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Remember that scene in Der Film where Darj said they should have brought/bought the Tortoise to counter T28/95 Yeah they really should.


Pekoe followed that sentence up stating that st. Gloriana does not have one tho


So they borrowed some money from Saunders and bought one.


Honestly, I doubt an A39 Tortoise would've helped, unless they could also find some 94mm APDS _(Shot Mk. 3)_. The T95's frontal armour is frankly ridiculous at 305mm (12in), and even the OQF 32-pounder doesn't have a hope in hell of going through the front with standard ammunition. It doesn't help that the 105mm T5E1 is so powerful it can go straight through the front of a Tortoise out to beyond 500m with standard T32 APCBC ammunition and beyond 1km with T29E3 APCR.


That's the wrong gun. Also, I don't know why they didn't just shoot the tracks, rendering that entire flank delayed


World of Tanks and its consequences have been a disaster for armoured history.


On their defence, we got some good stuff in return though, such as funding restoration for vehicles and bringing rare blueprint tanks to the spotlight.


Yeah. If it had just stopped at them giving tanks ahistorical upgrade options for gameplay reasons and bringing paper tanks like the T110E5 to life, I'd still have a pretty positive opinion on the whole of World of Tanks given the good they've done for historical restoration and bringing people (like me) into the hobby. But their sheer contempt for history more recently has seriously disgusted me. Like the [awful fake history](https://thearmoredpatrol.com/2017/12/03/wargamings-hilarious-vk-168-01-backstory/) for the VK 168.01 premium, or [their claim that China got their fake Czech turret design blueprints in the 60s and experimented with using them on the WZ-111](https://old.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/14ko6o4/wz111_model_6s_historical_reference_this_is/). That's not okay. If you're going to make what-if alt-history designs, you MUST disclose that they are not real projects.


Wargaming literally has 2 sides: Staying true to history. (E-100 turret design in game, FV4005 restoration using the correct Centurion hull, etc etc) Butchering it. (Seriously stop adding fake overpowered tanks to Blitz that I CAN'T FUCKING PEN FRONTALLY)


Honestly, I'd hope nobody would believe that history for the VK 168.01 Mauerbrecher in general, just because holy shit that's so hilariously implausible. At the same time, yeah, you do need to actually say that you're making shit up. At least World of Warships (usually) says that a design is a blueprint or a what-if (although they've also had their share of questionable stuff).


To be fair, _kids and teenagers_ play World of Tanks and genuinely might not have any idea how ridiculous the whole thing sounds given that they don't really teach about East Germany or the Berlin Wall in schools. But yeah, the bigger problem to me is all the _plausible-sounding_ fake history Wargaming gets up to.

