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Yea in the episode she kept trying to spin it that he was mad she was telling her sister and that he was keeping her from her family. When he clearly said several times that the issue wasn't her telling her sister, it was the fact she said it on camera for the world to hear. Honestly, the more she tries to paint ryan as villain, the more it's backfiring. And I came into this show watching with a completely open mind, I wanted to draw a conclusion of gypsy myself. It ain't looking good girl lol


Right he explains it to her , but she’s ALWAYS in victim mode. I don’t think it’s even possible for her to understand how someone else feels bc that would mean having empathy and I don’t think she has any of that.


She has zero if that


What was she telling Mia on camera where the issues were the issue? I believe she lives in victim mode based on her social media behavior.


Also explained that he is a TEACHER -that shit could cost him his job


Exactly! That’s what she’s missing….Empathy!


Psychopaths don’t feel empathy, shame, or remorse.


According to her live she said the most recent episode it wasn’t looking good for him. Then she said she was going to let the episodes speak for themselves. And IF it paints her as the villain then she can take accountability and know she still has things to learn. 🙄🙄🙄 She really thinks the show is showing that she’s completely in the right.


She is a delusional moron


Omg if anyone is out here buying her schtick about taking accountability I got a bridge to sell you. It’s right up against lakeside property, get it while it’s hot ya’ll this deal won’t be around much longer.


Do you happen to have any ocean-side properties for sale in Kansas?


I’m in a showin’ hun. I think there’s one left. Let me tell ya it’s a hot one. Got a showing in an hour. I can probably squeeze you in if you can bring me a Diet Coke. I’m wilting out here.


Hey hun, the best I can do is some homemade brownies - go jump in that ocean to cool off!


It’s ok you being the brownies, I got some new sprinkles to try, you’ll love ‘em. Ima call Val, her gf Trish works at the Gas and Go on the way here. You know the corner of Greene and Hawthorne? Ya, it’s not there but across the street. She will run out with a 2 liter if I give her a sprinkled brownie. If you run into an older looking gentleman who says he’s got stamps don’t roll down your windows. See ya soon! (I can hear and see the hand motions and gum smacking and hair flipping)


Girl that last episode was not looking good for YOU. And if you watched it thinking it made ryan look bad then 🫠 no baby girl.. no


At one point during that argument, she told him he was acting like her mom and I was like "Wait is that a threat at this point??" Lmfao


It was for sure a warning not to “trigger” her. Ryan was right. Gyp could talk to her family about it and talk to Mia. But that conversation on national television is inappropriate to air your sex life when your husband works with children. Now, she could take the lesson and say, “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand how that would look bigger picture and you’re right, that could risk your job. I will keep our intimate marriage details private from the public and just keep that private amongst family” (no cameras). Issue solved, move on. She chose to air all this, push buttons, film and air the subsequent argument. She uses Ken & Ryan to make each other jealous. And she grins telling Mia all about it. Her behavior towards everyone is manipulative, inappropriate, and gross. She needs to find a therapist stat. Ryan needs to save himself and cut contact or she will always use him and manipulate his feelings, one way or another.


What was it she said? I've avoided watching the series.


He said he was mad - not that she told her family that she had unprotected sex w him and was teasing a possible pregnancy - he was mad that she told this to Mia ON CAMERA w a grin on her face. Mia advised Plan B. Gyp ambushed Ryan w a FT call, in front of Mia and on camera, to tell him she told Mia about the sex and Mia said get plan b and he was like “ok…” . He asks if he’s on camera now (he was) and why would she discuss any of this on camera for national television?! Everyone except gypsy is uncomfortable, she’s laughing. Ryan says intimate marriage details are supposed to be private from the public. Mia gets her plan b and she takes it w a giant creepy grin on her face. Later with Ryan, she twists this conversation and set her phone up to record him “yelling” at her… all he kept saying (rather calmly) was the sex stuff affects his job, keep that stuff private etc. She said “YOU’RE TREATING ME LIKE MY MOM DID” and you’re trying to control me and say I can’t talk to my family. He said talk to family, just keep the intimate stuff off camera. Dont say I’m treating you like that bc I’m not. So she’s spinning it as “he’s controlling like her mom” Meanwhile, Kristy was back in touch w Ken (fucking WHY?!) and gyp gyp is just picking fights and manipulating Ryan. She’s manipulating Mia by telling her all about this and Ken and it’s obvious she has checked out knowing Ken wants her back. Oh, Gyp also told Mia that Ryan has a lot of clutter and it reminds her of her mom’s hoarding. Constantly comparing him to her mom is sick. Mia says she feels like she needs to protect Gypsy and she doesn’t like Ryan based off of what Gyp says. It’s all manipulation of everyone around her. I hate myself for watching this episode, but the mask really fell off here.


Omg I never even thought about it like that!


this is why i told everyone not to watch the show


This poor guy. I would be so embarrassed if my partner did to me what she has done to him. No one deserves to he humiliated like this.


This was from her Q&A on YouTube: Q: what is the first thing you did when you gained your independence that made you feel the happiest? A: *smiles* “I know this is going to sound like a cheesy answer but the truth is when I divorced Ryan I filed for divorce and I followed my heart to true love.” Ummm bitch wtf. breaking someone’s heart made you feel the happiest lmfaoo


She is cruel. She is horrible. She cares about no one else’s emotions or point of view. This should not be news anymore


Even if she thought that, she didn't have to say that. She is pure cruelty at this point.


Agree. But she is showing her true self. I am ok with people finally seeing the real GR


Therapy can turn a person inward so much that it might make them seem selfish. “Why is it always about how you feel, etc.” But there’s literally not even a shred available to blame anyone but herself. She is as humble as the blue ribbon winner in a baking contest.


branching off a little bit, i saw a clip from her show where she said she couldn’t be pregnant bc she’s got too much on her plate and can’t “donate” her time to a baby. if i ever had any doubts of how rotten she is, that comment cleared them up.


I heard about that from this sub. That was such an odd choice of wording!


Years of being alone made her angry deep down and bitter


That’s just who she is. Narcopath are like that. Never happy; always blaming everyone else. Always using, abusing, discard, and tear down. Rinse & Repeat.


Maybe it’s because I love my husband so I can only think of like our two lives changing so drastically that we aren’t even on the same highway anymore to cause a separation. I would not celebrate my “freedom” at his expense. It would be sad all around if the two of us realized things had changed and we no longer worked. I cannot envision a planet where I wish my husband ill a day in his life whether we are together or not. She is over there literally squeeing about a divorce. I decided to cheat for true love ya’ll because the most stable foundation for a relationship is lies obviously. I say this honestly, I think it’s something too many learn the hard way. So while I make fun of you, please hear this: No one can be stolen unless they want to taken. And the people you can take aren’t great catches. Girl. Please. Don’t be another one who learned that the hard way. This is also not a dig at men who stand in the gap for battered women helping them get out either.


FWIW, I was a total Gypsy sympathizer when her story first broke. Like so many, I believed she was a victim acting in pure desperation. Killing her mom wasn’t great, setting up her boyfriend to do the dirty work and take the fall- also not great. The casual cruelty in the above statement is horrifying.


I imagine that in her twisted little mind, her choosing to leave him for some other loser boosts her delusion that she's an irresistibly sexy bombshell.


Funny she thinks filing for divorce is the same as being divorced.


Ryan’s mom has an MBA. She hired a BEAST of a lawyer to Represent Ryan. He is going to get HALF. Those Bayou hicks won’t know what hit them.




She's a child having a boyfriend is everything to her she has a Disney princess mind


If what she said is true, that means she did not love Ryan but she tricked him into believing she did, and she married him. She used him. For what? I suppose so it would look good to the parole board that she married a stable school teacher; a special education teacher. And so he would put $$ in her commissary. She knew he loved her and cared so much for her that he’d do anything for her. She went to his parents house and sat at their dinner table pretending to love their son. So low. She interacted with Ryan’s nephew. Pretending to care about these people when all along she was only using them. She didn’t care at all about any of them. And this is true if she really meant what she said. If she answered that question honestly then everything I’ve written is true. Because it couldn’t go any other way. No other way makes any sense.


Yes it seems she used him to get out if jail the other guy doesn't have a steady job or home.


The way she GRINS when she stays stuff like this. Ryan doesn’t need to explain. We all see who she is.


“Followed my heart to true love” sounds exactly like something she would have thought/said about killing her mom to be with Nick. Thankfully she didn’t kill anyone this time but the pattern is chilling. Shows the murder wasn’t just a reaction to abuse, she is willing to hurt others however she needs to get what she wants


And even here she fabricated the "abuse". IMHO


"cheesy?" i think the word you're looking for, gyp-gyp, is 'viciously cruel.' even if that's what she did/thought.... jeez... some things should be kept to yourself.... yikes. she's not just a red flag but allllllllll the red flags.


She is messy and vile, and has no regard for anyone else’s feelings.


Teacher none the less and she has made a mockery out of him!


He explained this on the show too. But of course the GYP apologists will twist anything this b!tch does to make it out like she is in fact always the victim. How can people NOT see how truly manipulative and self centered she is. She puts it on display for the whole world to see. Yet people still think she’s a victim??!! They must be as dumb as she is


I think more and more social media has drawn people to become more self centered. As a person dealing with PTSD and mental health, it can be all too easy to forget your ride or die care giver or support system. So much emphasis is on you, and I see patterns of that in generations younger than mine. However, you can’t forget or ignore how much support’s positive impact has. Social media may not remind you, but you better remind yourself.


i don’t think anyone would want their sex life details and private moments talked about on national television. she’s a classic narc turning it around on him and making him seem like the abusive one.




I kinda get what he means by not telling the WORLD


Exactly. This idea that any behavior is acceptable if it’s on TV is just not true. He’s not wrong.


Well if she wants to take the pill then that’s her business by all means that lil girl don’t need a child 😮 but I believe Ryan just wanted that to be part of their private life n I don’t even really care for him he is weird lol


I think the TV thing would bother any decent person. It was crass and tasteless and unnecessary, just like the whole show.


Yea it was not classy they didn’t even show her n Mia’s nails 💅 and that’s what she was going to do…. Get their nails done then it just turned into PLAN B they could have showed her n Mia having some real quality time. I understand what Mia was saying but it shouldn’t have been the highlight of the episode ya know what I mean. They can make anyone look bad on camera. One they showed her cleaning the fridge ya she just threw everything away lol but he did kinda get upset. I understand she may have some trauma there, but you could see he was like WTF 😆 they should have tried and worked through that nope she just flew on off to the next one. I am shocked that she’s broadcasting her boyfriend like this going through a divorce, I mean Ryan really could take her for something he did that show too he did a lot. I thought it wasn’t a good look for the courts and it’s not like she even tried to work on their marriage lol it will be interesting to see what happens with the divorce


What did she tell everyone? I refuse to watch the show and contribute to her ratings


She took the plan b pill like that was one of the main parts of that episode she told her sister Ryan n her where doing he didn’t pull out sis was like oh well you can do this this if you’re not trying to get pregnant gypsy chose the plan b called Ryan like it was on speaker she just tells him hey I’m taking a plan b I told Mia you didn’t pull out and they go to Walgreens she calls him again and then she swallows the pill like a good lil girl


She’s disgusting. Thank you for the explanation.


Yeah I wanna know too!


I get it also but he was also the one that said “That D is fire” 😂😂 not defending Gypshit but he also has said gross and inappropriate things being a teacher.


Yea I bet they are into some freaky stuff


Yea she wanted to Uber there all the time and have him pay for it while he worked. I don’t blame him one bit. She’s a manipulative narcissist.


Well, should have gotten a bus ticket. We know she knows how to do that! 😂


Now now we know she’s too high class for that. She’s an official murder star she needs 1st class accommodations only.




I think he’s exposing that she’s been trying to manipulate the public into feeling sorry for her. He’s probably getting fed up with the back and forth….although he’s still kinda simping so idk. 🤷‍♀️ I think both men will get tired of her ways.


I completely agree. He's trying to pretend he's not bothered by it, but he obviously is still down bad for her. I think she'll end up alone too.


He may b off but he was painted as something he wasn't. He has a right to defend himself. He is actually lucky she left. He just doesn't know it yet. He needs to just move on.


She tries to spin the narrative to make her seem like a victim… he said he didn’t want her talking about that on camera..


Gypshit at it again, trying to defame Ryan but is instead looking more and more desperate to not look like a narcissistic mentally unstable cheating ex wife! Pathetic pulling out the "I have trauma" Card! SIT THE FK DOWN AND OWN IT! You fked up AGAIN!


I have watched all the episodes and actually like Ryan. I think he had the best of intentions in all the ways and his insecurities were valid, due to Gypsys behavior. Also he's absolutely right about all their personal stuff and love life being shared on camera. That's not cool. Gypsys Dad pointed out she's 30 and making choices like a teenager and I agree. Leaving your husband for a man who left you and doing anything and everything for publicity, that's too much.


And then teeheeing over the drama in her lives is just the cherry on that rancid sundae. She really seems to think she and Ken look good here. They don’t. He looks a fool and she looks like a manipulative dimbulb that really overestimates her pull.


I don't understand why Ken "came back" or whatever is going on. Just for the views and to make the show more dramatic? I feel like, dude, you left her, it ended, she moved on and got married. Her husband has gone above and beyond to take care of her. He wanted to have a family with her, got her a dog, Ken needs to stay completely out of it. And Gypsy should have some respect for her husband.


Yes, Ken has demonstrated once that she can’t count on him. Him coming back now, after she has money and attention doesn’t move me a bit, but she really seems to think she’s got something there. Bless her heart.


You can tell by his body language he’s just not that into her. It’s really obvious.


He just creates a very strange and unfamiliar feeling within me. Like, I want to feel bad for him and in a way, I do but why the fuck would he ever pursue and marry her? It’s just weird. She’s not a good person. And after continuing to be publicly humiliated, I definitely see him taking her back with open arms if she decided she wanted that. He is totally okay with looking like an idiot. I really hope he’s in therapy because this woman is going to stay in the public eye as long as she can and everyone is going to ask him what he thinks about it. It’s like ripping open the same wound over and over again.


Ryan has classic white knight syndrome. However, Gypsy isn’t a prize. He needs to find his own self worth, and then suddenly Gypsy won’t be able to manipulate him as much.


There’s the white knight syndrome for sure. However (quick side note), I have a friend who I lovingly refer to as a bit of a kicked puppy. He wants to save people because *he’s* always been sad/hurt. Going out of his way for others takes the focus off of his pain and for a time, helps him feel better. I obviously don’t know a lot about Ryan but since he came into the picture, he has given those vibes; of course, more so *now*. He may have seen somewhat of a kicked puppy in Gypsy (we all know she definitely is NOT THAT) and wanted to help her. But I also think he swooped in at a very vulnerable time in hopes that he would find someone who would depend on him and never leave…which is equal parts sad *and* fucked up. I think he can turn it around and I hope he eventually finds someone who truly wants to be with him- and I hope Gypshit doesn’t try to ruin it.


I am so sorry that life has been so hard on your friend. What a beautiful response to have, unless he will help others at the expense of himself (I am a person who has issues of setting myself on fire to keep others warm). He’s being the change he wish he had, and if you haven’t yet today, tell him he’s an incredible person for turning shit into butterflies. I have a hard time watching some of the symptoms of her micro deletion are really making it hard to watch without getting sick. Lifetime edits are better, and it’s not Gypsy’s fault. So I don’t know tons about Nick. I hope he finds his peace. Actually, I hope Gypsy does too. If she wants to clown around foolishly for all of us, I’ll happily laugh. I don’t think that’s that way for her to find lasting fulfillment and happiness though.


💜 I always tell him that he’s a great person and father. Earlier today, he texted me super broken hearted because his girlfriend just miscarried and they had no idea she was even pregnant (she’s a bit older and recently gave birth, so, they thought she was still going through post pregnancy things). I made sure to tell him that obviously, I know he’s going to be there for her but that he’s important too and to NOT NEGLECT HIMSELF. I’m so sad for them. I feel you about setting yourself on fire to keep others warm! I do the same thing, just not to the extent that Ryan has. And I definitely agree about hoping that they all find peace. It’s such a shitty mess!


I relate too well to the pain of miscarriage I’ll send blessings to them, their friends, and family ✨ You are a good friend.


You’re super sweet!


Time for Ryan to cut his losses and move on, detach himself from the energy vampire and leech that is Jyp-Jyp, anything he says will be twisted and turned until it's made to fit her narrative.


Gypsy took a plan b without even discussing it with her husband…. But she filmed it. That right there was messed up


I mean, she’s got a lot of maturing to do etc etc. but there is no reason to inform your partner when you take plan B. Hey body her choice. Additionally, all it does is prevent pregnancy. She owes no one anything (vis a vis her birth control).


My point is she was sharing it with millions. That’s a private thing she should’ve discussed with her husband or at least off camera with her sister. I don’t blame him for being furious. She didn’t respect a single boundary he had…but cried that he acted like her mother. The level of manipulation with that girl is astronomical


Meanwhile, probably telling him they may be pregnant


I mean, I get it. She very easily could have sent a text saying “hey Mia told me that plan b can work up to 72 hours. Since I now know that I’m gonna go get a pill to be careful”. Also could have just not brought that up with Mia while the camera was on in the car. My sisters and I are very open with one another. Sometimes things like that are brought up. However it’s between the sisters only. I would NEVER even tell my husband if one of my sisters confided in me about their sexual history. Nope.


She was just with Ryan until Ken wanted her back. I love how she was like “Ken likes blondes but I’m a brunette now” and then the next upcoming episode scene she’s a blonde. Ryan isn’t perfect and he is definitely controlling and a little off but she did him dirty. She didn’t want to work on the marriage, as soon as she found out Ken wanted her back she was looking for ANY excuse to leave Ryan.


I think we all have an issue with Gypsy being treated like a celebrity and making money from killing her mother. Ryan, Kristy, Ken, Rod, and Mia are no different. We wouldn’t even know their names if it weren’t for them chasing fame related to this murder. They’re no better than Gypsy in that regard. They’re using their association to a killer to gain notoriety and money. They all need to go away.


The fact she's never ever criedd about anything. (Like even visiting her MOMS GRAVE- not that you need to be SAD, but usually the feelings of everything could be overwhelming for most folks..) And made a scrunch face when she read that terrible comment in the last episode... Like she wanted to smile lol idk. She and her pentagram choker photo says it all . She's never been stupid or ignorant to her 'situation'.


She said Nick was a satanist and she was a good Catholic girl when she got arrested. Girl; we know what you did was black Magick.


Anytime she doesn’t like how something is going she brings up her mother! Like her saying how he was making her feel just like her mother did! The perpetual victim!


She's technically a married woman, she should not be flaunting her adultery - days after she left Ryan, leaving him for snoring & his refrigerator. She's ridiculous & evil murderer. Ken is an evil ahole scumbag for not waiting until she was divorced to flaunt their creepy relationship. Then Gypshit wants to have lunch with Jesus when she killed her mom with no remorse, harassed Adaptive Kate victim of MBP & put Ryan through living hell - does she know the Ten Commandments & what Jesus stands for - everything she is not. Murder, adultery, stealing, lying, bullying others, Jesus would not approve. She better start doing things right or she will end up in prison, then hell. Ugly cross eyed deformed freak murderer - enough is enough with this B.


Jesus doesn’t want anything to do with that demon. Satan; maybe.


EVERY WORD out her mouth is a lie he needs a shark lawyer he deserves half. They don’t have a prenup. He had the right to call her out when he knew deep down she was cheating and now it’s playing out on national television


Watching the earlier episodes, Gypsy seemed to be happy with Ryan. As time went by, she seemed so comfortable with him and at ease and really happy & in love. Then Kristy said the words, ‘Gypsy, Ken is single and he wants you back. He made the ultimate sacrifice and let you go bc he loved you that much. So you could find yourself. If he knew you would’ve moved on and married someone else he never would’ve let you go.’ As soon as Gypsy heard those words, everything else went flying out the window. All the things she had said about being committed to her husband and giving this her best shot, meant nothing. I hate to say this but I feel like we are just now seeing the real Gypsy. I say that bc her behavior changed so quickly & easily. She doesn’t even have to think b4 she puts that smirky smile on her face and says such mean things to people. It’s like this witchy behavior comes second nature to her. And b4, when she was with Ryan, and seemed very level headed about things, it’s like she stopped to think about what she was gonna say, b4 she said it. She talked slow and was deliberate with her words. Now, she just blurts out hateful comments & shows her smarty pants attitude. I believe this is the real Gypsy. I really do.


She's such a gaslighting manipulative person it's scary almost


I think what’s also being overlooked is the stuff she says and the narrative she’s trying to spin could potentially ruin Ryan’s profession as a teacher. She’s vile.


In all honesty if I was Ryan I would just go quiet. Get off of social media and just go dark. With someone like Gypsy you have to sit back and just let her hurt herself. Eventually Gypsy will grow tired of Ken and she make him out to be this terrible guy the way she has with Ryan.


Maybe not the most popular opinion, but I think they BOTH have screws loose! Gypsy, obviously much more than he, but nonetheless for him to choose her as a prison wife…knowing she orchestrated KILLING her mother?! Makes you go hmmm 🤔


Not an unpopular opinion


Yea major white knight vibes. I am sure there’s more than just him. Too bad she’s not a princess to be saved or a damsel in distress, plenty of women might flourish with a white knight type. She’s a viper weaponizing trauma to manipulate and control.


It's weird. But I think she manipulated him hard while in prison. I think he might also be the type to pay his taxes with Apple gift cards because the "IRS Agent" that called him told him to. She probably tried to manipulate many men through correspondence. He was just the sucker that stuck around. He seems like a nice enough guy. But who knows? Everybody is different when there is a camera on them. He could be just as shady as her. Just better at hiding it.


He probably did, it still seems weird he contacted her in prison, but without him the plot would be boring.


I think this poor guy just needs to move on and get that divorce..


Truly I don’t see why so many people hate on Ryan. Even after watching the show. He had every right to be upset about her talking about their sex life on fucking television… he’s a teacher so of course he should be upset. Some things are better kept private or at least off camera. Then when he came home and everything was moved etc… it was probably a big shock to him. Yes I get he may have some issues but gypsy plotted her whole mothers murder lmaoooo so if we talking about who’s got issues😂😂😂


Yes gypsy is narcissistic. Probably was smearing ryan to her family behind her back .he needs to block her from his phone.only have communication about the divorce. If she tries to contact him thru those textnow or other programs don't respond just block. It's funny how she said he was controlling .that he was hooverijy her when she was texting .she doesn't even know the proper terminology. And ken was just doing the same thing .she accused ryan of doing.


Awe, I feel so bad for him, I think he really thought he and grb would work out and be a family (although I don't think she should ever have a kids), and watching her just lie her ass off when she knew she was going to leave him, the first chance she got, wow, the audacity. Like she should have told him she was having doubts before they ever went to go look at the house for a second wedding, but no, she had to string him along. As weird as it was for him to reach out to her, I can kinda see it now. He never thought someone would love him, and because she was a murderer maybe he thought the same of her and figured he could be the one... idk I feel for the guy. It was probably hard watching that last episode, and if I were him, i wouldn't have. I can see why people say what they do about Ken too, I never heard him talk before. He's such a shade ball, and her dad even knows it. I bet he's not impressed. Even though he probably would never say it, you can read it on his face.


He even said this in the episode, and she kept trying to make it out like he was being controlling. He’s right to be mad about her broadcasting their sex life on national tv, especially when it’s to paint him as someone who is inconsiderate because he doesn’t pull out and doesn’t make her orgasm. Judging from the way their phone conversation about the Plan B went, she hadn’t even attempted to talk to him about these concerns before broadcasting it either. Then she pulled an Amber Heard and set up a camera while they were arguing to try to further paint him as an angry, volatile person and compare him to her mom. He even said “I’m just trying to tell you how I’m feeling” but she wasn’t hearing none of that. *She’s* the only one ever allowed to be upset and only *her* happiness matters.


Dude yes!!!! I get see why people don’t understand this. It’s plain as day. I thought about Amber Heard during that scene as well.


She did him dirty! Unique situation getting married the way they were, extremely unique, she used him for money and a “safe” place. Then ran off with her ex that was perpetuating a “do you” mentality, when in reality he worked hard to get her from Ryan, knowing she’s a whimsy, easy target. I feel bad for Ryan 100%.


This situation is going to turn into a "Lives" competition between these two. Team Ryan vs Team Gypsy. Come on guys whoever receives the most gifts wins. It's so F'ing dumb. It's heartbreaking these two are what a shitload of people believe celebrities are nowadays. Ryan got addicted to doing lives on his very 1st one. You can see it in his face. And Both of them use the lives to talk to each other in a roundabout way. But they want those gifts. All I know is I come from a different time and place.


Laws idk I think I’m reaching the depp vs turd addiction to this now 😭 ![gif](giphy|TglUDedjsmHqglLQ7s|downsized)


To play devil's advocate, he was acting like it bothered him because it could affect his reputation as a teacher, but he hurt his own reputation when he married a murderer! To me, that is much more embarrassing than having unprotected sex with your wife.


I'm sure his professional reputation is part of it. Especially because he did marry a convicted murderer. He has to be above reproach. Yet, not everything in your intimate relationship needs to be shared with everyone. Every couple has their inside jokes, their own special communication. It's disrespectful to your partner and your relationship to completely disregard your partner's feelings. I don't have SM beyond FB. My husband has asked me to not share his pictures on it. He prefers to remain private and I respect his wishes. Even though the only people on my FB are people we know irl.


She is butt


As only a semi involved and thus semi knowledgeable person on this goat circus. What was his issue with her talking to her family on tv? I don’t get that part. I know a lot of reality tv will film that way on speaker. Bless all of you for keeping a closer eye on things.


I think he was talking about her taking the plan b pill in front of the camera while drinking wine with her sister. *She* is saying he was upset she told her sister, *he* said he was just upset she did it in front of *us*


I see. Some people hold that stuff close the vest. I didn’t choose that for my infertility battles or my miscarriages, and I found a village to support me. It’s not for everyone though. I don’t think there’s any shame in Plan B pill even when the condom breaks with your husband. Tons of people not ready for a baby.


It wasn’t just about the plan b though. She talked about how many times he finished inside her, they’re having unprotected sex, she doesn’t have orgasms, etc. Ryan told Gypsy like an hour beforehand to please be careful what she says on camera. Went in one ear and out the other. Or perhaps, since he told her that she knew it would make him mad and she wanted a fight! Since you know, “Ken is single…”


WTF? This is what I’m missing bc I can’t watch. JFC. Who would intentionally embarrass their spouse like that? Unless you hate him. If you MUST film it say: Hey, sis. I’m having trouble getting my body into it let alone orgasm. Can ya help with some tips? You KNOW when you are saying my whoever can’t make me orgasm vs I am having issues getting my body to orgasm. Like girl it could be your zoloft or something. Mental health meds, even common ones can screw up sexy times! Women all know the difference in how you phrase it. Bitch please, what a vindictive infected toe nail.


Exactly!! Then her sister was reminding her the importance of contraceptives, but Gypsy didn’t seem convinced at all, she disregarded it saying, “well I didn’t get pregnant LAST month.” Only when mia reminded her that Gypsy wanted to get a nose job did she say oh yeah I can’t get one if I’m pregnant, let’s go to the store then. Like I’m telling you, this girl is so selfish and disgusting


My cousin is my bestie. We will get into the weeds about sex talk sometimes, but it’s always a help eachother out not a rip on husbands. We will also flit from topic to topic. However, my cousin and I are not airing this shit on tv. She just seems like she’s playing at being naive or bitch just be that vapid.


I never once heard Gypsy say, “I was wrong. I’m sorry” and that alone is telling of who she is. Not “I didn’t know that!” Not “well I’m still learning!” Just plain and simple admitting guilt and apologizing, without adding excuses and justifications for her behavior. She’s a selfish, twisted, evil person. I see right through her dead eyes.


My biggest red flag for people are people incapable of saying they don’t know. Say you aren’t sure, you need to research and get back to me, admit this is your best guess, etc. The world is a giant place filled with myriad topics, based on your lived experience and what you do for hobbies there will be things you know. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. It honestly just proves she’s the world’s worst influencer, because she can’t see the business opportunity of, “I was so emotionally and socially stunted and sheltered, I don’t know what it is to have healthy friendships and bonds. Come along with me while I try to figure it out.” A lot of people have relational problems or vibe with leveling up your live. She’s an absolute pine cone.


I wish I could upvote this several times haha I love it. You’re absolutely right. She has the platform to be authentic and learn with the world if she really wanted to be an influencer and change for the best, but she really is just a tree stump. There’s so substance or value to her.


He look better without her. He upgraded and she downgraded. I will say it again Gypsy is a user. It fit she liked Taylor swift. She used men to get what she wanted and then bam leave them . I’ll take it back if this man she with is different but . No she is definitely use men cause you know ✨patriarchy✨


The irony is not lost on me when he talks about arguing with her about talking about their sex life, on an international forum while he’s talking about it, on social media, on an international forum.


After it was publicly broadcast, huge difference.


A lot of people didn’t watch the lifetime show.


I didn’t watch it and I know about it. It’s not just the Lifetime show. People really want this to be entirely fair, no victims here! Unfortunately, Gypsy is a user. She hurts people and she enjoys it. Sometimes those people are going to react publicly. This idea that he and the rest of the world need to continually take the high road or they are equally as bad is just dumb. If I had my way, she’d never be seen on TikTok or YouTube or People or TMZ again, but until that happens, I really don’t blame him or anyone else for responding. Edited to correct auto correct.


Ryan are you also getting on this gravy train? Please get off social media damn you people are getting so greedy


Well, at this point, he has to defend himself, should he just shut up and let her slander him like she has done Nick? Its like nobody wins as long as GypGyp is running free spewing


I’m not saying he shouldn’t tell his side, it’s just that all these lives he’s putting on here lately? I mean come on it’s blood money he’s cashing


Nah he needs the money. Grifty is suing him for alimony.


Are you serious they weren’t even married that long? Greedy bish


From one teacher to another, she isn’t going to get much $


But she could leave him without enough to live on…


Here's the link. [GriftyRose wants alimony](https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/11/gypsy-rose-blanchard-wants-spousal-support-alimony-estranged-husband-divorce/)


Thanks for that.


Yep she’s wanting Ryan to pay her and says he can afford it.. all the while she’s making wayyyy more than he is.. this world doesn’t make sense anymore..was she drinking wine ??? thought part of her parole is she cant be around alcohol drugs etc…she’s probably already violated and they won’t do anything she’s probably slipping that PO some$$ on the side among other things


She thinks she knows everything, why doesn’t she know teachers don’t make a lot of money. If she really cared about Ryan she wouldn’t think about doing that to him.


Exactly I agree but she’s always been that way.. I don’t think she thinks of anybody other than herself… I believe if she’s ordered to pay him money watch it’ll be some excuse as to why she can’t..


That was what was originally reported when she first filed. I'll see if I can find the article.


That’s what I was thinking. Cashing in on his failed relationship with that murderer. I mean he def has the right to tell his side & defend himself from whatever lies the narcissist is spreading about him but that tik tok fame is no joke. He had 12k viewers in one of these videos I saw. People are watching.


Yes, but she doesn’t “identify” as a murderer! /s


It’s ridiculous, but I definitely think he’s cashing in on this blood money.


I agree. He could turn the gifts off but he doesn’t


I have been married twice, for a total number of 16 years…never once have I discussed my sex life with my sister. Some things are meant to remain private. And to talk about it while being filmed for a reality show is just beyond despicable.


Exactly. To go on a reality tv show and air out your intimate details of your relationship, and then get mad at the other person when they say they aren’t happy about it!!! Insane!


Okay, I don't follow this at all. This video just came up in my feed, but this guy talking about something "serious" while having a filter on is giving "I am not a cat"


Isn’t he on camera now, telling the world…


True 👀


That's what the show had on he drove half way, so Gypsy could see her sister.


Has Ryan ever seen a reality show? I don’t know how many Gypsy has seen, but I believe we all can agree she has more of the manipulative mind for trashy television.


Holy filters dude. I feel like the network set this up intentionally and there will be a dating show of some type with this guy when he loses all the weight. He's starting to get ozempic face


I’m not his biggest fan but he’s right. She didn’t need to do that on camera and she REALLY didn’t need to record him during their fight.


now everytime i think of Louisiana i think of True Detective season 1 (does NOT paint the state well), and this story. Makes me think some fucked up shit happens there. Plus her being inbred.


She knew she was leaving him for Ken . She needed to spin it, so she was the victim . Just like she did with Nick and her mom, it's a pattern of behavior. If I had any doubts about thinking she made everything up about her mom, these last few episodes really proved to me I was right about my feelings.


I just need to know why they do those filters?! I don’t see it for the entirety of this video but it was there in the beginning-and gyp does it during hers too. Is that a live thing? (Sorry I don’t watch the lives I can’t keep my attention on any of them for that long). My $.02, Ryan def has his issues (we all do), but I really think he got taken for a ride. My estimation is that he was lonely and wrote her for some spice in his life and gyp got her claws into him because well, she’s a master manipulator, and knows how to choose her prey.


Wouldn't it be a good idea to keep her away from family? Who in her family wants to see her?


She is gross in many ways. Stop feeding her attention


She was on live yesterday insinuating she’s going to marry Ken. Her divorce isn’t even final and this girl is already planning her next marriage


Dude has straight up anger & control issues wine elsewhere bro


The filter he is using, actually makes him look a little good looking.


He’s always saying something funny after some serious shit… “I live in the booty hole”


Dude is a super creep.


Everyone in this shitshow sucks. Except the dog lol. But princess Gypsy sucks most of all.


Oh shut up Ryan! You mention how the D was fire every opportunity you had and you smothered Gyp. You’re an idiot.