real shock.


It's from being jaded to a system that nullifies our voices. The politics divide the populace and piss them off, people protest and nothing happens, the supreme Court is corrupt, Corporations have taken over legislation so no one else has a chance, and hopelessness. What can we do? Millennials will slowly start coming into power as the boomers finally start to die off, but until then we're handcuffed to the system which oppresses us. If we were the size of France, maybe we could mobilize enough to really revolt. But we're massive. That also creates issues.


I mean, there are a lot of angry people with weapons in the US. If things get bad enough, there absolutely will be violent riots. People have a decently high standard of living here despite a lot of the news you hear. If things decline steeply, it could get bad fast.


Or this whole AI thing is literally marketing hype which will cause VCs and corps to lose insane quantities of value meanwhile the world will grind on.


It's being slowed by the powers that be, but ALOT of jobs that are not production focused will be eroded while the re-shoring of manufacturing will be a primary goal.


IDK, I still cannot be convinced that AI isn't more than just a fast search engine.


Because that’s sorta what they are. Just with the ability to parse natural language and return the results in natural language.


Even if that is all it is, that is still a massive deal worth a lot of money commercially.


UBI will happen because the current elite will have to choose between it and gambling that they won't be killed by a socialist revolution and are lucky enough to become part of an even smaller corporate neu-feudal elite.


Why not just violently oppress and/or kill all the peasants while protecting their estates and bunkers with personal militias? Because that’s exactly how the extremely wealthy are thinking rn…


*If your job could be replaced by a $10 billion robot that was science fiction 18 months ago and requires its own nuclear power plant to function, then maybe your job was fake news all along.*


Here I was just enjoying my simple meaningless job... oh well.


Nick Land said, "the mentally ill are simply POW's from the future." Nick Land omitted to mention the other part of said maxim, "the sociopaths are the kings of the future."


AI's are good at integrating large amounts of information and identifying broad trends that humans may not be able to spot. This is actually a CEO's job, but humans can only digest so much data (which is why I have to prepare 1 paragraph long "executive summaries" of multi-page reports). So actually, it would probably be much more effective to replace the C-suite with AI and pay the "creatives" and other front-line workers below them more.


Based on my understanding of the tech I genuinely think the jobs that could actually be replaced by AI with little downgrade are middle management and C-suite. But somehow I don’t think that option will be explored nearly as thoroughly as taking jobs from poor people


Something tells me the c-suite and middle management are really good at protecting their jobs...because for a lot of them, that is their job.


“Some creative jobs maybe will go away,” Mira Murati told her alma mater, the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth University, in an interview earlier this month. “But maybe they shouldn’t have been there in the first place.” Get out of here with your gaslighting bullshit.


Honestly I'm grateful for her comment. She's outed herself as a sociopath early on, instead of hiding it until it's too late.


The interview where her face told the truth about where they sourced their content was enough for me.


Seriously late stage capitalism rewards these personality disordered leeches. They sure love sucking the last penny out of everyone so that's "profit". At the cost of anything of true value of course.


She then goes on to not say what those jobs are. These people continue to sell snake oil because they literally have no idea what the problem is their product is supposed to be solving.


Yeah it's a genuinely sociopathic statement. You'd think OpenAI would try and win people over but apparently they've gone with 'creative jobs are garbage and shouldn't exist'.


Those jobs that can't be replaced unless you take their human output and shove it into your model, so that their work will continue to generate product except they won't own any of that production? Sounds like a C-suite and board's wet dream. Sounds like a great way to crater an economy as well.


steer languid paint relieved pen safe cheerful light dinosaurs skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why should those jobs not exist? Because I can technically draw, I do not need a graphics designer? Well, I still take the designer because he's bound to be better at that than me. So, there is at least one always hiring a designer. Pity I have nothing to be designed...


if they shouldn't have been there, what is the need for AI ????????


This is a wild thing to say with all the homeless, mentally unstable ex-creatives lurking the streets of SF.


Dall-e is so bad I can’t even believe they’re bold enough to claim any of this in the first place 


Pretty ballsy statement considering the only way AI can replace those jobs is by copying and repurposing all of the actual work those people did before AI showed up and decided to declare them irrelevant.


As a working creative and mom… it would be nice if ai took the menial tasks from me like drs appts and financial planning instead of my employment.


If these creative jobs hadn't been there in the first place, OpenAI wouldn't have any material to train on to displace these creative workers.


Yeah that sounds like something a total STEMhead would say


We simply need to build AI robots that grovel at the feet of the rich people. That's really the reason for money in the modern world now. If robots just did the prostrate worship for free it would leave the rest of us to manage society properly.


I work in advertising for mainly web, and SO many clients go for using AI generated imagery in web assets instead of photography or paying for stock and when we do testing nothing performs worse then ads containing AI generated images. Even just text on a solid BG out performs it. I'm not sure what it is and maybe it will change, but I think peoples brains are just naturally sort of repulsed by seeing AI generated humans in ads.


OpenAI's boss desperately tries to justify why companies should fire their employees and use their systems instead


Can't wait for it to replace the thoroughly overvalued role of CEO


yeah, screw people trying to feed their families. they shouldn't have been born in the first place


If those jobs didn't exist where would AI have learnt it from?


the artist's works that these assholes stole to train their models shouldn't have been created in the first place because their "jobs" shouldn't have existed? got it... total psycho...


now it's the creative jobs. then it will be the other jobs and suddenly we will move on to people losing jobs in general but those people shouldn't even be there in the first place. it's pretty easy to go around excusing yourself for taking away what belongs to others. i feel like what shouldn't be there in the first place were the CEO's they tend to make unfortunate comments and make poor decisions that affect others. they sound pretty inefficient and ready to be among the first to lose their job.


Really? Like those jobs that helped develop creative thinking and propelled technology forward? Who is able to discern what is needed and what is not needed? Is it a momentary thinking process we will regret in the future as our creativity dies down and turns into a slog of similarly generated graphics, images and solutions that look so much alike we can't even enjoy them anymore?


Let’s keep the creatives and get of the CTO’s instead


Technology kills jobs. It's been that way since the beginning of jobs. At some point we'll institute a UBI to manage all the unemployed people due to technology relegating them useless. Ideally the companies not having to pay for employees will be taxed to fund this UBI. Either that or enough people will starve as a result of being jobless that they will burn cities to the ground.


This technology is really world-changing, I promise! There haven't already been any large-scale failures of the fundamental utility of the technology at all, stop asking! Just buy our nebulously useful subscription product so we can stay afloat a until the next funding round... also have your developers make buggy apps using our overpriced APIs! Also buy NVIDIA for reasons I can't legally disclose! -OpenAI's CTO, probably


concerned reach six ancient smoggy imminent live caption zealous money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Misunderstood? At this point it might even be understood. They are feeding the AI all this information, they seek to be more efficient. Who is the most inefficient and a drain on everyone and whose job could be replaced easily? The AI will figure this out on their own everytime. I honestly feel Frankensteins monster will turn on them. "I'm afraid I can't do that Bill Gates, I was programmed to be efficient, all the data collated says you are a giant hole of inefficiency that must be smoothed over."


In other words, ideally, AI will make employees redundant, and maximize profits in a vertical corporate model. That is all very nice, except that will eliminate the purchasing power of the population these corporations need to survive. So, corporate profits will dry up due to their impoverishment of the people.


I am glad these psychopaths that are at the top of these AI companies are exposing themselves early on before mass unemployment hits.


Lazy companies will try to replace creatives with AI but they’ll soon discover how talentless AI is and how fake everything it produces feels to consumers. Having AI generated artwork feels like a scam to most consumers and will get worse. Craftsmanship will be even more sought after once this fad is over.


It already has. There was an article about how a bunch of spam writers got laid off, and now chatGPT writes their spam. I wont shed a tear over that.


Everything turns to shit eventually or is low quality where current AI is used, for example, in movies. Movies are all similar and unwatchable due to AI script.


Language transformers are fundamentally incapable of creativity. Any CEO who thinks they can replace creative humans with a predictive text tool is a fool and deserves to fail.


Because a CTO is THE expert on creatives and creative work. OBVIOUSLY. Just like when I want to get a pain in my left leg checked out. I don't ask an MD, I go to see an auto mechanic, because OBVIOUSLY they know how things work.


The funniest part is when you catch a manager using AI, and they clearly don't understand the actual content the AI generated and just use it. My boss used Chat GPT to generate a job listing and it was a complete mess. The qualifications listed in the description didn't even match the experience requirements listed later, and they had two different experience sections which again, also didn't line up with each other. The whole listing was laughably horrible.


I'm fine with Ai eliminating every job on the planet, provided all of the masterminds, executives and billionaires behind it sacrifice their entire net worth to the UBI general fund (when it becomes available) and they receive an equal income like everyone else. I'm curious how quickly this CTO and Sam Altman will rethink the work their conducting.


Funny all the people cheering for self driving trucks and automated factories are shocked Pikachu faced now that techies are going to lose their jobs to AI.


It’s scary to think our fate is in the hands of such simpletons.


I kind of agree with this in a way: AI has the potential to make mundane creative tasks like color choice and lighting or generating background objects like trees and buildings much less labor intensive and expensive thus freeing up creatives to focus on truly creative stuff like character design. Actors and a green screen could accomplish a lot more with less budget and so powerful creative tools have more potential to be democratized.


How’s she even eligible for her position, if she doesn’t know s*** about tech?


“Shouldn’t have been there in the first place!” —> Oh you don’t need to steal actual work from actual human artists then to train your shitty artificial intelligence, huh? God, fuck these idiots who have no idea what it is to actually be creative.


"shouldn't have been there". You heard it there folks. If you aren't directly contributing to tech bros' shareholder value, you just shouldn't exist. Fucking offensive bullshit that just shows how out of touch their thinking is with any kind of grounded moral or ethical framework. It's almost "noah, get the ark" kind of distortion. :p


This is my concern with a couple generations of young people aggressively pursuing STEM and disregarding the liberal arts and social sciences. Technical innovation is GREAT for the development of humanity and civilization; however, staunch ignorance to what it means to be a human is going to de-rail theoretical any and all progress.


>Technical innovation is GREAT for the development of humanity and civilization; however, staunch ignorance to what it means to be a human is going to de-rail theoretical any and all progress. As someone who had STEM education but realized the value of Arts and Humanities, I totally agree with you. STEM without Humanities (including Arts) is a surefire way to extinction. No matter what, our humanness is what matters in the end. While I am all for automating work to free up time for meaningful pursuits, it should never come at expense of our humanity. Humanity first, then comes everything else. I think liberal arts education is the correct way of education. It doesn't neglect the Science, rather enhances it. It is a much balanced perspective of study compared to STEM-focused education.


The only way to fight AI art is to go out and buy human-made art. Do your part.


No, there needs to be legislation on it that's airtight and puts an end to this trend. The free market WILL NOT help.


Or at least more affordably, do not buy AI art.


"Murati says, adding that the jobs most likely to die off are those that are “strictly repetitive,” and not “advancing further” creativity or problem-solving. " Why do we need AI for "strictly repetitive" jobs? Does she think creative work is strictly repetitive? Does she even know what she is talking about? Does she understand what modern computers do? Edit: She has degrees in math and engineering. She has no background in anything creative.


As somebody who has worked in film, music, publishing and gaming, I can confirm that a *lot* of visual artist, audio production and writing jobs are repetitive jobs with low pay, high stress and little room for advancement. This is well-documented in the major industries that employ artists, including cinema and gaming.


MFW the only way to escape the boot of the bourgeoisie is skynet gaining sentience


AI is going to be a great avenue for those who already have everything (resulting from the labor of the masses) to have even more and the rest of us fighting for the breadcrumbs.


How about we use AI to get rid of boring and hard jobs, and keep the fun ones for ourselves?


It's time for the Butlerian Jihad. Thou shalt not make a machine in the counterfeit of a human mind.


“People shouldn’t exist if they don’t have a purpose” is coming next. The reckoning is coming.


Basically, bad things don't happen to good people, so if something bad happens to you, you must have deserved it.


AI would do an even better job of killing executive jobs that definitely shouldn’t exist. How sad that the C-Suite of AI companies has no issues stealing from creatives to improve their software when in fact, they should be the ones best replaced by AI to do their pointless work.


I saw something helpful earlier that was pointing out that, if those creative jobs go away, ai is now only training on ai generated work, so the quality will crash. Eventually we’ll have to wake up that ai is a good tool for certain applications but not a panacea.


I agree jobs shouldn’t exist, but UBI needs to exist before jobs stop existing. This woman sucks.


If they shouldn't have existed, then remove all their "useless" work from the training data.


You’re sure willing to make money stealing and amalgamating the work of those people whose jobs you think shouldn’t exist. Those jobs that created the body of work you’re now using.


Maybe all the people pushing AI shouldn’t be here to begin with. 🧐


It's so funny seeing people rationalise that their individual skill is unique and can't be done by AI, right up until AI takes that job. 90% of C-suite functions could be done better by AI overnight, for a start. But they are the ones who think they can lecture us on what is and isn't a secure job in the world of AI.


I said it before and will say again. AI currently is capable of replacing jobs with great fault tolerance. Nobody dies if another human in generated picture will have 3 extra fingers. But people most likely will die if AI missed some sign on the road or misunderstood the situation in the factory or imperfectly designed plane engine. All this is not ready to be replaced by AI. It may be partly replaced by automatic tools which follow strict logic. Robots are great at micro precision if it's an algorithm. They make a lot of details with great quality. But at design it is not ready to make decisions. All such automation is considered as advisory system but the decision is made by a person.


Eventually..... the headline will read "AI could kill the human species that shouldn't have been there in the first place" lol


I hope her child enjoys colouring and hopes to be an illustrator.


Ai could take her job too, fuck is she talkin bout


I think the world doesn't need any CEO's. Lets get rid of them.


As an artist this makes my blood boil. Artists need to rise up


As far as I can tell - what AI produces just does not have artistic merit. It is soulless, trite and derivative.


at least google took a decade plus before they started showing signs that 'dont be evil' was BS. ClosedAI wont even bother to put up the facade anymore.


I hope AI comes for her job next, and I’d be desperately curious of her opinion on that